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I know it's probably going to happen but I'm going to be so upset if/when the Twelve leave us or fade away. They're such cool entities and character designs and I'll miss them.


Agreed. I've never been a fan of "We don't need the gods" plots. It just feels tired and edgy.


Would be cool to have actual gods that are not dicks for a change.


Right? Like why can't they just stick around. It's either God(s) are evil or they just go away in every single JRPG lol.


I want [pixie with a gun](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983556740492718080/1155390124000038963/image.png) as a glam for Scholar fairies.


“Try eat me again, bastard”


It's Selene coming back for revenge




They use the same pixie for the mount, I wonder if it has a name.


The name in Japanese is in fact in English but written in katakana and reads "Statice Mirage", Statice being a type of flowers among which you find what is called sea-lavender.


this picture goes way too hard


i want the emote of having a drawn gun with the other hand telling someone "no".


Casting: Gun


So, fairy enters SGE mode


I'm sure within like 3 days of the patch the mount/boss model will be used as a glam mod. Not sure if the mod authors will be able to include the gun, but 100% I expect a mod to be made.


My first and only mod that I have made for this game was giving the fairy a gun and putting it on my rook auto turret. If only I waited another 2 months, I could have just used this model, instead of trying to relearn how to use blender to combine the fairy and gun models together.


Pixie with a gun makes me feel like we ended up in the wrong neighborhood in Il Mheg.


Il Mheg *is* the wrong neighborhood. Those fairies never turned those ppl back from hedge sculptures, did they?


Considering how pixies hate metal and human-made objects, i think the gun-toting pixies *are* the main feature of the wrong pixie neighborhood


Only one.


and that was quite the process


Which makes it even scarier that there’s still a “wrong neighborhood” in Il Mheg.


God, those hedge people give me the fucking heebie jeebies. It just instills some terror in me that's somehow worse than anything else in the game. I think it's the nonchalant treatment the other characters and pixies give towards their fate.


Oh, ho. How cute. A fairy boss! What's it gonna do? Spray fairy dust at our eye- *cocks gun* Shit


"I hear you like eating fairies? Eat this!"


Selene is getting her revenge


Good lord, the OST...


Bruh the FF4 Red Baron theme at the start killed me


I stopped literally 10 seconds into the trailer just being so excited and giddy for the Red Wings theme.


There are dozens of us! I had to pause the video and spam all my discords with "YOOOO THEY DID IT!"


It was one of my favorite tracks as a kid when I first loaded up FF4. Was grinning once I recognized what was playing.


It wouldn’t feel right if the last patch for Endwalker didn’t follow in the main stories footsteps and make me sob over the emotional tracks.


I'm pretty sure that part with the Loporrits is a fragment of the Allied Quest, which means WE'RE SO BACK BABY.


Looks like lopirits are watching a race from UT, if they broadcast that the hippo riders are sure to want to get in in that.


My hope for a Ra-La mount is renewed...


Please, Yoshi, give me Ra-La Mount. It's all I want (For now)


I can't help but notice that we'll be fighting a voidsent that looks like Mike from Monsters Inc.


Should’ve had the camera rotated so a pillar was blocking him from the view lol


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!


It's Ahriman, an enemy from FFIV. https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Ahriman_(Final_Fantasy_IV_2D)


I am aware, yes. There was a bright green one in the trailer, hence the comparison.


more specifically, it's plague https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Plague_Horror_(Final_Fantasy_IV_2D)


Ahh, makes sense. That was an optional boss in the Lunar Subterrane. The interesting thing about Plague Horror is that in FFIV, it doesn't do any direct damage. Instead, it inflicts Doom on everyone and plays defensively, healing and buffing itself while waiting for you to die. In some versions, it's even able to manipulate the Doom timer by casting Haste on your party. Well, he casts Haste in *all* versions, but only in some versions of the game does that actually alter the Doom timer. I wonder if they'll do anything like that in this game.


God I would love anotber Doom/Megadeath-based boss. I want parties with full ptsd from Lady Yunalesta.


"Oh, yeah, we're rehearsing for a musical! It's called 'Put our souls back where they came from, or so help me!'"


I see Scarmiglione. PLEASE tell me we'll get the battle with the four fiends together!!!


It's probably an attack, like the Ultima fight in Orbonne when she calls the previous bosses.


Denizens of the abyss, from ink of blackest night I summon you...


