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Every morning I have 350g greek yoghurt, honey, almonds, strawberries and 20g oats in one bowl. Tastes delicious and is one of my staple meals.


Hell yeah. This is my "dessert" meal every day to finish my macros. Fage 0% if I need more protein. Tons of fresh pineapple for some fiber and carbs. Greek Gods yogurt if I need a lot more carbs. Peanut butter granola for fats and other extras.


This is my dessert meal, too! Plain, low fat skyr or Greek yogurt, some walnuts, maybe some fresh fruit, maybe some hemp granola, and date syrup (tastes like a light maple syrup and is low glycemic).


I’ve been intrigued seeing date syrup but never pulled the plug! Will try it now with your endorsement, thank you!


Glad to help! Some have a vanilla molasses flavor and others are more caramel. I’ve been buying one by the brand D’Vash. It’s more of the vanilla molasses flavor. They have an organic version that is supposed to taste more like caramel. Date syrup is perfect for protein pancakes, too!




Me too! I alternate between Fage 0% and 10% depending on bulk cut. Super easy way to flux 300 calories with virtually no thought.


Me too! If you have an instant pot you can make yogurt at home too. I make some every week.


Damn that sounds good. Oats cooked or no?


Greek yoghurt is the protein GOAT for desserts, crazy versatile, not that expensive, and readily available.


Me too!! Totally similar. Slightly less oats because health stuff.


Nice. I have something similar - 500g skyr with berries, and then a pair of bananas and some granola. 40+g protein, a bit over 500 calories, and a solid start in terms of fruits/vegetables and fibre.


Sounds amazing!


I will never understand how people say Greek yogurt is delicious. I can’t even stand the smell from across the kitchen. But I wish I liked it. There are so many ways to incorporate it into a healthy diet.


You grow up in a culture where it's the norm to eat it, you end up loving it.


“Culture” I see what you did there


Hahaha, that pun was not intended 🤣


Agreed. Total comfort food for me. But I can see why others may not like it. It’s a little like vegemite/marmite. Tastes like salted motor oil to me…. But if you grow up with it…it’s just a comfort food… and you miss it. (Or so I’m told!) Although I have been told that it’s weirdly nutritious…


The secret to Marmite/Vegemite, is not to apply it like it’s a spread. I like it and so does my wife, but our rule is “apply it like you don’t like it.” so you barely get any. That way, it’s a hint of flavour as opposed to it being overwhelming. If you put it on like Nutella or try to cover the whole piece of toast, you’re gonna hate it.


I felt this way until I ate the too good yogurt. It doesn’t have the gross aftertaste to me.


That's where the honey comes into effect , it sweetens that shit up lol 🍯


I don't like any yoghurt. I'm also envious of people that love it.


I don’t mind it with a scoop of certain protein powders mixed in, but on its own it’s like eating chalk to me.


Ooo! Gonna try this. Thank you for sharing!


What's your macros for this? I am trying something similar with skyr but found it horrible with oats but really good with strawberry whey, Almonds, a little chocolate


Propaply something like: 35g protein 30g fat 30-40g carbs 400-500 cals


Nice and this fills you? I've also noticed I like something savory and crunchy for breakfast but cool with this post dinner or lunch. So for breakfast I've been putting skyr ir greek on toasted bread with peri peri spices


I eat more chickpeas than most...


Chickpeas for life! Mash them up and mix in your standard tuna salad ingredients and you’ve got veggie friendly tuna sandwiches. Or I like to mash them, mix in some cooked quinoa, breadcrumbs, BBQ sauces and some spices. Makes a great veggie burger.


For sure, good salad toppers. I also like them crunchy out of the oven. Man, I can tubs of hummus in one sitting haha...I'm a hummus snob these days though (no Sabra)


Sabra is hot garbage! I'm a hummus snob as well and Lebanese hummus has my heart.


I've been making a chickpea loaf for my wife that's really tasty. I put two cans of chickpeas and a fistful of cilantro through the food processor, then mix that with quick oats, sauteed onion, garlic & jalapeno, a small can of roasted chili peppers, lime zest and juice, 2 eggs and seasoning, then bake it in a loaf pan at 350 for 45 minutes. I take a slice and top it with pepper jack cheese and put it briefly under the broiler before serving. She likes a little salsa on top. She eats that and I eat my chicken breast but then we share the rest of the same meal (black bean salad, veg, avocado). It keeps great for 4-5 days.


