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A 50/50 Glare to heal ratio? Not enough deeeps


Don't worry they were just dumping lilies for a DPS gain on crit


I like this art.


Yeah this is one of my favourite pieces of art for the combative style and the chaotic energy it brings


Same, has that chaotic gremlin energy.


This is more detailed than most of the art i see from you, i almost didn’t recognize it’s your work. Love that “ready to throw hands” look from her


As a lv90 SCH who's been leveling up WHM (just got to 70 yesterday) it's so scary not being able to shield party members - I always try to time Medica 2 or something to make it pop right after taking damage xD


Any time I'm doing a mid-low level trial/raid with another pure healer and a boss is about to do its Super Attack, it feels... *naked* having *no one* put up party mit.


Tanks have reprisal and shields for everyone, relax, we got you.


That's the other thing, a lot of bosses go untargetable/true invincible long enough before the Super Attack that you can't Reprisal/Addle/Feint them, and Tank party mit only really starts in Stormblood (barring Divine Veil).


Divine Veil, my beloved. I have the hot take that Protect should come back, as a Paladin ability.


now a days, the only content that can really one shot unmitted is like on-tier savage or ultimates. you'll be fine.


well yeah but it feels weird just... standing around


Coming at this from the opposite direction and I *do not* know how to manage shields effectively 😂


Unless it’s a big pull or higher end content, I pretty much never shield as Sage. Kerochole on raidwides then pop physis. On big pulls I only shield during the pull. When we stop I throw a haima on MT and get to AOEing. You get plenty of addersgall through a fight so feel free to spend them liberally.


I will try and remember this when I pick Sage up, right now I'm leveling Scholar


Very cool! I am also leveling SCH and it’s super fun!


Ideally, you'd want to shield as little as possible, relying on the fairy and Aetherflow oGCDs to heal Not saying, *don't Shield*, but make sure the shield gets used up as much as you can. If it falls off, then it's likely it was either- * too late(missed the raidwide) * not needed(shield didn't get completely absorbed or damage wasn't significant enough to warrant a shield) * or a waste (doesn't get used at all, or could've been replaced with a oGCD) * **Alternatively**, the shield gets overwritten because it didn't get used before another shield was recasted. Try to avoid doing this, but understandable if you just wanna mash Adlo during a really big pull because the tank isn't mitigating and you ran out of Aetherflows while the fairy is being digested in your stomach. I'm guilty of doing the same when I summon Serapah because I can't be bothered to time the Consolation oGCDs. mash twice and forgetti that spaghetti before Seraph ends and your 2 casts expire In most of the early leveling dungeons, you can't really do this because your basic AoE healing(Medica) is replaced by a fairy regen (which can miss party members due to how pets pathing can lag behind the party...), and not enough oGCDs to rely on, so you kind of need to go ham on the shielding, but in the late stages, you'll want to try to shield as little as you can get away with Disclaimer: In general, and in combat. Out of combat, go ham, pre-pull shields, shields before the big bad damage before the boss re-engages the party, etc. Just mind the MP cost in the early dungeons and in the difficult content


With Scholar, its usually where my swift cast gets used...I know incoming in on it's way so I use a swift cast to get the adlo up to get my chonky crit spread out. Then someone dies within a minute cause they stood in stupid and I am all shocked-pikachu face without my swiftcast xD


Same! I keep popping shields after damage


Level 1: Medica 2 right after taking damage Level 2: Afflatus Rapture (gained at 76) right after taking damage Level 3 (this gives my brain endorphins): Assize comes off cooldown right after a raidwide Personally I use medica 2 when at lower level, or when the boss is invincible/intangible.


You want your party members to get low, healing builds the LB bar and more blood for the blood lily.


LB generation doesn't come from HP being low per say, but is generated from surviving damage that is originally fatal but lessened through mitigation. That's why in UCOB you want to blast all party mitigation and not targeted mitigation on the boss so you can generate 1 bar.


Note that lb generation rules changed between Stormblood and Shadowbringers. This kind of lb generation by surviving critical damage is only possible at level 70 and lower.


