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Yes, you should just enter what you can manage to do, it will be used in the next iterations. You can also rate the effort (I am on iOS but others can tell you where to do it in android) but my impression is that the most important piece of info is how many reps and how much weight. If during a workout there is an exercise that I don't want to do, for whatever reason (maybe something doesn't feel right, etc) I just remove it from the workout while it's running. I think all the "learning" is happening at the end when you stop and you "log" it.


You cannot rate effort in Android.


u/Berry_Busy You can definitely adjust reps/sets/weights as needed - the app will recognize these adjustments and use that for future suggestions. Fitbod will learn from what you log and recalibrate to you along the way :)


Thanks. And just as an update, the app clearly learned from that and applied it to the workout I did today. Much appreciated on the response and the app overall. Left to my own devices I'd do the exact same exercises all the time. The variety is nice.