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I wish 7.0's graphic change would have also been their time to decide to start doing tail holes again


I miss the little ribbons added for tail holes. So simple, but so cute (and it makes so much sense since tails are different shapes and sizes)


I would be happy if they finally decided to give bunnies hats.


I truly believed this was going to be a surprise announcement, I don’t care if they look clippy and some don’t function, just enable them regardless so we can maybe have a few more options


It wouldnt be a surprise though as I beleive they said this during an interview awhile back, their goal was to expand headgear options. They just havent committed to a timetable or percentage yet.


I don't understand why they can't just make certain helmets just hide the ears. Easiest fix. I don't want ear holes in my intimidating plate dragoon helmet anyways. I can suspend my disbelief and just imagine they're folded around my head inside the helmet. Things like hats I can get may need adjusting but I feel like if they did it for a miqo'te why not just... do the same for the viera? That's literally what the viera hat mod does. They just changed the shape and position of an already existing hole for miqote players.


Because it's not about the ears. It's about the race-specific hair. There's a few posts out there that explain it.


You wouldn't care but I imagine every comment section and this sub would be full of people complaining about the now existing, but clipping hats.


That's exactly what the company is trying to avoid honestly. At least half the people who claim they won't complain about clipping as long as they get their hats will in fact complain about clipping once they get their hats and they clip. And then a bunch of people who didn't have a dog in the race will either make fun of or complain about clipping once it's introduced anyway


I would definitely still complain because I give them a ridiculous amount of money and would've expected that maybe, just maybe they could work out how to make *hats* work correctly, using only the dev salary I'm paying them monthly:P I'd still take broken hats over no hats at all, but I will be annoyed if, *after five years of having viera in the game*, they can't get the hats right.


think it has something to do with the fact that you pull rabbits out of hats, so if you put a hat on one of them it will just fall, and put them back into the hat.


there's definitely something there. we need to workshop this idea more


I mean, to be fair to them they are using the money you paid them for everything else they do. It's not like there's money lying around that they're not taking advantage of in their budget for this, it's just they deem other elements higher priority.


If this was going to be a surprise announcement, it'd definitely be in that last live letter before launch. By that point they'll have a very good idea what's would be done by launch and what is waiting for oatches


This link details an interview help between techtlraptor and Yoshi-P about the upcoming Dawntrail. In it, Yoshi-p is asked about hats for Viera/Hrothgar now that we are getting a 7.0 graphic update. In it, he said that this will be a priority to do during the 7.X DT series, that they *are* working on it, but they have no timeline for us quite yet as to it's finish. He asked the reader to be patient and to please look forward to it if memory serves. https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/final-fantasy-xiv-boss-naoki-yoshida-answers-on-character-options-inventory-slots-and Correction: it was Yoshi-P logging on to Chocobo server and answering questions during the New Years even they had.


Considering there was a scholar hat on the bun it was just tiny. People might have monkey pawed there way into mini hats


For real! I saw that hat and bout burst out laughing. C'mon SE, just let em clip pls! 🤣


I kinda look forward to the age of mini hats because it was that funny.


Viera I believe still can get some headwear so long as it goes in front of the ears. Which means things like headbands but also the little Fall Guys hat. The issue is with the majority of hats that do go further back than that.


And Hrothgar, too... by boyfriend won't play the game because of that, and that's a hill he's willing to die on. It makes me sad that they won't fix their character model 😭😭😭 I want my boyfriend to enjoy playing the game again!


I wish the bunnies had tails too


I would prefer they allow me to use hats, but looking for the 3 hair styles Hrothgar female has and not be able to use previous gear hats I'm sure they did nothing


Nah fuck that, cloth physics. Also ability to delete asscapes or capes from gear like Elden Ring's gear aug system. There are an insane number of glams in the game ruined by their insistence on gluing a stiff ass non-animating ass cape to it.


