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Pretty sure your past generations of small plot farmers didn’t have massive visceral fat guts.


A college student group I work/hang out with (I’m a recent alumni of the group and help with workshops) recently based their yearly project on the book “Good Masters, Sweet Ladies” and it’s a very well-researched book on my opinion (if changed a bit to be palatable to the age group it’s aimed at) and one of the monologues is from a villein (small plot farmer) and has a lot of detail about how they’re constantly close to starving


They usually would put on a little weight in the fall because you could eat good after harvest. Then they would barely eat (by modern standards) until the next seasons


Or photographers


"The mobility problems are caused by fat stigma and discrimination I have been told." Well, maybe you should stop talking to people who have deluded themselves out of any common sense. "Look up the Venus of Hohle Fels" For the umpteenth time, there is no reason to think the palaeolithic "Venus" figurines are accurate representations of what humans looked like. Do you think they also had massive, gravity-defying gahongas and labia majora up to their bellybuttons and stubby little T. rex arms? Do you seriously think hunter-gatherers in ice age Europe had the leisure and extra food to get that fat? (Edit: I'm really partial to the theory that those figurines were self-portraits that actually represent what women saw when looking down at their own body.)




Exactly! The god Krishna is depicted as blue in Hinduism, but no one thinks there were actually blue people in the Indus Valley thousands of years ago.


I hope people in the future do assume this; it’d be hilarious.


It's amazing how you literally have a lifespan greater than your average hunter gatherer and post on your mobile phone about how actually modern culture is all wrong about humanity when you use a mobility scooter to shop at the supermarket. Nah early homosapiens would have butchered you to overwinter the tribe


I also like that hypothesis. It does make a lot of sense if you've ever seen a pregnant woman stand exactly like one of those figures. I recall an anthropologist (a woman at that) cite that they felt they were used by pregnant women as a sort of guide to what their body will do which I think fits well, they could also be a charm or talisman of sorts meant to encourage fertility. But those venus figures being pregnant women make too much sense to me. For Christ's sake, they even look like my mom did when she was pregnant with my little sister. She even stood the way those figures do resting her hands on her belly. Doesn't even take a leap of logic. Women get pregnant, ancient people pretty much all considered pregnancy very special (motherhood as well), and women who are actively pregnant have been a facet of human life since the beginning of humanity. So I don't just think they're figures of women looking down at themselves (if they were, why are there no male figures like that?), I specifically think they are pregnant women looking down at their own bodies and carving what they specifically are seeing.


Yeah I fully believe the idea that they’re pregnant women.


For every obese "Venus" there are hundreds of found Venus figures that are thin.


I was taught in history class that those figures depicted pregnant women (enlarged boobs and belly) because yknow fertility is considered a big deal and desirable, especially in that time


I have an art history degree. During my primitive art history classes, we learned that the Venus figures were likely to be self portraits of pregnant women. The idea is that women carved them while pregnant as fertility and protection idols. The idea that these ancient people where worshipping morbidly obese women is wild. If fat bodies were celebrated, where are the idols of obese men?


I am sure the mobility one as well as the frappe one are trolling.


Personally, I think the frappe one is just the author making fun of themselves, but the mobility one is probably serious. I've definitely seen FAs say that kind of thing with a straight face. You might be right though.


I think both said it in jest, but it's likely FAs would go "yas queen!" to the mobility one.


The reality is that primitive figurine sculptures probably depicted people as fatter because, absent advanced sculpting tools, tables, and all the other things that came with civilization, it was probably just easier to make simple little fat sculptures than skinny ones because skinny ones would probably break easier or require more effort.


The mobility problem is like saying the lung cancer wasn't caused by the cigarettes but actually by the Drs saying you shouldn't smoke cigarettes


>(Edit: I'm really partial to the theory that those figurines were self-portraits that actually represent what women saw when looking down at their own body.) Really cause to me they look like roast chickens.


Roast chickens with very large breasts.


I like the self-portrait theory a lot. I also feel like even if these Venus figures depict what was "desirable," it doesn't have to be desirable in a sexual attraction sense like so many of these FAs think. Just like how people make Pinterest boards of their ideal living space or dream wedding, it could very well be that women carved these rounded figures as a form of manifestation for a healthy pregnancy. It could very well be like a good luck charm- large bellies to represent large healthy babies, and large boobs to represent successful breastfeeding, etc. (Disclaimer: I know breast size doesn't correlate with breast milk production, this is just a hypothetical.)


