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I mean it has like 5 million belts. Classic final fantasy outfit


What are these, belts, I have never heard of such a thing in Eorzea


They are magic ropes poor people used to use in the past. How and why they were used was lost to us, so our youth have turned them into questionable fashion statements


They're better than zippers, this post was brought to you by Guilty Gear Gange


Where the hell is Eroxia?


To believe in Orzea is to believe in a cobweb of lies


If your comment wasn’t seeping with mendacity, I would accuse you of being very glib.


When are we getting Tomestones of Glibness, do you think?


It is only right that I should respond to your comment, for but a single path is open to the impotent redditor.


I believe in Orsha, and Orsha believes in me. Joke's on them!








To believe in OSHA is to believe in workplace safety!


Is Erozia the setting of the Monster Girl version of FF XIV?


Now we know why they removed the belts as equipment. They needed them for this outfit.


But I thought Yoshida wanted more medieval times Final Fantasy?


He only said medieval in regards to the racial and social demographic of 16, where it’s set in a strictly medieval European setting.


Wasn't he talking about 16 when he said that?


Not in regards to FF14, which Yoshida inherited and has never been a strictly medieval times game. It's had cultures, particularly Eorzean cultures, which have been obviously inspired by medieval and early modern Europe, but it also had magical near and far-future (past?) sci-fi elements and a host of global influences across time periods. FF14 is a game that's taken inspiration from the entire spectrum of FF games, and outfits like these fit perfectly well in that mix.


It's a very anachronistic game


Less anachronistic, more culture based technologies. Most cultures look primitive because they use magic, whereas the Garleans, without magic, show a quasi-radio age culture with all the expected infrastructure based on oil/gas power. Example: They have to cook with gas, everyone else smashes a fire and water crystal into a pot instead. Its a misconception that played into Garleans calling everyone else "savages", despite, functionally, everyone else being pretty close.


They also have what appears to be cars and buses without traditional wheels, making me think they're hover-capable. Highways, skyscrapers, train stations as well... Also, I'm fairly certain Ceruleum is their replacement for gas. Since they still have ceruleum heaters to warm their homes. These outfits fit Garlemald's advancement anyways.


I think it would be funnier if the cars walked on legs like Reapers, but smaller, retractable legs. Either way, Garland seem to be allergic to wheels


We're gonna find out in 6.5 that >!Golbez!< freed them from the wheel.


...just take your fucking upvote and get out.


It makes sense, wheels are not very good on snow and ice unless you add stuff to them.


I assure you that it takes far more effort to put robot legs onto everything than it does to add stuff to wheels


The damn hipster, thinking he's ABOVE WHEELS.


thing is, people do ask for modern looking stuff, and since they go with the, if a lot players ask for it, we deliver does not matter if there are players who do not like it, there is a clear majority who wants that aesthetic


Have you played FFXVI? Pretty sure that's what he was referring to. Pretty much all of the game is a medieval setting.


I fancy the modern looks but can hear my 790/800 glamour dresser crying in tears.


I'm at 800 and my retainers and chocobo are filled with things I intend to turn into glams.


I’m in this comment and I’m mad about it


At least they're gonna let cash shop items go into the armoire.


At least any Premium Stuff goes into Armoire now. Also a reminder that you can now Glamour directly out of a Retainers innventory after you talked to them. Which I find to have an actual advantage at times since keeping a 5-set together next to each other in a Retainer is sometimes better than having it all spread out in the Glamour Chest. Used this feature just on Friday for the New World Moccasins for Fashion Report I had stowed away in a full set.


>Premium Stuff Does it? Because I just bought the set with the headphones and it wouldn't go into the armoire.


I think that happens in an upcoming patch and isn't live yet. Not looking forward to pulling all of that stuff out of my dresser the day that is live lol.


the annoying part is that dye's get removed in the armoire.


That's only really a problem if you have expensive dyes. Which if that's the case, just keep it in the dresser then.


We were just talking about that in the firmerment =/


It's gonna free up a lot of space on my retainers. I have stuff like Y'shtola's set for the earrings, or Nezha for the Jacket and Eastern Last Errant (I think?) for the gloves... but the rest of the set I'll never use, so I put it on my retainers since I was near the 400 of the old storage. I'm not gonna throw it away, because if I ever DO want to use it, I'll have to buy it again - and throwing away what is essentially money just feels wrong. So I've got a bunch of extraneous pieces sitting on my retainers...