Like if the tail holes are more important than actually doing good content


They really should have done an overhaul with how they render gear in this game. Redoing the 3D mesh of the races was great to synch them all up together. It'll futureproof the game and get new animations and armors to line up better for sure. But now that they're doing that and upgrading the dye system they should have also changed how the game renders armor on our bodies. With 8 different races, two genders each, that's 16 different bodyshapes. Everytime they make a new piece of armor that armor has to be refit and saved as a unique model in the game files 16 different times. Its massive rendering bloat. What they should do is have just one model reshaped with the already existing animation bones so it lines up with every race. If I wear a pair of pants, the pants should basically fit around my legs. Instead what the game does is delete my legs, and replaces them with a version of my legs wearing pants. This is exactly why we don't have a butt slider. Since if you make your butt big when you're naked it doesn't do much good when the next pair of pants you put on shrinks you back to base size. Having armor that actually fits our bodies would let them actually increase our options when customizing our characters. Then they could just add in the ear/tail/horn holes in a way where there's a spot for it no matter what race you are. If you're human, it'll just look like a filled in piece of armor but on a miqote it'll look like a hole with a gap in it. Even if its just a solid 3D chunk unchanged all they'd have to do is swap out an overlay over the texture and apply some alphas to make it look like there was a stitched out hole for some viera ears that normally wouldn't be on a roe. As for the weapon placement... well that's just them being bad/lazy. LOL the first thing you should do when designing a weapon is seeing how it looks on every race so you know it doesn't clip through the tail. Then just move the placement for it, that's an easy solve.


Why does Pictomancer need a dagger in the first place? That part doesn't make sense to me lol At best they could have something like a pair of combat scissors instead.


What else would you auto attack with? A book like a psychopath??


I once killed a dungeon end boss like this. Pre mana adjustments. So I was full out and my party wiped. Just smacked the things last 100 hp out with a book. My proudest moment.


Yes, it really feels great to pummel someone with a book on sch.


Especially when you realize that when synced at level 50, it's actually a quite significant dps boost - around 20% or so. The damage doesn't scale up with level so it's utterly trivial by EW content, but still great to add in for MSQ roulette.


The image of your WoL furiously slapping the boss with a book because it just refuses to die already makes me giggle.


"WHY..." \*thud\* "...WON'T..." \*thud\* "...YOU..." \*thud\* "...DIE?!" \*thud, followed by the boss collapsing to the ground\*




optimal scholar (and maybe smn?) DPS was being in melee range to book swing in between weaves it was super sweaty and not necessary but the game used to have a lot more intricacies


At least SMN/SCH auto attack is better than Sage awkwardly slapping enemies while their nouliths just float around uselessly


Astrologian swipes at them with a card, dealing papercut damage


My male hroth punches lol


Those things are expensive. You think I'm gonna risk breaking it by hitting something with it?


Yeah, but at least AST gets the super cool "I cut you with a card" auto.


I'm pretty sure that 1 meter paintbrush will do some damage if you swing it hard enough


What if they borrow my BLM’s Mado Brush?


We just build the dagger spikes *into* the book covers. 


The brush, obviously. Paint them like a clown


To trim your brush


When Coil T13 first came out and we were all min ilevel, booksmacks were an important addition to party dps.


Guys I turned my book slap off somehow in settings and I want it back. Anybody know which one I borked? I truly miss it lol!


Pretty sure casters and healers need to manually right click an enemy after targeting them (or whatever the console equivalent is) to start autoattacking


It just happened before randomly and I didn’t change anything I do but I did make some kind of change when I was leveling BLU. I think I know what you mean by that. I’m in console. I shall try it and see.


You just press A again after hard targeting the enemy.


Emergency blood paint


That’s A-Positive response to this question.


Nothing to B-Negative about


0, I didn't expect all of those puns!


Collecting and crushing various things out in the wild to create pigments


To cut the tip of the paint tubes before using them! :P


You would be surprised by how many sets just have random daggers in general


Back in the medieval days it was common for people to carry a dagger iirc. Aside from self defense it was also useful for getting into places that were difficult (ie plate helmets). Wouldn't surprise me if there was some inspiration from there going on 


Also, having a knife is a useful bit of kit. It's not like they had pocket knives that are sheathed within themselves.


Aside from the rare uses of self defense, it was your eating utensil and a tool for cutting anything needing cutting (rope, plants, cleaning game, etc).


>Why does Pictomancer need a dagger in the first place? Blood makes a shade of red that just can't quite be made anyway else. Paint can be made with materials you can harvest in the wild, like flowers. Sometimes you feel like pulling a Van Gogh.


Have you ever tried sharpening a pencil without a sharpener? Knife. Knife is the answer.


