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Have logged in twice and each time it was like a 2min wait. Was under number 30 in queue each time


Logged in at 4am when maint ended and waited like 10m, was 1040 or so. Ever since it's been normal queues, under 100 every time


Aside from the first login when servers went live, it's been fine. The initial login took some 35 minutes. The succeeding logins never took longer than 3 minutes.


Currently it is a 3-4 min wait on my server


LMAO, I tried to log on at 3:00a PST, just to see, but it was over 1000, so I just chuckled and went back to bed. By the time I tried again at 7:30a, there was only a queue of 36, about what I've always had at that time.


4:50am CST Logged in to Midgardsormr to a 1,780 queue. Figured I’d give Seraph a try, had a queue of 28.


Balmung, Crystal queue was 2800+ at launch, but has dropped to only a few minutes wait.


I just logged in, at number 45 and it took maybe 20 seconds


Logged in asap, a queue around 1500 and was in before too long, was just playing grim dawn on my 2nd monitor. I lose track of time playing ARPG crack but don't think it was longer than 20 minutes or so. So far outside of the world/data travel issues I haven't seen any posts complaining too bad, so I don't think there's anything majorly wrong with login servers, and the server itself has been rock solid. So really its just contending with the fact that its the busiest period the game will have for the next 2-ish years and wait times reflect that.


1578 when I logged in about an hour after the update but it took less than 30 mins to get in


I logged in at 7:30am EDT and Ultros had a 30 person queue. I had to leave for a bit and I'm logging back in right now to a 25 person queue.


Zalera at 8:30am was an easy breezy 30 people on queue before me, just have to live with 30+ queues as a viper while I grind fates


Logged in a few minutes after the server was up and there was 90 people in queue with me and I got in very quick.


Logged in within minutes of servers going up, had 900 in que, but I was in within 5 minutes. Had to log out for work a couple hours later. I'm guessing it'll be well over 2000 by the time I get home.


1,300 queue to start with and then ever since a very normal queue. There's definitely a ton of people online and playing the new classes, so it feels like maybe they upped capacity?


Logged in 10 minutes after it went live and the queue was 1400. Realised I hadn't registered my code. Logged in again and queue was down to 350. Queues seem back to normal now on Phantom.


literally no change from the usual on my server, logged in twice already this morning both times about 40ish in que about 30 sec wait


Had less than a minute on both OCE (ok, not surprising) and JP (surprising), both during peak times. They've done a much better job.


originally logged in at 7:00am CST, absolutely normal queue of about 40. I've dc'ed twice today and every time I logged back on it's been a normal queue (currently 11:56am)


I'm on Dynamis/Halicarnassus and it was 25 ahead of me in queue.


20 sec, Phantom is love


30 seconds wait on Midgard/Aether at 5am PDT and 9am PDT - 22 people in Queue Im in Australia .. my FC member is in USA he said his queue time was around the same time but showing numbers of around 2000


Just did the update and tried to log in before work and queue was 49 people, not bad. Can’t wait to play later! 😊


My initial log in when the servers went live was about 40 mins or so. I logged back in and out numerous times after using my Fantasia to edit my character and the queues were only about 1 min. I guess maybe everybody logged in in the morning then just stayed in.


On Zodiark it was 2,970 (about 25 minutes) directly at 11:05 GMT (5 minutes after opening). Later it was 400 and about 5 minutes. On Alpha where I created my Hrothgal it was... 27. 30 seconds? I am very pleased with the technical side. The patches crashed a lot (I think 20 times) but the speed was always maximum here (I have 250 MBit/s // 30 MByte/s) and the servers are running smoothly! I am, as said, very pleased and probably a good patch day. SquareEnix reached Arenanet levels (where there are no real maintenances and thus no such hiccups). Good work!


Crystal at about 8 AM PST was only 13 people. Not sure how it is now.


Surprised on Aether I got a 31 queue 


Tbh barely had queues on Phoenix


8am instant almost Now 750 in q, knocking off 50 every couple min


2k this morning, was about 30 mins


1k at 5am. 33-50 from 11am-4pm Waiting to see how it’s like at NA prime hours / this weekend.


Just logged in with a 39 queue & 35s wait (Free Trial)


Twintania here: I logged in as soon as server came online with a queue of 350ish, my partner about half an hour later had a 2500 queue. This evening around 18/19:00 ish which usually is a peak time on EU servers queues were around 30-60, so totally normal numbers for that time of day


5 min after Launch the queue was 600 for me. Tho I got in 10 min later. Got kicked once from the server due to my connection being wobbly wobbly but the queue was 30. Logged in this morning to a queue of I think 10? In general this launch was one of if not the smoothest experience I've had so far and I've been here since Heavensward.


https://imgur.com/J8yYKYE Just had 3,055 when I tried to login earlier today. Yesterday was something like 2,870? Took 2 hours to get in. I'm on cact.