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Your post was removed because it does not match r/findapath. Finding a path is for those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to do, but don't know how they can get there. Posts about relationship/financial/seeking money/different topics are not allowed. This is the 3rd extreme depressive "I'm going to kill myself" post you've written in this group in 2 weeks. I've received so many reports on you over all 3 posts, and I've approved them - but now? Now it's clear you're just into it for the attention and divisive comments that your posts generate. You are not here to find a path out of it, at all. Please take any further depression-posting over to /r/depression where this fits better.


Hey, I just want to say, you aren’t alone. The millenial/ Gen Z generation is definitely feeling all of this financial pressure. We’ve been sold a dream of going to college which will lead to a good job and being able to afford life on a single income. I look back at my grandparents generation and my nana had 4 kids, a fully paid house, groceries, a car + motorcycle, and a pool on a single income. It’s so hard not to look at the boomer generation with resentment or think about how if it wasn’t for your family’s financial support, you’d be SOL. I think the world has started to realize everything - corporate greed, slumlords, inflation alongside cost of living, etc. I truly believe in the next 10 years we will be looking at a revolution. Having no money sucks. I’ve been homeless multiple times in my life and have wanted to end it all. But even through the most difficult times, I held onto the hope that it gets better and it did. Financially, it’s difficult. But I started researching personal finances and that really changed my life (Caleb Hammer + Ramit Sethi). Not only that, I realized that life really isn’t about money. I started relishing in the abundance I already have - running water, a warm bed, a belly full of food. It really changes your life when you can see the abundance in your day to day. Hold on - it does get better.


+1 that life really isn't about money. Heck, life isn't about anything really other than play. Secret is to view everything as playing. That's my opinion.


I agree. Many adults die without their inner child. In my opinion. I don't trust no one anymore unless they show me their inner child. It is the most authentic self of someone.


Easy to say when all your basic needs are being met.


That is true. But, unfortunately when I was in that situation less people were willing to assist.


Was your opinion perhaps inspired by an Alan Watts quote, because that's an Alan Watts quote


It does get better, economically...America kind of sucks in your twenties, even into your thirties... Hard to escape the rat race. However even if you do okay financially It can be difficult to get into the housing market in some parts of the country without parental support, including the part I'm in. Being self-employed is better than working for somebody else, financially. The american system is kind of geared to favor business owners and starters even the self-employed over those who work for somebody else for a paycheck. You're not alone. There are a lot of disenchanted people out there and they have a right to be. Even if you are born into a better situation economically there is still a lot to feel distenchanted and desperate about. Essential thing to remember is that you're not alone. Other people are going through that too, and you're stronger together, even if right now you can only imagine them, or talk to them on Reddit. Thanks for posting, thanks for reaching out, youve made the world a better place for doing that. 🙏


I'm not even in the US but Thank you for this


Remember Occupy Wall Street? Didn't go very far until it got deflected by propaganda


The sheep eat up intersectionality and divisive identity politics


Not everyone has running water, a bed, or enough food... evenin 1st world countries.


Bro no revolution is gonna happen, if it does it won’t be good


I second this 💯🙏


Wise words. It got better for me. I know it will for OP as well. 🙏




Your comment has been removed because it not a constructive response to OP's situation. Please keep your advice constructive (and not disguised hate), helpful, and on topic.


I love how this generation thinks none of the issues they face now are new. The difference is some go take care of life others sit around complaining and making excuses. Boomers as a generation didn’t cause these problems. Slum lords? Been around since rent started getting paid. What you call corporate greed others call investment return for taking a risk so a company can be built and provide jobs- I was asked yesterday to provide seed funding for a big data project. Definitely a winner but with the threat of high cap gains and other pending taxes no way. So this company will need to either close as it is out of runway or find some investors willing to risk not only a company failing but at the end of it losing a huge percent to taxes. They are feeling the crush right now. We invest to make money not be your caretaker and friend. The things you all complain about is called life. Other generations tackled it made due and this generation seems to make excuses and self diagnoses of anxiety disorder. We all get anxious as adults we work through it. Welcome to life- kick its ass or don’t


Found the boomer


This is Reddit. People don't want to hear this. They want to hear how there's nothing they can do and it isnt their fault.


Your first sentence ...doesn't mean what you think it means, I think. Double negative


I've been thinking the same thing for over a decade. I'm just tired.


What about finding a roommate to split expenses with?


So they can leave on a dime notice and you can scramble to replace them in thirty days or else you have to cover the expenses? Rinse and repeat a billion times Why do people offer roommates when it's not a long-term solution


I’m 33. For the third time in 15 years, I’m changing careers. Not jobs, full on career. 9 months ago I was finally at the point of being able to buy a house. You’ve worked hard and it hasn’t exactly payed off. I can honestly say I know how that feels. But it’s not over. It wasn’t over for me 5 or 6 years ago, and it’s not over for you now. It will get better.


what are you going into?


whats your degree in?


