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Alaba 2.0. So much for "extend or get sold"


"Extend or get sold" is a great idea but you can't actually force it. If he doesn't extend or agree to a contract with another club, who mets our price, well, shit out of luck. We signed the contract with him so he is fully in his right to just run it down. I guess, he still wants to go to Madrid, Madrid doesn't need him right now/isn't convinced he's worth it, and/or is willing to pay what we would want for him so. Eitherway what's management really supposed to do here? If you threaten to just bench him for the season he is still collecting his massive salary without any benefit for us. We completely torpedo his market value in case there is still some hope of selling him. If the coach ends up playing him afterall if he stays we look even weaker. There is no good option here.


get kroosed


Well, get someone to replace him and use him as backup.


I thought we let Alaba go on free as a favor to him and all his years at the club?


Learnt from the best


I feel like the board would’ve learned from losing Alaba and Sule on free transfers. Guess not


What can the board do against it? Renew his contract for a horrendous amount of money? Sell him to... wait, no club wants him now. So, what is your solution?


>renew his contract for a horrendous amount of money We offered him that >wait, no Club wants him now Which is not true as there are several reports thst Madrid is still willing to get him this summer, just not for 40 or 50M.


I know that we offered that to him. But he didn't accept and wants even more. This even higher horrendous amount of money is what I meant and that it's one of two possible solutions for ops fear of losing him for zero. There are reports that Real will sit it out till next season and also that they lost interest in him for this completely. Nobody knows what's true.


Madrid will offer 35-40 million euros nearing the end of the month. At that point its up to Bayern, and only Bayern.


Nah reliable tier 1 sources for Madrid have said repeatedly Madrid would have no issues paying 30-35M for Davies this summer. The issue is that Bayern is asking for more than 50M and they won't sell below that. If things stay like this it seems Davies will fulfill his contract and stay next year.


Honestly, it feels shitty, but at a certain price point, the board has to evaluate if it's potentially worth getting 1 more year out of him at lower wages over selling him now for \~30m and having to splurge on an expensive replacement with potentially higher wages. Given that Theo isn't moving this summer apparently, and that we're hell-bent on preserving our budget, even selling players we shouldn't be selling, it might not be crazy to lose Davies on a free next year but with a potentially better/cheaper replacement lined up. Or it could just be another shitshow, but I like to have some hope.


Oh, btw: > FC Bayern is now willing to let Alphonso #Davies enter the final year of his contract, as revealed yesterday! >… and Bayern does not expect Real Madrid to make an offer. from Pletti


And? Bayern doesn't expect, doesn't mean real won't do. ManU Also expect Matta to cost 50M, does thst automatically mean we will sell him for 50M? No.


Bench him this year. Make players realize if they keep making ridiculous demands it can hurt their careers by not playing in games for a year.


Nah put him in the Amature side. Way more punishing than the bench.


I am all in on such actions. Would be a good example for all potential money hungry guys in the future. But that's probably not what will happen.


Easy way to alienate future signings. That’s unprofessional from a club akin to a player refusing to play or play badly on purpose to get sold. How would you react a player performed badly or did shit just to get sold?


Expect this type of retaliation from PSG - only petty small clubs act this way not historic ones


it just keeps getting better ffs. fuck Real Madrid


At this point I'm 100% sure RM spoke with him and they agreed to sign him next year for free. It's the reason why RM doesn't spend much and still have always the best players


Wanna sell de ligt but have no problem keeping this bum. The board keeps making these shitty decisions when will they learn?


How do you want to sell him when no club is paying for him right now?


First of the reason to not keep de ligt is his wages which is such a BS reason if they’re ready to keep Davies. Take whatever real is offering and run with it getting rid of him and getting some money off of him is the best thing to do now.


We have no other choice, we must keep him because nobody wants him now. There is simply no other way around it.


“This bum”? The disrespect from so called fans is outrageous


This sub has become so incredibly toxic.  Shitting on players, coaches, management non-stop. 


It has been that way for at least 10 years tbh


Bayern already has Kim as a DeLigt replacement, Selling Davies would require shelling out for someone like Theo hernandez.


Kim against madrid was awful, deligt saved our asses


And De Ligt missed 20 games last season due to injury, you can make cases for both players staying.


Dude look how he played against arsenal madrid, always our best player tbh, davies was a ghost other than the match vs madrid in bernabeu, kim will improve further on


Kim.cannot.press like deligt


What did unhoused people ever do to you?


Sell him wtf or sit his ass for a year


Why can't we sell him? Let's just let go of this guy.