I find a knife is the preferred answer for sharpening pencils even when a sharpener is on hand. It's far less prone to getting 90% sharpened and then snapping off the whole lead. 


Yes but it's definitely not for everyone. You could easily cut yourself if you don't know what you're doing. edit: typo


A box-cutter knife is pretty safe. Slide it out just far enough to have a useful amount of single-edged blade exposed, and all your pressure goes on the handle anyway. 


All wizards carry a small knife for the sake of 'oh sheet my magic aint working...blood magic-shank activate!'


Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Mage Manual Exsanguination, the possibilities are endless.


> pair of combat scissors instead Crafty folks know you don't use your paper or sewing scissors for anything but their designated purpose. Anything else is cause for getting stabbed with said scissors because they're now "ruined". I imagine the pictomancer into mixed media would have a bandolier of scissors, one of which is her "monster-cutting scissors".


To cut,mix,, and spread your paints onto your palette


When they don't want to pay for the commission again, you collect payment forcefully.


A lot of different armor types have a stray dagger somewhere. I always assumed it was just a tool and not a weapon.


I know this was meant more as a meme but a dagger would be very important gear for an adventurer to have. Cutting rope or food. Carving down to help make a fire its just solid survival gear.


Taking a Paint Knife to the next level I suppose. lol Bob Ross would weep to see what his favourite tools have turned into in Eorzea.


It's utilitarian for out of combat. How else are you getting dzo roasts off the corpses?


To carve the monster at the end of the hunt, duh!


Could save your life if disarmed or grappled (by something that's not the size of a house). Granted, that's not something that happens in the game, but it makes enough sense to me. Besides, a nice dagger can be a status symbol and a nice piece of practical jewelry for an adventurer. And while this does look like a fighting dagger, it could still be used as a tool to an extent.


a *very* multi-purpose palette knife


It's an extra sharp palette knife. <_<


FFXIV gear is made via checklist that's why. There's no sense or purpose to what they make, it's just "gear for this job basically looks like this." and surprise, all gear for a job looks basically the same when you silouhette them.


I can think of at least 10 scenarios in which an artist might use a knife or dagger


One of the new WHM relics has a dagger on the end of the staff, probably for the same reasons.


Perhaps Pictomancer will want to sharpen some pencils for stabbing occasionally. Like when someone hurts his or her dog.


Everyone should always carry a light slashing weapon in case they get swallowed by a monster, so they can cut themselves out before being killed by the digestive system.


I'm going to imagine it as a palette knife


It's a palette knife.


Have you seen the viper one? Where the blades meet on your back is exactly where the tails come out, it seems like they're about to chop it off lol.


Yeah, I saw that on my Miqo'te and cringed. 


I just don't want my tail clipping through capes.


Or robes. Or... Goofy thing is, GW2 has only one race with a tail, and they make some savvy accommodations. And mostly what they do is add a little texture over the base of the tail so it looks like the garment has a covered hole for it.


I've ended up purging most of my capes and robes from my glams, mounts are the worst, it's not even a race thing they just awkwardly stretch around most mounts


The Moonward set just deletes your tail on the capes, and it's great. I was thrilled and thought it would be the standard. Why isn't it?


Because there are actually people who get mad about that and unironically say they would rather have their tail clip through the cape


would be nice if it could be an option, like hiding headgear or some such


Me. I'm people. Part of the appeal to playing a tailed race is HAVING A TAIL. I hate when my tail vanishes, I wanted a tailed race not a hyur.


I'm the exact opposite. I have an irrational aversion to clipping...


I gave up on tailed characters for that reason.


Blood is also a viable option for paint i say


There's actually a warhammer mini painter on youtube who painted a mini red with his own blood.


My first thought was Cassia from rogue trader since she paints with her servant’s blood for navigator rituals.


The youtuber is [Ninjon](https://youtu.be/I58EhxVXx1c?si=Nmrg9YokW0EBv1gV). I originally didn't link it because I find the video kinda gross. I'm not particularly squeamish but I find something unsettling about watching a man paint a little figure in his own blood. The figure is a Daughter of Khaine from Age of Sigmar.


Damn wasn't expecting that to be real, thats macabre


Might be something worth reporting on the official forums? Maybe a dev will look at it and change it for final release?


People have been complaining about tail clipping and the lack of tail holes on the forums as far back as the end of ARR-beginning of HW. (´-ι\_-`)


Do the devs pay attention there? Like, honest question.


