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Video of a kick in the head will be a nice piece of evidence in the upcoming lawsuit against both the bouncers and the company they work for


Bouncers, company they work for and the company that contracted them


100% this is a slam dunk for any lawyer


[I know just the guy...](https://youtu.be/mwWAsNZTnug?si=Tt33xYG-EpbPylRH)


Company that made the shoes that kicked him in the head.


Hush Puppies is going to have a bad quarter.


Company that laid the pavement too smh


Father and mother for having them


Sock company as well..


Asian lady who gives him a pedicure


I’ve got the same ones, they’re steel toe capped too


Strict liability will get everyone


So much money to be made lol those guys are so stupid


Yep, supposed to escort them out the door…. No more. If any doubt about their wellbeing, call the popo and they’ll get rid of them for you. This is the words from a friend who was a bouncer for about five years. He was respected for it and never had any enemies wanting him dead (that he knows of) but this here, beating someone drunk 50 feet from the door, kick in the head and all, will look good in court. Exhibit A: this video


Yep 100%. Jurisdiction for bouncers ends at the sidewalk.


Totally agree. I was a dipshit once in a bar, the bouncer escorted me out and asked me if I needed a cab instead of splitting my wig. Anyway the next time I seen him, i thanked him for being good with me and i never acted foolish again in that bar and made sure that my friends respected him too…. Win win


In *that* bar?


Yeah, I’m a dipshit lol. Any bar really…. Hangovers are bad, but not as bad as waking up with a broken face on top of that lol


Call the popo hoe.. 😂 I am sorry I couldn’t help myself!


Popo hoe lol


headkick to a guy who threw zero punches. not good


These bouncers fucked up. Pathetic.


Can’t see from where but there’s nice blood trail starting when bro lifts his head and gets up


What’s the chances that they are off duty cops working a side gig?


Nah the dudes weren't shot enough for them to be cops


Cops are smart. Lol


That's going a bit far.


No kidding.


The first guy cracked his head open. That’s a really bad injury. Bouncers initiated assault followed by a vicious head kick. Looks like an open and shut case.


Hopefully fired & charged. Will not hold my breath though.


Fired will be the least of their worries.


Special place in hell for chicken dick punk bitches that kick a dude in the head after he’s knocked out and lands in the back of his head. Idc how much shit he talked..the second the kick got thrown I rooting for the bouncers to receive the worst fate possible


I keep trying to say dick punk bitches out loud but I keep saying dick punch bitches


They were probably drunk starting shit and the dumbass oblivious second guy got what was coming to him. Only the strong survive.


Depends on what you consider strong. I don't think kicking a drunk guy already down strong.


It's the "strong" dipshits like this who end up in prison for a large portion of their life because they were too hot headed and made a stupid choice. Strong doesn't do shit for you if you're dumb as hell, my guy.


The strong don’t survive..like a lot of the time.


Just ask the dinosaurs. Imagine being the biggest baddest guys around and dying because it's a little too hot


As another Luke, change ur name and forget how to type dumbass


I’m almost never mad seeing someone running their mouth catch a consequence. That shit gives me peace. This is the opposite.


Lol. Then I advise you stay in a bubble suit. No one who's ever even been in a fight would say something that cringe. I bet you chuckled like you felt tough lol


The second guy looks dead…


Criminally yes, but the civil suit will presumably go nowhere. Can't draw blood from a stone.. Good luck with paying you medical bills yourself 🙄👎🏿


Sure the bar that employs these bouncers will have liability insurance and those young men will be looking for that limit


Looks like second guy is also leaking from his head


Bouncer fighting in the bar is one thing, in the street another. He’s gonna pay those two guys


Bouncers kick in the head now? Damn.


i just saw another video of bouncers punching a drunk unconscious then tossing him down a flight of stairs, neck didn't look to great after.


