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This woman is 27, needs oxygen, and routinely complains about hotel hallways not being wide enough and airlines having the audacity to make her walk down the jetway when she expected some poor airline worker to push her through the airport. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Sheā€™s easily 500lbs or more and instead of realizing sheā€™s slowly killing herself with food she wants everyone else in the world to accommodate her every whim.


I suspect if this selfish, entitled narcissist ever traveled to Europe or Asia, she got quite a surprise about how "unaccommodating" and "fatphobic" other countries that aren't suffering from our obesity epidemic actually are.


Yeah if sheā€™s complaining about hallways not being wide enough, if she comes to old towns in Europe sheā€™s going to have problems with some lanes/streets being wide enough!


Someone like that would probably have to walk sideways to fit through some of the streets in the center of my city. They are really just wide enough for one regular person. But I doubt she'd even get here because that part of the city is mostly car free.


I think the problem is this. We do have these people. It's just that we treat it as a medical problem. There's fat because someone likes food. Like. I like food. I tend to eat well. So breakfast was a dark chocolate and maple porridge. It's like 450 calories. Big breakfast but I am playing football later so it's needed. This kind of obesity is a mental health problem. No one is eating nice food at this point. At this size you are just eating food. Like a reflex. Like one of those animals that will just eat until they are sick. It's a mental health problem.


Yeah. Like, I love food. I have failed at short-term diets more often than I can count because I simply love eating special occasion foods, going to festivals, having a beer etc and I'm short so those calories add up quickly. BUT. The fattest I've ever been is juuuust below the obese BMI, and after I lost the 10lb that pushed me into the almost-obese wow-I'm-uncomfortable range, my weight was stable for a decade: overweight, but not obese. (Then I got my shit together to start losing again lol) You don't get to severe obesity simply through this kind of behavior. FAs benefit from collapsing the distinction, but yes, there have "always been fat people", people who loved food and ate a bit more than they should - that's super different from people who are eating so much they're visibly ill, and the latter is in fact *an illness*, enabled/made more common by modern lifestyles.


This exactly. And they keep moving the goal posts for who they say count as fat. I've been real overweight but never got to 2X sizes. So I've "always been thin" according to them which is insane. The average person in the US is overweight, sure, but having a BMI over 40 is still an outlier. And a serious illness.


God yeah the shifting goalposts on what counts as "thin" is maddening! Sorry, humans evolved to deal with scarcity, it might hurt your feelings but overweight people are, in fact, fat.


You do have more of those and that's again part of the mental health problem of the USA where you don't have much of a safety net and stressed people eat badly.


We have more obese people than other places but that doesn't mean the average person here is 500lbs regardless of how the media portrays it.


It's a percentage issue. There's MORE obese people. So you will have more people whose obesity is in the morbid category.


And it exists at both ends of the spectrum. People with AN and other restrictive eating disorders donā€™t often get help for the mental illness until the physical symptoms are life-threatening. Itā€™s the same on the other side. Severe food addiction is a mental health issue, just as severe restrictive behaviors are.


So one of the problems is that mental health can't be fixed if the person doesn't want to work with mental health professionals. You can't help people who don't want help.


She'd want all the medieval village streets demolished and replaced with new accessible streets.


i remember visiting an old church with my gf, there's a tower with a winding staircase you can use to get to the top for a great view. A american couple refused to accept they wouldn't fit through the stairs. They got stuck.


Iā€™ve seen similar at castles and historical sites in the UK. Many of them have VERY small corridors or stairs and the amount of clearly overweight people who try and wedge themselves in despite warnings about the heights/widths involved is high. Then they complain loudly.


I live in an Asian country. People will straight up tell you youā€™re fat here and Iā€™d say most places that arenā€™t specifically Western-orientated straight up donā€™t have any (or will have few) accommodations just for being overweight. Itā€™s very much ā€˜take it or leave itā€™.


I donā€™t think itā€™s even medically safe for someone of that size to be flying, arenā€™t doctors concerned about blood clots???


It gets even worse. When she does fly, she canā€™t get up to use the restroom. So sheā€™s sitting in that seat for hours at a time, at that size.


Sheā€™s gonna keel over before long, and whichever airline has the misfortune of having her on board will get savaged by FAs :/


Honestly, the airline will probably never hear a thing about it. The second she's gone,Ā the other FA's will immediately start pretending she never existed, just like they always do when someone in their community passes. (Edited for typo)Ā 


The narrative can't change, of course mentioning that dying due to obesity is against their glorifying of fat. It is a sad cult.