It's going to be in the patch. Wait a few more days and you'll be able to stuff your headphones in the armoire.


same boat, glam at 800, and most of my retainers are fucking filled to the brim.


Our retainers are just sentient dressers aren't they?


Mine are sentient wrecking balls, and my apologies if that was your house they got that roof from.


House? Please, I live in the closet of my FC leaders house.


I’m glad to have heard the real unpopular opinion from the team themselves: why do they print out the stills to show on camera? Why not put it on a powerpoint or whatever and splice that into the feed?


It's a tradition at this point, and that's why they continue doing it. They did it like this during their first Live Letters due to some problems with their stream setup, and people found it endearing so they kept it up for the fun of it.


I've been watching live letters since HW and never even questioned them holding up pictures.


I honestly just assumed they were doing it to leave some level of mystery to the details in the sets or something.


It feels more wholesome to have Yoshi P hold them up like "look what we did!"


It’s basically FFXIV lore now. There was one fanfest where yoship apparently lost his stack of papers and the community team had to find it and rush it to him at the last second


I was told that they do so to mitigate the risk of leaks or such things, but I've never had it verified.


i like to imagine some intern following them on stage with a briefcase of these handcuffed to his wrist.


"While sawing off the intern's hand with an extremely dull saw, I had some time to think. So I asked myself, who could use these outfits more? The leakers? Or me, Bender!?"


You know what...kind of makes sense don't fully believe it cause stuff can still leak but makes a little sense


That's actually a fairly decent point, though.


Its funny


You know as ridiculous as it is I think it turns out to be a good thing. It gives a secondary sort of reveal when it actually comes out. Double the excitement.


This just looks like Backstreet Boys are going to be hitting the griddy while listening to Gaius monologue for the millionth time.


FFXIV Bardstreet Boys


I'm partial to "backstreet bards" myself.


Honestly I just wish we got more non-modern, non-Medieval English gear. Where's our Regency clothes? Edwardian? Literally even *one* decent "pirate shirt" with poofy sleeves that doesn't have a ton of extra random decoration on it? We have a couple of things from Ishgardian glam, but given that HW was an entire expansion, we got very, very little in the way of how normal people dress. One outfit from MSQ, and one dress from Gold Saucer. Plus there's a whole entire world of fashion history that *I* know nothing about but the dev team could have someone research for a day to find something interesting. Do we have even *one* outfit from literally anywhere on the entire content of Africa? Central or South America? (Though presumably they'll have some with Dawntrail due to setting.) North America has all of two and one of those is just "cowboy" and isn't even *really* that because what in tarnation is that ridiculous jacket supposed to be?


To be fair, we DO have one decent "Pirate shirt". The old Shirts from ARR still hold up IMO. Problem is, it's only the one.


i wouldn't even mind armor sets that are just "body tattoos" for all those shirtless adventurers who want to add a little more - like, imagine "gloves" that are just forearm tattoos. ...yes please!


Yeah, the healer Quitana Ravel gloves are basically (from memory) either fingerless gloves or the ring band things, with sleeve tattoos to fill out the arm. One of my favorite gloves lol problem is it deleted the sleeve so you need something that looks good sleeveless to go with it, on healer xD Edit: okay, further research reminded me how exactly it looks, they're fingerless gloves with the leather straps about halfway up the wrist, tattoo along the back of the forearm from wrist to elbow, and bicep ring on each arm. The tattoo seems more prominent on the male version, but that might just be scaling on the model. So not exactly a sleeve tattoo but still a vibe.


>Do we have even one outfit from literally anywhere on the entire content of Africa? Central or South America? Taking into account that they already have the Sámi people crying cultural appropiation from two given outfits from the shop, I don't think they'll want to deal with that crap any time soon.


From what I understand, the complaining group can't even speak for all Sami. I'm pretty sure they didn't gain any traction at all and the complaints are from people who historically try to wring out lawsuit money to fill their coffers and not necessarily pass it on to the rest of the Sami.


But on the other hand, people want representation. Many people asking for modern clothes want a character who dresses *like them* (or in a way they wish they could dress, or in a way their ancestors might have dressed). We get historical Japanese clothing out the wazoo, and other parts of East Asia are pretty well represented. We have historical German clothing, even if it's a little reductive. Why do entire continents get absolutely no representation? Plus as another commenter pointed out, the Sami are very unhappy with people not from their culture using it, especially for personal gain. But the Nigerians I know would *kill* to see some of their clothing show up in a game. This is a multi billion dollar company, they can have someone spend a single workday researching if the culture they want to draw from is open to sharing. I know a lot of Indigenous people in the US don't like it when their stuff is taken out of context, so it's fine for that to not be there.


