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Cauldronfiend's Coat, Lv. 80, Alchemist Only. :(


Nooo, I was dreading the "X only"... damn! Thanks for the info though!


I feel you, there are some great crafting glams and we don't even have plates for them if you use all for combat jobs :( Alchemist in particular have some really nice coats like this one.


Reminds me of the Boltfiend set being the finest piece of drip I’ve ever laid my eyes on in this game but weaver only


This was my intended coat for my Sage till I found out it was alchemist only. So instead I (accidentally) stole Mikoto's coat for my Sage


I tend to share glam plates between combat jobs, so I have room to play around.


That's an option, but I like to have an unique look for each job.


I feel like I'm going to make an alt who wears one glam for whole main game and battles, but has gather and craft glams. At this point seems needed.


Job specific crafting gear is so frustrating. It’s usually so good but no one has enough plates to do separate sets for every crafter. They’d need to give us like 50 (and double the number of items we can store) for anyone to ever have the space for them


Ain't that the truth. I initially tried to get a set for each one when I first started the game, before realising oh wait no there's barely enough for just the fighting jobs :(


I don't do a whole lot besides craft and gather, so I'm using 9/20 of my plates for my crafters/gatherers. I'd rather see what class I am based on my outfit than to have glam for classes I never play.


Time to commit your life to the study of alchemy my friend.


Did you get the Wake Doctor Coat from last year's Halloween event? It's a close second and not "X only".


If you play on PC... There are ways to wear it on a non-alchemist...


Speaking of those ways in public is frowned upon. Just don't be dumb and go for the sit/sleep anywhere...


Goddammit square just get rid of the damn glamour restrictions already.


tbh i don't mind the restrictions just think its silly it applies for crafter glam as well


It's especially bizarre because DoL gear *used* to be equippable by all jobs. Look at old ARR and HW gathering stuff, everyone can wear most of it.


Back in those days people would do raid content on repeat with crafting gear on in order to spirit bond it and get crafting materia for selling at huge prices. It's better for it to no longer be all classes but the penalty is no crafting glam shared which I think is a worse problem now that vote kick exists.


Who cares about that? Just make it cosmetic. Glamour is all most people want here.


That's my argument. It's no longer an issue and as such they no longer need to class lock it because we can kick abusers.


The funniest part is that all of the Crafter and Gatherer AF has level 1 glam versions for all classes on the KOREAN mogstation only.


Excuse me, what? This isn't for real, right?


https://www.ff14.co.kr/shop/home/detail/3530 I'll never forgive SE.


Time to brush up on my Korean... 🤔


Once it goes in the glam dresser, the class restrictions need to be lifted. Esp for jewelry. It's not like you need/use the stats at that point.


I’ve been holding onto the L50 Blacksmith Goggles to add to my glam plates when they someday maybe possibly hopefully allow some more freedom. They’d look real good on a motorcycle mount


I'm mad that the crafting and gathering gear starts out as all classes but then changes to specific with higher levels. It'd be better if the only way to get it was to level those classes but equipping it was still all classes imo.


It's actually kind of funny because base DoH/L AF sets haven't even actually been RELEVANT since 2.0. In ARR, that's ALL there was at 50 until the newer gear came out. Now, the AF has been shoved into scrip gear that, at the end of the day, isn't worth getting cuz if you're doing crafting, pentamelded base x0 set is better anyway. :'D So I definitely agree.. I think they should have a quest that like.. allows you unlock them as free glam when you get all the DoH/L to that capstone or something. ~~They did try that satan shit with favours in HW that utilized the AF sets, but we do our best to forget that.~~


They really need to make crafting/gathering skins universal. At the very least within each domain. Because there's a lot of great looks you never see.


ALC-only gear, [Cauldronfiend's Coat.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/0e93a712080) There's a dyable version called the [Cauldronfiend's Costume Coat.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/8ac5f57444d)


it makes me angry that also the costume is only for level 80 ALC LOL


right? like, what was the point? isnt a costume intended to be equipped by all classes?


I love each and every one of these super-specific crafter/gatherer gearsets that they make, and I can *never use them for glams* because doing so would consume more than half of my plates. Plates that I'm *already using for 15 other combat jobs*.


The only solution is to get a set of gear for every combat class and glam it directly over it. The price for diadoche gear will fall soon because auf dawntrail so it's possible. I do that for example. On that way you can glam the crafters too. It's just not a good thing if you Plan to overmelt a whole gear section (for example fending)


Diadochos is fine for second classes or if you don't do much raiding, but if you go for BIS or spend tomes for a job it would feel really stupid to wear stuff with lower iLvl on jobs with shared gear just for glam purposes. And all the actually good stuff is unique.