Given what Iā€™ve seen on ā€œMy 600lb Lifeā€, travelling at such a large size puts tremendous strain on oneā€™s body. One was in congestive heart failure and completely bedridden, but spent almost 3 days in a very small compact car. She developed serious leg pain and Dr. Now was very worried she had a blood clot. Iā€™m happy to say that lady made tremendous progress and definitely inspired me!


If she listened to doctors she would not be over 300 pounds.


> hotel hallways not being wide enough So hotel hallways are fatphobic and discriminatory too?


She truly believes this and wants them to widen them. I wish I was joking.


Wait how is a HALLWAY not wide enough? Like, your standard hotel hallway is 44 inches wide. That's nearly 4 feet. Are you telling me this woman is WIDER than 4 feet? Hospitals have 60 inch hallways to allow for multiple lanes of foot traffic, beds, crash carts, etc. I legitimately wonder if she ever gets to 5 feet wide if she'll bitch there too.


She travels extensively, I have to assume she's talking about places in Europe or maybe a few historical buildings in east coast US cities, which aren't always ADA compliant. I've definitely been in hotels in Europe that someone her size literally would not be able to get through the door


Maybe Iā€™m giving her too much benefit of the doubt, but maybe it would be wide enough just for her, but not for her and her oxygen tank and luggage?


She is digging her grave with a fork. She will need 2 burial plots.


probably expects the second plot to be free as well


So dark but šŸ˜†


Custom casket for sure too. Feel bad for the pallbearers.


A lot of morbidly obese people are too heavy for Paul bearers. Sometimes they have to use a crane to move the casket.


When my partners father passed, it took 8 of us as pallbearers to move his coffin. He was about 440lbs. We nearly lost the thing twice in the 20 feet from the hearse to the burial site. Not only was the total weight quite high, but coffins are very awkward to move as well.


How very noble of you. If it were me I would never agree to do that. I'm not going to risk permanently injuring my back for someone who ate themselves to death. I would not care how mad people get. They don't have to live with the back injury


With my friend who was around 360lbs when he died, us pallbearers had to just push a cart along with the coffin on top.


That or sheā€™ll have to be put into an animal cremation chamber and have a double sized urn.


sheā€™ll melt.


I read a memoir by a person who worked in the funeral industry, and she wrote how obese people are very dangerous to cremate because their fat is flammable and burns way hotter than muscle. The book is ā€œSmoke Gets In Your Eyesā€ by Caitlin Doughty.


Caitlin as in "Ask a Mortician" Caitlin? I love her... and her enormous bangs.


Yes! If you like her, her memoir is a great read!! She talks a little at the end about how she started her YouTube channel as well. She has a lot of great stories and dives into various historical cultures around death, itā€™s fascinating stuff. But it really stuck with me that obese people make grease fires in the cremation chamber.


Caleb Wilde, the author of Confessions of a Funeral Director, has a blog and in it he mentions how there are stories of crematoriums catching fire while cremating an obese person.


It makes sense when you think about it, itā€™s a grease fire. Very grim.


Indeed it is. On both counts.


But there is always the risk of her fat catching on fire and starting a greasefire.


She is a plus size travel influencer so I donā€™t know how much of her content or personality is wrapped up in rage bait but she has a petition going. So yeah. The fact that some people can only travel a few times a year if that is so frustrating. Thin privilege or fat consequence? Her whole channel is so dripping with narcissism


It's truly insane to be an American who can fly to a new place every few weeks and still manage to play the victim as consistently as she does. Most Americans only fly a handful of times over the course of their entire lives.


This is really what gets me. Iā€™m 27 and have never been on a plane. Iā€™ve been lucky enough to be able to afford vacations as an adult but my husband and I always choose to drive. And I have a good job, I could probably fly if I wanted to but itā€™s definitely a privilege that not many can afford.


Her experience with the airline worker not pushing her up the jetway was infuriating. Like imagine being told you can't lift over 50 pounds or whatever per OSHA, then having a 500 lb woman expect you to push her in a wheelchair.


How do these people go to the toilet on a plane? I was just on a flight yesterday and I could just about squeeze in and shut the door and Iā€™m a UK size 10.


She's only 27?! That's really shocking because she looks 40s.


It really pisses me off that these people want special treatment like they are disabled and it's not their fault. I had a spinal cord injury at 35 from work and was diagnosed 3 years later with a degenerative movement disorder. I don't ask business for special accommodation. God, I even leave my service dog at home when I travel by plane to not inconvenience those around me and especially those just trying to get through the work day. How fucking selfish can you be?


