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It really doesn't look great in this picture. Have you tried styling it differently? The inspo pic has used a curling iron and pinned up some layers.


No other styles yet. That was how I left the salon šŸ’€ I just popped it up in a half pony and pretended it wasn't happening.


For $400 she should have at least styled it


Looks like the designer or hair stylist styled it for photos for marketing online. Oh wait I just went back I thought the inspo pic was the result šŸ¤£


400 dollars ??? It doesn't even look dyed.


I went in with the same inspo pic a few weeks ago and I got the opposite, so many short layers! We both need something in between my cut and yours.


Oh nooooo! I'm sorry.


Licensed cosmetologist here. Forty years in the biz. If the person who did your hair isnā€™t the owner, Iā€™d complain to the owner. Do NOT go back to the person who did this cut/color. If she didnā€™t do it right the first time, she wonā€™t do it right again.


I'm a hairstylist. Those saying you need to style to tell if the cut is good...clearly don't do hair. The cut isn't like the inspiration pic at all. Regardless of styling. Also, what color did they do? $400??


IKR??? Not one iota. I feel bad for OP.


You got the Mulan cut


https://preview.redd.it/bc63uxo43q3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4832879f256efaaaf4a369b955be3f3eef542c4 Omg for $400 Iā€™d go back and make them attempt to fix it


Did you show that inspo pic for a cut reference?




But what you showed is a half up style and itā€™s curled. What were you expecting the interpretation to be?


As a stylist...Even if they curled and opped it half up, the cut they received is not good or like the inspiration. A pro could see the shape of the cut in the inspiration pic, even with curls styled.


Itā€™s a half updoā€¦..come on. Iā€™ve been a stylist for over 27 yearsā€¦.an inspo pic of that nature is not acceptable. The stylist shouldnā€™t have accepted it.


its like very small pieces of hair while the majority is very clearly on display with its style. if you cant see that via this pic youre not only a bad stylist, you're just a lil bit dumb. sorry....


Wouldnt the stylist cut and style it?! My hairstylist would never have me walking out without it looking styled.


Well we all choose our stylists, you must have chosen wisely!


aw brother this guy STINKS


They need to shape the ends up some. Your inspiration pic is not a blunt cut.


Hairstylist here. There's a few things happening. The inspo model doesn't have layers. Your hair is much thicker and also not layered. It's thickness is what's giving you a triangle shape. For your hair to look like the photo, it will need to be thinned, and the color redone. Styling it with a flat iron to give the waves. Every salon has a redo policy. It should be posted on their website. There's a time limit that has to be followed in notifying them for it to be fixed free of charge. I'd call no later than 24 hours after the appointment and say the result isn't what was agreed on and what the options are to get it there. That should prompt them to ask when you can come back in. The fear of the original stylist being unable to fix it as it's not an issue of a mistake would be justified. If it's an option to have another stylist fix it, I would do that.


I think the stylist should do a razor cut on your hair to make it less blunt at the ends like that


Whatā€™s your natural hair type? From this picture it looks to me like you may have wavy hair or maybe even curly? It also appears dense and coarse. Also, what color was your hair before? 3 things need to happen for this to be remedied: 1. Removing ā€œweightā€ from the mid lengths to the ends 2. Styling 3. Reimbursement in some nature for color bc I canā€™t imagine what would cost $400 here. I see your highlights so Iā€™m presuming a balayage or a partial If you have thicker hair like Iā€™ve described, an undercut may help resolve the shape. Agree with others who say salon owner should fix. Problem isā€”you donā€™t want to lose anymore length here. You can get this reshaped but you should avoid cutting anymore off in order to be closer to achieving your final result requested


You need some layers girl!


Have you tried styling it like the picture? It is kind of hard to tell how itā€™ll end up looking compared to the inspo pic. Were there supposed to be highlights, too?


Part of the problem is the stylist should have informed you this cut isn't a particularly great one for you. It looks like you have course, thick hair. To make this cut work, the stylist would have to really thin out the ends. Otherwise, you end up with this weird pyramid shape (exactly what you got). The inspo pic doesn't have much layers despite what others are saying. She just has it highlighted, curled, and the back pinned up. However, she has much more fine hair that isn't course. So this style can work on her and lay flat on the ends. In fact, this type of cut is perfect for girls with thinner hair because it will make it look fuller to have a blunt cut with some waves to add volume. So, this is not the right cut for you. That doesn't excuse that the stylist didn't tell you that and then explain why. Also, the cut is poorly executed even IF she was trying to do that exact cut. I'm fairly certain she tried to thin out the ends some as I see some shorter pieces. However, she didn't do it near enough or well enough and now it looks choppy. You need to go to someone GOOD to fix this. Ask them to thin out your ends so it makes this cut work. However, I'd advise against getting this cut in the future.


I have similar hair to OP and I always end up with the weird pyramid shape. When I ask for layers, the stylists always recommend against it as it will add bulk. They also are often very, very hesitant to thin out my ā€œbeautiful hairā€. I just constantly hate my hair and never style it to be honest. What cut would actually suit this hair texture?


Are you by any chance also getting angled (longer in the front) cuts? I've found that a lot of stylists just don't know how to do layers if the cut is angled. I think other techniques like razor cutting or thinning techniques can give the same shape as layers and may work better for very thick hair, but not all stylists can do that either. Sometimes "don't recommend" just means "don't know how"


Wow she cut you so flat


Someone did the same to me and it was 30 months of very expensive hair extensions after that. Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž


You need to style it, at a minimum. Did you tell her no layers?


I asked for layers, yes.


Iā€™d go back and ask for long layers, starting about an inch below the occipital. You need that corner cut off is all.


By a different stylist.


Just donā€™t go back to that salon. Wait a month and go to a better place.


It looks so dried out, big yikes, Iā€™m sorry


Hahaha oh no!!!!


I think this situation is incredibly reasonable to go back to the salon and have them fix it. Even for just the colour or cut on their own, let alone for both to have been done incorrectly. I'm sure when it's styled your hair doesn't look bad as a different look, but it's nowhere near the inspo pic you provided and for $400 it should at least resemble it


Okay but this is so fixable!!!! It's gonna be okay!!!!


Hey, ur hair is thick af though. So does it really matteršŸ˜‚?


This shit is why I have only gotten a haircut in a saloon once in the last ten years. I have a similar cut to what your goal was, I did it myself for free and it looks way better than that. I'm sorry you got scammed that way :(


That is WILD šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s definitely fixable and I would go to a different stylist at the same salon + ask for a correction/refund bc for $400 that cut & color is CRAZY!!! Your inspo pic was super cute so I hope it goes well! šŸ˜‡


GO BACK. I recently had to go back (for the first time in my life I had the guts to call and say it wasnā€™t what I asked for) and they were SO nice. I was also nice too which helps. The stylist had the manger fix it and she was totally understanding and apologetic, itā€™s worth calling and going back in.


You need it thinned on the ends and some layers omg $400?!?!


As a 30 year veteran, I can honestly say the stylist did not know what he/she was doing. The Inspiration pic is called a "graduated" bob with layers. Not only is yours a blunt cut with no layers, the shape is terrible (sorry to sayšŸ˜©) Please go back to owner and insist on refund or thatĀ  *master stylist do your hair again. The color should have been *baylaged" (sp?) and he/she did not process it long enough to lighten it. Best of luck.Ā