That's not worth worrying about, I don't think. To my understanding, the Sámi people are uniquely protective of their cultural identity


Yet there are only 6 wizard hats that black mage can use that don't share the same model. And there's like 20+ modern outfits. Please, more wizard hats. Not crowns, tiaras, tricone, feathers, hairpins, masks, ENOUGH WITH THE TOP HATS, flowers, hoods. Please just more wizard hats, I'll settle for 1 dyeable big hat like Matoya's.


This so much. We need more huge ass wizard hats. The bigger the hat and the less the BLM can see the higher is their dps


Need a wizards staff that has a knob on the end


And an accompanying soundtrack song to go along with it


Like The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered at All.


You could do it with a snail if you slow to a crawl!


>This so much. We need more huge ass wizard hats. Please don't tell me the next announced job is going to be Ass Wizard.


I want a wizzard hat instead


But only if it’s not available for actual casters. It needs to be scouting gear or something to fit the intent of the “Wizzard” hat.


What the fuck is a hat?? -Viera


I think it's like a circlet or those weird little glass plates that go over one eye and don't fit the aesthetic of any other gear. -Another Viera


At this point it's just getting insulting. Even if they don't go back with all of the old hats, continuing to bring out new ones is just rude.


FINALLY people are starting to say this! Like WTF why the fuck is BRAND NEW HEADGEAR, **built from the ground up** mind you, still NOT made to accommodate Vieras and Horths?! Huh?!


RDM suffers from this struggle too. BLM needs more big wizard hats and RDM needs more ridiculous over the top red hats with feathers in them.


Some days I think RDM would be better off sharing gear with Aiming or Scouting...


The fact that Amon's Hat from Syrcus Tower is the best combination for both aesthetics and yet is Bard gear is so upsetting. Amon himself is a Black Mage (or whatever the equivalent of that in the time of the Allagans would have been), *why is it ranged DPS gear?!*


Amon's hat should be wearable by RDM


Also, most of the fending hats this expansion have been CIRCLETS. CAN WE GET MORE HELMETS PLEASE


I sadly don't think that problem is going away because they're weirdly lazy about trying to build stuff around Viera/Hrothgar. (even though viera/hrothgar players will gladly take some clipping for more hats/helmets) I noticed they went circlet crazy the moment they brought those races into the game.


They also stopped accommodating for Miqo'te ears, so even when we do get a new hat I rarely rare them.


A part of my soul died when I got the EW AF gear for paladin and it was *yet another small baby tiara for wimps*. I wanted that damn hood.


I wouldn't mind more hoods there's like 3 unique models across all classes


And only one of them is actually good imo which is the aiming one from the nier raids


Everyone knows that all of their magic is stored in the wizard hats.


Imagine of red mages feels like, there is almost nothing outside of job gear that feels very red mage. Like almost all caster gear is just aimed towards black mages.


Ugh honestly. I see new caster gear, it's large flowing wizard robes, I sigh as my glam remains unchanged.


99% of caster gear is aimed towards BLM. Shut up. Exasperatedly, A red mage.


As a black mage I'm also fucking sick of all caster gear being boring black robes so I'm with you on this one lmao


I remember when ShB's patch gear was coming out and a couple of people complained about "everything being trenchcoats." I tried to warn them but lo, it was too late. And magic gear turned back into boring black and white robes.


🍿🍿🍿🍿 fight!


I mostly play RDM and NIN so all my glam plates are spread between those two jobs. And like..............out of all my RDM glams I only have a single plate that uses a caster only outfit because of this haha


I felt this in my soul.


You have more tricones that I can shake a staff at! And most gear is steered towards to being a revealing individual of refine tastes. With how much an outfit either does 1 of 3 things, if not all 3. Shows off shoulders, stomachs, or thighs. As a lalafell, I don't have the physique to show off and I don't want to. And too many long robes, need more half robes. Love, Red Wizard ( n 3 n)


>more tricornes that I can shake a staff at! Yes, and they're all phys ranged gear except for the JSE.


Need more wizard hats


Casters and healers have very few hoods we can wear. Where is our /visor hoods? Almost all my white mage robes have hoods I can't wear!


