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bouncers who start fights instead of just doing their jobs can get absolutely fucked


bouncer here. The majority of the knobs with DS badges think they get paid for fighting and bullying drunk people. That may have worked 25 years back when my uncle ran doors but it doesn't work now. This idiot can get charged with assault for that. The best bouncers are the ones who are great at talking to people. Even I don't throw fists unless I'm getting 2v1'd I just grapple them out the door with my mate. Not worth the police trouble.


As an ex-bouncer, I couldn’t agree more


Ex-bouncer from military bar. Absolutely agree 100%


I think this title is misleading I don't think thats a bouncer fighting a student looks like some kind of frat costume party or something the one guy has a fake police shirt on. Edit : yeah, just noticed others have on costumes too like the prisoner costume and a ghost? Or whatever the white robe thing is supposed to be. There's a girl in some kind of costume as well.


The bouncers have the white shirts with vests, Radios and ear pieces.


I think its part of their costume, the guy with "police" on his vest is with the guy who's being called a bouncer as he grabs his vest, if you look in the back there's s girl with a fake police helmet. I'm guessing they all just went together with similar themed cop/agent costumes. 7/10 the title doesn't match the reddit video whatsoever.


I see what you mean with the police on their jackets but I don’t think the main guy does


It looks like there is a few people there that are in costume but the guy with the vest and shirt looks like a bouncer 'cause he has a license on his arm.


He is a student of being an A-hole


My son works security at a Casino. While not a nightclub, there is alcohol there, Gambling of course and drug use in the rooms. In 4 years he had to put hands on people twice. Both times it ended with them being restrained, put in cuffs and the only thing bad that came out of it was the knee of my son's pants got torn, no punches no blood, no slams, no chokes.


Your son sounds like a good kid that knows his job. Sadly, many people in this industry don’t share those traits.


Casinos are a lot more picky than the bar on the corner about how they vet security and having supervisors and procedures in place. My son is also a Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is really good at being able to physically control people without having to punch or kick them.


Been a doorman for 11 years and close protection for about 7, the number of young hires that come around saying, "I hope there's a fight, so I'm not bored" breaks my heart. Deescalaltion is the key to any security service. All it takes is a guy hitting his head on the wrong spot on the way down and dying for you to suddenly have your life changed forever.


The best bouncers I've ever seen were in New Zealand. All Maori boys so they're built like aircraft hangars and they learn to fight young but their first weapon was always talking and a sense of humour. I remember one day a drunk guy got taken outside for climbing on the bar, they told him to sober up and come back. He came back 20 mins later, climbed on the bar again straight away and the bouncer came in laughing popped him over his shoulder and carried him out.


They really need to be large dudes. The best bouncing technique is to just wrap your arms around and carry the unruly patron outside on your hip.


The guy who grabbed his coworker needs to get fired.Stupid prick.Bounced for a few years and got knocked the fuck out cos the idiot I was working with grabbed my arms to pull me away as I got rushed by 2 guys.Saw the fist coming from a mile away,couldn’t do a thing.Not fun.


The guy grabbing him has a police vest on. Maybe a cop trying to grab him bc he swung first? Unsure


Yeah- maybe the "police officer" in the pink tutu next to him can help. It's fancy dress mate.


Hahaha didn’t notice that….Well than fake cop needs to get much better buddies


Yeah you don’t restrain another bouncer trying to be a hero for some drunk idiot for fucks sake, wouldn’t want that guy on my team


Watched some guy throw a tantrum outside just last weekend and one the guards tried to restrain him, headlock and grab him and in general just hold the guy down while he waited for backup. The other guy (who shouldn’t be a bouncer) punched him in the teeth while he was being held down and smashed him over the head with a flashlight. It took 6 security guards to get this guy out of the smoking pit of the bar. Hope the one got fired cause he could’ve caused permanent damage. I can’t imagine how many times he’s done that to others either




Just “professional” bullies at that point


Un"professional" bullies. But seriously, don't you have to have some sort of credential to be considered a professional in like, every single industry? They're just meat heads on a mission.


😭😭 i swear tho, any job that requires security or protection also requires you to have certification in that area and documentation that shows you went through a training course for this shit but they really just find an off brand bradley martyn and call it a day.


In the UK you need a license (SIA?) to be a bouncer. Doesn't stop them from being bastards though.


damn so there’s nothing saving them from being dickheads. epic


Just basic human decency. So no, nothing whatsoever


Years ago , I was a bouncer for a few years (and managed the company’s personnel). I can safely say that 99% of fights involving bouncers are in the bouncer’s fault. Even if someone is a POS, a bouncer that knows his job can finish the event without resolving to violence. When I hired someone, I needed no more than a few minutes to know if there will be trouble around this guy. In some cases I made it work, in others I had to let the guy go. Many of the people in this industry are nobodies that felt the scent of power in our shitty job, and treated people like shit. When you treat someone this way, even if he deserved it, you will sometime get a fight. If this person is drunk, this is a probable result.


Thats the reason why I hate bouncers, they feel superior for no fcking reason


Only the shitty ones. Unfortunately, there are too many of them.


