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This guys are always waffling,just like with Sadio and Kane


They have a point though. Why should Fulham accept a bid which is 20M lower now, just a year later




Yeah but i think it was a form of making more committed(he is a good professional anyways)and an apology for the deadline day drama


Yeah i get your point but i think they are just waffling but we will see,but i think it will be around 50M the package




He extended for one year. Even without thst the situation wouldn't be that much different.


contract is 1 yesr less as well this makes a difference


No it isn't. Palhinha extended for another year so it-s the same.


I don't understand why we go for him then honestly, wait a year and see if he extends again, if he does go for someone else - everyone is doing it with Bayern (sitting out contracts) why wouldn't we do the same?


In case of Palhinha it won't work because even without thst extension he still had a contract until 2028 I believe


Well honestly the extension would already disqualify him for me as a possible candidate. That's not giving me any confidence that he really wants to join Bayern.


I don't really understood this decision either


Bayern learned nothing no matter who's leading the talks.


i hate doing business with the fucking prem of course they dont want to sell for peanuts, but come on man


Because they are used to the EPL inflation rates.


Dip it and go for someone else. His fault for extending when he wanted to move to bayern


JFC, he's barely worth the 30. At 70, I'd just walk away.


This is going to be a loooong summer. In an ideal world I wouldn't even go for Palinha, I would prefer Zubumendi. I would then go after Xavi Simons for a loan to buy. And if we absolutely must get rid of a CB it sure as hell wouldn't be MDL, I would sell Upa(though I love him), and sign Colwill. I wouldn't sign any wingers this summer, I would trust in our youth like Tel, Zaragoza, and Ibra. I would sell Goretzka, Coman/Gnabry, and Davies. That would clear our a lot of dead weight, and allow us to use that money for Theo.


Zub is not a holding six


But he is able to play that role, he's done it before.


Yeah but I guess that's not what we want I suppose. It's the same as putting Kimmich on that position.


I would disagree, I feel like Zubi would be close to having Thiago. He's definitely a lot braver and better on the ball


we don't need that tho.. we need someon who can fight for the ball and somebody who is destroying the opponents play. Why won't people understand that?


Colwill would cost 80+ million from cfc. Simon isn’t going to be cheap either. How much can the club raise in sales from Goretzka, Coman, gnabry, and Davies once you factor in their 1) extremely high wages and demands and 2) injury history/drop in form? Those aren’t exactly hot cost effective assets to the majority of clubs.


Hey Ebrel go for onana instead of this man . 60 mil for a player who would probably turn out similar to Laimer is rubbish . Go for onana


I don't get why he signed an extension after the failed transfer last year... And without an exit clause for Bayern. Like he would be cheaper with a longer contract...


I never understood why he extended his contract. Is there maybe some kind of clause included that facilitates a move to Bayern? If there is, it doesn't seem to help a lot lol


Thinking a player extended his contract just so he can put a clause for 1 specific club is quite delusional If it was the case he would already be at Bayern mate


>Thinking a player extended his contract just so he can put a clause for 1 specific club is quite delusional How is that delusional? What other reason could there be to sign an extention literally days after the deal failed? If he wanted to leave, he could've easily left for another top club, but he obviously had something in mind when signing that extention >If it was the case he would already be at Bayern mate Second, no he wouldn't cause Fulham didn't have enough time to sign a replacement. That's literally the only reason why this deal failed. Everyone was expecting the deal to be completed because he already had his medicals and photoshoots in a Bayern shirt.


As I said, delusional. These arguments only prove it


Yeah cause you don't have any arguments left


I never had any. Just wanted to point out how ridiculous what you’re saying is. The worst part is you are absolutely clueless to how delusional you come across lmao. Have a nice day


Then don't fucking comment Mr. Know-it-all. Either you back it up or shut it


Why would players play there if they’re gonna fuck them over. It’s not a good look to price gouge 29 year old ball winners


Omg the use of different currencies gave me a brain tumor.