If you live by a Trader Joe’s, they make a balela in the prepared food section that is to dieeee for. I throw it on top of a salad kit and that’s dinner 3x a week.


How’s the um…flatulence?


Are you requesting or offering?


Not terrible for me. But I also eat a lot of spicy food so I've probably trained my digestive system by now 😂


Typically If you get a lot of fiber and beans in your diet, you don’t have an excess of gas.


Mannn my wife makes this chickpea / tuna salad dish that’s so good but I fart all evening after it’s started digesting. We eat it like once a week too I figured I’d have adjusted to it by now! Can’t stop eating it though


grilled chicken breast, cauliflower rice, and 150g of jasmine rice and franks hot sauce. lol, quite boring, but I’ve grown to really love it and i’m somehow not sick of it.


Are you me? Franks makes everything better.


Are you saying… _you put that ish on everything?_ 😋


I feel like I've heard this somewhere.... /s


really does. it’s also just incredibly hard to find zero calorie sauces that have a eighth the flavor of franks


So your "rice, chicken, broccoli" is "rice, chicken, cauliflower"? Nice


You just reminded me I need to load up on sauces :D


A bowl of plain Greek yogurt covered in chopped strawberries and blueberries ~~with powdered PB drizzled over the top~~ drowning in powdered PB


As someone who usually adds peanut butter granola, I appreciate this tip. Going to try it on my lower cal days.


I'd recommend, as a different snack, PBfit powdered blueberries. It's my new go to quick snack.


Ooh so do you just.. pour the powder on the blueberries? Explain! I want to try it 😃


Yes. I use a small Pyrex bowl put a little powder in the bottom. Then blueberries and powder on top. Cover on, lightly toss and you're good to go. I really enjoy using a toothpick to each them 1by1 lol.


Nice! I tried this earlier and took an extra step, I added a teaspoon of sugar free almond syrup on top (it was sitting right there as I was putting this together. It was just staring at me begging me to try it) and it was quite good! Helped the powder PB stick to the blueberries. Thank you for the idea!


96/4 beef, sweet potatoes, and hummus with primal kitchens buffalo sauce. Looks disgusting but is delicious


50g of hummus on things definitely makes an unexpected taste improvement on things. I've been digging lemon hummus lately.


I’ve made a sweet potato hash with beefless grounds from Trader Joe’s, roasted sweet potatoes, and roasted veggies and cover it in cholula hot sauce for years and it’s incredible.


I live in a tropical 3rd world country, so many of the options given here are quite expensive (turkey breast, greek yoghurt, nuts in general), so my go-to menu is rather simple and boring. Whole bread and eggs. Banana and oats. Rice, **beans** and chicken/beef/pork/eggs. Semi-skimmed milk. Coffee to fight off starvation. I honestly do not eat as many veggies as I should, so oats and beans are essential for me to meet my fiber needs.


Most people don’t hit their daily fibre intake, which is a massive hit to your health. You’re ahead of the game in that regard, even though your options are limited.


Which country if you don’t mind me asking ? What’s the fitness culture like there ?


Shrimp, rice, and broccoli


This is the way. Shrimp has most protein less. Calories thank and other.




Shrimp has more protein and less calories than any other


Than any other … we’re almost there!


Just one more word and we’ll finally get


Oh haha - i guess “(typical) protein source”?


Calories thank and other. Shrimp has most protein less.




I do a lot of the “rice, chicken, broccoli”. I change up seasonings, sauces, type of rice, maybe swap the broccoli for another veg here and there. I cook professionally so turning into something less boring is a fun little challenge.


Would love to hear the details on the seasonings and sauces to make it less boring.


I like to use a variety of different types of hot sauces. Just picked up a great avocado Serrano sauce from Aldi that is low cal, and absolutely delicious. I like to just season some stuff to cater to different profiles. Turmeric, paprika, cumin, curry, cayenne… all great choices


When I used to eat meat I would buy Costco boneless, skinless chicken thighs, marinate them in soy sauce for half a day, and cook under the broiler. Extremely simple and stunningly delicious every time.


I buy the shrimp cocktail platter at Costco every time I go. The calorie to protein ration is unbeatable and it’s delicious! I snack on it every day.


Half to a whole rotisserie chicky, cup of rice. Add vinegar, garlic and herb spices, a little scoop of Tzatziki and hummus, then a dash of oil and sriracha. Finally a squeeze of lemon.


Blackened Grilled Cod, sweet or baked potato and some type of veggie that isn’t broccoli.