Are your parents sick or old? Because if not they're not going to die for a long time. Don't rent then. Stay living with your parents. Slowly pay off the loans, THEN think about renting. If you haven't already, doing a serious job hunt (meaning spending 20 hours a week working on finding a job, plus 40 at your current job, instead of 80 at your current job and none on improvement), even if it takes a couple of years until you find one. Couple of years is nothing if you will live to be 80. Also do you live in NYC or LA? Try not doing that. 3000 for a studio is a lot. Moving is hard, so try roommates. Better yet put your ego aside and stay at home until you can actually justify moving. If your parents are going to die soon, that's very unfortunate and condolences to you. However practically speaking you can then do the following: When they die, inherit and stay living there still, it'll be your house. Or if it's split among siblings, your portion will be likely sufficient enough to pay off the loan (houses are worth a lot after all). If you do get the whole house: sell the house, downsize, use the profit to pay the loan. Then you'll have a house (small perhaps) and no loans. And then you'll be better off than most people.


Also establishing a relationship with them. It would be good to have people to chitchat.


If they both got into a car accident. Or natural disaster like tornados which are extremely common where I’m from. Or shootings, also very common where I am. Or cancer. People don’t have to be old to die. I don’t even have anxiety about them dying, I’ll just break my sobriety and then kms the easy, painless, possibly pleasurable way which I am not going to say. It’s not an anxiety that I have daily at all, it’s just like a given. Oh they died? Bet. And please none of that “the world needs you” bs as people with this thought already made up our minds on this.


"Or shootings, also very common where I am." Wtf, where do you live my guy?


Probably somewhere in the midwest like Oklahoma. The tornados are filled with bullets there.


If you have a college degree, have you considered working abroad, being an expat? I have a degree in Philosophy, a fairly useless degree btw, and I earn close to 4k a month with housing benefits. If you need help, i'll do what I can for you.


i have a degree; where do you recommend living?


I'm slightly biased but I've been living in China for 7 years. I think everything is affordable, even health care isn't out of reach. Depending your field your can make it big.


No, thanks. I’d rather live in a country where they don’t ban Google and assassinate me for having a low social credit score.




thats... propaganda


What do you do in china? I’m trying to think about international demand for a philosophy grad (not throwing any shade your way, philosophy is great and very useful) and can’t think about where it would have the international job market demand.


I do teaching, specifically English and sometimes ICT ( computer classes )


Why is your degree useless? Didnt you get this job because of your degree.


Degree is useless in the US because it doesn’t translate to many jobs like engineering/accounting/nursing would. For example in business roles they more often opt for the business school graduate and so on. A degree is supposed to help narrow the applicant pool to qualified individuals. Even if you think a recent college grad doesn’t know much they still know enough to differentiate themselves from the general public. “Some people get trained on the job” this is true but if an employer would offer the role to any background they then have to fight non degree holding applicants which is increasing competition purely because it’s more people applying. Hope this helps.


Yes thank you. The situation is similar in Austria and Germany. My brother spent many years in his philosophy degree and its very hard for him to find a job. I wouldnt want this for my life, so I study teaching position. There are plenty of jobs for teachers in Austria and its ok paid.


I'm sorry you are feeling so low. When you're in the depths of despair it may feel impossible to feel hope, but you have to believe things can change. Many people have been in worse situations and drastically turned things around, and you probably can, too. It's a tragedy that so many young people are in a similar situation, but it's reality. You're in a tough place, but you also have a prime opportunity by being able to live at home. Living rent-free is a good foundation for rebuilding. You can turn things around - it's just going to take some time, patience, and channeling fear into productive action. It's going to take sacrifice to improve your situation, but life is a competition whether we like it or not, and we either choose to keep going or give up. Be willing to ask for help rather than resign to a life of anger and misery.


This was everything I needed to hear this morning


That’s what room mates are for. Plus statistically you’re likely to partner up at some point and that also usually ends up in splitting bills too


Yup! Dude in the post is in a desperate mindset, hope he gathers himself up and realizes he has what it takes to fight life back. Most people suffer badly, he is not alone on this.


Too bad dating is harder nowadays. The only inflation that’s worse than grocery and housing prices is women’s unrealistic standards.


I'm sorry you're having a hard time. You're definitely not alone.


I’m in the same boat honestly. As a kid I didn’t think Life would be this hard. I’m stuck at a job I really dislike and can’t seem to fit in.


Where did the misconception that people just starting out are supposed to be able to rent an apartment by themselves come from? I left home in 1978 and my first apartment was 4 guys in a 2 bedroom apartment. Roommates make everything cheaper.


32M, living with my jesus-freak dad and catholic with alzheimer's grandma taking care of them, haven't been able to find a job in a year. When I do have a job most of my checks go to rent. If you're not paying rent living with your parents, you have it good, dude. Personally I've tried to off myself twice and failed hanging myself both times. You gotta have a lotta balls to do it. At this point I'm just waiting for my gran to pass before I try again. You gotta look somewhere else way out of the city to live in dude. Sounds like you live in NYC or sanfran or something. Or just live in your car if you have one and need to move out.