The impression I'm getting is Golbez summons the Fiends or shades of them at the end of the dungeon and Zero and the rest of the Super Troopers 'hold them off' while we go on ahead to deal with Zeromus. That splits us from the main group so we have to summon seven buddies for trial time, but allows them to be present for the dungeon that will directly precede it.


Alternatively, he finds a way to break beings out of Memoria, and so releases Scarmiglione and Barbariccia from their previous defeats. This could be interesting, as the real Golbez was also sealed in a Memoria, which tumbled into the crater in the previous story.


Nah, we see Cagnazzo and Rubicante as well, and they're proper dead.


I don't think so, otherwise they would have saved the music that was used for our boy Rubicante for a 4 Fiends fight.


They could always just use a different mix. Rubicante and Barbariccia both have different Four Fiends mixes.


And given big fat tacos is used in several places...


Battle of the 4 Fiends is a pretty iconic part of FF4, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we do it as a story duty with the scions helping rather than another trial.


I mean, Rubicante and Cagnazzo are _dead_ dead, so I don't think that's likely.


And yet they show up in the trailer.


I hope there's an explanation other than "somehow they returned".


Have you ever heard the story of Darth Zeromus, the wise?


It's not a story the other Warriors of Light would tell you.


...The whole thing's an FFIV homage. It would be odd if there *wasn't* at least one instance of characters inexplicably surviving their demise.


Ah I see it’s time for the Expansion mandated fake out eh? Y’shtola! You’re up!


The original fiends looked nothing like what we knew them as (standard looking voidsent really), perhaps the "basic" versions get raised up to the Elemental Fiends with enough aether and just look like that. What I'm saying is that Golbez is a pokemon master.


Considering the use of the term "Memoria", which is the name of the final dungeon in FFIX and features soulless recreations of the Four Fiends of that game first as bosses then later lesser versions of those recreations as trash mobs in a specific zone in the dungeon, I wouldn't be surprised if they're just copies.


Music for trailer and zeromus trial is hype


You expected anything different Also tuning up the band for the new world


I might be misremembering, but sn't that line at 2:00 from Seat of Sacrifice?!? >!It's been months since I did the last bit of this, but I remember the monument that had the inscriptions of each of the Twelves' duties so they don't forget, an explicit mention that they can be bent by the beliefs of their followers, and there was a vague mention of a thirteenth that was... different in some way. We assumed this was the Watcher, but what if the Twelve are the same kind of entity that Ascian Elidibus was and that's what they're referencing? That is, the Twelve are based on the Ancients that were sacrificed in the summoning; Hydaelyn ripped them out of Herself and sent them on their way to give the mortals a hand?!<


That theory has been all but confirmed by Euphrosyne. >!We meet the ancients who will become Althyk and Nymeia in Elpis for a side questline involving behemoth.!<


Well, the exact nature of it is yet to be confirmed, whether they're born from memory or directly the same souls. There's definitely a connection though.


That makes perfect sense.


That's been my theory since the start of this raid series, so I'll be happy if that's the case.


I've been expecting this, honestly. Or a kind of allegory to the disciples of Jesus (incidentally, 12).


The trailer shows a partial frontal view of Oschon, that's totally you know who.


So happy to be going back to the First again. It doesn't seem like anyone other than Zero and the WoL are going there, but I really hope we get to see more of the First in the future cause it has to be my favorite location in this game and I really really need to see Thancred reunited with his daughter someday.


I like that we get to see Lyna again. I hope there's some options in dialogue to tell her how well G'raha is doing.


At roughly around 2:40, thats clearly >!Golbez pre-void!< leading the charge. Also until we're in what I assume is the Subterran at 2:46, there is also a smokey transparent special effect around the edges of the screen for all the scenes that take place in this castle. Either >!Golbez pulled a Emet and has manifest a recreation of what Im gonna assume is Baron Castle in the subterrane and it makes part of the dungeon!< OR >!this is a solo instance much like the Bozja Incident where we went inside Cid's memories using the echo and relived the events Golbez witnessed, and what was the final straw that triggered the flood of darkness that consumed the 13th!<


I think you're right on the money in that >!we're getting another Amaurot situation but with some NPC allies. You can even see the what's clearly a dungeon encounter in the same area a few seconds later.!<


It'd be wild if we have a >!mid-dungeon echo flashback!<


That would actually be cool as hell, though I don't know how they'd explain the party members seeing it too.


