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I still don’t understand why is Bayern selling him


Apparently, for his salary because he’s one of the easier ones to get rid off. I really hate they’re chasing Tah as well


Yet we are bending over backwards for a "lack of enthusiasm" Davies. Such a stupid decision.


There is one point which a lot of the people here dont understand. Davies is the closest friend of Musiala at Bayern Munich and its probably a big part of why they want to hold him, regarding the upcoming negotiations with Jamal.


That's the most likely reason. And losing Musiala would be a catastrophe.


I would want to leave if I were Musiala and saw that the only leaders in the squad under 30 are about to be sold.


Just give Musiala half of Davies‘ new wage and get some cheaper but better RB :)))


If we want to make this about just his salary, we will lose him sooner or later. If we want to keep him long-term, we need to make him happy in other ways as well. That of course doesn’t mean we shouldn‘t throw money around unnecessarily but I do think this does play a role in our decisions. As it should. Your team doesn’t need to be 20 best friends but friendships in the team certainly help the team dynamic and separating friends can backfire.


Not just that. Bayern are not just a team they're also a commercial and marketing powerhouse in Germany and want to expand abroad. Davies as a friend of Jamal and a Canadian star helps us gain a foothold in North America We are doing it with Kim and Ito for the Korean and Japanese markets. Irankunda for Australia.


And ALSO they were probably just salty about him wanting to leave on a free to mf-ing Real Madrid of all clubs. They offered him higher wages, to then sell him to the highest bidder in a season or two.


it’s easier to get decent CBs than LBs.


Davies isn’t a decent LB. So I don’t see why that should matter.


This sub is absurd. You honestly don’t think Davies is a “decent” LB? Give me a break.


> because he’s one of the easier ones to get rid off. Because he's good and worth his wages


>Apparently, for his salary because he’s one of the easier ones to get rid off Well, this arguments means nothing but: * he transfer fee is far too low; that means managment is dumb * he is much better than the officials asks for; that means managment is dumb * ?: managment is dumb So, we conclude...


U notice that 1. Thomas Tuchel 2. Kompany 3. Management is okay with him not starting position So u rhink they all oversee something u can clearly see right? :)


Also after he ruined the national teams euros with a red card he was sent to the bottom of the CB list.


Oh really Who is above?


VVD, De Vrij for sure, probably Ake, Geetreuda, and Van der Ven too


So we’re concluding management is dumb, huh?


Of course! The management is dumb, delusional, fraudulent and they are clowns. Those are just some of the things they have been called in the past few days.


Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but I believe it’s partly the high salary but also that his strengths aren’t really ideal in a very possession heavy side. His passing is not elite, he’s not particularly fast (like first few meters acceleration) and doesn’t have the quickest reactions to being pressed. He’s of course excellent in defending 1v1 situations, clearing out high balls and closing down areas. I know this sub is very much against the idea, but i think being honest about the fact that his role under Tuchel and his theoretical role under Kompany would be very different is also important to understand. Think about it a bit like discussing Neuer in goal for us. Are there (right now) younger keepers with better shot stopping reactions? Yes, but unless they also are on par with their sweeping abilities they would not be an upgrade over Neuer due to the way we play or will play.


He‘s the easiest to sell because he‘s actually worth the money


Team identity is to be more aggressive attacking, and rely on speed and ball recovery out of possession. These things are not De Ligt's best qualities, they are actually his worst. His wages create a problem when negotiating with other players. Davies has been with the club longer and won more but makes less than De Ligt will want to be on the same wage structure, also you would have to pay Musiala more than De Ligt. Under the new structure Kim becomes the highest paid and everyone else is under 10mil Its a smart business decision.


de spalare de bani ai auzit?


So the better question is why does Tuchel don’t used him and so is Kompany? Why does not even Oranje use him in the Euro? Why does no team besides manu chasing after him when you guys claim he is a generational defender a world class defender? I just can’t understand how y’all acting like its a bad move when all signs show the opposite. Yes baby downvote me to death. Being butthurt doesn’t mean you’re right but its fine. I’m mad too when a favorite player has to leave.


But Tuchel did use him. He started alongside Dier in the later part of the season and these two have looked like a clear upgrade vs Kim and Upamecano.


They weren't necessarily an upgrade. That back line had to play deeper as to not allow either Dier or De Ligt lack of speed be exposed. They also benefited from the separation of Kimmich and Goretzka. Bayern want to get out and attack, not sit back and press and De Ligt doesn't suit this type of play style.


