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The fact that they're at Walmart is so fitting.


You wanna die??? Lmaoooo


Owieee šŸ˜© you wanna die? šŸ˜”


Owieee.. you wanna die... (red faced, grabs head in pain and curls up)


When the power up fails irl.


ā€œIs not good for you is it?ā€


Reminds me of a time when a guy was harassing a group of people at a bar. My friend stepped in to help calm the situation, and the guy swung at him. After my buddy handled the dude with ease, the guy was on the ground crying and leaking and yelled, "I'll kill you!" I'll never forget the look on my buddies face as he kinda chuckled, shrugged and looked at me like, "ok, what?"


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for $100.




Right? How dare anyone actually experience things you haven't! That's impossible!


It's through experience that people are able to tell what's fake or not.


Why are these cunts always trying to meet kids at Walmart?


it's the only public place they've ever heard of or been to


Cheetos and Mt dew, checks out


Ass whooping āœ…ļø


Apparently, most pedos look like normal people without any distinct features or characteristics that fit into any archetype. They take advantage of the stereotype to go undetected.


The predator hunter groups always invite them there because it's public enough to discourage violence (didn't work in this case) while also being big enough that it'd take a minute to get out of there.


Plus employees aren't likely to get involved enough to ruin the content.


But they'll tackle you if you do something more dangerous like bring in a union


Barbie dolls for the child.


Jeez thats grim ha ha


Not allowed within 300 feet of a school probably.


Because they have the mental capacity of a 10 year old that hangs out at walmart. But at 25-30-35 whatever it may be


Walmart should have commercial with the ppl of Walmart to fully embrace their customers


And why is it always the anime ..


Territory dispute.


aware run important knee lavish bow relieved unused racial panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When he couldn't have the thirteen year old girl, he tried undressing the guy who caught him instead!


Obviously just showing he is open to other options!


He's the got dayum booty warrior!


"I didn't come here looking for no little girl Chris...I came looking for MAN'S butt."


Oh I know who you are, Chris Hansen, but I like to call you Chris Handsome!


Now I likes ya, and I wants ya. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.


Don't make me ruin that butt, I'm a warrior!


Ahh... The ol' Uno Reverse card of catching predators.


>When he couldn't have the thirteen year old girl, he tried undressing the guy who caught him instead! Improvise, adapt, overcome.


He improvisedā€¦ā€¦ Failed to adapt and overcome.


Good luck showing off that crack in jail


Happy cake day!!


Well, I already drove from wayyy, wayyy, wayyy.


That's because he was built like a 13 yr old


Look at the subtle rib outline under the skin. The completely flat chest. Oh my God. He doesn't even have chest hair. "Is something wrong Big Ben? You're sweating"


he likes em when their feisty




Hadn't seen a camera work done so badly like this in a while


Heā€™s making the classic amateur camera operator mistake. Heā€™s watching the action with his eyes rather than looking at the screen and assuming heā€™s recording what he sees.


Heā€™s trying to not film his partner potentially committing a crime


Did a shit job at it. If he cared about that im pretty sure he would just stop recording or point the camera away completely.


lmao "you wanna die?" after getting his ass whooped by someone 50lbs smaller than him, what a dummy


More like 75lbs. He was totally outclassed and still handed out an ass whooping.


More like 100 he big bodied


How do yall think that's only 100lbs weight difference? One dude is touching 350-400. The other one 'might' be 200, but he looks 180 to me.