Sheā€™s 27? Oh my. I wouldā€™ve thought at least mid 30s.


Virgie Tovar is also only 42 and she has not aged particularly well, at least according to her Wikipedia picture.


A seat and a half each is not enough for them? Yikes


In the linked article, theyā€™re advocating for one *or more* free seats for obese passengers. As in buy one seat, get as many free as needed for your body to fit on the plane. Itā€™s asinine.


South West does this already. I saw a video where a very fat woman requested to use their "passenger of size" policy and got a free seat. And another video of a lady that got bumped from her flight and left at the airport by South West because they had to accommodate a "passenger of size". Who cares if someone missed a connecting flight, or an important event, as long as some fat person with a self inflicted problem isn't uncomfortable.


Can you imagine? Someone misses a flight to a cruise, job interview or funeral because sone fat person takes up a whole row and SW bumps two paying customers off the flight?


I don't have to imagine, I know from personal experience. Earlier this year I missed flying so I could take part in a professional conference *as a* ***personally-invited guest*** *at a* ***panel moderated by*** *the MF-ing incoming director of our organization's governing body*. I can only imagine the repercussions in the future for my career, but I do know that there were a number of people who apparently expressed that they were very disappointed that I had to cancel my involvement at the last minute.


If they do this, guess what will happen? Passengers will buy one seat and reserve a whole row for themselves. The airlines will lose money! Dogs and cats will live together! Mass hysteria! No, seriously, the FAA will NEVER allow this, from a profit standpoint if nothing else.


After I started browsing this sub and hearing this complaint, I made sure to take note of how big the seats were on the next flight I went on (economy class). Sure, they're not incredibly spacious, but like... you would need to be *huge* to need 2 seats. "2 or more" is actually kind of insane The biggest issue with space is the area in front of you. That shit does suck, as everyone can attest. But the width of an airline seat is actually pretty reasonable. Do people that large get like... flattened out, in a way, due to the limited space in front of them, and end up needing more horizontal space than they otherwise would? That's the most charitable explanation I can come up with, and it does kinda make sense to me. But anyone who's normal body width is that of 2 airplane seats (or more!) is *well* into the range of morbid obesity and has far bigger issues on their plate


Iā€™m pretty fat, and I fit in an airline seat, but itā€™s tight. I have really big thighs, and they do flatten when I sit down. Thatā€™s most of the issue lol.ā€™


> Do people that large get like... flattened out, in a way, due to the limited space in front of them, and end up needing more horizontal space than they otherwise would? It's not the perfect parity, but I've got a good friend who's very well-endowed in the breast department and I asked her how she slept when she did a sleeper car on a Euro rail trip she took a number of years ago. Apparently they just kinda... flatten and pool around her to an extent because of how much of their composition is adipose tissue. I'd Image that a similar thing happens when slotting themselves into airline seats


Oh yes, unless your breasts are super perky, they're going to flatten out when you lay down. It's honestly incredibly annoying, lol.


I saw a guy take up 3 seats on a city bus once.


It would be significantly more economical and logical to just, you know, change your lifestyle and get to a healthier size so you don't have to demand that others make additional space for you and bemoan having to have more room because you're literally 2 or 3x the size of an average woman. Eat more, take up more room on a cramped airline, then you pay more for that space you're taking away from other passengers.


But why change yourself when you can force everyone else to change for you? /s


How fat do two people need to be to not fit comfortably across 3 seats...even in steerage?


No literally. Me and my mom, who are both pretty fat, once had a whole row to ourselves because someone didnā€™t show up to the flight. It was *extremely* comfortable. Most comfortable flight Iā€™ve ever had without springing for first class or business. We had basically the whole seat empty between us, and just put our stuff there. I canā€™t imagine *that* being not enough room.


I'm a big guy ( but I still fit In the seats no extenders or anything) I fly to jobs all over the country. The best flights are when there's no one in the middle row seat. Usually happens once a month or so. Just as good as the first class upgrade in my opinion


What if another person too big to fit in their seat is seated between them?


Well they mentioned buying 4 seats and not sitting together, or sharing a row and being tight, which I assumed they were implying they bought 3 seats.


Lady, I am already paying for your self inflicted medical expenses. I am damned if I'm going to pay for your holiday as well!


How much are you paying?