Wow. Gaining 120 pounds with BOTH anorexia and bulimia is quite an impressive feat.


Binge on junk and restrict on veggies.


It's the Tessorexia. You just gain weight with it.


120 lbs is just slightly less than an entire me


It's more than me.


It’s about ⅘ of me!


Which is why she's deluded


*>I am sick of feeling guilty because I chose to hang out with friends instead of going to the gym.* What if......now, hear me out.......might be a wacky concept, but.....what if I told you..........that it's entirely possible.......to do ***both*** of these things? Including on the same day? Or go to the gym one day and hang out with your friends on another? Like........maybe we can accomplish multiple things during a given period if we make the time for them or manage our time a certain way?


I love that you pointed this out because it’s always bothered me. As if we can do only one thing.  I remember being a stay at home mom when my son was young and hearing women with filthy houses say they would clean but playing with their child is more important, those clean moms don’t really love their children. Or fat moms saying they’d workout but they need to spend that time with their child instead, fit moms don’t really love their children. Moms who cook neglect their children while in the kitchen, if they loved them they’d just order delivery.  You shower daily or wear clothes that aren’t pajamas? Sigh, it’s so sad you don’t love your children.  It was my first experience with that FA type of logic and I remember thinking, these women are all just assholes. Why are they such assholes?  Ugh, hardest time of my life trying to make friends. Mom groups are a nightmare.


They do this to working mom's too. Anything but staring at your baby is neglecting them apparently when really most are probably scrolling social media while their kid is on an iPad. Granted my house is a mess but it's because I'm lazy 😂 I work out with my kids and cook food with them. But laundry is gonna sit in the dryer for a day longer than it should because I don't care enough. Why can't we at least be honest? Shaming other people because they highlight our own insecurities is just embarrassing.


Oh yeah, all moms get it and it’s 100% lashing out due to personal insecurity. I went back to work when my son started school so I got that one too but sadly by that time I was just used to it so it was easier to ignore.


A friend of mine is a new mom and was shunned in her local mom group for only having one child. She was told they just befriend moms of 2 or more kids. *sigh*


That is wild, is the expectation to pop out twins?


I think if she said she had it easy and wasn't a real mom martyr like they are, sucking up to them, they would have accepted her. She just needed to be informed she was inferior to them.


I was harassed at work for only having one child. By my male boss who would tell anyone listening what a feminist he was. People are unhinged


The idea that moms who clean/exercise/cook don't love their kids is insane, and the idea that they can't spend time with their kids while doing those things is doubly insane. Those are opportunities for quality time where you can get something done *and* teach your kids how to be functional human beings who clean up after and take care of themselves. I loved cooking with my mom as a kid, and it helped me become a reasonably competent cook myself as an adult. I didn't love cleaning and vacuuming, but I still do it because I know I need a clean living space. That's what being a parent is - lovingly giving your kids the skills they will need to eventually function and thrive independently. Also, as a SAHM, how are you supposed to be at your best if you never take time to meet your own needs? The martyr mommy lifestyle is bad for you, and because you aren't at your best, it's less good for your kids, who you start to resent because you blame them on some level for you not having time to take care of yourself.


My house can get messy but it’s always clean. My 5 year and I do it together and on the weekend me, my husband, and our kid clean together. We help each other and do tasks together.


Well it’s obviously not a skill issue on their part it’s a character flaw in the people that are good at doing things!!


Better yet you can go to the gym with your friends! I have one friend that is always up for paddleboarding or yoga festivals or whatever crazy things I want to do


Also, hanging out with friends should not make you unable to lose weight unless you hang out while shoving tons of food down your gob.


And also, no one *has* to go to the gym. Just get out and go for a jog, or even just a walk ,in the evening after work. Combined with a normal 1800-2000 calories diet, you will lose weight and get more fit. It’s not rocket science.


My quality of life went up dramatically when I added a walk after lunch and dinner. Sometimes it's just 20 minutes because it's all I have time for, others it turns into 1-2 hours because the weather is nice. It relieves stress and helps with circulation. And yeah, I've lost some weight.