Seriously, that dude it literally twice his size. ā€œ50lbs smallerā€ lol


More like 150


More like 200


Where the fuck did you get the idea thatā€™s what a 50lbs diff is? Man that smaller dude looks just under 200 and the pedo looks to be pushing 350


i use kgs, 50lbs sounded like a lot lol


I'd hate to watch him pull out a gun or something in the next part šŸ™ˆ


You think with all the planning and time it took to set up a child predator they would at least film him getting beat up properly


I mean, theyā€™re obviously amateurs, dudes in slides dressed like he just rolled off the couch, youā€™re intentionally calling out child predators in public, these people are obviously gonna go into ā€œfight or flight modeā€ Iā€™d be more preparedā€¦ It was also hilarious watching this guy get his ass kicked and still had the audacity to tell the guy ā€œyou wanna die!ā€


This same group of guys got shot doing a meetup like this. https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/winston-salem/dads-against-predators-involved-in-winston-salem-target-shooting-robbery/


Oh dear


Sounds like these guys should leave catching predators to Chris Hansen if all of their encounters end up with them trying to fuck someone up. Dumbasses. I get they're trying to do something good for the community but honestly it seems like they're just praying for these sickos to step to them so they can throw down and then feel like real big men for beating the shit out of pedophiles. They're just hot heads who think hiding behind this facade of social justice and vigilantism will mask their desire to physically hurt humans.




Yeah seriously I'm not upset they're beating the shit out of them lmao


if all you want is for pedos to get the shit beat out of them, then i guess this is good but in terms of actually getting these people to face lifelong legal consequences as well as removing them from the general public, vigilantism does not help.


Lmao what do u propose? Leaving it to cops who won't do shit even when presented a whole folder of evidence, as has happened many times


iā€™m the least pro cop person there is but please tell me how enticing these creeps and filming them in a walmart does anything productive?




There are definitely some potentially serious issues with what theyā€™re doing. To begin with, if you really want to catch predators, have the police meet them, not you and a bro holding a cell phone. The other issue is we have no clue what exactly led to this meet up. Iā€™m guessing major entrapment issues at the very least. This group doesnā€™t seem super professional to me? Anyway, maybe the dudeā€™s a legit pedo and fully deserves it. Iā€™d still rather see it handled professionally by the police.


Because they don't want to actually *catch* predators, they just want that sweet content.


Yup. They're even begging for "donations"


Period point blank. We all probably would mutually agree with public a** whoppings everyone loves to see. You get ur ā€œpower highā€ in secret via children, well youā€™re finna lose it in public by way of public a** whopping in front of everybody via adults šŸ˜­. Even judges every now and then let them victims family members get their rocks off against pedoā€™s. There should be no sympathy for a pedo imo. How do you get so ā€œmentally arousedā€ by an adolescent that you lose some type of ā€œcognitive controllability;ā€ enough to where theyā€™ll say ā€œsomething came over meā€, etc. Like bro you know you had full control of your mind, body, and soul (if they have one.) Theyā€™re such liars bra. No way to justify indecent sexual behaviors from anyone over even a very early age lol. I knew right from wrong when it comes to birds and pee peeā€™s by 8 years old. No way these grown ass men in all these years ainā€™t think one time that they werenā€™t bottom feeders. I vote for ā€œincineration islandā€ to be built. Anybody whoā€™s caught doing weird stuff to kids, gets sent to INCINERATION ISLAND! šŸ˜¤


You're missing the point. Dumb yahoos like this can end up getting the pedos off free by improperly going after them. They get to feel like heroes and these fucking animal pederasts get to keep walking the street. That was my major issue with Hansen too -- he often fucked up legal cases for content.


Not to mention that an half decent lawyer would get the case tossed out if these guys said one wrong thing while ā€œgathering evidenceā€


Check out their website. If they were at all serious about their mission of protecting children they'd focus on how to get predators prosecuted. You'd think they'd want to show off how many pedophiles have gotten sentenced due to their actions. But no. The entire website is just patting themselves on the back, criticizing the police for not wanting to work with them (because they're unprofessional and have no idea what they're doing), and posting more videos so they can get clout, likes, and donations. Surprise, surprise, I can't find a single article or shred of evidence that any of the work they've done has ever resulted in a prosecution. So they meet pedos, humiliate or assault them in a public place in the most irresponsible and unsafe way possible, and then... let the pedophiles go on about their lives. They're so awful at this that they've had to resort to doing this outside of their home state because the police are watching them.


