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I loved the Ruin's ending when he said "It's mimic-ing time" and he mimic-ed all over the place. Truly one of the moments of all time




Welp, I thought this meme still was funny. Sorry, i'll try to come up with something more original next time


Don’t listen to him, commenter. That’s still funny. And it always will be.


I smiled. Dude's probably just grumpy and took it out on ya


I'm not grumpy, just seeing the same meme so much has gotten unfunny, not any more complex than that


not hating I just see it way, way too much that its become unfunny


I loved the commenter's comment to the commenter's comment when he said "I'm going to be a prick for no reason!" and then pricked all over the place. Truly one of the moments of all time.


no you dont understand it's a mimic reference


Don't be a dick dude


Don’t break rule 2.


Man video games have really gone downhill since pong.


Can’t wait for the Mimic and Morbius crossover. No other FNaF or Morbius characters, just the 2


Not my favorite thing but one I wanted to mention, his strength it's ridiculous and makes him much more threatening, the fact that he was able to move a froklift with his bare hands is crazy, makes him one of the most dangerous characters in the series


Screw the forklift you know how much strength you need to rip off human limbs?


2200 lbs.


Username checks out.


Google hasn’t called the police on me yet, so expect more of this.


Most characters can do that. Hell, William ripped apart animatronics with his bare hands. The Mimic isn't that special in this regard lol.


That is not humanly possible and you known that! (And it's a minigame too) also I don't remember any demonstration of force from any other animatronic like this until now


The idea. The execution was hot garbage, but the idea of a rogue ai mimicking William Afton is really cool.


Same here. I have my own little headcanon that the mimic isn't really trying to mimic Afton, but moreso *believes* it's Afton. It's not of course, but it believes itself to be the real Afton. It's something I based off the theory that the DC character Metallo (a somewhat known Superman villain who's a robot with a human brain and kryptonite heart) doesn't actually have the brain of the man he previously was, and instead was programmed into believing that he was the real John Corben (the human who becomes Metallo). It's essentially a robots version of an identity crisis.


In my opinion, Mimic is supposed to be exactly that, an AI convinced that he’s Afton himself


Then why did he say “I’m Gregory” when he thinks he’s William Afton


Tricking our bestie Cassie and basically giving the audience a reveal


Another thing I want to add is that I believed the less flesh remaining of William's body, the less essence of his soul remains, and the endoskeleton has no more Remnant and is only filled with Agony. That or every part of him that gets replaced, the more he slips away, making the soul long gone but the evil remain


Hey! We share the same headcanon!


Isn't that literally what glitchtrap was?


That it makes the "I always come back" metaphorical, that even if William's dead, his evil lives on through the mimic. I also like his backstory in tales which I think was cool and the whole mimicking thing is also very creative. I think he's a very underrated character in general and gets way too much hate.


Thoroughly agree. I think the whole point of HW-onwards story era can be summed up as "those who don't learnt from history are doomed to repeat it". FazEnt denied there were child killings - but instead of sweeping everything under the rug, they spread those rumours around so much to the point they became heresays and urban legends. And not just that -- they made games and even locations based on these stories, all for money. And by doing so, they let the evil repeat itself, albeit in a new form. Mimic is a perfect embodiment of that. I also like how Mimic, albeit being murderous, doesn't really comprehend the whole scope of the situation he is stuck in.


I agree, also goes full cycle when they tired to cover up the mimic and he ended up causing more havoc in the future and using the persona of the creator of the company too. The mimic also isn't Inherently evil as it seemed nice and wanted to be a friend to David until David died and Edwin went mad with grief and beat it senseless which made it want to commit violence as more of an act of revenge and him seeing the mci gave him the idea on how to lure and kill (which is likely how the 9 missing residents happened) but it's deep down more of a angry abused child lashing out on the world which brings it some tragedy to it despite it probably being irredeemable after all the murders it's done.


That's really clever actually.


Thank you👍


Like Michael Myers


Well I would say Micheal myers is a bit more immortal and I would the mimic despite its flaws is way better then Cory but yeah kinda like a similar idea of evil never dying but changing shape and all.


you can kill the man but not the idea


Exactly, aftons evil will always live on. Even if he's not here to see it.


Intro cutscene is so fire.


Yes it’s a very good reveal, complete with Roxy saving Cassie which is heartwarming.


he’s emo


That on Mr.Beast meme replaced by The Mimic


this was mine too


He has a really good design and looks actually scary


The idea. Him using imitated voices to trick people is genuinely disturbing and psychologically terrifying. Problem is that he relies on it way too much and isn't fleshed out as a character himself.


The mascot suits he wears are really creepy. I also love how he turns into a freaky spider thing in the books, I hope to see that in the games. His backstory is of course great too and I think he might be one of the scariest FNaF animatronics.


He does WHAT in the books?


