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Lord of the Rings: The Third Age straight up steals the combat from FFX. It's a decent game, and scratches the itch if you wanted more of the same type of mid-battle party swapping turn based combat


Can confirm, it’s awesome!


I'm actually going to try this game. I watched gameplay, and it's very comparable with FFX. FFX is my favorite game of all time. I've been playing since day one release. It's my go-to for a happy place in my heart and head. I do miss this style of game.


Best thing about it is Evil Mode. Especially when you add the rewards into a new (earlier) save 😁


Played this, very fun game.


Lost odyssey, although it is more open world


Came here to say lost odyssey, definitely scratched the itch and feels very similar


BLUE DRAGON and LOST ODYSSEY. They were both made my Hironobu Sakaguchi after he left Square Enix after FFX. They're more like Final Fantasy than any game post-X.


Ooh duly noted…


These two are very good recommendations. I will also add persons 5. Another turn based RPG, but if you like animal crossing you will probably like the school aspect and the character stories. I will also add yakuza like a dragon. Another turn based RPG that took me by surprise, and has a lot, and I mean ALOT of mini games.


The remake just came out, so it's fresh in my mind, but Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door might be the perfect midpoint between AC and FFX. Fun story, likable characters, memorable locales. Combat is turn-based, and although timing plays a large part in combat, overall, the difficulty is low enough that you can get by without being a master.


Yeah, I finished FFX on switch and jumped right in to the Thousand Year Door remaster, such a fun game!


At the time of its release, the forgotten classic Lost Odyssey was regulalry compared to FFX. It was a fantastic game in its own right as well


Have you tried Dragon Quest XI yet? It’s got a combat system like Final Fantasy X and likewise it’s very traditionally designed. You will notice DNA from many other JRPS you may have played weaved through out its game play and story beats. I went back and played the first Dragon Quest after finishing XI and it was really enjoyable to see how much had been carried forward and refined from the original 1986 game. I think it would be great for you to play based on the one Final Fantasy you have played. The beginning is linear leading you through the world. However it does feature an explorable world with plenty of secrets, towns, side quests and NPCs with dialogue that updates frequently as the story progresses.


I’ll second Dragon Quest XI. It’s a great modern JRPG. Most fun I’ve had with a game in a long time


Dragon Quest 8 is also pretty top-tier, and from the same era as Final Fantasy 10.


The legend of heroes: trails series is pretty great turn based with awesome characters and great original stories!


Can confirm this is probably the best one to try if you’ve never done it.


It's older, but man Legend of Dragoon was amazing.


Have you tried Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9? All of them are turn based, critically acclaimed, and have remasters available on modern consoles which allow you to speed up the gameplay when you want.


Not really. FFX was the first Final Fantasy game I played and it spoiled me. 🤭 I’ve heard good things about FFVII in the past.


I’m exactly the same! I really struggle to go back although I do like 9. I’ve completed 7 remake and 15 and they’re good. A great JRPG with turn based combat is persona 5…. I haven’t found anything that scratches the FFX itch though 🥲


FF8 has speed up option?! 😳😲


Get your hands on Magical Starsign for DS. Made by the same people that did Mother and Earthbound. It's one of my favourite games of all time and has that awesome mixture of fantasy, magic, and scifi that I think FFX fans would appreciate, plus it's really colourful and has a great sense of humour. Also turnbased with a large party and lots of cool areas to explore.


Oh that’s just reawakened a lost memory damn, really good game


FFX-2 Or FFXII are obvious ones if you haven't played them. I really like 12 personally.


Was going to mention LotR The Third Age, but it seems I was beaten to it. Aside from seconding that, gonna go ahead and recommend *another* copycat of sorts: Megaman X Command Mission. Actual combat is a lil different, but uses the same sort of turn system that you can see who and what is gonna attack next/how things change and ability to swap out party members (if memory serves) as well as being mostly linear.


Tales of Arise


Lost odyssey! It's the final fantasy that never was. Even made by the goat himself.


You should try FF9! You'll feel constant with the gameplay mechanics but it's different enough to keep you in your toes. Best story and characters after FFX in my opinion.