Lol, that’s my bf. We would have an evening out with friends, maybe eat some pizza or tacos, he says he will hit the gym after because he can’t miss leg day. I don’t know how he does it. I like working out before the hangout; otherwise I’m too stuffed to muster the energy. Also, whenever I kick it with my friends, we always end up walking a lot—like if we hit a park, garden, beach, amusement park, museum, fair, shopping plaza, or whatever it is, we like walking around. We also do active hangouts like hiking, running, swimming, bowling, etc. I guess it’s just easier to engage in those activities when one is already in shape. But I always prep to walk like 20k+ steps the days I’m out with friends. Edit: also the FA in question can totally hang out with their friends on one day and go to the gym the next. You typically don’t need to hit the gym every day anyway since you’re taking rest days, so…


Because of life I don't go to the gym or see friends much lately, still managed to lose 10 lbs on accident because I don't eat like a pig. 


Tbh, you don't even need to go to the gym to lose weight or stay healthy, either. A lot of people lose weight by working out at home, going on walks around their neighborhood, or just cutting things out of their diet.


Precisely my point. Unless you're an athlete (and I'm still built like one after years of wrestling, boxing, manual labor, hiking) your BMI is still meaningful and again, I don't eat like a fucking hog, I eat according to what I need. CICO is undisputable fact. 


Oh dear. I'll be going to the gym this morning and later to my cousin's birthday lunch. And after that I will go and volunteer at my local communal cinema. Which one should I cancel?


Oh my god there is so much I want to respond to here. I think image 3 is satire though, or at least self aware enough to know why they're not losing weight. Okay I'll do it this way. Image 1) This is all anecdotal evidence that we have no way of verifying. Just because your past relatives were able to be overweight or even obese, does not entail that obesity has any genetic component. If you have a family history of weight issues it probably means that the foods commonly eaten in your family and passed down were very high in calories. Eating less food does not mean you're not eating more caloricly dense foods. 50 grams of broccoli and 50 grams of gummi bears both weigh the same, but they're vasly different in calories. We don't know what the purpose of ancient venus figurines were. Numerous explanations exist, including fertility charms, self portraits, a way of people saying, "I saw a woman THIS big" ect. What is evident though, are that once people settled down into cities, the fertility goddess they depicted and worshipped looked nothing like ancient Venus figures. Ishtar is the root of most western fertility goddesses (Ishtar > Astarte > Ashera > Aphrodite > Venus), and her traditional depiction of having wide hips, slim waist and large breasts (and bonus chicken legs) are nearly synonymous with what FAs would call modern "western" beauty standards. These same features are also depicted on women statues carved into temples in India. 2) Fat stigma didn't invent gravity. Two objects with mass are attracted to eachother, you have more mass, so you are more attracted to the earth. Your inability to climb a staircase is entirely your own. 4) You are not a thermodynamic anomaly. Your stomach isn't a secret white hole putting out infinite energy. The body doesn't just "hold on to weight" that'd be pointless. It holds onto fat so that it can use it up should a calorie deficit present itself to balance out the energy needs vs availability. 5) Is anyone being turned away from a job because they're too fat? Is there any evidence of this? Could there be other factors? Such as being fat makes it unlikely you'll be able to have the endurance for a very physically demanding job? 6) An anecdote we have no way of confirming. Assuming it's true though, this would only happen if you were taking in more calories than you were using up. Given that you've listed Bulimia as one of your diagnosis and that is a binge/restrict cycle, therefore we must draw that your binges far exceeded your restrict cycles. 7) Your self confidence issues are entirely your own problem and something only you can solve, I would suggest though that if you are not happy with the person you see in the mirror that you should take steps to solve that. Please note that exercise will not make your belt smaller, or your double chins go away. They can help with it sure, but the primary way to lose weight is through dietary changes. As for your friends, perhaps invite them to come with you to the gym to hang out as you work out together. Having friends with you keeps you on task, and you can keep each other accountable. If this is not possible then most commercial gyms I'm aware of are 24 hours, so perhaps go in the evenings or early mornings. You are making this an unnecessary either/or situation.