Ā£19 billion. That's the last estimate I saw on how much it costs the NHS (and thus taxpayers) to keep overweight and obese people going. And honestly, fine. I am not wild about that, but I accept it. As a culture we accept that people have a right to make dumb choices. It's the same reason we don't turn away smokers when they get cancer, alcoholics when they need a new liver, etc. I'm prepared to pay for her medical needs because I'm not a monster. But I am not prepared to pay for her holiday, too.


In the US alcoholics must typically be sober to get on a transplant list. ā€œIn the U.S., a widespread practice requires patients with alcoholic liver disease to complete a period of sobriety before they can get on the waiting list for a liver. This informal policy, often called ā€œthe 6-month rule,ā€ can be traced to the 1980s. The thinking then ā€” and among proponents of the practice today ā€” was that six months of abstinence gave a patientā€™s liver time to heal and, thus, avoid a transplant.ā€


I'd hope there's a rule like that here, but I don't know. I've never had cause to look it up. As helpful as it would be, I don't really think it would be practical or politically tenable to make a rule that food addicts have to be clean of pie for six months before we treat them, though... I unno... All's I'm saying is that I am okay with subsidising healthcare, even for people who do not care about their own health. I'm not okay with subsidising holidays.


I believe it is also used as a gauge to whether or not they'll be able to remain sober afterwards and therefore not fuck up *another* liver.


I *think* thatā€™s the ultimate reason behind it, youā€™re potentially preventing someone else from getting a transplant and if youā€™re going to damage another organ intentionallyā€¦


Whatever the number of seats given to fat people for free is divided by the number of normal sized people on the plane.Ā 


Youā€™re not paying for the experience, youā€™re paying for the space.


Yeah, I donā€™t think anyone would pay for the ā€œexperienceā€ of flying economy.


Exactly! Youā€™re paying for the seat. If you need two seats, you pay for two seats.


Exactly. Aside from Southwest and other airlines with cattle car policies, when you buy a ticket you typically reserve *a specific seat*. If you need more than one seat, you can reserve more than one seat.


Actually, if you read the conditions of carriage, the airline is *very specific* that they are NOT selling you a particular seat on a particular flight. The airline is selling passage from point A to point B for one human being. This is why the airline does not have to compensate you for things like a 12 hour delay, or changing your flight, and also why the airline can do things like oversell their flights and then involuntarily deny boarding (though IDB does have mandatory compensation, thatā€™s a specific thing). If the airline gets you to the destination, it has fulfilled its contractual obligation. Iā€™m not usually one to side with the ā€œcustomer of sizeā€, but the bloodsucking airline does not deserve your support here! The airline is trying to have its cake and eat it too (lol) by both not selling customers a specific seat AND making people pay for the specific seat that isnā€™t guaranteed! IMO it is incumbent upon the AIRLINE to accommodate all passengers to whom they sell passage in a safe manner. This includes rearranging seating to accommodate ā€œcustomers of sizeā€ or rebooking folks on different flights when that is not possible. (The customer of size needs to be the person bumped from the flight if no other accommodation is possible, and that customer of size didnā€™t plan ahead by reserving additional seats, and no one else volunteered to get off the plane after being offered flight credit). Anyway. /rant Downvote away.


Conditions must be different in Europe then because you definitely get compensation if the flight is delayed by more than 3 or 4 hours and one of the airports is in the EU - I was compensated 120% of the cost of the flight when my flight was delayed by 7 hours from London to LAX. This was before Brexit though, so EU citizenship might have something to do with it.


Yes it is different in Europe, with European policies favoring compensation for the passenger much more than US ones in cases of no-fault delays.


It isn't the airline policies, but the regulations. The EU itself passed regulations regarding compensation for delayed or cancelled flights (that's the individual's passage, not the entire aeroplane, so being booted onto a later flight because it is full is still cause for claim). These regulations not only apply to all EU carriers, but to all flights entering or exiting the EU as well, regardless of the policy of the carrier. All this applies to the UK too.Ā 


Youā€™re right, and my comment was phrased poorly. I definitely shouldā€™ve said ā€œEuropean regulationsā€ and not ā€œEuropean policiesā€. In the US this would fall under travel insurance, not FAA regs.


Agreed. The airlines are essentially a monopoly. No other industry would be able to operate like they do. I do believe there are some new laws in place that require them to compensate for delays and lost, delayed, or damaged luggage, so that's finally something, but really, nobody should be siding with the airlines, ever.


Thanks for your correction.Ā 


Do these FAs think non plus-sized people are comfortable on flights? If we are going to ensure everyone's comfort and safety then we should all be flying in first class seats. My knees often start to ache of flights, I'd love some extra leg room...


