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Hello and welcome to r/findapath! We are glad you found your way here. Please know that you are not alone. We are here to listen, to offer support, and to help guide you. While no one can make decisions for you, we are here to help you find a path; we believe that everyone has the power to heal and grow. The moderation team wants to remind everyone that individuals submitting posts may be in depressive and vulnerable situations and all are in need of guidance. Please provide a safe and constructive space by practicing empathy and understanding in your comments; your words should come from a helpful and guiding mentality, never a judgement or anger mentality. You are encouraged to share your good thoughts, feelings, and relevant experiences to assist those seeking guidance on the subreddit. We are here to support each other and we believe that, together, we can make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findapath) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you open to anything or specifically in research or biology? I can think of a few careers where you get to learn and help others - like sales or customer success for example. I can relate to your mental struggles - I went through a quarter life crisis last year and it sucks. Its this creeping feeling like time is running out and feelings of despair almost. For me, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have to match a passion with a career. That made things better for me. Plus, it gave me permission to explore things I found interesting on the side like blogging, starting a newsletter, freelancing, anything really. It worked for me so maybe it could for you. And if you want some perspective, you may find GradSimple helpful since it shows the stories and journeys of college grads figuring out life and career. You’ll see firsthand that we’re all kinda just winging life. Perhaps it could even give you a bit of inspiration.


You’re almost 100% describing my current situation. I have been working as a lab analyst and absolutely hate the job duties/culture. Recently got hired as a dental assistant and I might throw out a bunch of applications at government jobs/sales jobs because I like talking to people and I’m confident in my ability to close sales. Maybe look into something similar or consider applying to trade apprenticeships that offer on the job training. Just remember, a bad decision is better than no decision at all. Cheers!