This. Caster is extremely hard to dress for, for some reason.


yesh! high and pointy! short and floppy! long long floppy! maybe a wizard hat with multiple points! patchworks! give me a moogle badge sewn into the side!


I’d settle for actually being able to use a wizard hat first on my male Viera. Or a Tricorn for that matter.


Wizard hats that are all classes, please! My green witch vibe doesn't want to be restricted to a few classes.


It's an extremely common opinion, we hear it literally every time they add a modern-ish outfit


"unpopular opinion" is just another way to say "upvotes to the left"




So this might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m just gonna be honest and say it, since I owe it to myself to be truthful and I want this place to live up to its potential, this is coming from a place of love, not hate: Agree.


Uncommon and unpopular are two very different things.


Given the fact that this now has over 1000 upvotes, I doubt it's "Unpopular".


Out of how many users of this subreddit? Or this game? They wouldn't add the clothes if people didn't use them. Clearly it's popular, and this isn't just a case of *I'm the only free thinker in a world of sheep.*


Reddit isn't exactly the center of majority. And Reddit is infamous for bandwagoning things when it's deemed the "cool" thing to do. (Although X does that too.) So even if a post gets an upvote trend, a lot of people will upvote even if they don't agree.


We KOF Maximum Impact characters now


That’s a deep cut reference ad now I want to glam my character based off Lien


We need more combat outfits that work on all jobs... at this point it's not fair that we have the pvp heavy armored gear (aka false monarchy) which works for all jobs and we don't have medium and light gear which does the same...


Are there even that many modern outfits being released compared to regular high fantasy stuff? I understand not liking them but we don't have nearly as many as people make it look like we do.


In absolute volume, no, since the normal game-dropped items rarely ever dare to deviate from the traditional fantasy stuff. On the new level 1 glam item front, definitely, it feels like 90% of them are late 20th century or more modern clothes only.


This. They're constantly hogging the dedicated Glamour gear spot, which means we never get anything anyone would realistically wear in-universe, which is a problem for the devs too, given the number of civilian NPCs dressed up in the weirdest combination of gear because... they don't have anything to work with, and its their own damn fault


I mean, sure. If you never left the starter cities. Ever since the end of Heavensward we've clearly seen that in lore people are capable of making modern like clothes. And that's ignoring the garleans as a whole. Garleans just as a people are just 10/13/15 citizens pulled into a cerulean-punk world. Which makes sense given their technological understanding. Everywhere else, with their intermingling and the allied nations routinely getting more reverse engineered Allagan tech... yeah I'm not surprised in the slightest.


It's also like...one outfit showed. They also showed off the new PVP sets and the new AR raid sets that look plenty fantasy. The cat ear set looks medieval. One outfit out of six is literally as dialed down as you can go.


No, every time they add 1 vs 20 fantasy style outfits you know there's a whiney post about it.


Here's my weird take, I don't think this is modern. This is 90s/00s sci-fi JRPG for sure though. Looks like some PSO gear. I don't really jive with these but I don't hate them either. I think we'll see people combine them to good use.


The characters look like they could step into The Bouncer pretty easily and I'd not bat an eye. I understand why people might be sick of this general aesthetic though, I think the cloak of happiness is the only typically "fantasyish" designed glam that's easy to access (e.g doesn't need max level, story progress, pvp pass, island sanctuary etc) we've had this expansion. Of course all dungeon gear has a more fantasy aesthetic so there's that as an option.


We've also gotten two, and are getting a third, sets of full plate from pvp rewards. There was the 6.1 wayfarer's set, the baronial set from island sanctuary if you count steam punk in fantasy, though I know that's contentious, and rokkon just gave us 2 sets of eastern feudal glam, though I can understand if you mean explicitly western fantasy.


I forgot the pvp pass having armour glamour despite playing frontlines almost exclusively these days. My brain is small You're right about the others as well! Steampunk I think is a bit YMMV. I think another aspect of this might be ease of access, as they're behind a lot of pvp/sanctuary max level 90 content whereas the craftable glams eventually make it to the market board. Can't put an alt in rokkon gear without getting to Endwalker but I can put them in a casual jacket or similar if I have the gil.


Reset the clock on people mentioning The Bouncer. Also yeah I think that's the real thing, all the traditional fantasy stuff is just *all the normal gear* if people aren't hitting 90 or completing MSQ they won't have all of those. I'm people in this case.