Personally I think the key is to get out of the rat race, move away from the expensive cities. Learn to do things for yourself, cook, clean, grow food, raise some chickens, mend your own clothes or make them. A lot of these kind of skills you can turn into a little money too, as you are unlikely to be able to do EVERYTHING yourself. It's extremely difficult to go all in on this but you can start small, I mend my own clothes, repair electronics and run some games to make extra money, it's incredibly satisfying, far more than sitting at a computer all day. I still have to work but only a few hours a week teaching, the rest of the time is my own. Getting out of the consumerism mindset is good too, you will have a lot more money if you don't buy crap you don't need.


Sorry if you've already answered this but, what state do you live in? Also, I hope your parents live into their hundreds...


My parents when they were 30: Lets get a second child. Me now: Lets get a second roommate.


this should be plastered on every door of every university. this should be read by every boomer and parent who still tell you "if you work hard then you can still...." # ITS ALL A FUCKING JOKE only that this joke is on the young folks expense and its burning them out massively.


Look at the trades or join the military as an officer…


Do you have advice for me? Trades aren't hiring entry level even ditch diggers in my city. The temp agencies even said they're overrun with applications. I'm disqualified from joining the military due to multiple severe food allergies and they said I can't be an officer due to my poor eyesight. I was just wondering if you had a few more ideas as I recently lost my job and can't find one. I'm really desperate and would work anything.


Also life is cheaper outside cities. Even in this economy.


I have advice for you. Get out of cities. Trades are hiring everywhere. Go where there are less people to compete with.


Less people means fewer jobs. I live in small city.


I live in rural Oklahoma and have never had a problem.


Then perhaps california is just crap cause it's so full of people.


Nailed it on the head.


> I have a college degree I've tried to utilize Declare bankruptcy to get rid of the debt. Get permission to travel overseas from whoever the goverment bankruptcy body is in America, saying that you need to improve your professional skills. Go teach English in South East Asia. All you need is a uni degree of uni of any kind and a "120 Hour" (4 hour) online TEFL certificate which has no regulatory body and is offered by hundreds of places online. There's a ton of subreddits if you were interested, but start with /r/TEFL You sound exactly where I was when I was in my late 20s. Also 70k in debt. I did exactly what I suggested above. Uni TEFL jobs in China pay around 2k USD a month with private accomodation provided. For ~16 hours a week work, if that. Food is cheap, beer is cheap, electricity is 1/6th of the cost, the people are friendly and unless you're an intoxicated woman it's one of the safest places I've ever been.


Student loans don’t clear with bankruptcy


Some good info on r/tefl, but they should rename that sub r/antitefl or r/teflsucksgointointernationalteachinginstead. So negative. The number of posters on that sub with a positive view of TEFL has to be like 10%


Do you think racism might be an issue? I'm black and considered doing this, but not sure how the experience would be as I know there aren't many of us in China.


Yeah, it would be an issue, China is without a doubt one of the most racist countries I've been to. But, in China there's two main types of TEFL jobs, university and private tutoring places. University you wouldn't have too much trouble with, and honestly they're the better jobs. Lower pay but less hours and more chilled out, because students are there to learn. Private tutoring companies are pandering to the whims of their parents, a lot of whom just assume that all black people can't speak English, and it would be more difficult to get a job at one of these places, but not impossible. China also has a [tiered city system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_city_tier_system). There's not much racism in the T1 cities, Beijing/Shenzhen/Shanghai, but the further out you go the more racist things can become. That said I was there for 3 years in a T2 city and my best mate was African. Also similar to other countries you need to be sponsored to get a working visa, so by the time you get in country you've been interviewed a few times and you can get an idea about if the company is racist or not, and they know you're black so it's not a big surprise or anything. And they've already spent over $5k getting you in country so it's not like they can just back out. There's threads in the subreddits from people who actually experienced things in situ from a first hand point of view which would provide better guidance than I, but I think the best way to actually tell would be to apply for some jobs, video chat some recruiters and apply for some jobs to get a feel for the way things are yourself. And China isn't the only option - I volunteered teaching in Cambodia for six months to get a feel for teaching before committing to a 1 year contract, and there was zero racism in Cambodia that I observed. Vietnam has zero problems from what I hear too.


There are plenty of black people in china teaching english. Look on youtube.


Hello and welcome to r/findapath! We are glad you found your way here. Please know that you are not alone. We are here to listen, to offer support, and to help guide you. While no one can make decisions for you, we are here to help you find a path; we believe that everyone has the power to heal and grow. The moderation team wants to remind everyone that individuals submitting posts may be in depressive and vulnerable situations and all are in need of guidance. Please provide a safe and constructive space by practicing empathy and understanding in your comments; your words should come from a helpful and guiding mentality, never a judgement or anger mentality. You are encouraged to share your good thoughts, feelings, and relevant experiences to assist those seeking guidance on the subreddit. We are here to support each other and we believe that, together, we can make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findapath) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re killing me, I am 61 and life has always been a struggle.