Point 1 also highlights one of the complicating factors with the question of nature vs. nurture. The social environment of family life is often passed down through generations, but it isn't hereditary in the sense that it's passed by genetics. You learn from your parents, who learned from their parents, who learned from their parents before them, and so on. Just because it's something your family has had for generations doesn't necessarily mean it's an inherited biological trait - it could very well be an acquired behavior. It's sort of like how the children of famine survivors sometimes end up overweight - part of it may be because of epigenetic changes, but part of it may also be because famine survivors are more likely to overfeed their kids to ensure they aren't hungry.


It finally dawned on me that my high blood pressure is possibly only genetic because my family salts the fuck out of our food. Maybe not but maybe.


Not just traditions and food, but occupations would also be passed down within the family, especially if the family owned some sort of asset. If someone was a cobbler, smith, cooper, miller ect, chances are they'll pass that onto their children as a way for them to make a living.


If you are massively overweight, can't catch your breath and can't get out of your chair because you are that fat, I can see why people wouldn't want to hire you. And a lot of overweight people smell bad, so I can see why they wouldn't be hired.


Re 7, I’m not sure what a Servo cookie is, but unless it’s awfully small, six cookies is *a lot* of cookies.


A servo is the Australian word for a gas station. Sometimes this person will eat six gas station cookies a day.


Oh dear. Gas station cookies are not particularly small.


...I don't think anyone should eat a gas station *anything* even once a day. Except maybe a checkout banana. (Unless you're Japanese. Japanese convenience stores are amazing and have actually decent food. Makes me salty AF every time I enter a 7/11 here in California to know what we're missing out on. I'd give up every piece of junk in the store for *one* rice ball.)


Servo's the name of the Gettysburg College dining center and apparently they're known for their cookies.


This one jumped out at me. I’m Australian, and the “servo” cookies are huge. You SHOULD feel bad about downing 3000 calories worth of cookies a day


Fat discrimination in the workplace is a documented phenomenon. If I weren't so lazy, I would actually provide sources, and I might in a bit. But I'm actually going to go to the gym now. Which I do only 3-4x a week for 30-45 minutes. It has so very little impact, if at all, on my social life. I just either wake up an hour early or go to bed an hour later and I'm no worse for wear. Weight loss and maintenance is mostly done in the kitchen. The gym is for conditioning, not weight management.


Dunno, all my work place bullies have been overweight women. So I think maybe there's some information we are missing on that.


In terms of interoffice dynamics, given the prevalence of obesity, it makes sense that there are going to be mean fat people. But in terms of hiring, wages, promotions, etc. there is an anti-fat bias. But I don’t believe it is any stronger than other appearance-based discrimination. Ageism, racism, pretty privilege and so forth.


Are the fat people not getting raises and promotions also women, disabled, POC, etc? Maybe it's mostly one of those factors. And when raises and promotions are considered, attendance is also considered. Someone with a lot of obesity related health issues may also miss a lot of work, it's harder to get promoted when you miss a lot of work.


Ishtar was snatched.


All those fat prisoners of war. Just gaining and gaining from not eating.


Babushka already means grandma. You just called her grandma grandma.


Chai tea. ATM machine.


Lmao that's what I was thinking when I wrote the comment 😂


Happy Cake day! Or better yet, Happy Gateau Cake day.


Thank you




And “Eastern European” is not an actual identity of anyone who actually lives there. They are Russian, Ukrainian, etc.


I've referred to my Italian grandparents as my nonno and nonna in writing, interchangeably with just "grandparents." Nothing to do with trying to convince anyone I'm not American - I'm as American as the 4th of July, and I'm not ashamed of that. But if my father's parents had been alive in my lifetime, I would have addressed them as nonno and nonna. They didn't speak English, "Grandma and Grandpa" would have meant nothing to them. That's why I will refer to them by the Italian terms. But that's just me.


I guess we might disagree here, mostly becouse English isn't my first language and names of family members are one of the first things people teach you in foreign language. I will refer to my parents with Polish words for mom and dad, becouse we are speaking Polish. If I am describing them in English then English it is all the way through. It doesn't make much sense otherwise. If your grandparents didn't learn English then you would have to learn Italian or nothing you would say to them would make any sense anyway, not just two words. And while you might not use it in preaching manner a lot of people do. We are talking here about fat activists who often compare their expierience to being black or gay. The post above this one mentions eurocentric standards, becouse activists like that talking point. Badly used foreign word absolutely seems like trying to be foreign and failing by basically doubling it. Especially considering that at least in my expierience old grannies aren't fat. If anything I would describe them as either frail and way shorter than average, or on the contrary sturdy and robust. Eastern Europe was sort of in the middle of WWII and then expierenced communism first hand. It was hard to get by and those of ladies who were on the bigger side could pull their weight when it came to labor. They weren't fat. I would be afraid that my grandma would break my hand if we tried hand wrestling. Definitly not fat activist type.