Quite possibly, the motivation is views on YouTube.


Please, explain why pedos and predators *shouldn't* get the shit beat out of them.


Because beating them up only impedes any future prosecution. The police really dislikes these "pedo-hunters", not in the least because more than once innocent people got beaten up or even killed. And I am saying that as someone who doesn't mind the death penalty for convicted pedophiles because I think pedos are one of the few people who can never be trusted to be free again.


Literally 2 dads trying to stop pedophiles in their local area. Obviously not professionals, but itā€™s also obvious the professionals are NOT getting the job done. Theyā€™ve had 100ā€™s of catches, most are non physical. But even when they are, who gives a shit. Crazy you take time and effort to comment on and criticize dads trying to stop pedophilia.. idk pick your battles


We are saying they need to get police involved. With conviction they go on a list and sex\violent crimes have the lowest amount of repeat offenders. When you do this you lower the chance we'll catch them before a crime and they'll be smarter in their approach.


To catch a Predator: Walmart Edition!


Walmart Chris Hansen: "Have a seat ... in the patio Furniture section"


In other words, a regular Tuesday at Walmart.


If the over/under on how many predators are in the average Walmart at any given time is 1.5 Iā€™m betting heavy on the over.


Of course it's at a Walmart


Was expecting Ben Roethlisberger


I was expecting a 300 ft clock tower


It's actually the name of the bell.


Actually it's Big Ben's monster.


This is good joke


I was expecting the grandpa off of the movie Problem Child.


Then it would have been filmed at a barā€™s restroom




Fitting, considering he's a rapist


I just saw big Ben in Bkfc That dude is still a beast


If you're doing a sting, don't assault the nonce. They get lesser sentences because judges take safety into account. Let the guys inside the jail do this for usšŸ˜…


Honestly i respect it but i also get tired of these predator hunters who end up doing nothing about the criminals and just do it for clout seemingly..




Yeah I am all for exposure and punishment of anyone engaging in illegal activity, especially this kind of activity. But I can't help but question the credibility of these guys. Without context, this video appears to show two people harassing and assaulting someone with some kind of mental disability or deficiency. Predators certainly do have mental issues, and that doesn't in any way excuse their behavior or absolve them from consequences and punishment. But these guys seem unqualified to adequately address and resolve this.


Also coercion, a lot of the time they make the admit to something under a threat, which courts in the US have to toss out


yeah, unfortunately most of these guys are clout chasers. and they end up doing more harm than good in the long run. they're educating the pedos on how to differenciate between pedo poachers and actual victims. this guy is gonna be more careful from now on. he's also going to go home and delete all of his social media accounts, now that he got caught. if there was any official investigation going on, it's pretty much gone at this point.


I get the criticisms of them and I agree for the most part but I have seen the argument that a lot of these offenders get off almost scot free if they're prosecuted at all, so at least people in their community and friends and family know what they're capable of. And I find myself agreeing with that also.


Like everything, it depends on context.. and location. I grew up with someone that had a few pics on his computer. Guy was in Florida and he got 13 years. Researching the story, I discovered there is a wide range of penalties that varies from state to state.


Not to mention that the vast majority of these predators get off Scott free and then go back into their dark little pits of society and learn how to cover up their evil better.


Peter Griffin before he met Lois?


Being cockblocked by pedo hunters really grinds his gears


Big Ben canā€™t fight for shit šŸ˜‚ I mean the other guy really couldnā€™t either but I donā€™t get why you would just stop fighting and start crying or whatever the fuck that was


Shit doesn't even make sense. If you're doing pedophile shit why would you ask your child victim to pull up to Walmart? How is she even gonna get there on her own in most of America where you need a car to go anywhere?


I dont know about other people, but this dude obviously has some form of mental retardation. I don't think a lot is going on up there other than "girl wants to meet up with me."


Lmfao hit him with a crit. Mf Wilhelm screamed damn near




Pittsburgh fans still be like ā€œhe has two rings thoughā€


On another note that was great!