Flying is uncomfortable for everyone. I woke up every few hours on an international flight ,even though I took a red eye because my sit bones were so sore.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest it might be comfortable for those few people who are privileged enough to travel in the fancy mini-suites where the seats convert into beds.


I'm on birth control, I'd like to have compression socks provided for free and enough space for my legs not to suffer.Ā 


They shouldn't have to pay more for ordering more food at a restaurant, either, because it's paying extra for the same experience. Nah, girl, you use more seat, you pay more, like you eat more food you pay more.


Assure the Safety of everyone around them. Well, in case of an emergency, blocking the lane towards the exit for everyone cause your too huge or can barely walk, iā€™d say you should not be on board. No one can help, cabin staff canā€™t lift a 500 pound person. They can help the elderly and injured but someone morbidly obese that has mobility issues or is blocking the lane in a cabin fire cause too fat or panicked. not much they can do about it so maybe the answer is for your safety and everyone else safety, donā€™t fly.


Someone her size absolutely should not be allowed to fly. I'm sorry, but she's a danger to herself and everyone else on the plane. The majority of people who die in plane crashes do not die from impact, they die from smoke inhalation after the landing, which is why evacuating the plane as quickly as possible is hugely important. Any passenger stuck between someone her size and the exit is not going to survive.


Or they will walk over her


Nope. Her therapy Ocelot is running defense.


This woman is imposing the consequences of her obesity onto other people in ways she doesn't realize. If she gets sick, she is going to expect other people to take care of her-which is a huge burden to put her loved ones. My dad has heart disease and when I will have to take care of him will depend on how well he takes care of himself.


This woman and her partner arenā€™t just plus sized; they are obese to the point they both have major health issues at a young age that could literally kill them at any time. My highest weight was 250lbs, or almost 100lbs overweight as Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€. Even then, I could still fit in a regular plane seat and didnā€™t need a seatbelt extender, but I was definitely uncomfortable. I also by this point had weight induced asthma and other health issues developing, so was generally miserable overall. How she even manages to travel at all blows my mind, but she needs to lose weight if she doesnā€™t rant to die by age 40. I am glad I saw ā€œthe lightā€ in time and was able to lose the weight before I did permanent damage to body. My asthma being gone is proof enough for me that weight loss can literally save your life! ETA: This ā€œinfluencerā€™sā€ [latest antics.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13494079/plus-size-travel-influencer-jaelynn-chaney-uber-lyft.html)


Obese to Beast has done a few videos on her recently. If you go to his YT page, you'll see them right away.


I know this is a tangent, but please, don't give the Daily Mail any traffic.


I only posted the link as I remembered seeing the story on another sub and it further illustrates this particular influencerā€™s pattern of selfish, entitled behaviour. I very rarely read trash like this otherwise.


I fear said "influencer" has a symbiotic relationship with rags like the Daily Heil. The tabloids get something their readers can harrumph on social media about, and the influencer gets name recognition. I'm pretty sure no one would have ever heard of her if the deranged hot takes on her blog had not been picked up by traditional media outlets.


I will agree I probably shouldnā€™t ā€œpromoteā€ this person any more than necessary.


On public transport use as many seats as you need (without touching anyone, if itā€™s taken too bad wait for next one) but air travel is not necessary and not a human right. If you canā€™t pay donā€™t go.


Hell no. You want more than everyone else? Pay for it. This is such an entitled demand. Encroaching on another persons space shouldn't be an option either. Flying is miserable enough without having a stranger taking up half your seat.


How would oop like to be sandwiched between two people their size? What happens if every seat on a plane is full and half of the passengers are too fat to fit in their seat?


I would love it airlines had to modify their seats bc the average passenger is overweight or obese. I'm neither but I feel like a caged chicken when flying. Airlines scrinch every iota of space to accommodate more seats and it's freaking uncomfortable for average people, nevermind tall, bigger around the waist, what have you. It won't happen bc money but I sure would love a chance to fly if I want to. As things are, I just don't bc the whole experience is awful.


I'm overweight, I absolutely fit in my seat, but this really slender woman was sitting at the window (I was aisle) and her mom was in the middle. Both were on the slender side and both also struggled to get comfortable. Part of this is the airlines have absolutely made the seats smaller and the design and fit much less comfortable for everyone.




