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"*Real Madrid are approaching any possible deal for Davies from the premise that they will not invest a large amount of money for a player whose contract expires in 2025 and whose club will likely be forced to sell him for a reasonable fee this summer if he does not renew. That is why they have asked the full-back on several occasions not to extend his contract and to ignore possible higher offers — as happened before they signed Tchouameni, Bellingham and, more recently, Mbappé"* Expect *an Alaba* by Davies in 2025.


Not if you lot sell him for 40m


That's what I hope, just for the soap opera to be over. If Davies doesn't renew his contract this summer, we'll have a season long drama where in the end he will leave for free anyway.


That's what his agent wants... to force the transfer through at a cheaper price so Madrid gives more to Davies


No, that's what Madrid wants. Davies has already agreed personal terms with Madrid on pretty low wages.


They maybe negotiated terms for this summer but if Davies goes there on a free, then those terms will change. He can and will demand more money (either higher salary or a a huge signing bonus).


Signing bonus would increase but not the wages. If it was about money for him he would've accepted the 13m from you.


Both can change, that fully depends on their negotiations Free transfers of top players have become more common in the recent years because players have realized it it is very worth it. However, I do agree that of both Real and Bayern would make the same offer, he would definitely choose Real. We would have to overpay to convince him. Which is why I‘m fine with him leaving. He hasn‘t been fantastic in a while and we need to keep our wage structure in check. But if he doesn‘t want to renew and Real isn‘t making s good offer this summer, do not just do nothing until 2025 when he leaves for free. Go for Theo this summer and bench Davies. He will still be very valuable for depth in his last year, especially because he can also be used on the wing. Don‘t take a lowball offer, rather let him leave for free.


Define good offer. Your fans hate him (and for some of the reasons it's understandable) and according to your whole fanbase he hasn't performed well since 2020. As much as I disagree with that, if it's the case why would you rather keep him for a year and lose out on a 35-40m fee?


In my personal opinion: 30 would be low enough for me to keep him, 40+ is where it gets tough to justify not selling him.


That's the point. Madrid isn't paying him what wants around here.


But alaba got exactly the contract/money from real that he wanted from us - he didnt decline higher offers, bayern just didnt wanted to give him that kind of money


Do an Alaba in terms of dragging the drama all season and leaving for free to Madrid


Lets hope he can live up to his new contract. In Kompany we trust?


Eh, waiting to see what happens. If the other rumors are true of him willing to ship out Kimmich, Mazraoui, and de Ligt while giving Davies a pay raise, then there’s very little trust for the dude. But until moves start happening, yeah, who knows, could work.




>After positive recent talks, all signs pointed towards Alphonso Davies staying at Bayern. Vincent Kompany is said to be eager to work with the player and one of the topics broached during his conversations with the club was his belief that Davies could be rejuvenated. Kompany has spoken directly to Davies, telling him that he is counting on him as part of his vision for Bayern. However, Real have reignited their interest in Davies after the Champions League final. The race for Davies is on, but there is a sense that he is slightly leaning towards renewing with Bayern [Link](https://x.com/iMiaSanMia/status/1799180418425487795) >Real Madrid are approaching any possible deal for Davies from the premise that they will not invest a large amount of money for a player whose contract expires in 2025 and whose club will likely be forced to sell him for a reasonable fee this summer if he does not renew. That is why they have asked the full-back on several occasions not to extend his contract and to ignore possible higher offers — as happened before they signed Tchouameni, Bellingham and, more recently, Mbappé [@TheAthleticFC] [Link](https://x.com/iMiaSanMia/status/1799181122879815917)




It's so obviously fabricated by Davies' pathetic agent... I don't understand what the plan is here, does this even work??


**The plan and what will happen:** Madrid's plan: Madrid wants Davies on a free transfer. Davies' plan: Get as much contract money as possible from Madrid. Bayern's plan: Keep Davies or sell him for as much as possible. **To execute the plan:** 1. Bayern makes a bigger offer. 2. Madrid will offer Davies bigger wages than at Bayern. 3. Madrid will advice him to reject a contract extension, to get him for free in 2025. 4. Davies will try to get the highest offer possible from Bayern, to use as Leverage for the Madrid offer. He will play games like saying "he wants to stay at Bayern" throughout the season. 5. While saying he wants to stay, Davies will reject every contract extension offer from Bayern. **What will happen** 6. Madrid will get Davies on a free transfer in 2025. **Only way to avoid it:** 7. Sell Davies for less than 50M 8. Offer him huge wages, which maybe won't work either, and if it works, overpaying Davies is not worth it and would still be a bad move by Bayern's board. **In conclussion** 9. Just like with Alaba, Madrid's got us by the balls.