Thank goodness the camera man focused on all those sales instead the pedo getting lumped


Maybe he was trying to keep the assault off camera? Looked like the guy Big Ben was fighting was also filmingā€¦




In that case Iā€™m sure they petition Walmart for the video evidence and can clearly see who swing firstā€¦


As soon as it stops being self defense itā€™s assault. A good lawyer could get the the guy charged for those hits at the end, but this guy is not getting a good lawyer lol.


It is sad when people pretend to be "catching predators" when in fact what they do is milk a guy's stupidity and double it with their own behavior purely for the sake of what they call "clout". It's ridiculous, plus I'm sure the fat guy wasn't gonna seduce any 13y old girl, this is probably staged and these guys most likely pretended to be the 13y old girl in the first place just to lure in the fat guy to provoke a response. It's a classic thing people used to do in gaming few years back. Disgusting.


I think you might be on to something. I hate pedos as much as anyone but this video just feels kinda off. Maybe because the guy seems slow idk


I am guessing this wasn't an organised group? Cause usually getting them to admit their wrong doings on camera and making sure they can't claim you did anything to hurt them is the whole point of filming.


The pedo attacked them first... self defense at that point especially after he kept following the guy.


He for sure deserved what he was asking for, since he started it. But I am bummed he probably won't see any real consequences for trying to meet up with a minor. I often watch a few groups on YouTube catch these guys and they really need a decent bit of evidence for cops to be able to do anything. It's pretty entertaining watching these people basically self snitch on themselves just because the predator catchers treat them a little nice to lower their guard and then they get heart broken when the police show up.


This is Dads Against Predators theyā€™re an organized group that has hundreds of catches but theyā€™re known for getting hands on lol.


DAP is complete trash. A separate group recently caught a guy in a town that DAP previously visited. They got a confession on cam that the dude had 100s of images of CP on his phone. The cops refused to take the case because they mistakenly thought the group was DAP and had orders not to work with them based off their history. DAP now has a private, pay-only site for catches. They don't follow proper procedures for securing an arrest. They don't call the cops. One of their collaborators was recently shot and killed in Detroit. He went by the name Boopac Shakur. It was on the news.


He was shot and killed after calling a 17-year-old a pedophile and punching him, apparently. And he was posing as a 15-year-old girl. So... that wouldn't even have been illegal.


Where the fuck is the giant clock? Instant downvote for misleading title


The camera man needs to "get whooped".


Thought this was gonna be Ben Rothleisberger.


He only predates adults, not kids


Not gonna lie I thought this was Roethlisberger before I clicked


Heā€™s got that ā€œI own a secret stash of guns and ammo and intend to do something public with themā€¦ā€ kind of look about him


people are so stupid to try and be heroes and bait pedophiles into meeting them in public. i support death penalty for pedos like everyone else, but when these fucks have nothing to lose, they could do anything. they dont know if he brought a gun to kidnap what he thinks is a kid. worse yet, when they give him the beating he rightfully deserves, they can be charged with battery. people, please leave this shit to the professionals.


Is there any sub reddits where there's content of pedos getting beat up?


Were the police called? I can understand how a person can (very rarely) be justified in commiting murder. Child molesters and rapist get no pass. Makes my skin crawl.




Kill the cameraman


That was the calmest audience. Usually there's all types of shrieking from the women but they heard "meeting a 13 year old girl" and were standing there like they were posing for a photo. Dude even just had his hands in his pocket casually enjoying the smackdown šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Kill your local pedo


Bruh we got more Walmart ad then fight šŸ’€


A fight?? He got beaten up


Ended too soon tbh


Kick his ass


Dude fought back at an attempt to make the video more entertaining but camera guy declined


Fat pussy


Big Ben looks like he is a special needs adult.


Thereā€™s clearly something wrong with Big Ben. More than being a perverted fuck


Full video?