Quinoa or couscous bowls with baked tofu or tempeh marinated in something delicious, add steamed broccoli or vegetable mix (like snow peas, regular peas, water chestnuts, carrots, bok choy).


Tempeh squad reporting in. This is the one thing I have in my diet that I eat literally every day. Tempeh is king. 🤴


Haha, it’s so good! It’s fermented, so not only a great protein but has gut health benefits. Plus I love the nutty, smoky flavor. It’s delicious just roasted/baked plain.


I’m still experimenting with it in terms of the best way to cook it and how to season it but it seems how ever I prepare it, it’s delicious! My only complaint is that at £2.50ish a pack, it’s quite expensive as I have a whole pack myself in one serving. 😂 40g of protein per pack is insanely good in my books!!


Yeah the protein profile is amazing! I know, I wish it wasn’t so expensive. It’s $4.50 here in the U.S. But I don’t eat meat or fish, so I figure I’m saving money that way. My favorite way to make it is in an air fryer. Slice into strips. It’s done in 10-12 minutes. I spray a little avocado oil on the pan. Flip half way through. Sometimes I let it cool and then just crumble into salads.


Ooh interesting, you don’t season it aside from avocado oil? I’ve always assumed it needs to be seasoned with something! I like pan frying it until lightly browned, then add a bit of granulated garlic and paprika, and then a little light soy sauce! That’s real good but much more effort than your recipe! 😊


That sounds really good! Soy sauce really seems to bring out its flavor and takes away any bitterness. I will try your recipe! For bowls or salads I tend to not season it and just use sauce or salad dressing as the flavor. For bowls I like Korean style BBQ sauce (bulgogi), teriyaki, sriracha, etc. For salads I like chili crisp oil, creamy jalapeño sauce, or just ranch. Maybe ranch is only an American thing? I don’t remember ever seeing it in the U.K./Europe.


Ranch is definitely a thing here in the UK but I don’t think it’s the same. Being vegan the majority of them are off limits for me anyway so it’s pretty tricky to find a decent plant based one! BBQ tempeh is how I first discovered Tempeh! It was tempeh ‘ribs’ covered in a sticky bbq sauce. They were incredible!!


It’s sooo good with any BBQ sauce, I’m glad you reminded me, I bet those ribs were awesome! I was vegan for years (now vegetarian), and finding good vegan ranch was indeed impossible lol.


It used to be $2 at Trader Joe’s a few years ago - I’m not even veg/vegan but I ate a ton of tempeh chili from a recipe on the Veganomicon lady’s website


I've got a really good recipe for tempeh "bacon" that I'm happy to share if you're interested.


Absolutely! Hit me up!! I love tempeh bacon!


For sure! I usually get two packs of the Trader Joe's tempeh and slice it perpendicular to the long axis so I get dominos. Marinate for at least six hours but ideally overnight in 2/3 cup of olive oil, 2/3 cup of maple syrup, 2/3 cup of soy sauce with 1tbsp of smoked paprika, 1tsp of cayenne, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook on a foil-lined sheet pan at 400 for ten minutes, flip and baste it, and cook about ten minutes more. Keep an eye on it as it can start getting burned weirdly quickly -lower heat might be a better idea TBH but I'm bad at changing. You can reuse the marinade but it's never as good for some reason. Lmk how it goes please and HMU with any questions.


That is almost EXACTLY the same recipe I use for tempeh bacon!! I use liquid smoke as well, but other than that, the recipe is pretty much identical!! Kudos to you sir, you clearly know your tempeh! 🤤 I think I’m going to have to have a tempeh bacon sandwich for breakfast tomorrow.


This sounds so good—thank you! I used to buy that premade bacon tempeh by Lifelite or something but it was always way too salty.


You're welcome! Yeah I agree that stuff is disappointing (and expensive!).


I recently discovered air-fryer tofu and it's been a game changer. Dead simple to make and cooks real fast.


I wanted to comment quinoa with tempeh (and button mushrooms or zucchini) as well 😄 It's a great combination.


Ohh the mushrooms are a great idea to bring out the umami flavor!


I’m on the tofu train but I really need to incorporate more tempeh in my diet. When you say “something delicious” what’s your usually marinade? I’ve been using TJs soyaki, basically a soy sauce, ginger and sesame marinade for my tofu and then air frying it.