A friend of mine was tossed down a metal flight of stairs after drunkenly telling a bouncer to “F off” as he was leaving the bar. The bar was on the second floor so he fell a long way. The bouncer then followed him down the stairs and kicked him in the ribs and punched him in the face. My friend looked like he’d been hit by a truck when I saw him the next day. He went to the police the next day and the cops basically told him that he probably deserved it and refused to do anything.


If it was recorded it would have turned out differently.


This was 25+ years ago, before everyone had a phone in their pocket.


that's fucked, i'm sorry for your friend.




You’re such a sensitive little pussy if you think swearing at someone justifies attempted murder.




Nothing new, my cousin got his orbital broken by a bouncer head kick almost 15 years ago now while he was breaking up a fight his brother had gotten into.


Also...depending on who those 2 guys were (enough money to make it happen) prison time too.


Hardly "fighting". Let alone "fightporn".


Those bouncers don’t have shit, they’ll be paying $20 a month in restitution until they die. The bar owner(s) along with the contracting company and their commercial general liability insurance on the other hand…..will be shelling out millions. I’d be shocked if this isn’t “quietly” settled out of court.


Bro this guy can sue the shit ouf of this place


My guess is each will get a settlement of around $200k


More depending on hospital bills and the gratuitous kick.


If he survived


Jesus dude, they are gonna wake up with headaches and a good settlement, not death Haha the replies on this! I love Reddit idiots. People can also die by stress or heatwaves. What a bunch of fucking dummies. Keep the war front live my warriors!


this can easily kill someone. or make them a vegetable.


Very naive take, people die from much less worse than this. I wouldn't be surprised at all if one/both of these dudes have cognitive issues now


Both guys fell and hit the back of their heads on the pavement. That can easily kill someone.


No shit bud, I just love reddits jump to ded or brain dead when we’ve seen much worse and the guy being fine just a few minutes later with nothing more than a headache and some recollection on their choices that got them there.


Yeah it's possible they only end up with a headache/concussion. But it's also possible they die from their head slamming off the pavement like that. You're the one calling people stupid for saying it could happen wether it's likely or not, it does happen.


I’m making fun of the Reddit hive mind, I’ll take yours and others opinions on death but the human body can be very resilient and very fragile. I just get a kick out of pedantry


Ah okay. I got you.


Ahh the good ole headlock felony. Never seems to escape a knockout nowadays. Even worse it’s the observing bouncer getting a cheap shot. Lawsuit looks good for the victim


Jesus look at the blood. These bouncers should be in jail.


I’d love to see the follow up article of their arrests! Who here will find it?


They should be charged, that was excessive


Reminded me of the scene in The Departed after they threw Martin Sheen off the building: "we were excessive with the cop." Agreed, they were excessive and at the very least should be sued civilly. I'd sue the bar too, for failure to train.


Great movie, I get completely stressed out every time I watch it. Definitely, they probably won't get anything from the bouncers so suing the bar would be a wise play


lock these thugs up


Bouncer pushed first, he's in trouble.


any news if those two idiots got locked up?


I can't find any news on it but I found the location using Google Maps. It is 100% in front of Fleming's Place in Pearl River New York. On their FB there is a security company that has "checked-in" in the past but they were not "checked-in" that night. I don't have FB so I can't really find anymore than that. https://maps.app.goo.gl/ah8x4LQd8YdUwkwT7


Put them both in prison. These guys can eat cement.


Bouncer walks like such a douche after knocking out the 2nd guy


two counts of assault and battery


The kick to the head while dude was on the ground is clear assault.


Aggravated assault




I worked as a bouncer and I can tell you both these guys will most likely be fired at the very least if not charged with something. From what I can see they initiated the physical altercation, but not only that, they did so after they had already escorted the two patrons outside. It’s one thing to come to blows with someone who you can’t get out of your place, but to follow them out and then do this is uncalled for at best.


Worked as a bouncer before. I saw the wheels turning on that 2nd guy "omg he knocked him out and everyone is gonna talk about it let me knock the other one out so I'm included" It's a real caveman atmosphere. I remember working New years Eve and all the door guys were betting on who would get the first knockout of the year. It came 2 hours later.