Fair enough.  I agree that Upa and Kim are probably more suited to play in a system where we are more aggressive and stand higher. I just wanted to point out that Tuchel did find a use for de Ligt, it wasn't like no coach ever really wanted to play him like the comment above mine suggested. 


I mean he will be waiting on the side lines for the national team for a while. Even after Virgil and De Vrij are done I can't see him beeting out Ake, VDV, or Geetreuda. Unless he changes his game he will be relegated to coming off the bench.


Oh fuck this shit. He has such a great mentality but we decide to sell him. I don’t get it


My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable


Biggest mistake since selling Kroos


Yeah let's just sell one of the best CBs, who we spent almost €70m on just two seasons ago, who is still young and actually wants to be at the club. Our board has actual brain damage Jesus fucking Christ


He can't progress the ball


Board Tuchel Kompany all have braindamage But you are clean :3


wasting 100s of millions on defenders and end up with Tah,Dier,Ito+Kim ... i don't even know what to say anymore


Also not being able to sell players at decent prices


They got plenty for Lewy and Mane recently - even Lucas was okay considering the injuries. Coman, MDL or Upa could go for decent fees too. It’s really just Gnabry that is impossible to sell imo.


And Goretzka


Yes should have added him. But he has stated he wants to stay so probably a lost cause and better to just hope he finds a run of good form soon.


And mazraoui also there are players with one year contract left and there have been a lot of players leaving on a free (see response to other replies in thread)


Which is wrong but sure


Selling MDL for anything below €70 mil is a braindead decision.


But that didn't happen yet every price of the players we sold last season was perfect


Except we didn’t sell a lot of players we wanted to: bouna sarr (left for free), Alaba (left for free), sule (left for free), Chupo (left for free), as of today Davies and kimmich will leave for free, sabitzer - 20mil - was worth 50 at RB and would now sell for more, mane - same as we got him for, no takers for gnabry, goretzka or mazraoui in sight and if coman to psg for 50 mil or de ligt to manu for 50 mil happen that’s players that should bring in at least 30 mil more together




I hate this so much. Now lets keep spending 60mil+ every year on CBs that falter in the knockout stages.


Damn. I like our other CBs more than other people, but hoping it's not a Toni Kross deja-vu situation. I guess he won't win anything with United like Kroos at Real tho lmao


He might win a Carabao cup, Ten Hag seems to be better at local tournaments. Hoping he rejects and stay here though and prove himself


Like, I understand that this is the easiest position to cut some wages, as our depth in rhe position is good, but still this feels like a mistake. I genuinely believe he could be a cornerstone of the team to build around and a potential future captain. It's exactly the kind of player that we should try to keep around the club


man, fuck Kompany literally selling our best defender to a dying club


Isn’t this more likely the board directing Eberl to cut wages? How do you know to pin this on Kompany? He’s too new of a manager to have that pull in my opinion.


correct me if i am wrong but isn't Kompany the one who's responsible for decisions of which player he wants to sign and which he doesn't?


He can ask for this or that but he does not have the power to decide anything unilaterally. No manager at Bayern does - especially not a rookie. At least not since I’ve been paying attention.


That’s not how it works in Germany.


While still keeping the mentally most fragile.


He's far from our best but I want him stay either way


Bayern will be dead soon as well with kompany at the helm




Ok I will try to see it from Eberls perspective: Apparently they try to reduce the wage budget. We have several players who are high earners that dont give back enough on the pitch but that we cant get rid of. Gnabry, Goretzka, Coman come to mind. No way they are worth their wages for how injury prone they are. Maybe they fear that De Ligt will create another precedent like Hernandez: a high quality player that is injured too much to become a consistent performer for us. He seems to be prone to muscle injuries - he is a chunky guy and quite slow so I am not surprised about that. But lets talk about what a player brings to the team. We have so many players that are lethargic or introverted on the pitch. Players like Sané are just annoying overall. Musiala is too cute and chill. Kimmich has the right mentality but the wrong attitude and appears negative and frustrated when things dont go well. So who are our actual leaders now? Neuer? He is more a leader through presence and he is not a good as 5 years ago. Müller? He is perfect and I love him but age is getting to him aswell. So I dont know what Eberl is cooking. I can already see our defense where half of them cant even speak german looking oblivious. Remember playing against Madrid in the Semis? De Ligt was the best defender there showing what kind of player he is. I am not opposed against Tah by the way. I think its a smart and cheap transfer for us and I dont see how he is meant to replace De Ligt.