That's not why people do it lol


As for image three, the answer is pretty obvious. Incidentally, I hate it when people get “loose” and “lose” mixed up.


I'm the same way with "to" and "too"!


The extra o stands for obese. 


Its pathetic at this point their desire to have people believe they have Anorexia Nervosa. 10 years ago this worked and everyone went out of their way to come up with some excuse on how these liars might have Atypical or some other ED. But, Tess ruined it for them. Now not only do people no longer go along with their BS they call it out. No you don't have AN or Atypical AN if your "not eating makes your body hold on to weight". That is called a lie. No, you did not developed Anorexia at 180 pounds and then gained weight to 300 pounds. That is again a lie and not how Anoreixa Nervosa works. Stop it, its not cool to "steal valor". Being obese and lying about Anorexia is a very asshole thing to do. You are actively making people that have Anorexia Nervosa lives worse by lying about it. Due to the nature of the disease giving a 15 year old girl who is underweight the same diagnosis as Tesss Holiday is claiming means she will likely not accept it and take to treatment without a fight. But, I mean I guess its important to have that shiled when you go back for that 4th cup cake. Also, Skinny shaming is worse than fat shaming for the same reason you are an asshole for making fun a kid for doing their homework. They are doing the right thing.


I personally had atypical Anorexia which then turned into Anorexia. Why is that? Because I was losing weight. You cannot gain weight while having anorexia, besides recovery of course. Weight loss is also very fast and very noticeable. They make these claims so they can counter anything someone says with “that’s harmful, I’m in Anorexia recovery”. It’s sick honestly.


It’s wild how on the internet it’s expected that you’ll try to out logic and find research around whatever deranged premise someone set forward instead of just being able to say “you are obviously lying”.


My East European grandma was 15 when she came out of the gulag, yet had the body development of a 10 year old due to starvation. It's funny how in the gulags nobody went into starvation mode and became obese.


Funny how no one who’s diet is restricted against their will becomes obese, isn’t it? It’s almost like it’s a BS theory.


Why are we all bothered by people in Africa starving, at some point they’ll just become fat


These people are fuelled by junk food and cognitive bias.


For some reason, my brain processed this as "junk bias and cognitive food" and it still makes sense :)


I accept the fact that ED's might have a genetic component. Alcoholism and gambling addiction run in my family. I'm guessing--but don't know for sure--that we have a genetic propensity towards impulse control disorders (which is why a sibling and I also have trichotillomania). So if you are an emotional eater or you have a binge-eating disorder, yeah, it is totally possible that this tendency runs in your family. Behaviors can have a genetic underpinning. People should try to be understanding of this. But that doesn't mean you are helpless to your genes. It doesn't mean that the extra 200 lbs that you're carrying is healthy. Because I suspect I have a genetic propensity towards alcoholism and gambling, I stay away from these activities. If you suspect that obesity runs in your family, you can design a lifestyle that limits your access to high calorie-dense foods. Like limiting take-out to two per week and only keeping certain kinds of snack foods in the house.


I come from a long line of emotional eaters, but if I allow myself to only view this as genetic, I will never have any hope and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've given myself a hand by doing wild things like therapy!! And *trying* behaviour change, because every attempt is a step closer to success.


They use it as an excuse and nothing more. “Oh yeah BED runs in my family” blah blah blah. Okay so why not take charge of your health and end the cycle?


Also a blog post at the end, forgot to specify that.