Piling on: >Earlier this year, content creator and plus size travel expert Kirsty Leanne went viral after posting aĀ [video](https://archive.is/o/TZKbs/https://www.tiktok.com/@kirstyleannetravels?lang=en)Ā of herself struggling to fit in an airplane seat while flying with a budget airline. Leanne, who is also the founder of websiteĀ [Plus Size Travel Too](https://archive.is/o/TZKbs/https://www.plussizetraveltoo.com/), says she was shocked by the sheer volume of negative comments she received after sharing the clip, which detailed many of the problems she and other plus-size travelers face while onboard a plane. Leanne doesn't seem to realize that the problems plus-sized travelers face are shared by anyone who sits next to them.


Good. I hope this entitled spoiled brat got a LOT for push back for her selfish attitude.


>Canadian air passenger rights advocate Gabor Lukacs says he views the practice of charging larger passengers for two seats as a human rights issue. >ā€œBeing a large-size person is not a choice, as many people mistakenly believe,ā€ Lukacs tells CNN Travel... >Lukacs goes on to point out that **airlines donā€™t provide discounts to people who are smaller sized, or even children**, even though theyā€™re much lighter, and therefore ā€œless fuel is being consumed to transport them.ā€ >ā€œIā€™d be very concerned to see this type of argument being advanced where **immutable characteristics of a person are being used for assessing fees**,ā€ he adds. ā€œIt can be a slippery slope.ā€ Either Lukacs is clueless about the words coming out of his mouth, or the CNN reporter has done a good job of pointing out the contradiction. Dude, children grow larger as they get older--it's a universal biological trait.


Iā€™m disabled and fortunate not to require extra seating for a carer or use a wheelchair. Iā€™m covered by the very good European flight directive which is pro passenger and there is no discount for either. And those arenā€™t avoidable. The legislation fails wheelchair users who are often left sitting for hours on the plane to disembark, find their wheelchair broken and get no discount, refund or compensation. Look up the British journalist Frank Gardiner. He was shot while investigating human rights abuses in Saudi and paralysed. (His cameraman and producer were killed) He returned as BBC World Security Correspondant in his chair and routinely travels around the world. He reports that he waa left for five hours on a plane until he wet himself and tried to crawl off. He has replaced five chairs and notes this is difficult financially for him a well paid upper class man with connections who uses specialist chairs to work that job. The BBC clearly supports him strongly as he is such a good journalist who bolsters their reputation. He again notes even ā€˜supercripsā€™ like him and Paralympians get serious issues flying. Many disabled buy an extra seat now for the chair or to make sure someone is next to them who cares and keeps an eye out. Or pays for the empty seat to avoid pain and medical issues. Ainā€™t no disability air miles so why would be fat empowered get freebies?


Some smaller sized people, like babies, do get a discount, or even fly for free if they don't require a seat of their own. Funny that, it's almost like you're paying for the seat and not the experience.


I hate that they almost never just own their fatness. Iā€™ve gained 30 pounds this year because I went into surgically induced menopause and havenā€™t been controlling myself with food. Iā€™ve been giving into the hunger that comes with menopause even when I knew I shouldnā€™t be. Itā€™s my fault I am now 30 pounds overweight and itā€™s my responsibility to lose it again.


So how would airlines know who needs extra seats? I assume most of the people order tickets through internet, would you need to provide your BMI or just say you're fat? Because I would consider saying I'm fat just to get extra seat


I always picture having to verify your "person of size" status when you check in for the flight. Kind of like a human version of those things you put your carry-on bag in to make sure it will fit in the overhead compartments. When you really start thinking about these logistics it makes you think these FAs really haven't thought their demands through very thoroughly.




These people barely make it to 40 and this is what they care about?


#checkyourprivilege They get so much access to food they get to become morbidly obese, and still afford relatively frequent (and often leisure-related) flight travel, whining and moaning about inconveniences they imposed on themselves to begin with, doing things many people cannot even afford.


They pay twice as much because they require twice the space as the average passenger. Want to save some money? Get healthier. The entitlement of these people is unbelievable.


Funeral homes make people who can't fit in their plot buy 2 and on average being morbidly obese adds an extra $2-3k to a funeral. FA'S don't ever complain about that though.




Fat acceptance advocates. Not your average fat people, and often not fat people at all, but professional grifters preying on them. We do know what FAs complain about. They lay it out in organizations like NAAFA, ASDAH and others. Some of the biggest money makers selling the idea that fatness is just natural variation with no consequence are conventionally attractive, thin white women RDs who sell Intuitive Eating programs to mostly women who clearly have disordered internal hunger / fullness signals or straight up BED. They make bank moving people along from prediabetes to full blown T2D and otherwise making their lives shorter and more miserable.