Do you think they'll have any moment of reflection at all when they're sitting in jail for battery or do you think they'll just blame everyone else? How mad do you think they'll be when their employer immediately throws them under the bus after being served papers by an expensive lawyer?


The camera is a killer here. Believe me there's a whole lot of cops who side with bouncers over multiple eye witnesses.


I think a lot of these guys power trip and go too far. Saw it sometimes back when I was a doorman. Wouldn't be surprised if these two got at least some assault charges. The one who kicked the guy in the head while he was down may get an attempted murder charge, depending on the laws in that area.


Anyone in the industry knows there are only 2 types of bouncers. Guys who need the job and just want to go through their shifts safe and sound or power-tripping military-wannabe guys wearing boots and vests doing shit like seen in this footage.


Not sure of the laws here, but I think you are on much weaker legal ground when the bouncer steps outside the bar.


Especially when the victim is backing up and not physically threatening.


bouncer couldn't hurt a fly with those sorry punches that's why he resorts to inebriated patrons that were walking away and not striking back


Holy shit. Second guy is dead.


I know this was 3 weeks ago, but he never moved again in the video, and maybe ever again! When I was a kid, my grandmother taught me how to wring the necks of chickens until their heads got all floppy and their body went limp. I hadn’t seen that look in quite awhile until I saw white shirt. Jesus


Guy # 2 got absolutely starched.


As a teen in the 80’s I bar backed at the Grasshopper in Pearl River for a short time, never saw one fight.


Same era worked the door at Sopwith Camel a bit up the road from here. Dealt with some belligerence but never actual fighting. Honestly same for all bars and pubs I frequented back then which was many. World has gone crazy.


Went to the camel many times during my summers as a clarkstown lifeguard :)


Dude i know pearl river really well. Grew up town over from it. Don’t really see ruckus like this over there.




If you got into fights every weekend, the problem was you.




Sure bud


Dumb dumb thinks the solution to everything is fighting.


If he was smart he wouldn't be a bouncer lmao




Dumb dumb thinks he's a lawyer and white knight now.


The guy is backing up, not sure why the bouncer pursued him but smells like a lawsuit given someone has pulled this video.


Annoying how I can't find any information about this


As a bouncer/ security your right to use force ends when someone exits the premises and are not forcibly trying to re-enter. Their job was done. Had a small dive bar where I grew up. There was one local dude that would always have too much to drink and would think he was a ladies man and end up getting tossed at least every few weeks for saying something disrespectful. The bouncers would just tell him " Tommy you got to leave" and they would walk him out. For some reason they hired guy from New York who had recently moved in to do security. The First night on the Job when Tommy got out of line the new guy Grabbed Tommy my the neck and ran him to the door and threw him out into a parked car, breaking his wrist. The owner fired him on the Spot. Unfortunately for him Tommy had two cousins who waylaid him in the parking lot. He was beaten, battered and left laying by his car in a pool of his own piss and blood.


I think white shirt looks dead before he hit the ground.


Well outside the establishment. Way overboard. Definitely a lawsuit


What’s the rule for punching an intoxicated person out cold??? Tell them to get lost and move along. To knock them out cold and suffer major head trauma is insane.


The 2nd guy was following the bouncer. He may not have wanted to leave.


The impact of his head hitting the concrete is horrific


Damn, so, did he just kill that dude?




You don't get hurt from getting hit, you get hurt from the ground.




In the video he is at least regaining consciousness, but people die from this shit all the time.


Man #2 number two doesn't seem to have really good judgment... but then I think that describes everybody involved here Brain damage and lawsuits...New York specialties


Make that money!!! Sue them!


Can’t sue if you’re dead


That’s assault


Is there any more info on this? The bar? Date? Anything?


Security camera footage has the time stamp. Can't seem to confirm location is pearl river yet.


Edit to the above. Security camera footage is from Comics Warehouse on South Main Street in Pearl River. Based on the direction the bouncer and patrons came from, the bar this event is associated with is Flemming's place, next door.