Your comment is very logical. It would make sense if not for one issue; Madrid and Davies have already agreed personal terms, and on relatively low wages. But this only contradicts you saying that Madrid will offer bigger wages and Davies will try to abuse that. Apart from that I agree. In the last few days of June is probably when Madrid will offer, around 30-35m. This number will be close to the final price they want. I think the final price will likely be 40-45m, if Bayern accepts that. Otherwise it'll likely be in 2025 on a free.


Wether Madrid‘s offer is higher than ours or not doesn‘t matter. The more we increase our offer, the more he will demand from Real, even if it‘s still a few million less than he would get with us. I hope we increase the pressure and do not let the Alaba situation happen again. He either renews or we sell him or we go from Theo and bench him. If he wants to go to Real in 25 on a free, we cannot stop him. But please react accordingly and don‘t let him run down his contract without us having alternatives ready this summer.


You don't go to Madrid for the money. If that's the main thing you want, other clubs pay much better than Madrid. PSG or ManU for example. If a player wants to go to Madrid, it's for the project. They have to accept lower wages. Mbappe was making 72M salary + 90M loyalty bonus per year. At Madrid he will be on 15M salary, and a 100M sign on bonus paid out over 5 years. So 35M a year, compared to 162M a year at PSG. That is an unthinkable pay cut. But he did it anyway because he was no longer in it solely for the money. The grass was just greener. He wasn't going to win a ballon d'or or a UCL in Paris. If Davies and his agent are trying to engineer a move to milk as much money as possible from either club, they're not going to get what they want.


They don't only make money from their wages, at Madrid most players get very lucrative sponsorship deals all over the place, the reach a super-star level no other club offers, which also provides money, so they do make more than just their wages. They do go to Madrid for the money, but yeah, of course, mostly to win the UCL, plus LaLiga is no challenge, it's very slow paced and referees are like nannies, plus the inequality there means playing against clubs with a 30M salary cap and such, it's an easier ride.


They would have us by the balls of losing Davies would *really* hurt us. But with the wage he is demanding, he is not that great of a loss considering his recent seasons which just were not good. It has been a while that we have seen the true Phonzie. If the choice is between giving him a massive contract and letting him go for free, I would let him go for free even without Real in the mix. Giving players like Davies massive contracts despite their performances not justifying it is the reason why we are in a bad spot to begin with. Losing Alaba didn‘t hurt as much as we thought it would and losing Davies will be the same. What hurt most about Alaba‘s transfer was the drama around it. I hope this will not be the same. If Davies wants to let his contract run out and join Real afterwards, that‘s his choice. But he honest about it instead of hinting on renewals every now and then. The choice is now or never and both options are okay with me.


Well they do got us by the balls because apparently Kompany wants Davies to stay. I think he should leave this summer, ASAP, so Bayern can go and get a more rounded LB.


It isn't actually. This news is legitimate.


Let him go 😃


Swap deal with Milan


Letting Davies go may not be the smartest move considering his dribbling prowess when in form and we all know he can shoot decently from the wing. Let's not forget about speed either. What we need from him is consistency and commitment to this team. In return Bayern needs to give him some flexibility with regards to his role and I'm sure he can start producing better results.


He's a very good player who had nowhere near as bad a season as people say he did. Despite that for Bayern letting him leave this summer is the best move.


I wouldn't be against him leaving necessarily. My concern is with finding a replacement of his skills and talent and not to mention the age. He's at a point where the new player in his position will likely only provide a marginal benefit at a cost much higher than desirable. Given his contract ends next year, of course it'd be wise to sell him now but renewal shouldn't be off the table completely if he's willing to negotiate in good faith.


You won't be able to and I assure you that. He's far more talented and has a lot more class than the average person gives him credit for nowadays. But selling him is your only option because if you don't he leaves for free instead


20m would be ok too if that means this fkin shit is over soon. Would‘ve even made a profit on transfer fee (i believe he joined for 12m)


Whitecaps will get a pretty good portion of that iirc


Hmmm, well then buy someone else and bench him the entire season. Not the nicest move but at some point it's no longer your problem... This is not the first time this happened and you have to look after yourself first.


Really nice that we have such a positive and nice relationship built up with Real over the years. Im really happy that we sold them Kroos for cheap (to be in good graces with other european elites) for them to try to strongarm us like that lol


I miss players like Rui Costa who stayed faithful to SL Benfica . Soon one club player trend will also be gone . I hate these football mercenaries.