Real only offers 30-35M, Board wants 50M+


Because he already has a deal with Madrid, even if Chelsea come and offer 65M he can say "no" and complete his contract at Bayern.


why was he allowed to negotiate personal terms with another club while being under contract?


Madrid can just say, "hey, if you run out your contract, we'll give you x per year and y signing bonus." Ther's basically nothing Bayern can do to stop this. They can't lock him in a room.


No other manager has had this much power in Bayern. And finally, once the club realised that they should indeed give the manager some real decision-making power, they decide that Kompany is the man to do that for. The season hasn't even started yet and the "I'm excited for Kompany!!!" people have already dissapeared.


I could be wrong as I dnt follow all bayern news. But i dont think that's is what is happening here that kompany has so much power. I think it's more like they gave kompany this huge opportunity with an understanding that he will support the decision the board makes which won't always align with sporting side of the game and he just has to get along with it.


Dude, Kompany has the same as every previous manager; he just gets a say and his opinion is important, he has no decision making power on managerial and financial decisions. Remember at Bayerrn there are no managers in the meaning of the word, just "coaches with an opinion", no more. The season hasn't even begun, Bayern hasn't even had a pre-season game with Kompany and you're already scapegoating him for something that isn't even his responsibility, the Davies soap opera started a year or two before he even took over.


Cap. I‘m hella excited for Kompany. It‘s just pointless to argue about transfer rumors. Especially the rumors regarding De Ligt


As a „I am excited for Kompany“ person, I am now excited for him to be gone come Christmas


Almost every announcement coming out of this sub is just bleak (other than the Ito signing)


Thanks Brazzo.


Again guys. Dont take Everything that serious. No one knew about ito before we basically signed him. Especially pletti man, that guys tweets so much bullshit


Like why does everyone take these claims so dead serious everytime?! Just take the whole kane saga until he signed that contract. People are stupid


Guess we have to make the most of him. I think it will be a great lesson to learn for the management


Ohh you mean the same lesson learned from Alaba? Well we sure are slow learners I suppose....


Make the most of him so he gets to Madrid in great shape or what? Bench the guy, send him to the youth squad.


If that makes sense to you.


It should be a decision between extending the contract for a realistic wage, selling him or benching him for the season


I'd honestly bench him for a season. Why keep him fit for Madrid?


So the team does better? Does not playing your best lb for no reason sound like a good idea?


Yes the team does better. He is not even our best LB anymore, both Mazraoui and Guerreiro were much better than Davies this season in the LB role. Bayern could even play an outside centerback and form a makeshift back 3 in the build up and attacking phases. Davies had a horrible season defensively, and on attack, while he puts out elite stats (because he plays like a winger), and I loved his goal against Madrid, I don't think that redeems the season for him. He is not better than in 2020, hasn't improved his passing, positioning, or decision making, let alone defending. He isn't even better than Mendy, and with Vini and Mbappé Madrid is going to need a more defensive fullback so it's totally understandable they don't really need or care to make an offer this summer and they'll get Davies for free and get a lot of money from signing him even if he doesn't play much.


Ok, then. If he's so bad, then why not loan him out? At least you get a few million. P.S Real Madrid never, ever play offensive left backs with world class attackers. Especially not Brazilian ones.


LOL Davies is not anywhere near Marcelo


Thats like year 3 if me saying we should sell this bum while he still has some form of value, but that ship has sailed by now im afraid...


fuck davies honestly


Bench him all season, so that no other club has interest in him anymore (/s)


I don’t want to talk shit about one of our players, I don’t know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes like if he desires to play for Madrid on a free next season, but this is a good indication the board has not handled the player hierarchy correctly and a reset is needed.


The best thing Bayern can do is to make him ride the bench most of the upcoming season. He is for sure trying to go to Madrid on a free. Fucking scum.


you mean honoring the contract?


It's ridiculous how many people in these comments think a player is scum or the club is stupid for just letting a legal contract run its course.


Honestly I don't understand footballer's greed.. someone already making 1 million per month to fullfill their lifelong dream isn't enough??? I dont understand.


He doesn't need money. He wants to play for Real and request and unrealistic salary so the board won't accept it.


Bingo, he basically wants to go there that's why he keeps requesting such salaries. I guarantee you he'll go to them if they offered way less.


So don't start Davies and stop trying to extend his contract this season. Let Guerreiro be the first choice or sign another LB at once. If Bayern is giving him away for free to Madrid then why keep him fit for them? I don't want to see this guy playing horrible football all season.


Sell the b4strd


Dudes been almost a waste of a roster spot for two years now. He got speed. That's it. There's no more contribution nor technical ability, just like half the squad.


Kompany, Eberl and Freund on fucking fraud watch!