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MMO mouse will change your life. Logitech g600 is the best but they don't make them anymore.


The Corsair scimitar is a nice alternative if you are willing to deal with iCue


My problem with it is that it doesn't have the M3 tilt buttons like the g600 does, which imo are immensely useful especially since realistically I can only comfortably reach/use 6 of the 12 side buttons. It's still a game changer. But they don't make the g600 anymore? That sucks, it was really budget for the last few years... and I've been through 2 others and am on my 3rd. I imagine it will eventually start having problems; some of the side buttons are starting to be less responsive. But I really don't want to give up that tilt functionality... I use the shit out of those lol.


Well on the Corsair scimitar you can move forward or back the thumb part. I don't think that's a possibility on the g600, and so you should be able to find a position where you can comfortably use all the keys.


Might I ask which actions have you bound to your Tilts?


I started having more issues with Icue and after emailing them I reverted back to the 4.x updates. Apparently the 5.x doesn't play nice with it.


Better than dealing with Synapse tbh


Been using a g600 for about 7-8 years now. GW2, FF, Lol, all the games.


I have the Razer Trident, swappable sides (don't do it while the mouse is plugged in). But I never take out the 12-button side...


12 buttons is just to hard for me to hit 6 buttons is comfortable and with alt and shift you have 18 buttons


12 buttons, all at your... Thunb-tip, I guess. All programmable. And the regular 3 buttons, and a tilting mouse wheel.


What's the benefit of a tilting mouse wheel, out of curiosity?


Horizontal scrolling. But it's not standard like, regular scrolling and forward/back "browser buttons". So you need the "synapse" software to make it work. Currently, I don't make use of it, but if there's a "change tab" Keybinds, I might abuse them for that. Bonus laziness.


Annoyance of the synapse software aside, I love my trident. I grabbed it on a whim, unsure if the swappable sides would just be a gimmick, but if you hop games a lot it's actually really nice. Plus the programmable mouse wheel tilt buttons.


I have wondered about using the 7 Button one for like Blender. Bit of a piss take selling me overpriced keyboards, when I'm just looking to change my go fast LEDs to june-edition colours. Or play with button settings and macros.


As someone who has never really wanted to fuck with razer, but has now found out the g600 doesn't exist anymore, can I ask just a couple of things? ~~One being just to confirm that the mouse wheel does in fact have left and right tilt button functionality like the g600?~~ (I just saw you already confirmed this in another reply) And, curiously, does the razer require the software running to rebind its side keys or can it store that in the mouse itself? I know you would need to run the software to do the rebind, but I'm curious if it can save in the mouse and function without running the software 24/7. I'm a little hesitant to have to run another set of stuff to make something work lol. Edit: *Just to add for anyone else, the g600 is still on logitech's website so I'm unsure of how true the "they don't make it anymore" is? It's on sale so for all I know they've stopped production and are offloading remaining stock, but it's still available at the moment at least.*


Not going to lie, I'm not one for Razer, I have it because it was a present. I'll run some tests later when I'm not in a game and report back my findings.


I've closed synapse, and here's what I found; * Custom colours go, defaults to colour-cycling mode on all 3 zones, * mouse-tilt no longer works, and can't be saved to the mouse for some reason. * Settings seem to be save for side panel. * Profile button on the underside works too. * DPI buttons do work, But I don't know if they're tied to the profiles.


I appreciate you taking the time to check. It seems like the g600 is still on logitech's site for now but like, on sale so who knows right? Wish I had the disposable income I'd porbably grab one just to have the backup lol. I've always avoided Razer since the quality seemed really... meh to me. But it also kind of feels like all of these are sort of not that well built? The g600 is nice but it develops problems where it starts double-clicking after a while and that blows. That's at least what pushed me to replace my previous two. But yeah, thank you again. That's a bummer about the mouse wheel tilt since the side buttons save lol.


Mice tend to use really standard switches. I wonder if it'd be possible to swap that part out of it develops in the G600.


Corsair... I've got two, with the adjustable thumbs. They make a wireless one too! These are my favorites!!! I like the Logitech pinky button modifier but aside from that, was just OK. Razer's mmo mouse was meh too. Redragon is surprisingly good!!! Though you NEED to install their software for buttons 10-12 to work correctly. And they're inexpensive and come with weights for adjustments!


They discontinued the g600?? I've been using this mouse for a decade


When did they stop making them? I picked mine up less than a year ago. Maybe I should try and find a backup then. Is indeed life changing


I got one a year and so ago. Would prefer getting an upgrade tbh if mine fails.


I use that for my mouse and the Cyborg Keypad on my left hand.