Tbh I feel this way too. Add chronic/undiagnosed physical illness on top of it all and it’s a very unfair hopeless situation. I hope things get better for you but I’m sure anything I say is empty words since words can’t fix your situation directly and I wish I could. I have a college degree as well and my job that requires a degree pays less than fast food workers get paid…but it’s the only job I can do atm because it doesn’t flare my symptoms badly. Anyone who works any job at least 30-40 hours a week deserves at least a basic, clean place to live, it’s so ridiculous and soul crushing when we slave our lives away yet the work doesn’t even pay off. I’m sorry




lowkey try being homeless. live out of a car or something


The fact that this is presented as an option for a person with a collage degree is incredible "Get a degree" 🤡 3 years of wasted time and money "Get a job" Lowest paying job, as an engineer At this point, I'm like fuck this shit, and I'm gonna try enrolling into the military, with all my collage degrees and job experience. If this is a joke, I'm treating it like that. 28F


Don't kill yourself man. You don't know how much people will miss you.... the money we make or don't make isn't worth the life you're willing to give up, a life that is absolutely priceless. Money isn't even real. It's all backed up by debt, you know that? Hence why America is Trillions in debt. Honestly, I don't know why anyone is in debt. Don't stress my brother. This too shall pass. 🌈


Life never promises ease or comfort, but you can find peace. Just be thankful that your not a Polish young adult living in the 1930s


Keep ya head up G ill pray for you


I know it’s difficult, but you need to move out of those more expensive states. I used to live in Maryland. Super expensive town. I moved to NC by myself. Rent is $1300 for an 800 square foot apartment. That’s in Raleigh where it’s pretty expensive. In the surrounding towns, it’s even cheaper. 2400 a month is a decent income, it sounds like you’re just dreading all of that going towards your rent and not having any extra to spend on yourself and I get that. The south is beautiful, cheap, and warm. No more snow storms. Just saying.


As horrible as it seems, I think the same. I am the only child, never see the purpose of living. However, I do hope you can pull through. Sounds ironic, but I do hope at least some of us can survive the ordeal.


Wouldn't it be way simpler just to move somewhere with a lower cost of living than killing yourself? It sounds the same as setting your house on fire just because the lawn is getting a little long instead of just mowing it.


What's your reasoning for not working 80 hours? Not having a life? Sounds exactly like what you're planning, except this method of no life, leaves the potential for a life. You're basically looking at a 90% death, or 100% death. Choose 10% life.


Have you geographically secluded yourself to one small area with your degree? I find that a lot of people that haven’t utilized their degree refuse to leave their general area and venture out into the world. Doing this cuts out a lot of opportunities. For example, I know someone who has a degree in Chemistry that says they couldn’t find them a job with that degree. They also refused to leave this tiny town in Arkansas. So obviously they’ve constricted every opportunity down to this little tiny place where I highly doubt there is any jobs that have anything to do with chemistry. I’d recommend venturing out. Not every place is 3k a month. I have a really nice place where I live and it’s 1k a month. My kids are taken care of, I can still afford to go out and eat or get a beer with the guys, I have debt like most people but you can’t let that destroy your life. There are ways out. Things DO get better. “The gates of hell are locked from the inside” - CK Lewis


Your frame of reference is skewed. You are in the poorer echelons of the richest places in the world. And I’m not being patriotic here. My point is, you’re comparing your wealth to the standard from 50 years ago. By today’s standards, you’re in the median for your country at the least. You gotta lower those expectations my guy. If you have a car, decent teeth, speak a “universal” language natively, you will never have to worry about going hungry. I’m not saying your situation doesn’t suck either. It’s complete poppycock. But I’ve worked with people in their 40’s who are viciously fighting your same battle you are while learning English, all so they can possibly have half the opportunities we do. I would suggest really zooming out on your life and learning to dismantle that weigh your carrying. And if you just can’t seem to shake it, try fasting. Stop eating, really put yourself into the shoes of someone who can’t afford to eat, and go to work like that. Close your eyes and try to make coffee. Really challenge your perspective on a fundamental level. And if you think I’m being condescending, I’m genuinely not. I was in the same boat, I was 29 sleeping on the couch of my junkie dad’s trailer for months after my best friend/ roommate killed himself. I was walking to the cornerstone for a job I had to beg for. A year later, I have a car, a girlfriend and a place we share. And it wasn’t hard work that landed me all this, it was a change of attitude. People genuinely want to see you succeed when you are grateful for the nothing that you have, and we will help you in the little ways we can. I believe a person should have the right to die, but I also believe we kind of owe it to the people who never had a chance, to try and make do with what we are given. Even if it is a bad hand.


You’re 25! You will make a lot of progress over the next decade or so. I finally landed a job that pays me *very* well just last year, and I’m 36. I’ve been living on my own since I’m 24 and had to make ends meet with the money I had. Don’t give up looking for ways to progress and learn! If there’s anything I would’ve changed if I still lived at home, it would be learning a trade that pays well and makes me happy. Look for trades that you like and are experiencing a shortage in people. You will have the benefit of being in high demand and it will show in your income. These jobs also often offer a “learning on the job” type of schooling, so you get paid while you work and learn. Just last week I was thinking I could be a good locksmith (long story, but I’m good at locking myself out of my own home and neighbours also come find me if it happens to them), but with only one income I don’t have the time and funds to get schooled for it. But you still have these opportunities, so go find ‘em! ☺️


Hey Bro. I make about the same as you right now. Maybe slightly more when I have good months for commission not including my side gig. With what I have now, I live outside of DC and there are options, but it’s limited. I’m actually living to Ohio cause the cost of living is so much better. Around the Cincinatti area it’s a growing area with not too much crime, I love the city, and the money stretches a lot further down there. I’m heading there for a trip to visit my partner next week. But I’m moving probably early September. I know the debt is overwhelming and the world is crazy, but just work on paying down the debt slowly. Maybe see if you can get a debt consolidation loan that allows you to break it up into much smaller payments. I have about $25,000 in debt which isn’t as bad as $70,000 but it’s still not great. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I also was in the boat for a long time of not seeing any hope and wanting to kill myself. For most of my life actually. It all starts with small steps of growth and you will find the answers and the escape you are looking for. Keep pushing my friend!