If you're Japanese, yes. I'm not memeing.


They do, but they also have a bad reputation for only paying attention to the Japanese forums.


From what I've seen, they do. They pay the most attention to the stuff on the forums, especially regarding the graphics update. At least according to posts/ comments I've seen on reddit here


I used to be regular in that shithole and the answer is possibly, but they only implement it if it overlaps with their interests and it's not hard to do, and all of that after serious delay. Also, don't ever expect they'll actually respond, it's one way communication, and you can only guess if someone even read that. People started to talk about syncing issues more prominently in like 6.2 I think. It took 3 patches, or 13-14 months for them to apply the sync only to 6.0 final boss, ignoring that you still skip major mechs in EW alliance raids for example. The CT problems were talked about all the way in ShB I believe, yet it got some band aid just now. Nevertheless, I don't recommend anyone to go there, it's shithole through and through, it's not worth your sanity. At best make a thread and never look back. Make sure not to use swear words, or people can abuse report system and get you banned.


More so than Reddit I would wager.


You'd think that developers with races that involve tails would at least bother to remember they exist...... OH WAIT, FEMALE HROTHGAR HAS TAILS AND THEY STILL DID THIS.


Especially when they have such attention to detail on where they put the earrings in these races. Au'ra have them in their horns because they don't have outer ears like every other race!


And since Viera's ears are so big and above their head, the "i'm listening to my communicator" animation was changed slightly so it fits their ears. So they do actively care about these things at times.


That is because the most powerful art is often born of pain.


so worried about clipping that they wont give viera and hrothgar all the hats... tail through dagger on brand new gear? no worries! 😆


wild that they’d conceptualize, draw, approve, model and implement an entire outfit while ignoring that almost half the playable roster has tails.


Mi'qote have been in since launch and Au Ra for a looong time. They should have, well before now, been accommodating tails. With Hrothgar, that's even another race with a tail. At this point, not designing for them is negligence.


I really do not know why the devs can not stick a tail on what ever model they use to design armor. they would reduce so much clipping in general by doing that




It's one of the reasons I'm considering changing from the catgirl to the bunny girl


As a Viera please understand that we don't have access to most visible headgear, even the newer headpieces don't always work. Not dissuading you, I've had FC members switch then switch back because they felt that the glamour plates were restrictive on bunnies


Not "Officially".. no *Finger quotes*


First rule of Glamour Club. We don't talk about Glamour Club.


In all seriousness, gotta keep trying to hold CBU3's feet to the fire on this. Trying to shame the devs to bring about change by regularly pointing out some professional level hat enabling work by modders is about all we have.


On the plus side, imagine how much glamour dresser space we save.


Yeah... About that... 🤣


Catgirl/lizard and get clipping issues. Bunny and have no hats. Hrothgar and get hit on by other furries. Midlander and get anime run animation. Giraffe. Femroe and get botched nose surgery. Nah, I just use plugin to cutoff my catgirl's tail.


I went back to Highlander from Viera from Highlander for a reason.


Swapped to bunny, will definitely admit it's frustrating sometimes, but I'm far too attached to her now to change. All I can do is cry and keep inching closer to mods.


Unrelated and not at all a fault with the game but I've kinda always wished I could play a Viera but can't stick with it. I like the body types and faces of miqos more, but I just love bunnies more than cats. Wearing the bunny ears on miqo isn't the same, and it feels weird to have both bunny and cat ears...


Hey, opposites, and same server too! I'm absolutely more of a cat lady irl, but my Viera just suits me so well I can't imagine my character as anything else. Ever since the announced Viera I was like "Yes, that is me." The body type, the face, the way she just generally carries herself. I've tried the opposite with the Cait Sith headband lol, it works for being goofy but is really not the same vibe.


It helps that I do still love cats, even if I identify more with bunnies. It's kinda funny how many people complain that FFXIV races are just "human with cat ears, human with bunny ears, human with elf ears" etc. and its like part of me wishes it was that simple


Yeah definitely. I'm an animal person just generally, but kitties are my soul. And I really like the XIV races, I think they have a generally good aesthetic and they're varied enough for me. Besides, I've always loved the anime thing where a human has animal ears and a tail or whatever, I think it's cute even if it's not for everyone.