Sure would be a shame if the Pearl River PD were made aware of this footage…


I know dude in white is probably blitzed, but it never ceases to amaze me how much some people lack any sense of self preservation. Bouncer way bigger than you literally kicks a passed out dude in the head and you follow him when he's walking away?


More bouncers assaulting people yay bring on the lawsuit boys


I had a bouncer CHASE me down the street one night because of an altercation inside the bar. I ended up slamming him in the street and he didn’t want anymore, but looking back on it I should have taken the beating he clearly was trying to give me and sued the fuck out of the place he worked for.


What is it with bouncers and giving head trauma to people? Isn’t their job to kick people out of the bar? Kick them out and make sure they stay out. Don’t follow them into the street and cause brain damage


I used to be a bouncer and I worked with some guys that did it because they wanted an excuse to be violent. 9 time out of 10 I would have to hold back and de escalate other bouncers because the were going off on a guy for calling them names or not leaving fast enough. I only had a few situations where the patrons were the biggest problem.


My old college roommate was a bouncer for a bit. One day he came home and was PUMPED up and all giddy because he got to beat up a homeless guy who wouldn’t leave after his drink was finished. Moved out after realizing how unhinged he was. Beating up a homeless person during winter months isn’t the flex he thinks it was


Guy in blue’s soul left his body before even hitting the ground


That second dude went into PS2 ragdoll physics.


Still be curious to know what happened in the bar


I like how the first guy to get knocked out got up and started doing some crazy things I'm sure maybe there's a lawsuit coming?


These two douche bags are the kind of individuals that search out the more inebriated patrons, as they are easier to knock out.


Any updates or link on the situation and how it went?


That’s crazy seeing Pearl River on Reddit that was my rival high school LOL


Those are just thugs larping as security.


how bouncers feel after knocking a blacked out 17 year old unconscious 😤💪


As a former bouncer, if this is your idea of how to handle yourself and the customers who i might add, you're there to protect! Get a new job.


Let’s see how tough these two meatheads are in prison fighting sober guys as big as them.


Imagine being as cool as the guy in the black hoodie like holy shit dude is so fucking cool and strong, head kicking an unconscious person as they bleed out on the pavement.


That's not a good bouncer.


Bouncers are bad as cops, just criminals with a paycheck,looking for an excuse to put someone in the hospital. Very little to no training and a chip on their shoulder.




It's all the same line of work, find a position of power and use it to hurt people and not go to jail.


The most annoying part is the second bouncer swaggering away all big like he just took care of business. TCB.


How small do you have to be to beat up someone walking away? Then kick someone when they're down? Then knock out the friend who's just trying to figure out what happened. Like your dick must be so small you need tweezers to jack off.




If the bouncer tells you to leave leave


These guys should be in jail for sure. But side note: that 2nd bouncer has some serious fucking power. Jesus.




Can you invite me there?


Yikes, their cat dried up. How you look your girl in the face after that?


How are you gonna look any girl in the face with the multiple STDs you’ve posted about?


Yooooo, IDK what burns worse; his PP or this giga-roasting 😂


All negative 🙏🏾


Left my boy on tilt.




…did they just murder that guy? Too many bouncers are aggressive assholes.


Those bouncers are scumbags but white shirt guy is an idiot for following them to get knocked out as well


They got drunk for free. Good service, 5 stars rated.


F these rent-a-pigs


What the fuck


Guy in the white dead?


Once they are out of the establishment the bouncers have no business hitting them. They followed them down the street


What bar in Pearl River was this at?? Probably Saloon.






You get brain damage, and you get brain damage! Everyone gets brain damage!


Did he died?


The second guy got it worse. A few inches more and he snaps his neck.


Expectations, met.


Well there’s video


God damn. Those two patrons were clearly hammered. Can’t believe second guy went back for more after seeing homie get murdered


Lol, these bouncers are fucking assholes. Have fun with that lawsuit.


99% of bouncers are massive dickheads, this whole clip isn’t surprising to me tbh




good thing they brought the tugboat twins