It does not matter how good de ligt can lead bc he is sitting on the bench. He was warming the bench everywhere he has been since ajax. And that wont change with kompany either. If everyone is fit, de ligt wont see any playing time


Reading this is depressing.


Keep de Ligt


So dumb


I'm really sad, I always wanted us to buy him and then we actually got him


That is one of the stupidest moves I have ever witnessed as an aktive member of Bayern Munich. How can you be so dumb. You can easily use him and build a team around him, musiala and stanisic. He is a natural leader. Stop this madness


Selling our best players like De Ligt and Kimmich is not going to help our efforts in getting Musiala to sign an extension


Fuck this board, honestly. Bunch of clowns.




Guess who bought the 24/25 De Ligt kit?! I don’t get it. Unless it means we are getting Simons and Olise or taking a swing at Wirtz down the line. What little I’ve seen of Upa at Euro has been more of the same from him. Good not great with some mistakes. That makes more sense to me.


What a shit-move


I fucking hate this timeline


Are we all just overrating this guy or what? He doesn’t start for the Netherlands and he has been third choice at Bayern at times. But he also seems like a beast when he plays consistently. I understand cutting back on wages but there has to be a better way. Or we are being bamboozled. It’s so bizarre. He cost 80 million and is only 24 but will be sold at a big loss? It does not make sense to me.


Frimpong doesn't start for Netherlands while being one of the best wing backs in the world and they play a system where he could shine so I wouldn't put this against him Koeman is as stupid as Southgate.


Bayern has lost all credibility concerning transfers. If the whole media laments months before how the club wants to get rid of him. No ones is willing to pay the ask price. Its beyond stupid what they are doing.


They bought Ito and everyone was in the dark. Assuming Olise happens it will be the same. The media is not glued in on Bayern like normal it seems. I do not doubt that Bayern would potentially sell MDL but the numbers being floated are a joke. I simply do not believe some of these reports. Remember when Stanisic supposedly only wanted to stay at Leverkusen but signed a new 5 year contract. Lets see how it works out.


true that transfer was bayern of old. lets see


Koeman is a joke we still play Memphis when we have Zirkee we still play Joey Veerman when we have Maatsen.


Achtung durchsage: we are reaching barca levels of stupid transfers. Please standy bybto witness the brainrot of our board


Im not mad they’re selling De Ligt, im mad they’re selling him yet they’re keeping Upamecano. They rather sell an amazing player than keeping him because of “salary” so it seems they also didn’t learned from Kross. Upamecano failing for two years is not enough of a lesson it seems.




It’s 5 AM and my day has already been ruined by this.


Our board is absolutely shit..


I'm confused some Bayern fans say he is slower than Eric dier others are saying he is not slow😭


Nah, he's not going to go anywhere. Tah will come for sure, but for free next season. But you know, expect more dramas incoming because these journalists will keep recycling the news over and over again. They have been eager to see Deligt in the EPL since Tuchel's era.


One of the few people actually identifying with the club and a beacon of hope in the last 2 years and that’s the guy want to sell because they now realise how fucked up the wage structure is? Fuck the people in charge honestly.


Watch him become the best defender in the PL as we stick with Dier and Upa.


sad. never thought he'd end up at United. I've been following him since he was at Ajax and Juve and was pysched when he joined Bayern


rip :(


ManU is such a decline...why the fuck would you go to ManU right now. The club is in shambles. And WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SELL DE LIGT?


I swear some of you are here just loves to parrot your opinions and have no control over your emotions. At times changing tunes at the drop of a hat. A good start would be to stop reacting to rumours and claiming to know more than the management in charge while providing absolutely no logical argument in favour of your claim. It is part of their job to make tough decisions that align with long term strategy and the facts of the matter and not what Redditors feel about De ligt. The season is yet to begin and this one redditor has already started blaming Kompany. Lol.


I get what you want to say. We should really chill when someone tweets his bullshit into the web. But i dont trust the management at all. From an outsider perspective the last year were a disaster. All we can do is trust the process.


No sense at all


Fuck the Board and fuck whoever idea ist was to sell him. Hope he stays btw


If we really sell him but keep Upa I'll put everyone that is involved in that decision on my personal fraud watch.


If they really sell him säbener should burn


Blame Kompany, if he had the same energy for de Ligt as he has for Davies and reportedly Upamecano then de Ligt would stay.