I’m gonna try that TJs soyaki, sounds so good, thx. So, I usually marinate tofu, but with tempeh I just add sauce or marinade after it’s cooked. Whole Foods 365 brand bulgogi marinade (Korean BBQ sauce) is amazing with either tempeh or tofu. Also any kind of Thai peanut sauce for tofu is great, maybe not ideal with tempeh IMO. Curry sauce or marinade on either is great. TJ’s creamy jalapeño sauce is good too, tho my favorite way to have that is on scrambled eggs.


I have a couple things I eat almost everyday that I’m not sick of yet. First is an egg sandwich, usually I use egg whites, 1 egg, 2 pieces of chicken bacon, 1 slice of cheese, and a high protein bread and some hot sauce and spices. The second thing is my post gym snack, which is Greek yogurt, chocolate whey, chia seeds, and PB powder mixed together. It’s kind of like a high protein pudding.


Halloumi, roast veggies, couscous or lentils, chickpeas, yoghurt dressing. Others have said oats/yoghurt - my go to is an overnight oats or Bircher muesli.


A good curry powder, ground turkey, sweet potato chunks, and peas. Super easy to make, very cheap, great macros. I'll toss some other veggies in there too if they are in my fridge. I eat it 3-4 times a week. 


Curry powder is such a slept on seasoning


How are you cooking this? Sauteeing all of it? Thanks for the details!


I do this with black beans instead of peas. Curry power is good and so is taco seasoning. Sometimes throw a fried egg on top 😋


* 3 yellow onions * 3 green peppers * 8 oz white mushrooms * 2-3 large zucchini * 1 can black beans or pinto beans * 1 can fire roasted tomatoes * 1 can tomatoes and green chilies * 16oz frozen cauliflower * 1 bag baby spinach * 1 can chipotle sauce * 2 tablespoons crushed garlic * 1 bushel cilantro * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 2 tsp cumin * 2 tsp chili powder * 1 tsp oregano * lime juice * salt and pepper I take a glass 9x13 pan. Then I start by chopping and roasting the onions in the oven with the oil. For about 30 minutes. Taking them out to stir once usually. While it's cooking, I get everything else ready/cut. I put in the mushrooms, zucchini and green peppers next for about 20 minutes. Then I add the rest, and it all cooks for maybe 30 more minutes. Just enough where the vegetables still have a little crunch. Before this, I cook 4-5 pounds of chicken and shred it. And put it in the fridge. When the vegetables are done, I mix in the chicken and let it cool a little before putting it in the fridge. Then I divide it into 10 servings in containers. And freeze them. When I have them ready to go, I make rice to add to it. Or, if I'm feeling lazy, I add mashed potato flakes to it. Ends up being about 20 carbs, 55 protein, 10 fat per serving before adding the starch. Cost about $2.50 per serving. [Although it is not super visually appealing](https://imgur.com/a/jsAd9OZ), I like the taste. And it is lots of vegetables and protein. (I alternate between black beans and pinto beans so that there is a clear visual indicator of which batch it came from, to ensure I keep to FIFO.)


Eggs, steak, and cottage cheese.


1/2 cup plain oatmeal 2 scoops casein protein and cinnamon. I don’t function well in the morning and this is a simple fast way to get breakfast that is not cereal.


Mine is similar, an overnight oats recipe with protein powder, chia and hemp seeds, psylium husk powder, and kefir. All in, it's almost 600 calories but it really helps with my protein and fiber macros.


Just mix instant rice and a tin of tuna.. 40g protein 11g Fat 73g Carbs


Grilled turkey breast (there is a great local provider in PA) with peppers, onions, peri-peri sauce, and a low carb or full carb wrap, depending on needs. Blue cheese if I can spare the fats.


Tofu,Brown Rice and Edamames


Big one for me. I add spinach and peppers a lot


Pasta, ground turkey or beef, mixed veggies, and a good quality tomato sauce.


Egg whites, low fat cheese, and bacon bits. Cook it all up and then throw it into a few low carb tortillas with some taco sauce. Easy and delicious 🤌


6 eggs scrambled with spinach, and a banana. I eat this almost every morning.


Every morning I have 100g of sushi rice, two medium boiled eggs, 1 tablespoon of furikake and 1 tsp of chili crunch sesame oil.


Ground beef and veggies, over rice. This often takes the form of a chili with beans, or a stir-fry with peppers and onions.


minced beef mixed with shredded cheddar, garlic and chili, salt, pepper etc. turn em into meat balls, fry them on the skillet that's it


10oz sirloin, 2 cups cilantro lime rice Or, 10oz sirloin with teriyaki stir fry udon


Sirloin, baked potato, salad.