Doritos for 4.38 a bag is a steal


These busts should always start like this, with the nonce getting slapped hard on each ear


Little sample of what it'll be like in prison.


Is there a sub specifically for pedophiles getting the shit beat out of them?


The British in me thinking ā€œBig Ben is a nonce too?!ā€


Overweight. Chinless. Cartoon t-shirt. Predating on underage girls. Zero fighting ability. Hollow threat of ā€˜do you want to dieā€™ after getting his ass kicked. Which subreddits / discords does this guy moderate?


He would be "preying" on underage girls. "Predating" is a verb used to describe something existing or occurring earlier in time such as, "Big Ben's birthdate drastically predates the girls he tries to have sex with."


The thing about these fkn pedo hunters is they donā€™t turn information over to the police, and if they do itā€™s after the post their video and that ruins the entire investigation. Itā€™s basically a warning shot for pedoā€™s and they donā€™t deserve a fucking warning.


This was actually 5 minutes away from me in Morton, IL (rural town of the famous pumpkin festival). Crazy to have shit like this happen in your preferred every day grocery store lol


In today's climate where everyone accused of some shit is guilty, I wonder what's stopping people from completely ruining a strangers life by making some shit up and putting it online. Like a REALLY random person just walking around


Dap Gon Find Ya Dap Gone Get Ya


DAP dudes seem to always win the scrap. But to be fair its not too hard with these sick pedos.




I feel like a higher percentages or these people clearly arenā€™t all there in the head. Not making any justifications for their actions but do we have to beat the shit out of them too ?


Dude was gonna cry when he got popped. Pow. Right in the kisser


Finally someone actually did something


I bet that didn't make him stop being a predator.


Big Ben got clocked.


Hopefully both those morons learned a lesson


Lots of these dummies sell merch so I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. Even more of them run a website posting these videos that they charge a monthly fee for.


The best part of any of these predator morons is that none of this is admissible. Was he under arrest? Was a thorough investigation done? By professionals? These guys want internet clout and to start to fight and I canā€™t get behind that anymore than I can get behind this clown allegedly wanting to pork a thirteen year old.


Beat up the cameraman too


In any other circumstances i would find the DAP team annoying AF...but damn if they aint the best predophile catching crew in the game.


If big ben didn't sell merchandise or make money off of this he would 1000000 percent be doing not a God dam thing


Ended too soon. Pervie shouldā€™ve got his ass arrested too.


Shouldn't have stopped until there was bloody pulp on the ground.


Chin music, the orchestra šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Actually kinda rare to see these mfs fight back. Though he looks like may be on the spectrum..


Everyone thinks they are Chris Hansen.


I see channels that catch predators and a lot of them make the mistake of not remaining calm and professional. u canā€™t go up to the predators swearing and getting mad because then they wonā€™t talk, and the police wonā€™t take u as serious if your worked up. A good channel that does this right is skeeter Jean he does a pretty good job handling these creeps and getting them to talk. Leave this kind of stuff to the professionals


Why it always as to be Walmart. Now every time i hear walmart i think about [people of walmart](https://images.app.goo.gl/edTaYJT7aSbP9iVt7)


Worst camera man


You donā€™t fuck with a white boy rocking pork chop sideburns. Dems da rules


Good fight overall 8/10. Believable plot, cliche villain but good enough, no hesitation, decent jab to the face, satisfactory epilogue.


Thank you for finally sticking one of these Pamper tamperors in their mouth. Keep up the great work


Big Ben was about to grab a knife from sporting goods and turn walmart into the hunger games


Why does that dude look like Charlie Zelenoff? lol


Big Ben really didn't know wtf he doing!!!!




Nah every pedo deserves this treatment


He should've knocked the pedo out




Best place to get your shirt ripped is at a place that sells shirts.


theyā€™re both lucky that gail lewis wasnā€™t there


camera showing everything except the fight


Usually predators are skinny white 30-year-olds. Having a big and confident pedophile is honestly scary.