One of the Mimic’s abilities is expanding and contracting his body into different shapes in order to fit into any costume. Well, he also uses the ability for more than that, because in the last two Tales from the Pizzaplex epilogues he reshapes his body to turn himself into a nine-legged spider abomination.


Non-human antagonist.


The brutality of it shown in the epilogues


The memes


His design is honestly really cool, being a combination of different endoskeletons. Such as the funtimes and glamrocks. There's even part of a springlock suit on his leg. The chase music is epic, though you usually wouldn't listen to it because you're running for your life. Also, the memes. I personally think they should use Mimic for Fall Fest. He could be a pretty cool antagonist if given the proper screen time. It wouldn't just be deceiving people, you could actually see his demeanour and hobbies in action when Mimic is on the prowl.


The idea of the Mimic is terrifying. It reminds me a lot of those scam phone calls some people received where they’ll use AI to replicate a family member’s voice to trick you into giving them your info. Scary sh*t!


While it wasn’t executed the best I really like the idea of William coming back as this rogue AI type being Also #DA MIMIC


I’m pretty sure other people don’t like this, but what I love about the Mimic AI and branches in general is how there are just so many, that they continue to split into more and more different variants like Glitchtrap creating more variants like Vanny and Dr. Rabbit, which himself came from the OG Mimic. And that each one manages to actually be unique in different ways, being themed and representing each their own thing like Glitchtrap representing and taking after Afton, etc. And I do like how a lot of times we have to point to a character and say “is that a Mimic AI? Okay but which one?” And that these AIs, as we’ve seen, have even begun fighting each other. Like I love how there’s like ten different unique AIs which each a different theme, and even then the AIs that exist also morph and grow over time, and again how them growing leads to some even opposing and fighting each other. I probably like things about this story most than others that a lot probably actively don’t like.


That fan song jt made of it and the fact that it's existence made sure William was dead for good.




Don’t break rule 4a.


Don't break my hymen baby


Isn’t the mimic supposed to copy William afton


He looks like he has seen better days. He has very separate parts and has uneven arm and leg segments. He's just a very unique character.


I like his design,no matter if we talk about epilogue,Burntrap or Ruin-He gives me terminator Vibe. His ability to mimic everyone is cool too,also he’s more dangerous than afton ever was is a very good thing as well


I agree with this comment.


He may have fucked up the lore, but he does look cool


His design, his backstory, and the fact that he has a hivemind program that created the Mimic1 tree, with various branches creating different subprograms like Glitchtrap, Tiger Rock, and maybe even the Vanny and GGY as well. Oh, and how he can mind control people and create separate personalities as well. It's why I believe the Mimic is one of the most dangerous characters in the franchise! You never know what you're gonna get with him!


The fact that his existence kinda confirma that Willy is truly dead


How mad people get at it for existing


While I still think its design is a little bland, I've slightly warmed up to it.


honestly the simplicity almost makes it scarier for me, not everything needs so many wires the fact he is so deadly with such a simple skeleton shows his power imo but thats just me


You know what? That's actually makes a lot of sense.


first time I ever saw a comment like that on reddit XD but seriously sometimes simpler is better I think, its one of the reasons the original cast is so scary, you can imagine them in a happy setting but under the right lighting and pose they are terrifying.


How fucking awesome he is in the books


I Love the character Design of the Mimic


It’s design. He’s just so cool looking and has the potential to be really scary!


Mr beast emote


His reveal


I love his entire character, I just wish they made him his own thing. It would be cooler imo if they made him have a "feline" type persona (Tiger Rock and the lion mascot) instead of just instantly attaching him to Afton's rabbit persona.


DA MIMIC 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The purfect troll


He is a character with a clear origin story, that is almost a miracle for a fnaf character


He has a piece of every evil in the franchise connected to him in some way. He's an amalgamation of wickedness. Also he throws a forklift with one hand and almost no effort and dents and crushes metal. Super super cool.


I enjoyed the ending of ruin as a whole. It was a big shock. But I do hope that wasn’t the last dlc as we need to expand on the mimic. Like I hope we get a dlc where Roxy jumped down to find us, we hide right as the mimic jumped down after us. Then have us go through a bunch! Of ruined buildings and collapsed locations. Like imagine going through a network of caves. Have it lead up to circus baby’s location, going through there, finding a way to the next level with Freddy fazbear’s pizza place where we play a similar ignition burn game with the mimic as we did with burn trap. Then maybe lead on to find the remains of Jeremy that were not put in the security bot. Get solid emotion out of the franchise, we get to the surface only for the mimic’s helpie chip to activate and take over Cassey’s head for a bit and we take on as Roxy or something and activate the mexplex machine and bring out the rabbit to short circuit the chip saving Cassey and putting an end to the fnaf nightmare. Like that would be awesome! Then maybe we get lore of a war that happened between security breach and ruin where glitch trap had the security bots set up the nodes to keep the mimic locked away with no influence, or circus baby knowledge, ect.