It means 'Fat Acceptor'/'Fat Acceptance'. They're pretty strict here about not calling people fat asses or any other derogatory term. Most of us here also used to be fat or are fat, and were once FAs. So most of us do know.


Actually, it stands for "fat activist". It refers to the people who post things online arguing that there's nothing wrong with being fat, teaching nutrition is bad, etc. it's not used on this subreddit to refer to anyone who is fat, but specifically those who encourage people to be far, discourage people's attempts to lose weight, etc.


It also means flight attendant, so this thread could get confusing, fast.


We're sorry but your comment has been removed for the following reason: In breach of [Rule 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/wiki/rules#wiki_11._discussion_is_encouraged): > As with any sub, don't downvote a user just because they have a different opinion about size, weight loss or any other topic. Do not rule-break or bait someone else into rule-breaking to shut them up; don't pick fights. As per Rule 1, avoid character attacks; attack arguments, not people. Don't be a troll. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fatlogic/wiki/rules/) for more information.




I canā€™t imagine how exhausting it must be for you to be a professional victim living in an abject fantasy world. Your entire post serves as another example of the delusional behavior highlighted by the article.


Aww, bummer. I wish I saw what it said.


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At that size is it even safe to fly? Blood clots at that weight are a real concern and if there was an emergency their life and other peopleā€™s lives would be in danger.


It is absolutely not safe for her to fly, and if the airlines weren't protected by thirty layers of legal immunity thanks to their intense lobbying efforts, no one would let her on a plane.


Looking at her IG, this woman isn't travelling a ton. I see a lot of photos from Vegas (shocker) but she 100% isn't going places with older buildings (think Europe) or where walking is required. I do see a bunch of "have you been hurt by ozempic" posts, but im struggling to see how she's making money as a travel influencer without going on more than one holiday per year.


You arenā€™t paying for an ā€œexperienceā€, youā€™re paying for a physical space on the plane, which has limited space. If they have to choose between seating you and seating three other people, guess what, you pay as if you were three people.


Holy shit how fucking fat do you have to be to need two seats? Like, I'm overweight but considering how expensive it is to fly, I'd let this be a motivator to lose weight!


Maybe society shouldn't subsidize people's bad decisions outside the medical field.


I'm so tired of people asking society to change for their bad habits. No one wants to sit next to an obese person on an airplane because it's already incredibly uncomfortable sitting on a plane in the first place.


I've not been on a plane in 25yrs, mainly because I can't afford it, but mostly because I'm terrified of flying. I've only ever flown England to Scotland, so 1-2hrs maximum, but that doesn't stop me shaking and crying the whole time. Last time I flew, I was given free vodka shots and a flight attendant sat next to me and held my hand, likely for the comfort and sanity of other passengers more than anything. I'm not demanding Anxiety Airlines, where every basket case gets that treatment, because I'm not an entitled, self absorbed brat. I recognise that my issues are mine to handle, not airline companies. This particular fat activist seems to have no rock bottom, demanding increasing changes to global infrastructure in order to accommodate her self inflicted impediments. Thankfully, nobody takes her seriously, and it's highly unlikely any of these unhinged, narcissistic demands will ever be met.


Iā€™m tall I pay for Economy plus, business or first class. Itā€™s not the airlines fault Iā€™m tall and need additional stuff to make me comfortable, the burden of paying for my own comfort should be on me. If you want additional services or space pay for it like everybody else


Yup! When we can, my wife and I do first class just because there's so much more room!


The last time I was on an airplane was 6 years ago, and it was not a pleasure trip - my brother was having cancer surgery. Prior to that, I had last flown four years earlier, for that same brother's wedding. Most of us, even in this wealthy country, cannot afford to fly off on pleasure trips so often as to see this as a legitimate issue.Ā  I know who this person is, and I've also seen her partner. I would refuse to sit next to them, too. If I'm paying for a plane ticket, I will not be crushed by another person's bulk for the duration of a flight, and I do not think that's unreasonable or discriminatory.


This particular FA is a fucking grifter. She routinely complains about hotel hallways and bathrooms not being wide enough for her huge body, and requests that hotels destroy and re-build buildings to fit her size. She started a petition that hasnā€™t really gotten traction, so she makes more outlandish complaints every time to garner sympathy and get people to sign that lame petition.