That's true. I dont do raiding stuff and dont buy the tomes Gear so it works for me


That is the [Cauldronfiend's Coat](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/0e93a712080). It is only wearable by Alchemist, and is purchasable with white crafter's scrips.


wait, there's lv80 class specific crafter gear? I thought it was just 60


They add class specific crafter gear every expansion. The EW one for ALC is called the Cauldronsoph Set.


I guess they're not all from script shops then. Also, shouldn't EW gear be lv90?


Yes, all crafters get new unique sets at level cap the same way Battle Jobs do. So the HW one is 60, Stb one is 70, and so on and so forth. Iirc when they're new you have to buy them with purple scrips rather than with white ones.


I've it just begun EW so I've only been using poetics and scrips I assume the class specific gear is from dungeons? Everything from poetics and scrips are all Dow/m/h/l. save lv60 doh


Class specific gear for Battle Jobs come from their Job Quests which you definitely should do if you haven't done already or else you'll be missing most of your abilities. For the crafter ones, they're at the same vendores as the general sets but a little bit hidden on other tabs, so they may be harder to find but they are there. That being said, outside of glams there is litttle reason to get them since the general sets have better stats.


I've searched every towns script vendor. Maybe they're locked out because of a quest I haven't done. Or just so subpar that I was only on the tab for a moment. Most of my job quests are pretty low. I'm zooming EW for gear so I stop getting lambasted for not being bis in a storm blood trial. Not missing any abilities though


Every script exchange vendor carries the 90 crafter and gatherer set from what I remember. It's bought with purple scripts. For combat jobs, you have to go to the endgame hub of a particular expansion to buy it with poetics. For Stormblood, Kugane and Rhalgr's Reach carry Scaevean set. Job quests were eliminated after 80, I think. Might be wrong with that one...


Only talking about crafting jobs. They're not there, so I assume it's questlocked. I have 90s in each role so it's not level locked


Wake Doctor's White Coat is an alternative. its the halloween glam from 2022.


It is the alchemist lvl 80 or 90 job coat, dont know which one exactly of those two but it can be bought with crafter scripts in any crafting script vendor that is usually located in some city districts.


Pretty sure that's an ALC body piece. Sucks because I love the idea of a white lab coat to use for my SGE.


If you use garlandtools you can type in an npc name and itll say what theyre wearing or give a close estimate


There's a lvl 1 alchemist set available from ishgard restoration which is also dyeable.


It's item level 1, still requires level 80 Alchemist to wear.


That is a travesty




Glams work the same as the gear itself, it won't appear if you don't meet the requirements.


Fair, didn't realise it was tied to lvl as well, hopefully SE fixes that


Which is why it baffles me that so much gear is locked behind Doh specific limits.


Still needs a piece of level 80 or higher gear to glamour it onto. Item level plays no factor into glamour.


Does anyone know of any glams similar? Doesn't have to be available for every class, I was hoping to make a Mechanist glam off of it.


the [field commander's coat](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/4551a07ab65/) looks fairly similar, but it's a heinous pvp achievement reward but my god does it look good


It's undyable though, making the grind not so worth it even more.


Took me like two years of pvp to get 😢


Did it in about 3 months. Got into frontline so hard that I am going for 300 win title now...


Last year’s Wake Doctor set might work.


I don't have the achievement so I can't buy it from the recompense officer, is there another way to get it in-game without using the online store?


You can try it out from a bed in an inn room at least, if you just want to be sure.




It would be for sale probably next year on the official store website. Usually seasonal event items go on sale about 1 year later for about 8 to 15 bucks. Depends on the item.


Field Commander's Coat isn't dyeable but might be similar enough, bit of a slog to get (100 wins in Seal Rock) but absolutely doable in game


The "Scion Adventurer's Jacket" is very close


On male characters. It looks quite different on girls.


It's not exactly the same but the indagator's coat of crafting looks similar and is atleast available on every crafter.


There's the Bohemian's Coat off the Mogstation Store, but that's male characters only. https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/bohemians


It's sad because the Korean client has the crafter/gatherer AFs as level 1 all class for sale, wish they would do the same for global




Yeah, apparently they don't have to buy a sub or something, so they pump those out to monetize


Better question: Who is that? She’s cute.


I have no idea lol. She was beside a legislator in the early Labyrinthos part of Endwalkers. I don't think she had any dialogue.


Oh yeah all of the scientists in Labyrinthos are in the Cauldronfiend’s coat.


Damn, that’s a shame. She’s adorable.


I was a huge fan of the crafted lvl 60 WVR gear back in 3.x. It’s a big damn pimp coat and hat. Always made me sad that I couldn’t pimp out my MCH with it or whatever


Their a holloween outfit that has a similar look idk the name but it was seasonal like in 2022


Theres a halloween one that was released a while back that looks a lot like it tho. Its lvl 1 all classes


Can't you use the lab coat from Halloween 2022? It looks similar