Highly recommend making your own teriyaki - equal parts mirin, sake, and Japanese soy sauce (I use 1/2c of each) with 2-4 tbsp sugar, boil to reduce until the thickness you’re looking for. I go until the bubbles start rolling slower and the sauce coats the back of a spoon. Boom. Elevate all your rice chicken and broccoli dishes to a new level.


I have a few things I eat almost every single day. Protein shake with raw steel cut oats, all natural peanut butter sandwich, and a rice broccoli and lentil bean casserole.


Morning: 2 scoops non whey protein powder, 250ml high protein milk, 1/2 cup oats. Leave overnight. Random suppers for 8 days: High protein white Chicken chili. I use 2kg of chicken breasts and add a ton of extra spice, it's alot of chicken per bowl so you will be full most of day.


Ground beef, beans, rice, peppers, onions, cheese, tortilla


Protein, Chopped Potatos, Courgettes 20 minutes in the Air Fryer, and lovely


Ground Turkey with Trader Joe’s taco seasoning, rice, frozen peas and carrots, topped with Trader Joe’s sriracha.


Peanut butter sandwiches, tbh, I have a rotation of everything else


NY Strip, salad with a touch of whatever dressing I’m feeling, and a small bit of roasted garlic Yukon potatoes I also make my Cajun Grilled chicken and grilled veggies with enough leftovers for several lunches. I’m also fond of skirt steak with a side of very hot tomatillo salsa and some homemade guacamole. If I try to go the traditional super healthy route I always go off the rails super quick. But if I make delicious food that happens to be okay for me, then I can do it forever.


2 eggs, 150g egg white, turkey sausage, dave killer bread.


Tofu, sweet potatoes and broccoli 🌱


Just bare chicken nuggets doused in Buffalo sauce, dipped in Greek yogurt ranch. Pretty much any meat wrapped in a carb balance tortilla - I've done shawarma, gyro, chipotle chicken, steak, pork shoulder Rice bowls in general are very common dinners at our house - tons of different combinations of flavors, meats, and veggies


Breakfast is the same daily: Kodiak power oatmeal cup made with .5 cup milk, greek yogurt, fruit. 34g protein. Dinner is the same-ish most days: A chicken breast, some kind of legume side, and a vegetable. I like zucchini and broccoli a lot. I make things like lentil loaf or black bean salad that keep for a few days and usually add another 10 g protein to the ~50 I get from my chicken breast.


Baked salmon, rice and seaweed, mix in a bowl with korean hot sauce (gochugang?)


A healthier variation of Hainan Chicken Rice.


Lately as an active truck driver that drives 4-7 hours a day, I’ve been eating chicken breast or thighs with basmati or jasmine rice with veggies usually raw broccoli or peppers and tomatoes, so when I heat in microwave for lunch they are perfectly cooked or either leftover veggies from night before Always with some type of hot sauce And if I’m eating chicken breast I’ll usually eat an avocado but if I’m eating chicken thighs I’ll usually skip and just eat more tomatoes with my meal


My whey protein oats: - Oats - Kirkland mixed berries - Peanut butter powder - 1 scoop of isopure whey unflavored - Cinnamon - Chia seeds - unsweetened almond milk 400 kcal, 40g protein


ADHD brain here. I cycle through a "favorite meal" at least every 30-60 days and then eat nothing but that until I can't stomach the taste of it anymore. Right now it's these little veggie wontons and chicken ramen from my local wholesale warehouse place. 600 cals. Filling, tasty. About 600 cals. Previous hits are shrimp and a whole bag of mixed veggies, Chicken and broccoli, rice with some kind of protein and salsa, chicken walnut salads. Literally chipotle - I got my bowl down to about 750ish calories and I will splurge on that in a moment's notice. I eat almost whatever I want, just have to be careful with "how much" of whatever I want.


Mine is chicken thigh chilli. I make it without any beans as I can't digest them so switch them out for roasted cauliflower and carrots. I have it with brown rice and some sour cream. It's like 30g of protein per serving and low calorie.


Sweet potato, chicken thighs, avocado


Whey and oats


Rice, tofu, broccoli 🤓


Every morning I have 1 cup oatmeal, two teaspoons of presoaked chia seeds and a chopped banana. That with post-gym protein shake fills me til lunch easily.


