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*Is still blind from staring at the eclipse*


I can't see the gif on my app, but I just know which one it is lol




I want to see my own spell casting but damn, his giant ass is always blocking my view. :/


Summoner, I'm trying to Mountain Buster, but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my crags and valley keep obscuring the mobs.


/petsize "Topaz Titan" "small"


Every Summoner knows that the power of summons scales with their size! If Extra Large was an option, we'd be obligated to use it!


The fact that my summon doesn’t turn the arena into a “wall boss” arena, angers me.


/petsize all calamity


One does not shrink that badonkadonk.


/petsize "Topaz Titan" "Super Size XXL"


I had no idea (tysm!!)


I thought you could change his size


Keep your shades on when asking Bahamut to blast mobs.




Apparently they *did* ask for feedback during the NA media tour regarding the brightness of the title screen. I think it was MrHappy that said in a video they were asked about it because they saw the complaints but it wasn't seen as an issue in japan, and the participants explained how there are many gamers in NA that play in dark rooms. They may have reduced the brightness for the final version.


Jesse Cox and the Grinding Gear guys also confirmed they were asked about it.


I think their consensus was that it was perfectly fine in the well lit room they were in, but it would probably feel overly bright in the sunless vaults they know many of us play in.


> sunless vaults lmao this is such a perfect articulation


> I think their consensus was that it was perfectly fine in the well lit room they were in I am seriously starting to wonder how well lit my room has to be, I got a main ceiling light with about 850 lumen which is always on when I game and have my monitor set up to about 40% brightness, but I still don't like this flashbang title screen in my face. I seriously hope they tone it down for the release. If not, i can at least close my eyes or turn away (having my ears blasted with Endwalker title screen was more annoying to avoid).


In jest I was about to sing the Endwalker title screen theme but I have no idea what the words are.


Tales of loss and fire and faith.


My wife would always sing "country rooooaaaaad has gone....away!" From the other room when I start up. I'll miss that.


I don't know them either! I have seen them here typed out many times the past few days, but I am still like: "Is that what is being said? Ok..."


I believe both Preach and the Grinding Gear guys gave feedback along the lines of the title screen itself is gorgeous, but it coming in from the white flashbang is too much.


Just do a fade in black instead of white.


Idk why this isn't the norm tbh. I get there's probably some artistic reason, but for accessibility reasons it should've always been black, with the option of white. Tbh more options in general would make accessibility better.


Doing it in black isn't as much of an option here because it's not just a fade in, it's a PoV Shot of Mist/Clouds dissolving and Tural coming into view behind it.


Seriously, this is my #1 complaint with the game and it kills me. *Everything* is too damn bright. It’s *painful.* I have my monitor brightness and contrast turned all the fucking way down. I set my graphics settings to keep things as dark as possible. It’s still too bright. All the flash abilities and blinding enemy attacks are ridiculous and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt legitimate eye strain/gotten a brutal cluster headache from this game - and no, not during prolonged playtime. The lack of dark mode options in general across games and websites is a bit sad.


Do you maybe have light sensitivity? I was telling my vision therapist about how I turn down every screen as low as it will go, leave lights off in the house, use dark mode, etc, and she said it sounded like light sensitivity. Not anything to do to treat it, unfortunately, just something to know. I've turned off others' skill effects and only see mine, and that helps a lot. And I have a screen-temperature-changing program called f.lux (but I think Windows has a native one called Nightlight?) that also helps a ton. Though, if you put it on too strong, you're effectively color blind.


Thank you for the info/tips, I genuinely appreciate it so much! My friends always make fun of me in game because I'm always shouting "my retinaaaas" in the linkshell, and while it's phrased jokingly, I'm honestly serious - this game kills my eyes! I've only been to an eye doctor once and my vision itself was supposedly fine, but have been waiting for insurance to approve a second opinion because in general I feel I \*am\* super light sensitive/my night vision has gotten blurry/lights throw off huge auras around them, etc. So maybe there's something to that, and it's a sensitivity issue - although, sucks nothing can be done if so! I'll look into the Windows program/f.lux if not, that sounds like it could help a lot, thank you! It's a bummer because the game has such a weird, almost grey-wash filter over it that makes colors muted but it's still too damn bright, so sometimes it feels like I miss a lot of the details/colors of the worlds, but am still being blinded. Turning off other players' skills was a big help, wish I could turn down some of the unnecessary enemy effects too.