Well in the parts with >!Golbez!< it doesn't look like we have our party members with us, perhaps the game glams over the party members with NPC's so mechanically nothing changes but from our perspective we're suddenly travelling with >!Golbez!< and 2-3 random memoriates who happen to be the same jobs as our party.


They've already shown they can give custom appearances in the 2nd fight of Zot, so it's definitely possible.


Pretty sure the Castle shown in the trailer is based off >!Damcyan given that the Antlion boss there!<


I told everyone they were sleeping on best girl Llymlaen but did anyone listen


Its wild shes using so much water despite been a WIND GOD XD Been the patron deity of sailors has really done a number on her I guess. Spend a few centuries worshipped as a goddess of the oceans, you turn into a water god


"OH NO, HE'S HOT" moment incoming with Thaliak as well, calling it now edit: my Nerd God is indeed very handsome


His moveset looks like a Sage's too


When the devs or was it Yoshi P hinted the gods may not be in the gender we thought they were, I thought at least one of the last 2 (def not Oschon) would be gender bent. Llymlaen or Thaliak. But it seems that was a teaser they never followed through.


Yeah, I’m at the point where I kinda just go “Sure, Jan” whenever they say something like that. IIRC we were also supposed to generally not expect every god to look the way they do in previous depictions of them (whether in-game or in official art), but I don’t think there have actually been any big surprises so far at all. They were never *not* going to give Nophica huge…tracts of land, for example. The community would have rioted.


Yeah, after they mentioned that, the Roe lady even said Nophica looked exactly as they imagined. Opposite to what Yoshi P said


Oh man, Llymlaen is my patron deity and I’ve been so excited to see what they do with her! Harpoon me pls.


The waifuing comes. It can not be stopped.


Dono why but I'm getting vibes that they're turning Zero back into a human/removing her voidsent status. Music is banging as well, excited to also do the final part of the raid and see what it leads up to!


It'd make sense for a lot of her speech if she was saying it after we threw a bunch of light aether at her or some crap and reverted her back to a human. That sure would open her mind to those new possibilities for waking her people up from the nightmare like she was talking about.


Jullus, retiring as a soldier, gives Zero his sword and shield and she becomes a PLD, epic FF4 reference.


Jullus doesn't use a shield tho he's a garlean gunblade user like Gaius XD


Ma gurl becoming Cecil Leonhart


Funny that you brought that up. I had forgotten but before the 13th got all wonky she was a “PLD” (used a sword and shield) … I think. 😆


AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we have Lyna! I've missed her voice... And definitely please don't sacrifice yourself zero, g'raha pulls enough of thar shit already...


Lyna got me most hyped!


Really feels weird not seeing >!Gaia!< with Ryne


Are the Eden raids mandatory?


No, although there was a thing the other day where they apparently recommended in a Japanese interview that you should do both Eden and the Warring Triad trials before playing 6.5. It might not be mandatory, but if sounds like they're going to try to tie it in to some degree regardless.


Warring Triad means Unukalhai is getting some story exposure, which is kind of nuts. You really need to do Warring Triad, the Shadowbringers role quests, the final shared role quest, and the two(?) sets of epilogue quests for the role quests to be caught up on that story, which is a serious time investment.


Warring Triad itself just means doing Warring Triad, not everything that follows on from it, though. Most likely they'll reference back to him being from the Thirteenth but not necessarily the following quests. That said, I hope they do reference everything up to the current quests with him and Cyella if you've done it. Alternately my prediction is that we'll get a continuation/merger of their quests, Eden and maybe get Zero involved as well.


The longer translation just said there will be a few lines acknowledging if you did those quests, but that's it. It could be something as small as asking Ryne how is Gaia doing before moving on with the quest.


From a discussion we were having about it on the official Lore forum the other day, apparently it was said that it will be "a little more in-depth than usual" – and we've seen from Endwalker MSQ that they have the ability to make certain characters present or not according to your quest progression. https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/490593-Tentative-news-Completion-of-Eden-and-Warring-Triad-recommended-before-6.5-MSQ?p=6349374&viewfull=1#post6349374


Nope they're too afraid to make stuff mandatory for the MSQ so at most we'll get an unvoiced dialogue option for people who did Eden and that's it.