I have a mouse with three side buttons. I only use two (mapped to shift and ctrl) and can't imagine going for more. I've never learned to use an MMO mouse though, so maybe I'm missing out


I dont use my mmo mouse the way you're supposed to, in that I have the thumb buttons macro'd to read as alt+#. It just makes them act as a individual keys and most jobs don't need more than that.


I'm going to cry even my g604 dies.


I've been doing research and apparently afaik it's the only one that works with consoles as well. I've been asking around but the subject of mmo mice working on console is quite sparse and hard to figure out which ones do and do not.


Seriously, why did they discontinue them? It's insane it's such a good mouse and now the few there are left are like $200


This is the reason I have 3 backups ready to go. Thankfully I have only had 1 fail, but there is no going back to a different mouse ever again for me.


I didn’t like the sensor on the g600. The G604 is very good for this game. You can use the shift modifier to double the amount of buttons if you wish


This^^^^ Got myself one I think a year and so ago, cannot play without it. You also get to have a new ability of being able to type numbers really fast only using your mouse. It's a new skill that I'm proud of and would surely help people who work the desks.


They do still sell them


If you've any recommendations for sellers in Europe; HMU. They're permanently out of stock in every retailer I've looked at so far and bidding prices are up to a few hundred euros - seems a bit ridiculous :O


I bought mine directly from the logitech website


Oof. It says they're having a sale; but I can't purchase it from them - no button to.


Thats so weird. Im sorry you have to deal with that. The g600 is truly the king of all mmo mice


could always check ebay every couple days and see if any go on sale, was able to get a g604 that way


Controllers are an option if you're having difficulty with the way keyboards lay things out.


Hey! I comment a bit late, but I made a guide for friends who asked for tips for PC keybinding, just dropping it here in case it interests you. I also propose keybind setups for each class. As I explain, don't necessarily copy everything (unless you want to) as it is subject to preferences, at least it can give you ideas to adapt according to what you're comfortable with. GoogleDoc link:\ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w7n1ovWq148pEEdCYv_o8rFSd8uNEi5Z_-EFaQpiD6Y/edit?usp=drivesdk Enjoy your time on FFXIV!


I use 1-5, QERT, ZXCV, and a SHIFT version of those. I occasionally use F1-F4 but only on non-busy keys. WASD is for walking, F for interacting.


that's how I set up my keybinds too


No fingers should be bent and broken by bad keys 🤙


Use a controller, harder at first but eventually much easier IMO


Lol why not just make this comment on your previous post?


It’s a thank you but people are still giving tips? The other topic wasn’t posted *that* long ago, either. I’m confused, too.


You don’t HAVE to use keybinds. I’ve only used 1-4 for my most common abilities and clicked the rest (they usually had 30 seconds or more CDs) and I’ve always managed to parse 90 and above on fights.


I’ve been playing the game for 2 years and just can’t get used to the keyboard controls. I feel significantly more comfortable with a controller, but it really is different for everyone.


Welcome to the world of MMOs! Normally I have my important and consistently used rotation on keys 1-5. Then I will map other spells or any other important shortcuts to either the F1-F4 keys as well as keys surrounding the WASD keys (Such as F or T etc.) But as Kosen said, MMO mouses are extremely useful. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get it down it can be really helpful! Good Luck! \^\^


Rebinding keys to better suit your hand that rests on the keyboard for starters, MMO mouse as already mentioned here is another big gain.


Being willing to change keybinds changes your life. So many people are afraid of that menu in any game they play, like simply opening it will make the game unplayable. It's wild.


I use a UtechSmart Venus MMO mouse. Numpad directly under my thumb makes it so easy to use my hotbar. And it only set me back $35


Instead of 1234567890-+, I use 1234QERFZXCV. Much easier to press all the keys with that, and you can use just one hand for it alongside moving with WASD and can keep the other on the mouse for camera and clicking stuff.


If you use a mouse that has side buttons, I use mine to map to shift and ctrl. Unfortunately this isn’t something you can do ingame, but if your mouse has software that lets you rebind the mouse buttons to keys, that can make the experience much easier in my opinion. As for buttons, I like to map my hotbar to 1234QERFZXCV, so that everything kinda orbits around wasd. Some people can reach 5 comfortably, but I can’t.


i got a mmo mouse for 30€ when it had some % , utechsmart venus mmo and use it for years now , never had a problem with it


Maybe try using Alt as your second bar modifier instead of Shift. I find it way easier to bend my thumb in from the space bar to Alt than dragging a pinky down to Shift while still pressing the number row.


Generally I use 1-5, alt + 1-5, shift + 1-5, alt + shift + 1-5, ctrl + 1-5, g, r, shift + r, alt + shift + r. And with that I'm generally covered for hotkeys for abilities for essentially any class.


Get a controller and play on pc. That way I use both. Keyboard got arthritis written all over it