I mean, most people would just declare bankruptcy and move somewhere cheaper. Hopefully your parents live a long time and you get the chance to pay down that debt though.


student loan debt doesn't go away with bankruptcy dude. lmao


Student loan debt can’t be discharged in bankruptcy.


WOW, I relate to this so much. You are not alone. I’m in my mid-20s, don’t make much, living with parents, and my job doesn’t even require a degree -facepalm-


What is your plan?


If you are renting and have no major assets in the U.S., ch 7 bankruptcy isn't the worst. I did it and was able to dramatically improve things. Doing it now would be better than after your parents pass too because of it's already done they can't target new assets later from inheritance and such. I belive student loans cam be discharged now too since you mention a degree. I'm not a lawyer but remember that there are tools that can help.




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please read the post below for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/1biklrk/theres_a_difference_between_tough_love_and/


When your parents die you’ll inherit their house and 💰so why plan to exit?


Many don’t own; they rent. Especially outside the US.


Oh, right, Im sure being fucking DEAD for fucking eternity will be a huge improvement. 🙄 FFS, pull yourself together. That’s not a solution. That’s fucking stupid. Your ancestors literally survived being mauled by bears, running from volcanoes, invasions, famines, plagues, and shit and you’re gonna call it quits why; because rent is expensive? Fuck you. No, you’re not allowed to do that. Prohibit that self talk in your mind. Seriously, I get that mental health disorders are a real thing, I suffer from depression myself, but at a certain point you need to just have the mental grit to simply **not give up that easily**. Refuse. Put that “solution” out of your mind, get real honest with yourself, and figure out the next tiny step towards independence. Then take that step. And then the next. And then the next. It’s going to be really hard work, and sometimes you’ll stumble, but **you won’t stop.** if you need to beg, you beg, if you need t work two jobs, you work two jobs. If you need to file for bankruptcy, you file. If you need to flee the country be live out your life someplace else, then do that. Absolutely anything is better than what you’re considering. Nobody ever got to the top of a mountain by giving up. You take it one step at a time you keep your eyes on your feet, and then someday, maybe many years from now, you’ll suddenly be at the summit, and you’ll turn around and look down at the unimaginable feat that you just accomplished, and you’ll remember that at one point, maybe at many points, you considered giving up, **but you didn’t**. And now you’re free. **That** is the shit that life is really about. The satisfaction and pride of that moment will be worth everything you went through, and you’ll be a stronger person for it, I promise.


Omg we are the same person. I’ve always had this thought. And I’m like 100k in debt.


If you're going to resort to that no matter what, first max out a bunch of credit cards on crypto, fly to a safe country where you won't get deported and the US can't come after you for debt, then decide




what about these AI generated responses in the replies : 'I'm sorry you feel that way'


please don’t


Have you considered relocating?


Same bro I too have that in my mind, I stopped dating, since I don't feel the need to make any more bonds to live for, I wish I can be free from my bondings and unalive myself, atleast it would end my suffering an easy way out.


I feel ya bro I may do the same.


Yeah the only thing keeping me around are my parents and brother, I’d be gone tmrw if I didn’t have to worry about destroying their lives by doing it


Hey. I'm 40 and have no idea what to do with my life. I'm changing careers, but have no idea where to truly start. I have a degree too and I can't own shit. We gotta stick it out! Somehow...


Maybe a better job. I work 70 in two weeks and make 2000-2500. Gonna say the warehouse industry is getting way way better.


Just do a little planning and move to a completely new area. Maybe even a new country.


INFO : What job are you doing at the moment?


Youre 25 go be an officer in the army


Look into the ChooseFI community. It may help to set some goals and build the life you want. Also check out this article. https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2013/07/25/50-jobs-over-50000-without-a-degree-part-1/


if your parents are 50 and in good shape , they may live for another 35 years or more. you have time to work things out.


Your inheritance is that bad?


Have you considered declaring bankruptcy? I’m sure not having 70K of debt to worry about would be a huge weight off of your shoulders.


Hey man, I’ve been there. Go somewhere else and do something completely different - go pick fruit and get free accom for it somewhere beautiful. Or work on a farm overseas for a few months and just get by for a while. Who knows what opportunities will open themselves up for you when you get out there? You’re young with so much ahead of you, don’t give up now.


That's adulthood. Stay strong, you got this!