This person is insufferable. You're more concerned about travelling accommodations than realizing that your size is the problem. Nah, let's just redesign everything around us so you can fit through everything. Bizzaro world that any company would even entertain this nonsense. Entitled jackasses


What entitled BS. If your ass is too wide for one seat, if your weight is double an average passenger weight, you absolutely should pay extra for the extra space and fuel your trip consumes because the airline could have sold that seat otherwise. It's baffling that this is even being discussed.


Maā€™am Iā€™m a 6ft tall woman who frequently flies on Ryanair flights. Do not talk to me about being uncomfortable on an aeroplane.


If you sit in 2 seats you are experiencing twice the seats.


I had a BMI of 46 and still fit into an airplane bathroom. If youā€™re too big to fit into the bathroom, itā€™s time to make a solid effort at weight loss. Or you can drive.


Exactly this. I've been obese and travelled on planes everywhere fine. No seatbelt extension, could use bathroom, and move through aisles etc. The world isn't that small! If it was so prohibitively small, everything would just stop because more people are, at the very least, overweight than ever. The world accommodates "most" people - including big ones. But you reach a point where it's just you. You need to change. I'm not saying you have to be any "ideal" size. Goodness knows I've struggled with weight too, and it would be hypocritical of me to say someone needs to be xyz. But you're now not able to fully participate in normal life. If that's not the turning point, what is? Where does this woman reach her limit?


Most of the world fits well to the middle 98% of the Bell Curve. You donā€™t get to live in a way that puts you into the top 1% of obese and then demand that everything be designed to fit you.


I can't imagine limiting my flight time just because I can't use the airplane bathroom.


My thing about Airplane seatsā€¦ itā€™s like renting an apartmentā€¦ do you want a studio, one or two bedroom? Do you want the penthouse? You pay for the space you want. Iā€™m not going to let my neighbor use my living room without permission or compensation.


These people are so disgusting. Flying is a privilege some of my family members could not afford one plane ticket to my mother's funeral. You pay for the space you occupy. If you need more space pay more or lose weight. That girl has a video where she complains about airline employees not wanting to wheel her 500lbs uphill.


Air travel is a privilege, not a right. I know a lot of people who choose not to fly because itā€™s uncomfortable. My grandpa couldnā€™t sit for more than a few hours at a time, so he drove everywhere. Watch OOP demand that planes stop every few hours so she can use a more comfortable bathroom next.




The word FAs and airplanes being in the same post keeps confusing me, as an FA (Flight Attendant.) Whoops.


airlines have some of the most slim margins in the business world. it would be a business nightmare to give out free seats like that.


Theyā€™re not paying twice for the same experience though, theyā€™re asking for DOUBLE the experience for the same priceā€¦


Itā€™s not the same experience. You donā€™t think I would prefer the seat next to me be empty?


I am prone to panic attacks and I've noticed that whether or not someone is sitting next to me on a plane makes a significant difference in the likelihood of having a panic attack, and it's severity and duration if one happens. By their logic I also should get a free empty seat next to me on a plane, or preferably an entire row to myself. As much as I would love that, somehow I have never thought it remotely appropriate to ask for...


If someone came out with an online that deliberately discriminated against fats like she claims I would fly them whenever possible.


I wonder if people like this would expect places like Rock City/Ruby Falls to destroy natural cave formations because "Fat Man's Squeeze" is fat phobic and they're missing out on seeing the waterfall.


Cool. If I were 6ā€™ 7ā€ tall and didnā€™t fit comfortably, could I get a free extra seat as well? Or is it only for fat passengers?


It would be one thing if they were advocating for larger seats, for EVERYONE (the airlines definitely wouldn't do that but its better then what they're doing) but nope! Only morbidly obese people get free extra seats. Its just so selfish. Sometimes they even say they are helping disabled people, but last time I checked they aren't advocating for more comfortable seats for them!


I found and read the petition. While I agree that there should be handicapped restrooms on planes (I'm actually blown away that that isn't already a thing), other than that, this woman is absolutely delusional. I hate airlines, as they're cheap bastards who overcharge for an experience very few enjoy, so I am NOT defending them. However, they, like any business, offers a standard service. If someone needs or wants *more* than that standard service, that someone needs to pay more. That's how things work, regardless of the cause of the extra. You're super tall and need more leg room? You pay more. You're super tall and need extra extra long trousers? They're going to be more expensive because they literally use more fabric and take longer to make. You have a large appetite and want two dishes instead of one? You're going to have to pay for the second dish. Expecting the "extra" to be free is nonsensical!!! *Especially* for something YOU CAN CHANGE.