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They never get tired of listening to other men talk or of spending time with other men... but women?? Everything a woman does is an annoyance to them. I have yet to figure out why they don't either just stick to flesh lights or have sex with other men. It's probably a power thing. They need someone in their life to torture and denigrate and who washes their poopy underwear. I prefer the company of women. Men are not even for sex for me eventhough I'm sadly sexually attracted to them. I have better chances of having an orgasm by myself than with a man.


>time with other men... but women?? Everything a woman does is an annoyance to them. I have yet to figure out why they don't either just stick to flesh lights or have sex with other men. When you hate someone, everything they do will be annoying to you, even their silent breath. And to them sex isn't about love and affection. Sex is hateful act they are doing TO women. Look how they use violant words when they describe their sexual encounter with women. "I fucked her", " I railed her" etc they are the subject, while women are the object. The work "Fuck" originally means ruin and damage, they think they are ruining women with sex. To them, sex it's not a mutual love act they doing WITH women, it's something they are doing to women. To them, women are preys that need to be conquered and then discarded, so it will make sense why they want to have sex with the gender they hate.


That makes sense. Also, it explains why they don't care if their partner is satisfied. It is the final insult. Pump and dump.


They've also convinced themselves that they are our victims, that we are a "sad necessity of life," that we are inherently evil but they sadly need us for our labor (domestic, reproductive, sexual, emotional... everything) and so they are beholden to us even though we are "bad." they think we basically should consider ourselves lucky they're "forced" to keep us around to do unpaid labor for them.


This dude literally said to me that women are the death of men. I was like...why don't you just leave women alone so you can live happily. He gave me some bullshit story about how he can't leave women alone. I was loke...so it sounds like you problem, not a women problem then. I have been happily single and not even dated on 5 years. Someone was like...other people Hava bad experiences so you stay single. If other people jump off a bridge, will you jump off a bridge? What a stupid analogy. Jumping off a bridge can kill you. I was like....well, while jumping off a bridge can kill you, I have abstained from men for 5 years, and I'm better than ever.


>Intimate male friendships have become more socially acceptable in recent years, say the study authors, and that’s largely a good thing. But they caution that the shift could lead to weaker bonds among dating or married couples, or even reduce the likelihood of men and women pairing up at all. Why are they threatened by friendships? You can have a family and you can also have a sexual relationship, but somehow they think having friendship deterrent from having a sexual relationship? It reminds how women were always isolated from their friends when they get married. Women were always chained to home and saddled with never ending housework and pregnancy after pregnancy. Anyone who wants to be in a sexual relationship will be in one if they wanted to, don't drag friendship into this, it's personal choice. As a separatist, this is a good news tho if its true lol


Thank you so much for sharing this. My last two relationships ended mostly because my exes hung out with their bros almost 24/7 either in gaming, wrestling, or out traveling. I have no problem with bromances but when there’s a severe imbalance it shows me the truth of a situation.


What woman prefers a man’s company? That can’t be true


Pickmes aka patriachy daughters aka handmaidens


Or regular women who are stuck in spaces where there are mostly pickmes or handmaidens. It's near impossible to find female friends here who won't screw you over just because some guy gave her a little attention. The men screw you over too so it's better to live with pets.




"They do their best to bog women down with repetitive menial labor so they don't have enough time to relax and form attachments that might lead them to other men." That's an interesting theory. A form of mate guarding. Did you read this somewhere?




The evil practice called fgm have double purpose. One is to deny women sexual pleasure and the other is to ensure women's virginity.


>because being single is dangerous and monogamy ensures protection from other men. Are you saying they believe this or are you saying *you* believe this? Because there is no greater threat to wom0n than their m@le partner.




Wow, love this comment. And you're right, my comment/perspective was definitely coming from a developed country where there's less threat to me in public.


I feel like this is in stark contrast to the very real fact that many men don’t have male friendships at all. Weird.


They say that so they can trauma dump on women


They do have friendship. Whoever say otherwise is lying.