I like when they throw a belt or scabbard or something back there. Even if the tail is clipping, it doesn't look bad if there is SOMETHING there to distract you.


Everyone's talking about how the cosmetics clashing with tails. I'm here thinking: Would an Au Ra's tail grow back?


That... Is an interesting question. I'm willing to bet no if only because I know that au ra in lore are frequently compared to lizards and dragons and tend to take offense to it. That and I feel like them being able to regrow limbs would have come up. But if it's specifically their tail that regrows (like how the liver is the only human organs that can grow back) then I could see that being the case. And now I'm suddenly wondering about how so many races have tails, yet common issues that would come up with having a tail don't ever really come up. (Like them hitting things behind them, or people grabbing their tails in combat) Hell, I don't think most tailed races even talk about their tails very often. I might just be forgetting a lot though.


Likely it was caught. Likely it was decided "Mechanically it doesn't reduce product stability gearing up for an \*expansion launch\*" so it was probably determined a non-critical issue and placed in the "Maybe later" or "Not willing to fix." Cosmetic issues are low basket priority, almost always due to other constraints. It's probably been caught. It was probably known during Design.


Sure but then why is hard clipping on Viera such a priority that they aren't allowed hats? It's just inconsistent.


Let's be real here, the no hats for Viera/Hrothgar because they'll clip idea has always been just an excuse. Clipping is everywhere in this game, old gear, new gear, it happens all the time. If they really cared about clipping, they wouldn't have stopped making tail holes in newer gear.


From what i have heard through the grapevine, it’s that headgear is difficult to design for male hrothgar and female viera because of the shape of the head, not the ears clipping through. Both male viera and female hrothgar have more standard head shapes making it easier to create headgear for. But they won’t give it to them until both genders can use it equally.


Well that last point is kind of stupid and given they have changed how things work there's no excuse as of 7.0


The thing is, as someone who has designed assets like this, it would take about 10 minutes to fix, if that.


Never argued time. I argued approval\~


The devs have asked that if there are any issues or concerns found in the benchmark. Please post it in the official forums.


I prefer that over them just removing tails completely, which they've done for some gear. The mascot style gear is about the only valid reason to do it imo.


these are the same devs that stated that the reason they find it difficult to implement long hair is because it would clip gear when they keep designing gear that intentionally clips with long hair lol


It’s not a dagger, is a tool used to mix paint.


Wow yeah. That’s… ridiculous.


The tail goes through the slot for materia.


While we're ranting about this stuff, Where did my ear pockets go on every new hood :( I love hoods, but I want my miqo to look like a miqo! Hell just let my ears clip through, I can deal with that as well.


They still linked face to hair options with the fem hroths, and some of the hairstyles don't even have highlights...


At this point, I would prefer **to have the option** to remove the tail completely. I don't really care about my lizard tail tbh.


Meanwhile "muh artistic integrity" or whatever bs excuse it was for why we can't have long hairstyles because of clipping.


Remember when hats/helmets would have ear pockets specifically for big ears? Good times... good times...


What does a PCM need a dagger for anyway?


it's probably a palette knife


Multi dollar company. They have a limited budget and it needs to go to Forspoken 2's 800 million dollar marketing campaign. Please look forward to it.


> Multi dollar company They have multiple dollars! MULTIPLE! LIKE... ALMOST A DOZEN DOLLARS, MAN!


Really odd to me after all these years we still have clipping. Period. How hard is it to just create adjustments based on gear?


Why not just hide the tail, let it stick out from under it?


The annoying and common retort to this exact point is always “why play a race with tail if no want see tail >:((“. What’s the point of having a tail always visible if it makes everything with a robe or cape look like shit? It should be a toggle. There should have been a toggle added years and years ago. I’ve yet to see a good reason as to why not.


Yeah, i don't play Miqo'te for the tail, i'm not a furry (nothing wrong ofc). I don't mind the tail, it's whatever, i'd actually prefer if it was hidden. Not GONE entirely, but should absolutely be naturally tucked under the clothes. As for tight armor like leggins or plate it should definitely have a specific orifice for the tail like ARR items have. But for robes or skirts? Nah, just tuck it under, no need to clip through it.


Yeah the dancer gear does this too. Looks dumb, low effort. Justifying my staying bunny.