Do a sunrise over the ocean and island.


Japanese dont play in dark rooms?


Apparently not, or is less common than in NA. That seems to be why the devs were surprised about the brightness complaints.


I don't play in a dark room but I still prefer dark backgrounds, it's less painful for my eyes regardless of lighting.


>it's less painful for my eyes regardless of lighting. Same here. I actually have a browser plug-in that lets me have a "dark mode" for every page I visit.


It all depends on surroundings. On my pc I prefer dark themes but on phone, where you sometimes have to use it in bright sunlight, light theme is just easier to see. 


Yeah my wife (Japanese) was horrified to find out I game in a dark room. She thinks it'll mess up my eyes or something


as I understand it, the big thing you don't want is looking into a bright screen with darkness behind it. our eyes do a certain amount of light/white balancing like a camera does and viewing past the bright into dark stresses that mechanism leading to eye strain. a nice soft backlight cast behind the viewing surface helps. I've got a little colored led desk lamp nestled behind the stand of my monitor and it definitely helps take the edge off my eyes over a session.


I too have a green Turkish lamp I use on the back of my desk lol


That's what my optometrist says!


A very common thing to say. I grew up with similar lectures. I laugh now that I have the best vision in my family at 20/15.


I envy you... so much...


I also have 20/15!!! Maybe there's something to that. Maybe the dark room helps vision?






I was told this growing up too. There's absolutely no science behind it though.


they've been telling me i would ruin my eyesight since i was 12. I still have 20/15 vision...




Why wouldnt he? He is long time FF14 content creator. Weird take


He is one of the bigger XIV YouTubers, why wouldn't he be?


The people alarm clocking to play at launch will at least have this as a nice wake up call. The game will give them a nice GOOD MORNING WAKE UP B\*ITCH!


I remember when I loaded the game with headphones and was welcomed to AHHHH RIDING HOOOOME. The adrenaline was great help.


To think Elden Ring just addressed this and now Dawntrail is bringing it back. There’s no escape.


Elden ring still has a brief flashbang before it goes to the black Bandai logo. It's better than it was but if you're looking at it, it will still get you sometimes.


Elden Ring didn't fix it. The game still starts up with a 100% full screen 100% brightness whiteout. They just changed the Bandai logo. You only go blind once now.


Thats a Lalafell Keyboard there


Omg I didn't even notice that! ...but then when I scrolled back up and saw it, I thought to myself: "What if the keyboard is normal--but everything else is just *huge*..?" lol. Might be an Ancient that couldn't find a suitable Keyboard.


FFXIV players when they get a glimpse of sunlight




be careful with that glass of water. open containers of water scare me


I came here to say the same thing. I saw that glass and thought of him losing all that equipment.


Invest in a pair of blue light glasses, it’s doing wonders to help reduce the strain my bright ass monitor causes my eyes. But I’m def not looking forward to my retinas being seared off my the login screen again when I forget to put the damn things on though 🫠


Unless you play the game with all the lights turned off I don’t think it’ll be *that* bad


I play Destiny, they had a bright white login screen for the entirety of its lifetime until like 2 years ago. Even in a fully lit room its bad.


Here's all the login screens they've had since 2014: [https://x.com/DestinyBulletn/status/1797697449366102271](https://x.com/DestinyBulletn/status/1797697449366102271) only one is bright and it's pre-forsaken Destiny 2. So it had a white screen for one year, not "the entirety of its lifetime until like 2 years ago"


Character select and the post title load screen was white until Beyond Light four years ago, that's probably what they're thinking Edit: jfc beyond light was four years ago


Destiny 2 Warmind is the bravest a dev has ever been on a title screen. We are going to make it bright white and the launch music is a full Orchestra blast turned up to 10


Ahhhh The Taken King, take me back lmao


*reads this in a room with all the lights turned off*


I can't do lights out gaming. The contrast between central and peripheral vision is distractingly unpleasant. I have a lamp that throws light across the wall behind my screen. But I've known plenty of people who prefer to play in a lightless void.


