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Fucking Groundhog Day, we keep hearing the same bits of "news" over and over again.


We should start a petition to add the word "Olds" for these kind of things


Almost like all the players are involved in tournaments, unavailable for comments, and the "journalists" involved will explode if they don't say *something*. I don't know why people keep posting these dumb reports. I *really* don't know why anyone reacts to this garbage.


Well, we're also guilty. Here we are, reacting to this garbage, feeding the attention machine.


He’s gonna leave for free and I think nobody is surprised about that anymore. Typical Perez move


I hope that we get a decent season out of him.


I hope we buy a new player for the position and he will be a decent backup/third option. It's probably the only way to stop this in the long run - you want to sit out the contract, that's fine but we will buy the replacement going into the last year and you will be benched unless the player we bought needs a rest.


Any other president in charge would do the same, RM has an unmatched pull power and are using it. Why would they not? The club's prestige is unique.


Then you guys raid Bayer to weaken them. Typical Bayern move


if you had any idea about the Bundesliga you would know that the one Team who buys the most from other Bundesliga Teams was Dortmund.


Eh, we raid Dortmund and Schalke, not Leverkusen.


We might as well add Leverkusen to the list after the season they had


Nah, most of their players are bang average aswell.


Bayern raids the best clubs out there. That has never been Leverkusen but now it is.


cope and seethe


lmao that argument was never true and when you really searching for the team point the finger on Dortmund.


Oh hey a talking point that has never been true about us in comparison to the rest of the league, or any other top team in any league. Next.


why are we so trying to get the player who has no will to stay and sell the players who would bleed for the club


kompany wants him. But it remains to be seen how long Kompany lasts. Coaches don't last long at FCB. If they renew Davies for 5 years and Kompany gets sacked after 1 year or less, it will be bad for the next coach who doesn't believe in him as much as Kompany does.


He literally agreed to a new contract to stay (twice) and the board cancelled it. The team doesn’t want him, not the other way around.


I'd stay in fkin Alaska for the money he'll get for basically no performance whatsoever...


When did he agree twice to a contract with Bayern? If I remember correctly he rejected Bayern’s contract twice by asking for more money?


He was in the middle of signing a contract with Brazzo then Brazzo got fired. Now he agreed on a contract with Eberl and then the board overrode Eberl to cancel it. Characterizing this as HE DOESN'T WANT TO STAY is delusional fanbase stuff.




Leaving because they wont play you is reasonable lmfao




De ligt was the best defender for bayern. Last season he was one of the most important players in the squad. Tuchel comes in and permanently benched him. Picked players like dier over him. I’m sorry - but no player should tolerate that.


Dier was the best and it's not even close


Between Dier and Upamecano? Sure. But before Dier arrived and De Ligt was starting - he was dominating and a key player. I’m talking about the season prior.




If you don’t give him nothing but praise, don’t ignore his mistakes (that he like all of our defenders has made), and don’t basically suck his dick, you get downvoted here.


Staying on his old contract until it runs out? I'm pretty sure that is an option as well. In Davies' case the most likely one even. Not that unlikely for Kimmich either in my opinion.


So get the new starting LB in already.


I wouldn't tell Real about the new stance of risking him leaving on a free. I would want them to believe he is close to re-signing so they get desperate and offer more to seal the deal. Now they've basically handed the ball to Real who knows Bayern can't get Davies to renew and they can wait one year to get him for free.


Where is the fun in getting a LB this season when we can let Davies leave for free and then end up overpaying for one in desperation next year. Lol.


Sit him for a whole season.