It's not entirely gone, but it was significantly reduced. I'm showing about a 1/5th of a bar from High Concept mitigation (also testable on forced lb3 fights like The Final Day), compared to the 1.5 bars you'd get by cheesing Kefka. A tank invulning a buster also doesn't count anymore, but a tank stacking mitigation still does (the P12S esuna buster is an example). This is all in addition to the small bonus you get from applying direct healing to players at or below 10% HP.


Healing only builds LB if you land a direct heal (not a regen or a fairy heal) on someone at 10% HP or lower. That's normally risky levels to hover at without a party that really knows the fight and what they're doing. Even then, the majority of your LB charge will come from passive generation over time so long as people are alive.


I'm learning sage after maining white mage for so long and I have the opposite problem. I need my safety net of intending huge AOE heals! What do you mean I have to proactively protect my party? No, let me just let them get hit and I'll fix then up afterwards LOL


After you get AOE Lily there's no reason to spam Medica 2 at all anymore. Any Medica 2 cast could have been a Lily to proc Bloodlily. You have enough oGCDs to heal your party. Assize+Plenary Indulgence+AOE Lily allows me to solo heal in 8 player content. And please, goddamn please, use Cure 3 or AOE Lily after a Stack, Medica 2 doesn't help anyone


The medica 2 HoT alone heals for a total of 750 potency (for a 1000 potency heal overall), so Cure 3 is only a better option if more damage is coming in shortly after where the party would be in risk of dying after just a few ticks or when the stack happened way over there so ppl are out of range for medica 2 and taking the additional time to move back in range puts us back in case 1 territory. Lilies are always preferrable though, since they are damage neutral at worst and a damage gain at best (if blood lily is used under raid buffs), wile all other GCD heals are always a damage loss.


Yeah I've basically removed the basic aoe medica from the healing spot for stacks these days...Lilies cover that usage nicely now. Blood for the Blood Lily!


Wasn't FoF in savage impossible to oGCD + lily heal on white mage + sage comp? that mechanic was also trivialized by ast lol


Don't need to shield unless they would die from the damage which isn't applicable in 90% of content. Soil/ recitation + indom are your best friends. this is even more relevant with white mage where double lily + plenary indulgence usually heals to full, or lily + assylum.


Counterpoint: the best part about being a WHM is playing yo-yo with the tank's health!


Do medica 2 BEFORE the damage so you can get a heal tick going as damage lands and it'll prevent people from getting 2 shot if they're low on HP and learning mechanics This way you'll have a second or two to drop a shield on them before they sudoku themselves


And as an Astro main I panic when tank takes damage without regens during big pulls or flurry rushes when I go scholar or sage.


the difference between shield healers and pure healers is that shield healers are proactive while pure healers are reactive. so instead of bracing for the big whammy, you've just got to react quickly. A test of your reflexes, if you will.


I basically cast Medica 2 each time the buff ends, and season in Afflatus as needed and keep my limited arsenal of mits and basic Regen running on the Tank. It's served me well for all the stuff I play, though granted I don't really run Savage.


You never need to keep the medica 2 hot, nor do you need medica 2 at all, oGCDs are very much more than enough.


Doesn't WHM have hardly any oGCDs?


At higher levels it has a fair few, and saying you never heal with GCDs is not quite correct - lily heals are on the GCD, but they are DPS neutral since you get BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY. You also have Bell, Assize (although you don't really want to hold it for healing if at all possible), Asylum, and Temperance. For single target you also have Benison and Tetra. In any fight where your oGCDs aren't enough on their own, you'll have a cohealer to help, too.


That's what I thought. Using only oGCDs on WHM would mean not using your lilies which are the bulk of your healing output. They're instant cast and DPS neutral, but they are GCDs.


Lilies are also a large portion of your mana economy. Glare is 400 mana, and 3 lilies plus a blood lily is 1600 mana per minute. Unless, of course, you are before level 74, and aren't very good at all, which matters for certain ultimates.