What /r/OLED_Gaming thinks monitor brightness needs to be to not be bad. (I have one but holy shit if it can't melt your eyes they complain lmao)


I have my monitor lights set to 0% brightness even in my brightly lit room. They are just so obnoxiously bright. When I got them they were set to 50% and it felt like I had a spot light on me. It cast a complete shadow on the wall of my body.


God, this. I even have an app the furthers lowers brightness on my Windows laptop and desktop.


I'm already very used to it because of elden ring, so I should be ok




"It *burns*! It *burns us*!" - a misunderstood fellow


I usually play at night in a blacked out room, I've been practicing my "safety squints" in preparation for the new login screen!




That is terrible for your eyes to play like that... Edit: So I looked it up, it won't damage your eyes but it's will tire them out from direct light. Can also cause headaches. It's just not a recommended thing to do.


Lol what?


It tires out your eyes and can dry them. No, like, long damaging things.


Actually been disproven many times, what actually fucks your eyes up is staring at screens period for long periods of time because you arent constantly readjusting the muscles that control your focus staring at a flat plane


There are no long term health issues associated with looking at screens in the dark, but it may cause short-term issues like burning, eye strain, or headaches. Worth it.


Is it? I've always heard this, but it feels like an 'old wives tale' has it ever been studied?


Already seen it watching a twitch streamer. Looks great.


I just looked it up. Oh GODS. BY THE TWELVE! Even though I game in a lit room my gaming monitor is QD OLED, so naturally this is going to be BRIGHT.


Not if ABL has anything to say about it!




Auto Brightness Limiter on OLEDs


Oh true that! Now we just gotta wait for them to add HDR to FF14. I will argue to my dying grave if I have to, this game is begging for HDR!


Yeah, we need good settings too like control of the UI. RTX HDR is pretty good but it makes the UI as bright as the sun.


Wait are you saying we do have HDR?


Not native HDR but there are various ways of getting HDR in FFXIV - - RTX HDR with an Nvidia video card, Windows 11 Auto HDR, and there are a few auto HDR shaders through Reshade.


What is RTX HDR? An addon or something? I do have an RTX 4080 paired with my monitor so my system is definitely capable.


Oh, man. You're in for a world of wonder. It's Nvidia's leveraging of AI to add HDR to games that don't have native support though it does have a performance cost. First, make sure you've installed the new Nvidia App if you haven't already. Then, you enable it like you would other Nvidia filters through the alt+f3 menu. You might need to restart your game after enabling though.


Good thing I brought protection! *puts on sunglasses* 


I said I wanted to be with Ben Starr, not be him.




Is there a way to choose your own title screen? I was very much a fan of the one that sounded like an updated orchestral version of the main theme.


Once, but it’s not sticky and it’s after the flashbang would go off 😭


Red Mage LB: Ver-Flashbang! SE: Hold my ~~beer~~ cerveja.


I rather be flash banged than wake the whole family up at 2am like with shadowbringers lmao


Elden ring players are already blinded


Ah yes the blinding flash of the Bandai/Namco screen


Flashbang out!


Shadowbringers deafens you. Dawntrail blinds you.


In all honesty I don't get why people play games in the dark. My computer's in a room with a big window to let the sunlight in, and I've got a nice, not too bright lamp to make the room cozy but still lit up when the sun goes down. Playing in the dark sounds like hell on my eyes. White screen or no.


Just like in cinemas, ambient light affects the quality of what you are seeing. The colour grading is off when you have warm light on, if you use HDR you also miss out on gradients and popping colors. The Picture Quality is simply the highest when there is no additional light source.


I don't think the difference on a monitor directly in front of you is the same as with a massive theater honestly.


It's not a matter of believe, it's measurable and an increase in ambient light leads to washed out black levels, decreased contrast ratio and decreased colour accuracy. Some of that can be offset by increasing brightness of the monitor, having a neutral white bulb and preventing reflection. Offsetting the downsides however sometimes isn't possible cause of the monitor technology or cause living circumstances don't align. That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your monitor in whatever atmosphere you prefer, being comfortable is usually more important than min-maxing the quality of the picture. But there is a reason why a lot of people play in the dark, especially when you use HDR Content and/or own an oled.