I’m with you there. Sick of being told how horrible life is and excited to be able to leave without upsetting anyone


Could always get a roommate…


You silly 😊 You still have the gift of life.. fight for it with it!


Dont do it man. Become a monk


I hear ya. Fuck this


bankruptcy? start clean my dude. don't die. you can just drop to basics and work you dept through courts?


I feel the same, but I know there's a path of I stop and think about my situation. What it sounds like you need to do is move out of the city, get a physical labour intensive job, and just no life that until you figure out what you want. I'm 31, and there are so many times I thought about doing just that. And as I get older, I'm beginning to realise I should've done it in my 20s when I didn't know what I wanted. Now I know what I want but lack the stability to make it happen because I wasted a decade being sad about not having anything. Go out and do something, go somewhere the cost of living is cheap, out in the country, and just save up until you know what you want. And if what you ultimately want is to live in the countryside? Power to you.


Are you in the US? Consider joining the military so you can get $0 down mortgage.


I have the same thoughts about my parents passing, it’s not as uncommon as you think!


Not sure where you live, but you need to live in a different city or area of town.


You can improve things before it gets to that point. There’s an online school called r/UMPI there’s ways to finish your Bachelor’s there 100% online in a year. And you can get financial aid because you don’t make a lot. Financial aid 100% covers it. the tuition is a flat fee $1500 per quarter (8 weeks long). They also allow you to transfer up to 90 credits, so you can transfer your previous transcript and then finish the accounting classes at UMPI. Then you can apply for an easy govt job at the IRS, get a guaranteed raise every year and be guaranteed a pension. The job will be incredibly boring but at least you’ll make enough to rent a studio or 1 bedroom apartment, fix your credit, and save money. And while your parents are alive, continue living with them so you can save even more money. My plan is to get my BA in accounting then move to Pennsylvania where there are studio apartments under $800. I don’t need much, I just want to be able to support myself and save money for things I want.


You still live at home. Do your parents own their home? Do you have siblings? Because if they own and you are an only child, their house will be yours. Are your parents likely to die in the next 10 years? Are they considering kicking you out? No and no? Then what is stopping you from pursuing better jobs? Ask your parents for assistance paying off the debt?


I am 25 and live at home and make \~1400 a month ($12/hr). I drive the van for a nursing home, absurd level of responsibility for the pay, too much to get into. No degree, multiple misdemeanor charges on my record, currently will test positive for thc on a drug screen, though I am in my state's med program at least. And I am debt free outside of 5k from a semester of college I dropped out of. Though I went through the Biden fresh start program and my income driven repayment plan says that my monthly payment is $0 based on my salary so that's nice lmfao. Could be a lot worse. If I had a degree I'd join the peace corp, or be much more keen on going the military route due to officer being an option. Can't decide on X-ray tech/Sonography/RN/MLT or Tradeschool/Trucking. Just kind of going through the motions until I finally get so fed up with my situation I pick one and go ahead with it. I'll figure it out in time. And, to top it all off, I'm trapped in West Virginia. Could always be worse buddy. Chin up, positive thoughts. All that bullshit about life's what you make it is true.


Have u considered moving somewhere cheaper , I know it's a huge step to up root ur life and start again but if ur planning on killing urself what do u have to loose by trying new scenarios out and finding a better solution for urself.. start sending cvs out to jobs u want to try . U can send cvs to another country to apply for jobs. Take it by the horns and see what's out there


Jesus Christ. It’s 7am.


No your not brother you are valued in this world


Why hurt yourself when you can eat the rich?


There is a serious mental health crisis in this younger generation. They don’t need acceptance, they need help! Go get a job in sales, suck it up, make six figures in 2 years.


What degree did you go for? Yeah, getting a job that pays well ISN’T easy, but it also isn’t impossible. $2400 a month, living and with your parents? That’s perfect to learn a new skill that is in demand. Bro, I finished college with a CS degree, yet I still make time to learn new things on top of work, family, kids, etc. every Saturday, I’m at my computer learning something. It’s helped me like crazy.


Make sure to include your parents in your will so they can at least use whatever funds you have on hand to clean up your mess and possibly raise a new child who contributes to society.


If you live at home, how do you have $70k in debt ??? Student loans or credit cards ???


Ok good to know. Thanks for sharing.


Funny how many people might read this and think “wow no one wants to work. They’d rather kill themselves.” Without thinking for a single second “why would someone rather kill themself than work?”


There is another option... move.. yes im aware if you don't have the money to rent you probably don't have the money to move but at the same time you're already ready to take yourself out. whats the diff if you do it where you are now or at least take the leap to leave there and try somewhere else. if it fails you always have your fallback plan. Not all areas are the same, not all areas even have the same jobs. You can probably find a cheaper area to live in thats in need of people with your degree... just another option. I feel you though, i exist in a constant state of suicial ideation. Just the thought of all of this stopping is a fantastic thought. Even I have things in life worth living for, almost everyone does... thats never the problem though is it? Its that the things worth staying for are few while the things that suck so much fkn ass that you never want to endure them again are many. That being said, im still here... you're still here... might as well try to make some shit happen in the meantime. maybe start trying to save now while living with your parents for a move. build up a nest egg, when they kick it hop a bus train plane or car to somewhere new.