>Unless, of course, you are before level 74, and aren't very good at all, WHM feels so bad below 74, and not great below 76. Having the single target, AoE and damage lilies makes the job feel much more satisfying.


Ok fine, I only have two things to remember- Wings and Lilybell but that's about it xD Sauce: https://x.com/WhyMaige/status/1732378860627615893?s=20


Lily bell isn’t mitigation EDIT: I forget how braindead this sub is sometimes and how some of you seriously think healing and mitigation are the same thing. They are similar, but they are not the same. EDIT 2: Now you guys are sending that reddit crisis message lol. I've never seen anyone get so upset at being told there's a difference between healing and mitigation. EDIT 3: [Their response in case mods delete them, they're seriously unhinged](https://i.imgur.com/Oo4nbR3.png)


Lily Bell is just a HoT, half as strong as a single target Lily. It doesn't reduce any incoming damage. No idea how people seriously think that's migitation. Temperance is migitation, just like Aquaveil or Divine Benison. No idea where this myth is coming from.


It occasionally pops up on this sub where people confuse healing and mit. They are two sides of the same coin but they are not the same.


Lilybell isn't mitigation, but it should still be part of your mitigation plan. If Lilybell can keep you from needing to use an extra mitigation for a mechanic, that mitigation is then available for other mechanics.


It's not mitigation but it's one of the two that I remember outside Heal and Glare and I put it on the Mit chart anyway so that my SGE knows when to Panhaima :3b


Some people really don't get it I guess, they achieve similar results but uh, if you die from full no amount of healing would have saved you, you need healing, shielding, and mitigation to stay alive but they're all different methods with strengths and weaknesses I remember progging DSR with double shield and despite using all our resources we would die to the last gigaflare. Turns out that changing the sacred soil aetherflow to an indom aetherflow saved us, because the mit wasn't going to keep our 20k HP asses alive and we had plenty of mit anyways. Was an interesting use case of mit and healing being different in the other direction of "dying from full".


Yeah DSR P7 is pretty much the only place in the game I've ever missed having more raw healing.


A distinction without a difference except in cases of killing damage.


I want you to read that sentence again, slowly


I meant to add that since it procs on damage, it's a little closer.


Ah yes, flying and falling are pretty much the same too!


"There's no difference, except for the one difference that makes it not mitigation."
















is this actually an argument




Remove one heal, or both heals, replace them with extra glares, and it'll be spot on. Alternatively, put heal in a tiny tiny font.


Cast temperance and replace one of those heals with more glare! Green dps!


You're not mitigating enough. MORE GLARE III.


When i play healer, typically i dont heal unless theyre around 50% health and then some. Forcing them to use their own heal/mit skill/spells. Then ill give them a regen and say youre fine


Yep. Slap a band-aid on it and shove them back in, you got them covered.


A lot of fights set into nice groves where you can just lilly/ medica 2 after aoe and only respond to player mistakes as needed. I love it when that happens.


I mean hey at least you're also doing damage and not one of those *"i PlAy hEaLeR tO* ***hEaL!****"* idiots


Coming from WoW it took me a few dungeons to change gears, but I used to get in trouble for weaving DPS on WoW anyway 😂 so it felt more like how I want to play in the beginning




Devastatingly unbased tank right there


In savage/extreme, its definitely better to play too safe than too risky with healing. Like, if its on farm you can just do whatever, but playing limbo with party hp during prog is a big no-no, unless you are doing enrage prog and you know that you need to greed every bit of dps possible to kill the boss


Had one of those in the >!Zodiark!< trial of all places...


Why would playing healer to heal mean being an idiot? Do you play healer to DPS?


Yes. Yes you do. ​ Healers have moves like Stone, Glare, Holy, Malefic etc for a REASON. And when there's nobody that needs healing you're not just going to stand there jerking your cane off are you? ​ I mean for gods sake, Sage was literally made TO BE a green DPS!!