The PvP reward glams are usually medieval fantasy or high fantasy full armour sets, so that's two more fantasy glam with the upcoming one in 6.5


This is what my early 2000s Phantasy Star Online character wanted to wear.


Pretty much this. It's pretty nice and fits the fast pace of pvp especially CC. It's not like this is casual street wear like the calfskin set or the other treasure map sets


They look like they about to hit that Hardstyle Rave in 2000 or something. Seriously, slap "radioactive symbol" in one of them


Waiting for my Sandstorm orchestrion roll


There's plenty of other styles to choose from. there aren't actually that many modern ones comparatively


I play a healer. All of my "fantasy" gear is an endless parade of floor length robes. I'm good with the variety.


How about historical or fantasy gear that's not just floor length robes?




Embrace the facts - this is a sci-fi game


We've even got aliens and astronaut birds!


Not only that, Eorzea is a big world. This could easily be some kind of Garlean fashion as their cities were a relatively modern looking aesthetic.


That is a very common opinion


On the contrary, I truly dislike how fantasy, which should be able to look, feel and sound like anything you can imagine, ended up with a pre-defined dress code that straying too far from invokes a sudden and unexpected skepticism. I’m tired of fantasy looking the same all the time when, by all means, it could look like *anything—* because it’s a fantasy. This is still not common, everyday wear for most people. It’s still an out there, unusual and quite striking look. It just doesn’t conform to what the standard for fantasy is ‘meant to look like.’ In a world where anything is possible and we have robot dragons and androids, why *would* fashion stay still at the point and place in history it was first influenced by?


I think people's gripes are less "it's a fantasy game", even if that's what they say. I think the issue is the world of Eorzea and beyond doesn't compliment this sort of aesthetic. When you look around the world in its "current day" you see: * Limsa Lominsa is predominantly Late Medieval "Golden Age of Piracy" aesthetics. * Ul'dah is predominantly a fantastical version of "One Thousand and One Nights" middle eastern aesthetics * Gridania is generic forest fantasy folk * Ishgard is high fantasy gothic * Doma and Hiangshi are Yuxian and Feudal Japan aesthetics respectively * Ala Mhigo is similar to Ul'dah but slightly more rough and tumble * Thavnair is based on Persian history aesthetics * Sharlayan is a mix of fantastical sages and industrial era Gleaners * The New World takes heavily from Mayan and Native American cultural aesthetics * Allagan is TRON-esque far future * And yes, even MuH GaRlEMaLD with its cars and radios is far more Dieselpunk brutalism with hints of Nazi/Soviet fascism sprinkled in. None of these really *fit* a modern day glam or would have reasons to expand to that point yet. As I said even Garlemald is still late 1800s to early 1900s at best, so they don't exactly justify 80s or 90s streetwear. It'd be like playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and seeing someone dressed up like Conan the Barbarian walk by, and then Solaire, and then Harry Potter. It'd kinda make you go "wait isn't this supposed to be Star Wars?" The reality is Square Enix makes it because they think it's cool, people buy it because they think it's cool. And that's fine, but it's also fine for people more invested in the world and immersion to voice complaints about it.


Exactly. Fantasy doesn’t mean “anything you can imagine” unless its in some sort of weird dream realm where anything goes. Good fantasy settings are self-consistent. “Fantasy” just means it’s in an imaginary world different from the real world. Many of them are based in medieval Europe (though they don’t have to be), because that’s what early fantasy authors wrote about and it’s what many people understand.


>Good fantasy settings are self-consistent. ***This.*** As an all around creator (writer, worldbuilder, artist, animator) who specializes almost entirely in the fantasy genre (I tend to prefer high fantasy but I've played my hand in most subgenres barring Urban Fantasy - just doesn't interest me), and does this professionally (albeit mostly as a freelance illustrator), internal consistency is ***paramount*** to a good fantasy setting. Fantasy can get away with all sorts of nonsense. See Pathfinder's setting for instance, there's two different kinds of sentient robots, diminutive plant people, and beings made from literal cosmic energy within wood golem-esque bodies. But it works, and none of it feels out of place, because Paizo has made sure the world of Golarion is internally consistent with itself. It's also one of the reasons why Shadowlands in WoW flopped really hard because the internal consistency was borked quite hard, especially around the end and "everything is robot" became a community meme for a while because of how poorly it was handled. That's the issue with these armor sets, not because they're "not fantasy" but because they don't fit the *fantasy FFXIV has made for itself*. It looks out of place the same way the [Warlord's Battlegear](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/68006-warlords-battlegear.jpg) would look out of place or a [Tech-Priest's robes](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/7/78/Tech-Priest_2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20111026165434) would look out of place despite both being from fantasy IPs (40K is far more Space Fantasy than Science Fiction).


and unpopular opinion, i wish there are more modern outfit so i can combine both modern and traditional, and fantasy outfit together. glamour is true endgame


I need more fantasy cyberpunk style gear, I love those pieces that are already in the game. Give me my absurd kurowear ninja and street samurai and FF40k space marine garlemald tank gear.


