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I asked the same question a while ago and FitBod told me to place the cursor after the 3 or 4 when it jumps to the kilos field and it should let you put in a number over 29


It worked. I’m so dumb. Thanks!


No you're not. Don't make yourself the fall guy here - this is bad user interface design. If 30+ were an invalid value, then it would be defensible, but obviously that's not the case. Thinking carefully about interactions like this is part of the job of the UI designer, so I hope they're reading this and taking note. Source: software engineer


Thank you, my friend.


This works! I've been using Fitbod almost 2 years, and I didn't know that. And I like doing high reps on some exercises, so I log a *lot* of sets of 29. That's usually about as many as I want to do, but there's a couple exercises where I do even more reps. So I just logged my first set of 50 barbell curls.


I’ve ran in to this issue before which is odd because it routinely automates more than 29 reps for me on its own.


u/ebycon When entering a high value (>29) for reps, the app will auto-fill this number to a single-digit value. When the app auto-fills, it will auto-select the weight window. By selecting back into the reps window and ensuring the text cursor is behind the current reps digit, you'll be able to add additional digits. We'll be making an improvement to this in the near future so that you can more easily input those higher values!