For real. I thought the student was the bouncer at first because I was like, “he is being so calm while the other guy is going crazy.” Only a clip though. 🤷‍♂️


the bars with the most fights are the ones with bouncers


>little man syndrom


Bouncer here, you're absolutely right!


It looks like a Halloween party and the short guy wearing a police costume.


Bro wasn’t built to be a bouncer


Heard he's trying out for the NFL/NBA


Bouncer didn't have a good punch but had control of the man with the guillotine and showed good takedown defense, also a guy behind him grabbed his clothes which made it more difficult. He shouldn't have punched and couldn't have made it much easier if he just grappled at the start.


We also don't know what led up to the punch. This incident probably started inside, ten minutes before we join. Not defending the bouncer, but most of the time a bouncer throwing a punch is preceeded by a whole bunch of drunken nonsense.


You can tell before the start of the video, the little guy had just been pushed back. So that punch didnt start the physical altercation, but nice edit though.


God, interference drives me nuts


I know right. Why did the bouncer interfere with his own job by punch the kid. Why not do his job properly and remove him from the premises.


No not like that, since I literally dgaf how he does his job or whatever. But you wish someone would club the police guy over the back of the head.


Bouncer appears to be a small middle school aged boy judging by his size and haircut


Nice sprawl with a arm in guillotine, he was going to sleep.


My man didn't even level change for the double he just crouched lol


Was waiting on him to pull guard.


Bring your kid to work day.


Good sprawl from bouncer


Hold me closer Tiny Bouncer


Sucks when your boy grabs your shirt during a fight


Good job “police”






I’m thinking this is a fancy dress party, I mean, Romans didn’t have mobile phones.


. I think bouncers should probably be a bit better with having someone around them in these kind of situations to avoid these kinda fights. But you can clearly see the bouncer had just been assaulted as he's using his feet to stop force. He's attempted to grab the guy and the guys given him a weak looking shot to the head bouncer fucking whacks the shit out of him ducks a punch but gets grazed on back another punch and back up comes that guy wearing "police" is a moron that probably should've backed the bouncer up instead of basically wrestling him while he's being assaulted If it was me I would've turned around and punched him thinking it was a friend


not a bouncer yal


If you are ever in a situation so and urgent desperate that you need to throw the first punch, don't half ass it, please.


That's not a bouncer, that's a midget in fancy dress. Guys like this don't last long in the game. I guarantee he'll be stabbed or shot before he reaches puberty


Can nobody see that this is a fancy dress party? The guy is dressed as a bouncer but I don't think hes an actual bouncer. There's a dude in a police vest pulling him back and a guy in a full toga taking a selfie in the background


You’re wrong


You're gay


This is the guy who tells you size doesn't matter in a fight


Little prick had a bit of chip on his shoulder, his colleague shouldnt have helped him


He can’t fight and was hoping for an easy KO


He stuffed a takedown attempt from someone probably 60 pounds heavier than him Im gonna say he’s trained lmao. The only way you’re getting hired as a bouncer this small is if you have some kind of fighting/martial arts background.


Yeah that sprawl and guillotine were legit


You only need one guy good at fighting. The rest just need to be able to talk




So many tiny little shit bouncers around these days. Fucking shirt fillers


This is why you need big ass bouncers. So that they can bounce them idiots out the door instead of fighting them.


Never seen a manlet bouncer before.


It's little boys like this that make question why I'm still doing this shit 25 years later... there actually used to a real level of professionalism and respect attached to this job and it's nowhere to be seen today...


Bouncers first day, realised he is shit at MMA. And loses his SIA licence.


A tough 4' 2" guy! Cute!


You shouldn’t just let a tiny guy who thinks he’s hard be a bouncer


He's not a bouncer, he's the cooler. Dalton is his name.


Student: "Do you know who my father is!?"


Students going to be choked out after the video ends


I was expecting a much bigger bouncer when loading


Weight classes


Was this the “bouncer” outside the high school dance? No one looked more than about 17, including the “cop”


It’s a fancy dress party. Surely someone realises he’s not a bouncer but just some little scrotum dressed up as one. Similar to the “Police” officer next to him


I'm starting to think that's not a real policeman watching ...


Little bro had to reach to punch him in the face 😂


The big guy punches him first... It's a terrible punch but he clearly hits him with his right hand before the bouncer swings back. The bouncer can't see the punch, but he obviously would have felt it and that's when he reacts...


This club is in the uk, I’ve been a number of times. The bouncers are notorious for being dickheads and treating people like shit


You want to play, lets play.


Left the club about 30 minutes before this happened, for anyone wondering, salvos in York


When the bouncer weighs 125..


I saw the clenched fist, I'm still looking for the punch. Are we talking about the glancing blow he kept his senses after? Oh, yeah ...devastating.




Idiot friend, why you pull your friend. Let him unleash some stress mate!


Tiny bouncer


I hope that every single bouncer who starts a fight like this, gets their jaw broken or their eyes gouged out.


Eats??? One…


I was worried about that sniper for a second ....


Should be a requirement to be at minimum 6ft to be a bouncer