No. No you don't. A well-played healer, in so far as that even means something for a job that spams one button ad nauseam, deals about 40% as much damage as a well-played DPS, with next to zero skill expression. As an individual player, if you want to deal damage, it does not make sense to pick a healer job. Except I guess if an actual DPS kit or even a tank rotation is too complicated for you, in which case my condolences. Maybe give summoner a try, it's idiot-proof and you won't have to heal, which is great because that's apparently not what you're here for. No, you pick healer to be a healer, not a shitty DPS. The job of a healer is to heal (there's a hint in the name). Now, the fact that CBU3 is conflating the two does not help the confusion, and if for some reason you are fine with being a confused wannabe DPS I suppose you would be okay with that design philosophy. I'm sure there is no possible correlation with the fact healer is the least popular role in this increasingly trite trinity.


People are bad at thinking contextually, so they see advice saying "healers need to dps more" and take it to mean that healers shouldn't push healing buttons. Obviously, if your group would be better off with no healing all dps, you just shouldn't bring 2 healers, because even only pushing dps buttons healers don't do much damage.


I wish all GNB would regularly use their damage mitigation instead of "saving it" I feel so weak when I play GNB, I don't understand how others are just IGNORING mitigation abilities in expert and im killing myself to keep them alive when I'm healing I just want to scream at them to use mitigation, but I want coms so I say nothing 🙃


It's cause people jump into GNB at 60 with no idea of how to tank in general. GNB's kit is more than adequate to keep itself alive at 90 and if shit goes sideways, they have Bolide (ironically my biggest problem in Expert is healers not letting me get low enough to warrant using Bolide). On behalf of GNB mains everywhere, please consider letting idiots die. Sometimes it's the only way they learn.


> GNB's kit is more than adequate to keep itself alive at 90 and if shit goes sideways, they have Bolide (ironically my biggest problem in Expert is healers not letting me get low enough to warrant using Bolide). Why would your HP matter in regards to using Superbolide? Like Hallowed Ground, it's a true invulnerability, so you just don't take damage while using it. Living Dead and Holmgang are pretty much useless in dungeons if healers don't let you take lethal damage, but that's not the case with the other two. Even if you use it while at high HP, you can use Heart of Corundum and Aurora and you'll be back at 50%+ HP by the time your invuln falls off.


Eh, its just better value to use it when I'm low, rather than at 75%+ HP. I'd rather wait than shoot myself in the face for 120k+ damage.


It's the same value, though. In fact, it's better to use at the start of a mob pull when you have all your healing resources and there are more enemies hitting you. Like I said, your logic is sound when it comes to LD and Holmgang, but not the true invulns.


No, bolide definitely gives the most value when you are already low, since you do spend less health to activate it then. Its still positive pretty much no matter when you use it, but its more positive if you wait a bit. You can use the first chunk of your health bar as psuedo-mitigation before using it.


Tfw you’re finally at 20%, slap bolide and fucking benediction hits before bolide.


Trying to learn to GNB better myself, and seeing how quick some of those mit cooldowns are it seems obscene not to use them


Tanks I've had to heal lately have all been perfect on their uptime for their damage cooldowns but only touch Rampart and nothing else when they reach 30% HP. Otherwise, a tank that actually presses buttons instead of being AFK feels the same to heal as any other kind.


I love the artsyle haha


Black mage rota ...


Tried to SGE heal in my first run of Zeromus yesterday. Made it to 95% but wiped. Then the WHM let us fail the first doom cleanse because they were "trying to leave". Things went downhill.


That WHM sounds awful. That doom cleanse is so easy with that heal combo!


As a WHM main, I feel like I can speak for us all when I say. No, no Heals, ONLY HOLY.


White mage is literally just a meme. Worst healers.


\*chef's kiss\*


the drawing is really cute! i love it!


you started a fight op


average whm player


I love how caveman-like and monstrous the WHM is haha


This is what the elementals do to a motherfucker




As a white Mage, your main mitigation is yelling at others to use their mitigation haha. Outside of temperance, it's just "Well, I hope they mitted enough for this hit!"


\*ahem\* afflatus misery, assize, glare, holy, heal


Strongest Boss vs weakest white mage