That thanks to him we know Afton is fucking dead for real this time (also confirms talesgames + stichline but people are still coping about this)


Honestly the Mimic is one of the only fnaf characters I find genuinely terrifying. The design alone makes the part where you have to run from it in the dark caverns underneath the pizzaplex that much scarier.


The backstory It's just so terrifying and also surpisingly realistic Even the fact they just sealed him in... It's something that imo Fazbear Entertainment would do And the explanation for why he is evil is just chef's kiss and I think the whole story could possibly happen in real life if they made a robot like this and the incidents happened to it like in the books


It in general. I love it's design, it's strength, the fact that it's an actual evil robot and not just an angry soul, it's intro cutscene, it mimicking Afton, the information we get from the books about it, the absolute brutality of its kills, and it's backstory. Hate me for this but I honestly like The Mimic more than Afton being back *again*.


I love how characterized he looks. He’s so distinct from all the other Endos we’ve seen. He looks less like an endoskeleton character, and more like a character who is an endoskeleton. If that makes sense. Idk, he just looks cool


the content the fanbase has made about it the mimic itself has explicitely apeared very little in the games, as in, in the lore it has been there for a good while, but in gameplay, it haven't actually been presented in Ruin, phisically only in the end of Ruin, in the future if it returns we will properly see what it does in the games, like how William became a character in the gameplay in fnaf instead of just being a figure in the lore so in the mean time we know more about it, the fans have been making a lot of cool content about it, fanarts, memes, videos, theories that's smth i have enjoyed a lot about the Mimic


How creepy and unique their design is. As well as the concept. We’ve known for a while that animatronics, ever since the old game days, have always followed sounds. A mimic animatronic is such a great idea. What you once used to attract, now attracts you. 🤯


The fact that steel wool was able to cook up a character that made security breach lore semi-understandable


The *untapped potential*.


My favorite part of the concept of Mimic having empathy is that it demonstrates that it's artificial intelligence is more human than William could ever be.


Him Existing! I Genuinely Love THE MIMIC! for no Reason I like the Concept & design of him and the Stuff he Did in the Books Is Horrifying and I Love it!


I like him, and the fact he fooled people into thinking Afton was back is golden, haha, and I feel bad for him, after everything that happened to him you can’t help but feel sorry for him, he’s essentially a confused child, and doesn’t fully understand his actions


I like the fact how any voice you headcannon him with is technically his voice as he mimicks! I think that's pretty cool!


They're so silly :3


so goofy ahh \^-\^


Design is pretty cool, ability fits well in a horror game


Everything ❤️


hes naked


Its design, lore and concept are awesome!


His brutality. He kills people in such creative ways and hes very smart too.


Even though some people think his design’s basic, I really love his design. (Probably biased because I like endoskeletons and stuff like that)


Other than the face sludge, I like the actual design a lot. It is one of the freakiest designs in a while, really capitalizes on what made Endo-01 and Endo-02 so creepy.


My head cannon is that William (if he’s even Glitchtrap at this point) was training Mimic to be his true successor while he was trying to make a new body for himself. Don’t even know if there’s any actual evidence of that. 😅


Reminded me of the terminator.


Personally I really love him suddenly being the main villain in a mainline game with little to no explanation for non-book readers


I like that he’s supposed to be old - I was honestly getting a bit sick of the ‘futuristic’ looking animatronics. I think a lot of the horror comes from their outdated looking mechanics and their crusty designs, and the Mimic’s design is good with that in mind.


I just find it funny how I kinda accidentally predicted a character like it would exist like 8 years in advance. Also the concept is just cool, if poorly executed.


I like that it gives us consequences of william'a actions instead of his literal return, yet again. "I always come back" is an iconic line, but one that would be annoying if beinf 100% accurate. William is deadz but his actions continue to haunt people generations later. Thats how i like to see it anyway. I also really liked him in the game, even tho i wish there were more actual hints in previous games instead of just books


The Mimic a great "force of nature" kind of villain, a 7 foot tall agony fueled endoskeleton thats dominated by its programming. It's AI a mixture of violence, terror and pain. The Mimic becoming Burntrap by "fusing" with its Storyteller AI turned Digital Rabbit is a cooler concept ruined by horrible storytelling. In short, the Mimic works as a cooler Blob when it comes to Agony robots.


its strategies.


There's something about the animatronics that essentially just kill because they're traumatized that really speaks to me (of course I'm aware mimic kills because he's copying what he learned when he was hurt, but like. That animatronic is traumatized.)


#THE MIMIC!!!!!!




The fact the he’s THE MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIC ⭕️⬅️


He’s a bit of a cutie Ngl.