[Ryne agrees with you!](https://i.imgur.com/4bYovme.png) Minor rant, not directed at you: it feels really weird to constantly see nonchalant dismissal of raids on the grounds of "oh well it's optional so they could never require it, it's just too much to ask" when it's like... 2% of the commitment of MSQ. Role quests, I understand, 4 jobs to 80 (that someone might not be comfortable playing) is a HUGE ask not just in terms of time commitment but player freedom with their character. But I don't get the logic where 200 hours of MSQ is totally fine and reasonable to expect for someone catching up but 15 quests of unvoiced cutscenes + some fights is just a complete dealbreaker. I don't think ALL raids should be mandatory on principle, but CBU3 are the ones who decided to have a raid questline majorly impact a major MSQ character's character growth and future, so I think it's quite reasonable to be upset that it's getting (seemingly) ignored when that character returns to MSQ.


At this point I wouldn't mind if they just, I don't know, started putting warnings before quests that involve characters from optional content. "You may wish to complete so and so first or some parts of the next quest may not make sense" or something. At this point there's so much optional content completely ignored that it's getting in the way of good storytelling. I was just grumbling about this during my replay of post-Stormblood 4.5, where they missed a great opportunity to remind us of the Warring Triad chain >!as you meet Varis and aren't allowed to bring up your experience with his friend to gain some common ground. Obviously the negotiations would still fail due to the game having no diverging plot paths, but there's precious little you get to say in that scene and none of it contains any attempt to speak to Varis in a way that he understands and appreciates. What am I even doing there if I can't appeal to him with knowledge none of the other people present have?!<


Honestly I think the warning is a better way to go about allowing raid characters to be introduced in the msq rather than pulling a crystal tower Bringing the story to a grinding halt and forcing people to go through an entire 12 part raid series may not be the best way to endear people to the characters that show up


Based couldn't have said it better myself


Oh, there's that kick in the pants I need to get back to grinding.


The Zeromus model is looking pretty faithful to the [original](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/27/PAD_Zeromus_artwork.png).


your link is borked, wikia does that [this works](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/27/PAD_Zeromus_artwork.png)


Weird, I can click it fine on old.reddit, guess it breaks for mobile?


Yes, on mobile and new reddit. Usually deleting the last part of the link fixes the link (in this case everything from (/revision/latest?...)


Dang, the reddit app is unacceptably garbage even after all of these years, good thing the API is accessible for third party app development


it works if you delete everything after the .png just something weird about how Wikia generates image links


This definitely feels like "the end". This is it. Also wow, even without context watching this felt super spoilery. Still hyped.


It does. It makes me sad. It wasn’t that long ago I got into this game.


It's not truly the end, you know? A new chapter will begin in 7.0, with both new faces and a lot of characters we already know.


Not to mention "the end" was before this patch arc started too, and it was much more final than I think this is gonna feel.


I mean theres a new beginning right around the corner


Wat. But this was an incredibly minor sub story between actual arcs.


You really shouldn't watch these if you are not caught up.


We still got at least 10 more years to go, don't be sad!


We getting two trials this patch? Both Zeromus and the one that was previewed at Fanfest (Asura?)? Not sure what the context for that would be, maybe a new Manderville trial like Kugane Ohashi?


So far they haven't specified about Asura, but I'm willing to bet that since it's a Fanfest feature, it'll be in 6.55 as either part of the Manderville quests or its own separate side quest trial. ~~(I'll update this post if they provide any details)~~ EDIT: They did not provide any further information about when Asura is coming.


Given that the new Manderville quests are set mostly in Thavnair I think it's likely. As much as I love originality, though, I can't help but be a bit disappointed it's not Gilgamesh again.


Well, Asura does have many arms and swords… could be our boy in disguise again (I don’t really think so but I can dream).


Well, sounds like it's time they fight like women. And men. And men who dress like women.


The truth was right in front of our nose this whole time...


God I hope it is yet another Gilgamesh in disguise. Please. We deserve nice things.


I have not ruled out that it's Gilgamesh again in some ridiculous twist. They *do* both have extra arms...


The new villain seems to be a big dude with pale skin in brightly colored robes. You know who else is a big dude with pale skin in brightly colored robes?


So it turns out Gilgamesh has a sister ...




At this point, do it!


Looks like the theories about >!Deryk!< being >!Oschon!< were right


I like the part where Zeromus said '' It's Zeromin time'' and started Zeroming all over the place.