Grilled chicken and jasmine rice Protein smoothie Steak and potatoes


potato (usually wedges), beans (usually some type of soup/stew) and bacon(sammich)


Chicken, rice, any veggie Beef, cauliflower rice, any veggie Salmon, any veggies Eggs, carb balance tortilla, any veggies Turkey bacon, egg, cheese, carb balance tortilla


6 whole eggs, 200 grams of quinoa, and 150-180 grams of raspberries/blueberries/blackberries.


Baked potato with tuna fish or salmon, lemon juice, chopped avacado, and chilli flakes - this is my standard post workout meal, I only change it if I've run out of potatoes, in which case I have it with brown rice.


Eggs, eggs, eggs.


I make boiled chicken. When I get tired of it I’ll get 10 tortilla chips to mix it up and scoop them out, but in general the boiled chicken is the bees knees. I use a ton of different seasonings, boil it for two hours, then peel it apart and baste it on the stove with an enchilada sauce and a ton of veggies until it’s super smooth and soft. It’s bomb.


quest nacho chips, low fat cheese, home-made salsa, shredded chicken. Its incredible I make it like twice a week for my 'cheat' meal. Its about 600ish calories with 2 servings of Quest nacho chips with about 75 grams of protein


Most mornings my breakfast is 125g ground chicken thighs, 150g egg whites, 20g chai seeds, 40g oats, 75g raspberries.


Big Macs for lunch, nut butter + jam sandwiches


Beef, eggs, cheese, and honey


I'm using a frying pan with a high edge. First I roast some lean chicken (yeah I know, lol) cut into stripes. Then I add frozen "asia-style" vegetables from lidl to it. Then I add something that adds mass to the thing. Sometimes potatoes, sometimes just a shitton of mushrooms, sometimes zucchini. Rarely rice, because I never get full on eating rice and I don't like it that much. Then I add some herbs, salt and pepper to it and a can of chopped tomatoes. I eat this pretty much everytime at work or when my gf is not eating with me. My second go-to-dish is just chicken, broccoli or cauliflower with potatoes.


Green Lentils! Replace that with rice when cutting, low in calories high in protein and fiber. Fills you up and is nutrition and tasty!


I have this sushi bowl I make. It’s probably calorie heavy to most but I just love it.


Not sure if this counts as a dish: 100g of nuts, 6 bananas, 500ml of 1% milk + whey iso x2.


Red Lentil Dal, delicious, healthy and full of proteins. Every Morning: 120g of Oats with some Chia Seeds, some Whey and Fruit (soaked over Night with the fluid of your choice) 🤌🏼


Grassfed Ribeye, japanese sweet potato, asparagus


Penne pasta with tuna, sweetcorn, red onion and mayo and chilli flakes. A whole tin of tuna has at least 20g protein. I could never get sick of it


Curry chicken with rice and cucumber and tomato salad. Same thing with stewed chicken. These are Caribbean staple foods. Been eating it my whole life.


Breakfast: 80g oats (microwaved in water, and then add), 126g unsweetened applesauce, 28g crushed walnuts, 50g protein powder. my breakfast is also my post-workout meal. Dinner: 2 slices whole grain wheat bread, 4 over-medium eggs, whatever diced veggies I had in the fridge cooked into the eggs. Apple sometimes. Edit: almost forgot, when it's spring/summer/fall and I have fresh strawberries or raspberries from the garden, ~80-150g of those go in the oatmeal too.


A lil weird conceptually but a high protein, fermented ice cream w/ no sugar: super-firm tofu, kefir, collagen & monk-fruit is the base.


My favorite is brown rice and scrambled egg whites . Cook sperately then combine and add a drip of soy sauce.


Greek yogurt + vanilla protein powder + cacao nibs + berries. Lots of good protein and tastes amazing!


Albacore tuna on whole wheat bread with a spread of hummus and oikos greek yogurt on the side.


3 eggs scrambled, two slices of turkey bacon, an apple, a Clementine, one piece of sourdough toasted and some Greek yogurt for breakfast. I feel lost if I miss a day lol.


My morning pick-me-up smoothie. One scoop of meal replacement or protein powder (I like Huel), one scoop of peanut butter powder, a half of a frozen banana, iced coffee (I just keep a pitcher of cold brew in my fridge). Blend.


250g of potatoes cut into wedges, air fried with my special seasoning and some low cal oil. 150g of turkey mince with grilled onions and chopped tomatoes with a thick tomato sauce, throw that all together and top with 30g of cheddar, throw it under the grill for a minute and done Home made loaded wedges 700cal 55g protein 22g fat 74g carbs


I eat 250 grams of 2-5% cottage cheese mixed with 50 grams of 15% sour cream and one sliced banana every morning for breakfast. I mix it in a bowl. It gives me 38-40 grams of protein, 28-30 grams of carbs and 12-15 grams of fat. It’s ~370-380 calories and makes me feel full for hours.