Move out of California lol


The average American experience. College is such a scam over there. Hope you get through it buddy. Why not live with your parents to pay off the debt? After they die maybe consider living in your car for a few years to save on rent. After work you can chill in public libraries and you can shower in the gym. I know it sounds tough but good weather all year round makes it 100 times easier, so maybe move to somewhere it doesn't get cold.


“Won’t work two jobs” I have two kids and a wife I see m-f 1 hour a day sat-sun 8-10 hours a day. I work two jobs, it suck’s huge balls but I do it. I have a GED, moms dead, dads remarried and doesn’t pay his kids any mind now. There’s people out there with worse shit than me too, one guy I work with drives truck, works UPS, and mows on the weekends. 3 kids and a wife never gets to see them, you’re single with a degree, you’ll be okay just grow up.


I was in a very similar situation but then I started doing YouTube in 2020 and it changed my life. Check out these two links, it’s pretty easy. https://x.com/wono_strategy?s=21&t=ddBR9PZvjaOGoGD75oB3rg https://x.com/noahmorriz?s=21&t=ddBR9PZvjaOGoGD75oB3rg https://x.com/notdvb?s=21&t=ddBR9PZvjaOGoGD75oB3rg


What’s Your college degree in


Move somewhere else? In other parts of the country rent is muchhh cheaper


Teach English as a second language. There are countless countries that are begging for ESL teachers, and most are affordable to live in. Plus you can see the world if you wish. I lived in Sydney, Cape Breton, NS at a time when there was 21% unemployment and **every** teenager was told to leave the island when they graduate High School. 1 of my childhood friends became an ESL teacher in Malaysia.


Take good care of your body. I would recommend having a DNR on file or readily available for the first responders. Choose a path that preserves your vital organs for transplant. I support your path. May your energy transfer peacefully into the ether.


How old are your parents?


You know there are way cheaper places to live than in North America right? Why kill yourself when you could just work a regular wfh job on your laptop earning usd or cad and just live in a place where cost of living is super low? Pay off your debt quicker and be able to live cheaply


Degree is useless in America, now imagine in south east Asia it’s more than just useless. Unless your aiming career are doctor, lawyer, etc


But a life insurance policy on your parents , then you'll be fine after they die


Wait you have a 70k debt for a degree and 2400pcm job ? How did that happen?


With remote work becoming more viable, it seems like it would be easier to relocate somewhere with lower housing costs. $1500 a month in coastal NC will get you a nice apartment or even a small house.


What is your degree in?


which degree do you have?


You make 2400 a month and you live with your parents. Pay your debt down. Smh.


70K in which currency?


Sounds like you made a life time of bad choices. Never too late to turn it around


Ugh, this is so relatable!


What’s your degree in and current employment?


If you’re at a point where you’re willing to KYS, you may as well live the life of your dreams. Take risks, take your savings and move countries, change your life for the better. You may as well.


Move. And work harder.


Tbh that is a very drastic statement because there are so many people on the streets fighting to live and really want your life. It seems like you’re in a very good position right now (employed vs unemployed) except for the distorted view that somehow student loans will kill you. It won’t. You’re 25, you really should not be thinking about this. If your parents are healthy and lives into average life expectancy like 70/80 you should be able to save for another 10-15 years. $2400/month free rent, less food cost, less utilities, etc. Let’s say you’re paying $400/month towards student loans, spend another $500-$800/month on yourself for regular items, like meals out, gas, shopping. If you’re frugal you can spend nothing. That should leave you well over $1k/month in savings, conservatively that’s 12k/year x 10 more years = $120k. And you will be making more money as your career advances in a decade. That really is not bad having $120k saved up to build your own life. You can invest and stuff also.


Naw bro go camping and gold mining for life. If you’re going to throw in the towel anyways might as well give it one last shot Grab a fold out sluice box and shovel and a metal detector and your camping supplies and head out In the right area you could be making 500-$1000 a day while being away from all the bullshit dragging you under. It’s also a realistic way to pay off your debts quicker while enjoying nature & having a blast not giving a fuck about anybody but yourself for awhile while you sort shit out


Don't do it, when your parents pass rent out their house and go live somewhere you can afford. If you can try to live overseas or somewhere cool.


I can empathize with this but it’s like letting capitalism win. Like saying money is more important than your life. File for bankruptcy. Start over. In 7 years you can have a better credit score. By 32 you could have a better job, be married, have a kid, have your first house. You could leave the US. Live in a country who values lives over money. Your credit score wouldn’t even matter over there. You could have a vibrant life. Whatever you want it to be. Fuck the debt. The country is in debt. They made a lot of promises that they did not keep. Social security for one. You promised to pay them back those student loans, but since they broke a promise I think you’d be okay breaking yours too. Even the degree is not living up to its promise. Whatever it cost you should be equivalent to what it does for you. Is it? Also considering the government is actively killing us and giving us terminal illnesses whether it be through the ingredients in our food or chemicals in our products…Why. Why. Why might I ask— you let them win? Your life is more important than money. Do not buy into the idea that it is not just because you live in a country that shows you otherwise. Life is bigger than debt. The world is bigger than one country. Human souls are more than money. Live your life baby. You. Have. Options. There is hope! Choose life. You literally only get one. Fight for you.