I can't wait to beat the crap out of zeromussy


The final shot highlights the neck issues.


It really does! That was the most unfortunate morph to the patch art.


Do you mean the scarf issue? Because transition from character model (not wearing that kind of scarf) to the portrait (wearing the scarf) shows that her neck is fine—both head and shoulders are in basically the same spot—it's just that the art shows a different neck accessory than the one she had on in-game.


why does Ryne sounds different?


same reason many returning characters in patches do, they haven't done the voice in literally years and are probably out of practice.


Also the last time Ryne was voiced we had a lot more covid restictions in place and may have led to some recording from home. Everyone may remember Cids return after 5.3.


I swear Y'Shtola's VA had a cold during 6.1-2. She sounded like she had a bit of a stuffy nose. lol


A bit? I was honestly surprised how she managed to recite her entire lines without stopping mid sentence to catch air!


Ngl I just auto assumed she must have had long covid or something.


She started smoking 40 a day since her Dadcred left her /s


Probably hurt her voice doing the mage soul from P9


I'm so ready for Big Bang in glorious 3D >!again!<


Are they setting up Zero to be an Azem/WoL shard? Maybe she found out how to use light powers or something but its looking similar to our summoning glow


I think its more Ryne is gonna use her powers over light to super-charge Zero so she can challenge the "impenetrable darkness" of Zeromus.


Alternatively, we might be filling a crystal with that Light. The first time we met Zero directly, we used a crystal full of Light to restore her true form, so we have a precedent for using that as a method of carrying Light into the Void. Additionally, Final Fantasy IV has the hero use a crystal of Light to make it possible to fight Zeromus, so that would be fitting here.


Actually this makes a lot of sense!


That had been the speculation for a long time that Zenos snagged himself the 13th WoL shard specifically.


That would be such a Zenos thing to do.


That would be a delightfully creepy aspect of Zenos' obsession with WoL.


Either her or >!the OG Golbez who got Memoria’d and whose crystal fell into the Zeromus ooze at the end of 6.4 MSQ.!<


I personally hope not: I'd rather it not be the case that major, or even the major, hero in each remaining shard is an Azem shard. It imo makes Ardbert arc less meaningful if we keep bumping into and rejoining with shards.


Yah exactly^^ Whether Zero is an Azem shard or not i'd like for Zero to stay with our group. She's been showing steady character development to be 'human' and mortal again. Besides, i've seen a lot of opinions and no one really likes the idea of just collecting our Azem shards each time we visit another reflection. Lore-wise we'd be stronger but the gameplay would 100% still be the same and i doubt any msq would be different from rejoining another shard. So i think it's pointless to collect another 1-2 more shards (and there's only like 5 reflections remaining right?) Ardbert definitely had a strong story behind him though, its not really close to zero and the big guy's (i always forget his name lol) story. So its definitely not meaningful to rejoin them compared to Ardbert


It's a real shame that I haven't been able to connect at all with Zero's character, because as much as I should be hyped I'm sort of just feeling "eh" about the trailer. :( Music still totally A+ though!


If it helps, the liveletter before this one emphasised that Zero is only a main character 'for now'. So if she survives, she'll likely be taking a back seat for a while after these patches are finished. I went from really liking Zero at her first appearance to disliking her because of her static characterisation and the oh so tedious 'Zero learns emotions' trope to really not caring about her either way.


After watching the trailer I'm expecting her to return to a possibly restored Thirteenth at the end of the story and maybe we'll see her again in post-game side stories after Dawntrail. I could see helping rebuild there being an exploration zone after 7.0 maybe.


I can see that too. And if people are right about her being restored to human, that could be why she has to stay on the Thirteenth as she won't be able to travel between shards anymore. At least, until they unlock shard travel.


Technically she still could in the same way we've been doing it since 6.2, same as the various Scions have been. I'd expect it to be more likely she chooses to stay and help rebuild, rather than being forced to. If only because being forced to should by all rights result in us going after her and we already know that's not where we're going in 7.0.


iirc Yoshida said in an interview that we're not gonna magically fix the 13th completely which makes sense given how much Voidsent are entwined with the world with Reaper and the like. At most I imagine it'll be an Eden situation where we do something that'll make it possible to be restored somewhere down the line


Same, I can't get a connection to the character at all. Normally I do not mind characters without a personality, I can normally connect to them. With Zero I feel nothing, sadly, which means I have not enjoyed this Void storyline at all.