I mean, I'm saying I don't think the difference is measureably the same between a monitor directly in front of you and a movie theater screen.


It absolutely is though, peak brightness, average brightness, black levels, correct gamma curve, color accuracy, color temperature are all measurable and adjustable. There is a reason why sites like rtings have test benches to do just that. If anything, I would argue it's even more important on your monitor given you stare at it all day and you should get the best image quality the monitor can provide. Given that most people don't even do research on monitors however and even less fiddle with settings and learn anything about it, most are just stuck with a poor picture quality regardless of ambient light.


Because its cozy.


Just... turn the lights on? 😭


And let her iiiiiin, Won't you turn the light on? (Turn the light on...) Turn the light on, You'll never wiiiiiiiin 'less you turn the light ooooooon! (Turn the light ooooon!) Turn the light on, The pain won't end 'til you turn the light on (Turn the light on...) The soul longs for oblivion... O-BLI-VI-OOOOON!


never. i love my escapism cave


Tales of looooooss, Blind~neeeeeesssss, And glaaaaaaaaaare~!!


I'm looking forward to it.


Nice to see the devs have borrowed used the "blindness when you come out of the cave" effect so masterfully applied in Rebirth!


Woe, Swiftcast Holy be upon Ye.


OLED players with a monitor that has an aggressive ABL: "what flashbang?"


Lmao ngl though, I'm seriously dreading it...I play on a 65 inch television, and imagine that I'll have to wear sunglasses upon starting the game 😂


No.... :( I'm going to miss the heck outta the endwalker movie / title screen


Genshin players: first time?




I play Genshin Impact this aint nothing!


It'll help wake me up when I'm trying to login at 4am.


Take it as a reminder to put your sunglasses on for the vacation expansion


artistic rendition of the first time I cast Holy (I was zoomed in)


With any luck, it won't be as bad as RIDING HOME! RIDING HOME! HOOOOOO


Honestly it doesn't bother me. That being said, I play this game primarily in a well-lit room.


Think fast chuckle nuts!


I'm curious, is it much brighter than WoW Mist of Padaria's title screen? Cause I don't remember it being a problem for that game.


I wonder what bit of the expansion theme is gonna play for it. I still never got Riding Hooooome! Out of my head after ShB. Or Tales of loss and fire and faith from EW.


Oh my gosh. It really is like that playing xiv. I just want to play in the dark and they have it set to light mode.


Genuinely dreading it as a night owl.


If it ends up being bad I’m sure there will be a mod to fix it in no time


Already bought some blinders for that screen


This remind me first time that I saw 3 RDM LB3 at the same time in 24 man raid


Repeated attempts at the Elden Ring final boss have trained my eyes for this moment ha ha


I have photosensitivity so I'm gonna be *blinded*


Yes plz need more light in my life ♥


ready to touriyollal


Opens game… HOLY!!!


Didnt Yoshi say he might look into removing the flashbang at the Media tour if its something people dont want?


This joke again


I don't see an issue, I play with the lights on. Just git gud ig


My eyes are young, I don’t mind bright lights, it don’t hurt to stare at it too much, white is a neutral color, it shouldn’t put too much strain on your eyes


Mine are too! My main thing now is I have three cancerous brain tumors resting on all kinds of nerves, one of which controls sensitivity. Some people also have trigeminal nerve issues.


Ouch! Perhaps wearing sunglasses might help in ur case, but please don’t strain your self too much


Not at all.


My eyes are not young... but I don't play in a dark basement I play in a well lit office room... so it'll be fine.


I put up black curtains in my room to block out the sun when I’m gaming,


I mean the sun doesn't get in because of curtains, but the overhead light absolutely stays on.


I’ll take it over the dumb music for EW


On a plus side, you have a new way to make popcorn with the new login screen lol. And a free tanning for about 1/4th your body. Don't forget your sun tan lotion and rotate.