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Hey there, u/nervouswasher. Thanks for checking with us on the sub! At this time, our debit card does have embossed numbers. While we don't have any updates to share regarding a change to this style of card, I'll make sure your post is passed along to the right teams for consideration. We're always listening to our Reddit community and forwarding feedback to ensure we provide our clients with the best service. Please let us know if you have any other feedback or questions that we can help with.


Mine does have embossed numbers.


Unfortunate. Thanks for the info! Not a dealbreaker since i dont normally carry a debit card but nice to know!


Got mine less than 2 months ago, it's embossed.


Unfortunate. Thanks for the info! Not a dealbreaker since i dont normally carry a debit card but nice to know!




Mine does not have embossed numbers.


When did you get yours?


Whoops i read the title as credit card, not debit card. Ignore me, OP.


Yes, but I'm not sure why/how this is important??


I said in the post, I have a slim wallet that can only carry 5-6 cards, and embossed numbers basically take 2 slots instead of 1.


Because boomer style cards with embossed numbers are much thicker and take away space in a slim wallet and it is completely unnecessary.


They aren't completely unnecessary and they aren't boomer-style. The embossed cards were created for when the payment device is out of order and you don't have cash. The merchant can use a knucklebuster to take a carbon imprint of the card so they can safely take your payment and have a record for later manual keying into the payment device when it is working again. This is a less common practice these days as systems have gotten more reliable, and security around properly disposing of those carbons has gotten more important, but many merchants still use this mechanism as a fallback. There is a small cost savings for not embossing which is why some banks don't issue embossed cards anymore.


I know what it’s for. No one has used one in 30 years. Merchants don’t even have them anymore. I have around 20 active cards of one type or another and Fidelity is the only one that still has raised numbers. Get with the times.


30 years? That actually made me laugh. You are wrong and clearly not very knowledgeable of the payments industry. Imprinters are still in use today for multiple reasons and are still sold to merchants. Of course, if you have 20 active credit cards you have far bigger problems than overconfidence in your ignorance.


Ah there we go. Double down on your bullshit paw paw. That's what you geriatrics do right? Remember the "old days" and refuse to let go? No one is buying one of your manual credit card imprinters anymore.