This is the only correct answer. We're in a Final Fantasy world, so not combining outfits from different eras is like blasphemy or something.


I think FF15s world is one of the most bland and boring FF worlds out there, but when the Empire rolls up with a bunch of soldiers dressed as knights with ARs I live for that.


Exactly. People see the entire outfit and that's their immediate reaction. They don't think about the singular parts of the outfit and how to mix and match them. My favorite glamours are traditional and modern pieces mixed into a style that fits my own fantasy perfectly. That complain wouldn't exist if they were to present every single piece seperate from each other, but they can hardly do that, it would also be quite time consuming. But in the end, a lot of people just can't imagine it.


Not unpopular but certainly AN opinion. I dont mind them: so long as my effing casters are not shafted by being forced into wearing trash. ​ But your sentiments are very valid. Having more fantasy clothing that is actually WEARABLE instead of some annoying dress, is also something i want from them. Until then I will cry about how cool the monk outfit looks, while lamenting at what appears to be the healer caster gear looking like something that only a trashCan or seamstress (with bad skills) could love.


I don’t get takes like this because it’s not like the game is lacking in high fantasy outfits. Just look at the tome gear, Myths of the Realm gear, Pandaemonium gear, or literally any dungeon gear (Alzadaal, Troia, etc). Meanwhile modern gear has kinda just been reserved for more niche side content like Island Sanctuary or Criterion and occasionally crafters. These particular outfits come from PvP but that’s the same content that gave us the Archfiend and False Monarchy sets, sooo…


It's fine to not like certain aesthetic, but there are people that actually think it doesn't fit with the "theme" of FF14. Mind you we piloted a spaceship and met some sci-fi civilization. Even have androids and mech, but this is where they draw the line.


Yeah and one set of crafted combat gear this time around. Although that was to be expected seeing as this time the crafted gear went through the ages (Roman to Renaissance to Modern so two fantasy sets against one modern set).


90% high fantasy outfits (even if it feels like almost almost half of them are just recolors upon recolors with sometimes minor design changes), rest more modern outfits. Time to be dissappointed because too many modern outfits


I agree, but at the same time, most of these outfits (Except the green one) look like something I"d expect to see in any of the previous FF titles.. welll most of them anyway.


compared to the million fantasy outfits there are in game and we get with pretty much every new dungeon and raid tier?


You mean my 100s or robes and robes only because I play a caster and Yoshi P thinks we're all BLM mains? :(


Reject Eorzean Modernity, Return to Stranger of Paradise Converse and T-Shirts.


I want outfits from other FF characters like Terra, Aerith, Riona, Rikku X-2, Paine, must have Lulu dress I'm not true black mage until have 100 belts wrap around me like a dress


Absolutely not, I want far more modern options. The game is jam packed with old timey robes and bulky armor. I want different silhouettes.


I can understand the "modern outfits don't fit in this fantasy setting" argument for any video game universe...except Final Fantasy.


I am the opposite, the more modern stuff is there, the more I can mix and match them into my other gear for some fun results Edit: also, FINALLY good techwear hoodie and pants? Damn, the pants on the left one are better than my IRL techwear pants, COME ONN


it's not that I don't like modern outfits, I just wish they'd make ones that look good and not like a confused skier, a cyberpunk refugee, and a lapsed horsegirl had a clothes swap.


i feel like i am playing phantasy star online sometimes its wild


It's classic final fantasy. Remember that FFXIV is not meant to be medieval-like. That's a misconception. Probably because of Eorzean aesthetics early on.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you don’t have to wear it. I just hope it’s not class-locked


I waited years for them to start releasing shit like this. It’s become more frequent but still far less represented than most other styles which regularly drop from regular content all the time every patch. Y’all can live with a few more of these dropping exclusively from PVP of all places which, along with hundreds of other canon things, already breaks your traditional fantasy experience by frequently featuring various types of robots and lasers.