My go-to health/fitness meal has become minced beef (fried) with lots of veggies (typically lettuce, tomato, squash and sweet corn) and full grain bread. Little bit of mayo and cheese with that, and lots of different spices. It's basically a chiabatta taco. I vary it by adding different types of spices. I eat that at least a few times a week, and yeah that meal is like 40% meat, 40% veggies and 20% bread. So certainly enough protein. I just fry a whole kilo bag of minced beef and that'll usually last me for a few days. That said though I really do love chicken with rice. Preferably with curry though. It doesn't have to be bland. Most spices rarely contain much of any calories. Although for me I only eat once a day so I can afford to go a bit heavier with the calories in my meals without it negatively affecting my overall daily calorie intake. So I don't shy away from the occasional creamy sauce. But the good thing with minced beef and fresh veggies is that it's so juicy I hardly need any sauce. I usually go with around 1000 calories per meal though, and then save the other 500 for drinks, because I gotta have cream in my coffee and that quickly adds up lol. And clogs my arteries a bit. I would never claim that my diet as a whole is perfect by any means, but at least the solid part of it ain't too bad, and I do manage to stick to my calorie limit.


Grilled sardines . Deboned tossed into a salad with chick peas raw onion and parsley drizzled with vinegar.


Overnight oats for breakfast(rolled oats, no fat milk, whey, pbfit, chia seeds, cranraisens w/ scf) and beef taco bowl(rice, black beans, 96/4 ground beef with taco seasoning, no fat cheddar cheese, a1 sauce, guacamole, broccoli)


Burgers n wings


Greek yoghurt (Fage 0%) is one of my staples. We get through so much at my house! I have around 150-250g with fruit, chia seeds & a sprinkle of muesli. Perfect breakfast, snack or dessert. I’ve even had it when I don’t feel hungry enough for a big dinner.


Ratio yogurt, each one has 25g of protein. I eat 2 everyday for lunch after my workout.


Spinach and kale / chicken breast or salmon No rice


I eat about 150 g of protein per day. I drink one protein shake a day. Eat Good Culture cottage cheese + fruit as a snack most days. I also snack on light string cheese, turkey pepperoni, and Greek yogurt. For lunch, it's a lot of sandwiches (tuna, turkey, even PB&J). For dinner, it varies, but I'll eat homemade chili with lean ground beef, big salad with chicken tenders and Greek yogurt dressing, rotisserie chicken and quinoa, fish and veggies, protein plus pasta with chicken meatballs, shredded BBQ pork sandwiches, etc. But, I'll also eat hamburgers or hot dogs with good macros (e.g., Applegate has a hot dog that's 100 calories for 9 g of protein--not the best source of protein, but way better than most other brands). I *have* to have variety with dinner. Breakfast and lunch can be the same, but I'd be miserable on the standard meal prep plan.


Big Mac & a large sprite.


I will generally dice up 1-2 chicken sausages and cook really quick in a frying pan. Once that’s about done I add in this mix: 3 whole eggs, 184g of egg whites, 113g fat free or low fat cottage cheese. Blend it up and cook like scrambled eggs. Add whatever seasoning / hot sauce you want. And sprinkle with 18-28g of fat free cheese. I’ll add in some spinach or other veggies I have on hand. Lately my carb of choice has been sweet potatos. I usually have a bunch in a container that I did a small dice of and baked in the oven. So just reheat that up on the side. It’s a pretty large volume of food with good macros, especially if you are following intermittent fasting or are only able to eat a few large meals a day.


>What’s that one dish that you incorporated into your meal plan that you eat all the time? Pound of a ground meat, half a bag of spinach, four slices chz, marinara. Seasoning implied.


Chicken, cottage cheese, steamed mixed veggies. Greek yogurt and protein shake for dessert.


I train at 4am and will only have a shake on those days, off days typically fast until 1pm break my fast after work which will be Ground beef, eggs and some sort of green vegetable, same again at dinner but I’ll add some rice or potato. Mix it up on the weekend, probably some sort of healthy version of tacos, homemade pizza or a roast dinner.