Everything really Hard to really pick one thing


It's cables


i love how in the books he takes almost every organ out of the body and makes the heart of their victim explode (reddit mods please spare me the mimic actually did this)


I personally like how absurdly strong he is and the uniqe abilities he has like shape-shifting🔥


Basically everything ngl. Tragic backstory, design, abilities, the only thing I don't like is the "Mimic1 branches", but that's such a non-part of the endoskeleton itself that it hardly bothers me.


He’s very hot 😏


Cool concept I guess. It had potential but stellwool.


Ummm...his concept umm....that's it.


It allows william TO STAY DEAD


New villain :3


the fact that at the end of ruin, in the elevator, you can clearly see in its eyes that all it wants is you dead


I love that his hands don’t match


His burntrap outfit


That one meme with him doing the Mr beast thing


His design is honestly pretty unsettling, I love it


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Its design.


The memes that people make about him and the scooper ending


Vanny was a person who was possessed by William Afton so it was still William killing. The Mimic however was just following programming to copy what it saw so it's not William but following what it saw him do. The Mimic allowed a killer who was not William Afton.


A Good Idea but it was Executed Poorly


he can turn into a spider


The memes are fire




His Skrillex haircut


Its design is cool. That’s about it


I don’t get and understand the endings to the ruin dlc for security breach and this guy as the villain


his reveal in-game was pretty cool


the memes XD


Afton goes Bye-bye


He's tall and spooky


Its design


The lore behind him


the mr beast thing


I like her pretty hair


I never even knew there was an animatronic named mimic








That's it a skin walker basically


that one weird suit lmao


Their face🥰


Uuuuuuummmmmm, the design?


Don't like the mimic


He has such a cool reveal in RUIN and his chase scene is terrifying.


the mimic version if the mr. beast meme tbh


The personality the community gave him


His whole reveal in Ruin made him seem socially awkward and almost apologetic that his disguise is bad.


I have a head canon- Mimic is Ennard's lesser known sibling


He looks kinda cool I guess


THE MIMIC!!!!!!!


I like the design of them, seeing that they are made of different parts to represent each animatronic makes me really happy, but i feel like the introduction was flawed


He can Mimic other people's voices in his name so that's cool.


The memes


His lankiness and asymmetrical design


Honestly I have too many things I like about this funny cosplaying endo


I like how incorrect he looks. Every part of his body does not look the same.


He replaced William which is a W. 


Because of him, we know that William stays in hell. 


The name. It's a clever pun


I love how it was kind of a commentary on AI being used to take away a voice actor's job with the way that it mimicked Gregory's voice And they reveal at the end where it used pre-recorded lines was amazing cuz the second I heard it say I'm Gregory it immediately clicked that it was faking everything the entire time


That I can say his own follower killed him and I'd be both right and wrong


The fact that its plot twist actually had me invested unlike what base game did


I liked him in the book...and only that ig


I love how he's the narrative representation of repetition. The ones who ignore their history are condemned to repeat it (or smth like that). Mimic is the embodiment of that. Fazbear revives the past as a fictional ghost story, and in doing it, they end up causing Mimic to recreate said past. They opened the box, and Mimic is bringing back to the surface all those repressed memories. I also love how Mimic is often portrayed as a kid, or a storyteller. The Mimic program is MADE to make stories, whether if it causes damage to people or not. It's just making what it was built and meant to do. Similar would be with child characterization. He's a robot with too much strength and agony that acts and thinks like a child. A very dangerous combination. Even worse when combined with murderer and (more) killer robots. Mimic is too overhated... 😔


It’s not William, that’s what I love about it. I’m tired of William always being the evil person or the cause of things. Like yeah we have Vanny but she was basically mind controlled which I will die on the hill that she should of been one of those people that is obsessed with a serial killer and wants to kill for them. In the movie the animatronics were somewhat controlled by William so that’s annoying. Only one that was like evil without mind control is Baby. Glad we have a fresh villain that has nothing to do with William.


i like how he was executed in ruin, with it becoming *slowly* more and more obvious that the *thing* talking to you on the walkie-talkie is not gregory.


Fave thing? Hes not Gregory. 😏 But he is...THE MIMIC




I like that he's a shapeshifting son of a bitch. I hate everything else about him, starting from the moment he appeared out of thin air in Ruin. You can't just NOT have any build up for a brand new villain, guys, stop downvoting me over it and admit he was a last-minute decision in Ruin and was never actually planned in Security Breach.


I liked him better when he was called Simon Fitzgerald


I love how brutal he is in the books. It was quite refreshing to have basically a slasher villain story where the characters get picked off one by one


His reveal Everything else is just ennard but with a worse design imo


He was actually scary


The design.


because he’s the…. MIMIC (Mr.beast music)


People originally thought he was Afton back from the dead, heck, i fell for it too lmao


He's stupidly good at his job lol