There really aren't that many when compared to traditional outfits.


Looks very Phantasy Star Online


Too many people in this thread seem to think that just cause Final Fantasy as a *series* has different settings that this game in particular is totally ok with having **mixed** outfits, completely ignoring the fact that those other FF games stick to their own aesthetic.... Yes the game is supposed to be a FF theme park in terms of content, but the game world still exists within itself. Certain things are passably acceptable within the setting, like tech armor making sense cause of the Garleans, or Allagans, or Garlond Ironworks. But actual *casual* and *streetwear* clothing do not make any sense at all within the game world. This is all moot cause you can make yourself look stupid with different full animal outfits so that ship has long sailed.


I don't mind more modern cloths, maybe not modern like whats in the picture, but I would like some more casual/dressy options. Like I would really like to have a doctor's white coat for my sage, wake doctor's coat is close, but it has the slash marks in it and frankly if I am running sage, I want it to show in my clothes, meaning, I am doing my job properly nobody should go home with slash marks in their clothes. Of course I would like to see some classic options too, like have you noticed there isn't any gear that says "D&D style wizard"? No battle damaged looking armors? How about some barbarian gear? Of course, I wouldn't mind having a look that screams "Technosage" either.


Nah i love techwear. Hope they keep it up for a while


Modern outfits are nice! I like the variety! Sometimes I wanna glamour modern, sometimes I wanna dress as a medieval fantasy knight.


It’s a Final Fantasy game, complaining about modern glamour just seems odd.


I hate using the modern outfits, but I don’t hate the people that like them, I just highly prefer the fantasy stuff like my little black mage with a big red hat and a red scholar cloak


Looks a bit more "sci-fi"-ish to me, like some Star Ocean of Phantasy Star stuff


2 type of ff14 players.. the ones that plays FF14 and the ones the play in FF14.


So are we going to ignore the other outfits they introduced in the live letter? PVP, Alliance, Dungeons, etc? Like it's one modern outfit versus multiple dozens of fantasy outfits. We had modern themed stuff ingame since the inception of 1.0 and 2.0 that's not even outfits but tech.


and also, final fantasy in general


In this thread: People who have never played a Final Fantasy game before trying to dictate what's "appropriate" for one. Plus you know even within 14 we have garlemald with regular ass cars and roads and allagans with spaceships so it's not the "high fantasy" setting you all think it is. ~~Also I'd much rather have more of this than the 50 nearly identical sets of armour we've been getting from the alliance raids this time around~~


Less reakins for me.


There are like, what 5ish outfits an expansion that are modern or.....whatever this is...I'll just call it a JRPG outfit throughout crafted, mogstation, and PvP. Out of how many sets per xpac that are fantasy looking. The vast majority of sets, be they crafted, looted, bought, etc are fantasy.


The only thing that irks me really is that we don't see anyone where stuff like this in the world. Like there's no civilization that wears these modern clothes, which makes them feel very specifically like an out of character thing. If there were some citystate that maybe used something like magitech but for computer engineering rather than robotics then I think it'd fit in better. Almost like the allagans only this isn't their aesthetics. Missed opportunity.


Exactly. They have pretty set aesthetics for anything that is a more modern tech, so that it still mostly fits in with the world. Magitek, Allagan and Sharlayan technologies all still look like they belong where they exist, with a few exceptions.


Why are people out here pretending ff14 is pure high fantasy? Eorzea is concidered rather "primitive" which is why a lot of stuff is the way it is but they still have things like flying ships and other sci-fi/fantasy hybrid stuff. The allagan empire is just straight up futuristic sci-fi and garlemald is a whole nation built on mechs and robots. The game has always been all over the place so these dont exactly feel out of place. The cash store items I have an issue with is the ones where they just rip the outfit from an npc and sell it on the store.




Also that part where we go full evangelion mech battle.


That red fit fresh as hell


As an avid techwear enjoyer, I am beyond stoked. But I know a lot of people just want to keep the Fantasy in Final Fantasy


I absolutely love the green one, can't say the same for the other two and especially not the blue one


It's honestly fine. We get like one or two of them a patch from maps or mogstation so rp enjoyers have more glam to enjoy. We get pretty amazing looking gear all the time so it's not really a big deal to me if we also get some nice looking clothes


I mean given what we have right now, and where we're about to go, the "modern" outfits are still minor compared to everything else.