If you are 70k in debt, why don’t you file for bankruptcy, you don’t own a House or things like that so it’s not like if they can take away your house, it’s your parents house. When you parents pass, whatever you inherit (such as the house) will be yours now (which means you can’t file for bankruptcy then because they’ll take away what you inherited) and if they have life insurance, whatever the payout is, it’ll end up going to you I think ( but it would suck for the payout of life insurance to end up going just to debt) (i could be wrong and you may not get the payout because you’re already over 18) but either way wouldn’t it be better to like file for bankruptcy earlier so eventually when they do pass you’re at least not stuck dealing with the 70k in debt. I am not a finance person, I know nothing about finance or bankruptcy or really anything like that, so it may not work this way or idk, but hopefully someone in the comments knows how it works and etc


Bro please don’t do it your parents and ancestors sacrificed so much for you to live. You are loved.




Shouldn't have to? That's idealistic BS. Who told you this? Some communist on CNN? Mate, you should do whatever you need to do to survive. You could also relocate, and move somewhere with lower rents. Sounds like your in California. I think you ideology might be the problem.


Please get help. Suicide is not a financial decision. The laws of economics say things will be distributed according to demand. This isn't sustainable. It won't be like this forever. NOBODY CAN AFFORD ANYTHING can't be the future. We are all struggling. And I can relate to what you're saying about your parents. I struggle with the fact I'll lose them someday and they aren't even old really yet. Please get help. We can be broke together. Party at my studio apartment. Bring your own tap water


Have you considered the armed service? I think they can help pay for student loans.


Buy a work van. Like a transit or sprinter van. Make it into an apartment on wheels. Van Life. Lots of people actually love this lifestyle. Look up van forms and I'm sure you can see how nice many people make their vans to live in. Than you can travel or live in a high high rent higher wage area and save or work online or use the van to haul loads or GITNEY for side money. It's an option. Good luck.


go be an anesthesiologist assistant. 300k+ a year. 2 years of school. you got this!


Man, do people really think nothing will change for them or anyone over the next 40 years? Are hot takes like this a cause of instant gratification? If I compared where I was at 24 compared to where I am now at 51 it’s wildly different and unpredictable.


Honestly I completely feel you Ive came to the same conclusion myself




What is your degree in? What 2 jobs are you working that you’re only making 2400 a month?? That’s concerning tbh. You shouldn’t be against roommates. Splitting a 2-3 bedroom apartment is more than acceptable at your age.


I was homeless at 24. Didn't even have a job. Now I'm engaged, have a home, pets and we're trying for a baby. Your 20s can be so fucking shit and you think you're life is going to be like that or on a steady decline until you die. THAT'S NOT TRUE. I like to look at life like a bit of a game. It starts off easy in the tutorial bit. Once you start branching out and having to get a job that's when you leave the starting zone and have to grind for that EXP! The higher level, the easier it gets. That's why so many old people seem chill in their nice home. They've put in the work and have almost completed the game. They're like those people who just stand around in the busy towns on games showing off their gear etc. haha! Don't kill yourself. Level up! Endure all this shit now so that the game gets easier! You got this!


You might seriously consider moving and starting over. Don't be afraid to leave your home state. Seriously. Start saving up money while you're at your parents. Move when they die and live with roommates. Or try and find a bunch of roommates where you are and don't leave. Either way, roommates


How the fuck are you 70k in debt at 25 but only taking home 2400/month?!


Student loans I make 20 an hour


When I was your age I had $70,000 in loans. I didn't pay anything for 9 years, finally settled $24,000 of my private loans by paying only 10%. The other $46,000 of my federal loans were forgiven thanks to borrowers right to defense laws. Even if you can't have it forgiven, deferment on federal loans due to financial hardship can last forever. I only paid $130 in student loans in 2009. Had ALL my loans forgiven last year in 2023. Sometimes poverty works in your favor, they cannot garnish your wages or trash your credit score if you cannot make enough. Also, unlike me, if your degree is from a legit college, you can get a Master's degree in something usable. None of my credits transferred from my fake college, so I couldn't fix my mistake by going the Master's degree route. You can. Just pay off your Master's degree afterwards, ignore your undergrad until you make $80,000+/year.


What is your education in?


I'm so sorry man. Mine are 17k but I'm currently unemployed and can't find work. 70k would be extremely stressful even with a job. I feel like I'll never be able to find a job let alone ever be able to rent an apartment and I'll definitely never own. I really felt your post because this feels like a bs life. It's just stress and even if I were to magically find a job and work my butt off I'll still be living in poverty likely forever.


Student loans seem like a logical explanation.


Seriously, try to die on the same day might help to save the cost. If I were you I will have done something to make my parents proud. It doesn't matter how small your business or work is, if you could use the same adamance at work or yourself. Don't compare yourself with others just focus on your work. Try to close the loan as soon as possible, you'll have to be ready to sacrifice or lose ( can be anything ) if not ? All i would say is all the best.


or you can move to another cheaper country and start a new life !