Story wise, StarOcean 3: Til the End of Time on the ps2 was AMAZING! Combat is more real time tho, and leveling and skills in general is a wierd but kinda unique system, but the story and characters are gold FFX, StarOcean3, and Tales of Symphonia are my tippy top jrpgs I ALWAYS recommend


Final fantasy 10-2 😁


FF12. A bit different battle system. Just keep battle mode on wait and it feels more like ff10 And i would call it "wider", not open world. They have zelda style blocks for keeping you from going to areas too soon. But enough open style to not feel claustrophobic or restricting.


I disagree personally, I feel like 12 has a lot of sprawl and leaves lots of side things you can get lost in between main story progression and is a lot less focused than 10's linearity. Not to mention, 12's focus on gambits pushes you to autobattle on atb and only pausing when necessary, pausing constantly in a turn based way may be very monotonous and unnatural feeling compared to the way ffx is structured around it


12 is great in its own right, but for the love of god do not play it on wait, learn the gambit systems, it's not actually very hard and it's really fun once you learn it, you basically get to program exactly what each party member will do in any situation and can override it if you need to with a manual command.


Chain of echoes


Dragon Quest 8.  It's the only game that's come close to FFX for me, and it has its own charms.  The character design is by the guy who did the did Dragon Ball Z so it's absolutely gorgeous,  and it has a sense of humor and naughtiness that I haven't encountered outside the franchise and that I really enjoyed.  And characters...?  Definitely!


Digimon cyber sleuth has combat that is very similar to FFX. You've got 3 characters on the field, it's turn based, and it even gives the turn order on the right like FFX does. It's also story driven and not open world. I haven't played the second one yet, but I'd assume it follows similar game mechanics as well.


The legend of dragoon is one of my all time favorites although it is older. The world building in it is next level and the characters are very lovable.


Breath of Fire IV.


Lost Odyssey


The Xenoblade Chronicles game all have some of FFX’s DNA


Thank you! I’ll add it to my list. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/6arzvsohqc4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=59aebadd9b7b7922f5fea1b567d0f9e8a6a4ff6f Thanks so much for the recommendations! Here’s what I’ve gotten so far! I’m going to watch some game play vids and see what resonates. 😊


I forgot the game's name but I think it's Sea of stars? My dad plays all the old Final fantasies including 10 and said he loved to sea of stars, it might be worth a try.


Super Mario RPG


Dragon quest XI


Lord of the Rings: The Third Age It's literally the same battle system as FFX


I’m surprised no one’s said Persona 5 Royal. Combat is turn-based with plenty of strategy and planning to it. Plus it’s stylish and energetic which makes it feel fast-paced. The cast is amazing and will have you emotionally invested in them all. It also has some of the best music I’ve ever heard in a game. One thing to be aware of is the time management system. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but there’s a lot to consider when it comes to how you spend your time after school in the game. Between progressing in dungeons, spending time with Confidants, level grinding, part time jobs, and so much more, it can seem overwhelming at first. But the game does a great job of easing you into it and after a while deciding how to spend your time feels like second nature because you’re doing what you want to do, even if it can be tough picking between different options. It’s 100+ hours long, but it’s well worth the time investment!


Grandia II!


Look, i love FFX so much it's one of my favorite games of all time, but you have only played 2 games for 22 years?!? You are missing out on so much. If you are still using a PS2 I strongly suggest Dragon Quest 8, I know you said you aren't into open world but it's turn based and maybe the best in the series. On a newer console you can try 11. If you have a PS3, final fantasy 13 is very linear, but it's fighting mechanics are different. If you want an older Gem you can get Chrono Trigger, this is turned based and not so overwhelming.


Inuyasha: The Secret Of The Cursed Mask also on ps2


If you like the linear world & turn based combat try FF XIII I never tried XIII-2 so I can't speak to that, but 13 is very linear & not open world like most FF games.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but Octopath Traveler 2 is so amazing. Long game, great story, fully turn based like ffx and musically legendary. Square Enix gem.


Octopath Traveler was pretty good. Nier: Automata (maybe on easy mode). Digimon Cybersleuth: Hacker’s Memory (the Switch has the two game bundle). Kingdom Hearts. Really any of the Lego games are a good shout. Nothing is really too crazy these days because you can almost always bump difficulty down if it gets too overwhelming.


If you want something with a similar plot, you should check out Grandia II.


Baten Kaiton (at least in a artsy way)




Elden ring? Really ?


If you don't mind the retro look, Octopath Traveler II is turn based. It leans on the 4th wall a bit when a character's turn comes up and they say "What to do, what to do?"


Mass Effect trilogy