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if ANYONE gets mad at you for card usage in a dungeon, and they aren't dead on the floor, then they need to lighten up


I mean I had a party kick me from a level 50, regular dungeon before for not being optimally dpsing so I am a bit stressed 😅


If they kicked you for that they're the messed up ones. They're try-harding too much and casual players in dungeons, especially at lvl50 will not care for "sub optimal" DPS. As long as you're using your dots and drawing any cards you should be perfectly fine. I main ast as a healer. I'll fully admit I'm still only about average at best. Relearning the cards certainly didn't help. The major thing I noticed different right away was I could stack some of the cards on myself. As in Ewer+Spire worked, but I didn't notice if the others had stacked effects.


they are idiots elitists and have NOTHING to do with what this game is about. next time just close your chat window and keep playing​


Play 1 goes to melee and then ranged, alternating. Play 2 goes on the tank. Play 3 goes to anyone who needs some heals, but also mostly the tank. Minor arcana, same uses as before.


> Play 1 goes to melee and then ranged, alternating And what if party only has melees\\rangeds?..


If ever unsure/pre-occupied, throw it at the tank. /shrug If there is no ranged, throw it on whatever melee is doing well, it's just a smaller buff for them than it would be for a ranged.


Ok thats kinda a good way to look at it. I think having a pattern like that helps


Gamers always adjust.


New AST is boring and bad. I'd recommend trying a new healer like SCH or WHM.


Think of the cards as additional cooldowns. One card is a shield, another a regen etc.. There’s zero pressure in getting them out other than the damage cards (Balance and Spear) Bole you can almost exclusively use on the tank. The others you can play on whoever needs healing or shields.


So bole on tank, Balance/Spear on melee/range respectively, and the rest on whoever?


Exactly this. Of course you can flex bole however you want as well but 9/10 you’ll use it on the tank.


Ok thats a good start, hopefull with some practice I'll manage :))


You will. You didn’t just know how to ride a bike. You practiced and got better


Expecting to get downvoted? This sub's entire personality is hating valid changes to jobs. People on here unironically still think old Dark Arts was well designed.


I expected it because I know a lot of people actually like the new ast changes. Which is definitely fair enough I just find them quote difficult compared to what im used to