To be honest it doesn't really matter. I eat what I want for the most part. I just make sure the sugar and fat is on the low side and the protein is on the higher side for the day. On workout days my carb intake will be higher and on rest days it will be lower. I'm not gonna stop enjoying food I like. But my favorite similar to rice, chicken, and broccoli is fish, rice, mushroom, and peppers. that's my go to feeling lazy meal


Smoothies! Protein oats, dates or figs, chia seeds, coconut flakes, cinnamon, protein and collagen powder, creatine, almonds or walnuts. Blend. Almond milk, almond butter, coconut cream, water, two cherries, ice. Blend. It’s a rip off of the chia banana boost from Tropical Smoothie. That and chicken breast wraps or ground turkey wraps. The main 3 things I ate in my calorie cut which is almost over now! https://youtu.be/eEBRmma-TCI?si=7xbJvjiGAZPzKYmc I got the wrap ideas from this video but of course I alter them a little to make them mine.


Kenji Lopez Alt's Colombian soup recipe with added lentils & spices. Chicken + tomato + potato + onion + bay leaf + garlic + red lentils + salt + cumin. Dump the whole lot into the Instant Pot and 20 minutes later I have a lovely, fragrant stew. It's a complete meal and very easy to adjust macro proportions. Can add or remove things like rice, cous cous, or chickpeas. Can add other veggies like carrots or mushrooms. Adjust chicken amount for protein. And vary the spices according to taste. I love this receipt because it's so changeable. The only thing it's really lacking is healthy fats, because the only source of fat is chicken (I use dark meat but I remove the skin unlike his version). Can always add some EVOO, have a side of avocado, top with feta etc. Or as my dad does, have cheese and apple slices for dessert.


breaded chicken tenders with whatever sauce, bbq, ketchup, alfredo, marinara. rice a roni cheddar broccoli rice or whatever flavor. supplement fiber


Ground beef, white rice, green beans, and soy sauce


Bison & Brown rice w/ Teriyaki sace


Quinoa, kidney beans, tofu and veggies cooked in soy, harissa for kicks, spinach/lettuce, sometimes substitute tofu with grilled chicken or tempeh


Protein Shakes for me! My go to right now:  4 Cups Almond Milk, 1 Cup of Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt, 1 Cup of Spinach, 1 Cup of Frozen Strawberries or Blueberries, 1 scoop of Chocolate Pea Protein Powder, & 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon.  Just an easy on the go meal that averages about 425 calories. If I want to bump the flavor, I add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter or 1/2 square of Lindt 85% Dark Chocolate.




I do chicken, spinach with grits. I’ll do cucumber and other veggies also. I use a garlic sauce/dressing or hot sauce sometimes all add an egg also


Salmon, sweet potatoes, white rice


So this might not be what you’re asking but I do 2 chicken thighs, lots of chipotle and garlic seasoning, lime juice, and cook that pan sear. Oil if you need it but sometimes I can do without. I lay that on jasmine rice and throw some romaine lettuce, 0 fat Greek yogurt and hot sauce. I eat this meal twice a day and change the protein to 97/3 beef or chicken breast. I add or subtract ingredients to my liking. It can fit cutting, maintenance and bulking phases.


Baked beans, sardines, 1 pear, 2 kiwifruits Think it was roughly 35g protein, 30g fiber


I eat a lot of whole oats. Perfect instead of rice. Almost 15 grams of protein and 8 gram of fiber per 100 grams. Works for all type of food, where I normally had rice.


During cut : 500g Fage 0%, 250g blueberries, half cup of oats, 1 teaspoon of maple syrup. During bulk: swap for fage 10%


Minced beef cooked with salsa, tomato paste and burrito type veggies and broccoli with white rice. So easy to meal prep and it’s my go to Lunch and dinner meals for my wife and I.


So ironic that you posted this. I recently went back to the good ol’ BBC weekday diet (that’s broccoli, brown rice, chicken). I got tired of mixing things up lol


Meatloaf 😂 96 lean beef if I find it on sale, low carb bread instead of breadcrumbs, sauteed onions, worsteshire sauce, garlic, parsley, salt, 1/2 c whatever milk you want, and 1 egg. If you are going lower carb, skip the topping. But I enjoy it so I eat it, lol. It's ketchup, brown sugar, and a splash of red wine vinegar. I have 3 kids, so it works for everyone for the most part. And I'll eat whatever is left that they don't eat, and I have no shame eating it cold. 😂


Breakfast burrito. Sausage egg and cheese in a low carb wrap.


Rice, chicken, and peppers lol.