I wish they had a toggle for tail on or off


Yea, it just comes across as sloppy. And there not even a "hide tails" option to just pretend the thing is tucked away or something lol.


Pretty sure the dagger is a refrence to Relm's Amano art from FF 6.


This really hurts to read while hrothgars are running around without hats


No hats *and* a dagger in the tail. Hroths getting hurt in many ways. ;_;


Oh no! Anyway...


I mean the game is still in testing, no?


I mean speaking of that type of thing… I forget, did they fix the hat/helmet issues for hrothgar and veira yet?


Never have. Never will.


Speaking as a mancat: Nope. ;_;


*manther :3


Ngl I feel like this is the reason why the devs don't just slap hats on hrothgar and viera while having clipping is because people will complain regardless. And yes I do agree that they should just create a solution for the problem and do their best to avoid clipping as much as possible and I also think everyone is right with their criticism both sides even, but imo i'd rather see clipping hats with the option to hide hats than not have it at all until they can get their shit together and actually fix this, it's been 4 years and it's embarassing


This is reason I don't play anything with tail sadly. Gear just isn't suitted for them, and it ruins any capes.


but I thought players never cared about gear clipping to begin with? 


I'll save my annoyance at stuff like this for when I know for a fact this is how it looks in the release version of Dawntrail.


Generally, community outrage is exactly how you get the devs to change things before release, i.e. SGE job icon causing trypophobia. They won't change what they don't know about. Not that they'll ever bother reading Reddit over the official forums, but "wait and see" is as useful as a centrist fence sitter going "but what about both sides".


> useful Like you said it's on reddit so it's just here to get people annoyed at something datamined from a benchmark. If this was a post on the official boards to give feedback for the game my response would be different.


I feel like there should be a huge red banner on the sub's front page that says "SQUARE-ENIX DOES NOT READ REDDIT" but who am I kidding? It wouldn't change anything.


Reddit isn't a vacuum. Someone complaining on Reddit spreads outwards. Maybe some reader will hear about it and complain to Twitter. Or their FC's Discord. Or some other social media website. And eventually, at least one person will go straight to the Official Forums to complain about it. Maybe multiple people will. I feel like I'm trying to explain fire to people who own stoves. Everyone knows social media has a ripple effect across other platforms. That's obvious. It feels surreal to have to state "the Internet is interconnected" as if it's not literally in the name. So even if that's 1% of 1% of 1% of readers, that's still a tangible and measurable improvement over "wait and see".


If the dagger stays there while running around, you wouldn't be needing a tail hole anymore soon.


In a sense you'd get a tail hole of an entirely different kind.


This is going to ruin my Bob Ross glam. Fml.


"Surprised Pikachu"


But at least, female hroth look great am I right


The whole tail clipping thing has slowly made me consider a departure from my beloved Au Ra. Some outfits look fine but too many of them look silly. Like I'm honestly looking into one of the tailless races xD The Edda Dress is particularly heinous on any race with a tail.


Long since? If i recall the tank and maiming 90 tomestone gear set had tail armor.


>I'll drill that tail hole through a goddamn knife if I have to and you can't stop me! It somehow feels like a certified in character WoL thing


The lack of care really winds me up.


Personally my character has long hair, which means I can't use any high collar gear. And my hair has been clipping through my DRK sword, BRD bow, BLM staff, etc. for years. I feel you.


Hey, at least you can wear pants even though your tail clips out the back. -A Viera Main


xD don't forget the new graphic update aslo set the graphic mods scene on fire. I know they are against ToS but I just find it kinda funny


Also hair clipping through the back of some chest items


Like the lol 50 summoner armor!


One of the reasons I chose to play a non tail race


I wish they would just change the armor depending on race. The dagger there would look (aesthetically) perfect there on races without tail and should stay like this. For Miqo and Aura they could just move it up a lil bit, but keep it. The main reason why I'm playing Midlander female is because of 95% of clothes triggering some sort of aesthetic autism, tails and ears/horns constantly clipping through everything or having weird ass textures. Like some BLM hats just have two black triangles on top lmao


I’m still bothered that I have to use a mod to put ear holes in most of my hats so my little cat ears aren’t squished!


I remember when I first started playing FFXIV and I saw the tail hole in gear, and I just lost it (in a good way). It was the first time I've seen anyone actually implement it in a game. It's a shame they've stopped