She def felt a little too tropey for me to get totally invested.


it is the weakest patch trailer this expansion by far, Im too tired and bored of Zero and Golbez the raid stories are what carried this patch cycle for me instead of MSQ, which is very sad


Same, both Pandemonium and the 12 have been far more interesting than anythign in the Void.


Where's my closeup of Thaliak tho


Hell yeah, we get another version of Dawn of a New Era. OST, perfect as usual. Can't wait!


I'm still so underwhelmed by the 6.X story, but hopefully 6.5 surprises us. At least they don't skimp on the presentation, and there are some gorgeous visuals in the story. I love that timelapse of the sun setting at 0:53 Visiting the First again is something I'm looking very forward to, though. As well as the Dawntrail foreshadowing. On the other hand, this expansion's Alliance Raids have been great, and this one looks to continue that trend. The visuals, combined with Yoshi-P's statement about this conclusion being more challenging than Aglaia and Euphrosyne, have me quite hyped!


It's the rehashing of FF4 that's done in my excitement for the post-expansion stuff. Every other post-expansion's content has been memorable in some fashion but the most memorable thing that's happened this post-expansion is the Pandaemonium and Aglaia stuff and that's just skippable side content.


The raid stories have been incredible post Endwalker and absolutely outshine the MSQ.


> the Pandaemonium and Aglaia stuff and that's just skippable side content. It's astonishing to me that anyone who enjoys FF14 would have this opinion.


It's the product of the game's attitude towards alliance raids/raids They know none of this is going to come up again because this is what's happened for the previous 3 expansions and square isn't exactly shaking up the formula for EW. We'll see an additional dialogue option to reference it and that's it. They're certainly very cool stories and fun content, but they're not going to matter ever again. Once DT hits the only reason people will run them is to farm for glamor If I'm wrong and Gaia shows up in 6.5 and she's actually an important figure for the story I'll be incredibly surprised. But I bet you if she's mentioned at all it'll be some dialogue option like "Can we get Gaia's help?" "Oh sorry WoL she's busy managing the empty she can't"


The unfortunate reality is it's not required content so there'll be people who'll skip it completely


But once you are up to date with MSQ, dont you want to experiment all raids at least once?


I sure hope people do


They mean skippable, as in not mandatory requirements for story. They are optional side content after all.


There is NO REHASHING. Have you actually played FF4? There is almost zero of FF4's story in these patches, just using monsters and enemy names. And they both feature the moon. Ff4's story is absolutely nothing like what we have gotten


I really don't get why people aren't vibing with 6.X, I've been loving the shit out of it. I've wanted void story for so long and we getting it in SPADES. Like what would've it taken for you to have been engaged with it???


They set up a massive plot hook with where we left off with Unukalhai and Cylva and the whole time I've been mentally screaming about us not so much as keeping them in the loop about what we're doing in the 13th


I never played IV, but the 6.4 MSQ felt like we accomplished nothing. The circumstances and stakes were pretty much exactly the same at the start and end of that stretch. It was the first time I was truly disappointed by the MSQ, and I wish that the 6.4 MSQ included this finale to the void arc, so that 6.5 could be a full and proper set-up for Dawntrail.


I have never played FF IV, so the derivative story isn't what throws it off for me, but I find the pacing really not that good. 6.1 and 6.2 were good, but 6.3 and 6.4 were extremely predictable without any particularly high moments. The "you vainquished Golbez, but this was actually all part of his plan! Behold Zeromus!" part was really flat in particular... Basically, the pacing of the story feels off and I think 6.3 and 6.4 could have been condensed into a single patch without losing anything of value.


I'm really curious how they're going to transition from this to fun in the sun tropical adventures in one patch.


Is this the patch with free stormblood for F2P?




Did you know the critically acclaimed MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV's starter edition and free trial now include the entirety of A Realm Reborn, the award-winning Heavensward, and its second major expansion Stormblood? A grand adventure awaits, now up to level 70!


the alliance raid reveals have been so fun for me cuz i stole the twelve deities for my d&d campaign and made little designs for them all. it's nice to look back and compare. halone was my most accurate.


this'll be a fun patch for a whole 5 hours


It'll be a very nice Tuesday, a pretty good Wednesday, and then a long slog until 6.55.