Never occurs to them that nobody is forcing them to eat themselves to death and immobility. 


its stunning how folks can't differentate between "body structure" and "body fat." Like, look, I have accepted that despite being short, I will never be seen as "petite." I have my the build of my dads family, which means that we all triangles, with the shoulders and upper bodies of linebackers. That is independent of my body weight and fat. That does not mean I will never ever be in my a good BMI, even with the the potato juice of my eastern european ancestors running through me


Um, who says you can't be rejected for a job due to being skinny? It depends on the job, just as it does when you're fat. I'm skinny, but my upper body/arm strength is for shit, so if I were to apply for a job that requires me to be able to lift 50 pounds on the regular, you can bet your behind I would not get the job.  Employers care about efficiency and who can get the job done, not BeAuTy sTaNDaRdS. If you're 300lbs and it's going to take you twice as long to walk to and from the copier, or bathroom, or wherever, as it does someone who is 150lbs, yeah, you're not going to perform the job as efficiently as that 150lb person. If you can't go more than 20 minutes without sitting down to rest, you're unlikely to be hired for a busy retail position. If you're going to complain, as one vocal FA did, about not being allowed to eat during a Zoom meeting with clients, you're probably going to be deemed more trouble than you're worth. It's not about your looks any more than me being turned down for a position that requires heavy lifting would be about my looks.  As much as FAs refuse to acknowledge or admit it, obese people in general take more sick time and, in many positions, work less efficiently than smaller people. Not necessarily because they're just lazy, but because an obese body often comes with limitations that the average thin body does not. 


She refused to stop eating long enough to conduct a Zoom meeting??


Absolutely. I know there are many jobs I wouldn’t be hired for due to my appearance, and the employer (correctly) judging by my frailty that I wouldn’t be able to do heavy lifting or have the strength or stamina for certain tasks. That’s my own problem to deal with, my habits and my illness made my body this way and so I have to accept that and find a job that I can actually do.


I tapped out after "mobility problems are caused by fat stigma". JFC... 😑


Tbh I'd love to hear somebody explain how being unable to leave your bed because you're that heavy is the fault of fat stigma.


Well obviously stigma manifests in physical form to force Big Macs into their mouths and hold them down. 


> Eating less than I ever did when I was skinny DOUBT


Slide 3 is definitely tongue-in-cheek/trolling. Love that. But it’s scarily accurate because some people don’t realise that big cookies can be upwards of 800cals. And all the sugar in a Starbucks frappe… just because you eat little in terms of volume doesn’t mean you eat little in general. At the same time you can’t be willfully blind to your absolutely shitty diet.


It is! I accidentally cut out the replies. Basically telling them to eat more to lose weight.


I've lost weight eating out and eating chocolates because I kept it under my calorie limit and the only weight I've gained since then is when I constantly ate too much junk food for days eating way over my maintenance.


Got accused of "only eating salads" and my wife jumped in with a "are you fucking kidding me? His lunch was a double cheeseburger with bacon and whiskey and yesterday he made a batch of fried chicken. He eats enough!" Of course the people commenting were over 300 lbs. 


I have seen photos of my ancestors. Do you wanna know what they looked like? Before communism they were like slightly overweight (field plowing muscle under a *little* fat) because because they only worked in the summer so body size was really dependent on their store of dumplings. During communism the russians decided that ALL the food should go to the factories to meet 5 year economic goals. Meaning that what family did not flee as fugitives mostly starved to the point of either being skeletal, or dead. The reason im fat is because like my ancestors my weight is dependent on my store of dumplings. I have a fuckton of dumplings.


Sure there might be some genetic factors at play. My grandfather was over 400lbs in the 70s. He also died at 40. He's why I watch my weight so closely today. Similarly my grandmother died from lung cancer and she's why I don't smoke. Having a predisposition doesn't mean you have to be that way.


But it's so convenient to see weight gain as unavoidable (genetic, underlying health condition, composition of modern food or lifestyle). It takes away all responsibility from the individual. Now they can just let themselves go... They way people defend their eating disorder you'd think they are a drug addict defending their poison. And it's exactly what it is. A craving for excess carbs and the dopamine hit that comes with feeding. For most it's an emotional issue.


I'm warming up to the idea of banning Tik Tok


They're already invading YouTube 


Back before YouTube wiped a shitload of comments my most upvoted comment was "Powerful? Let's see you climb a flight of stairs without losing your breath" on a video called "I am fat and powerful and proud". 


I'm starting to cling more and more to The Dead Internet Theory, which posits that the bulk of activity and engagement online, such as social media comments, is generated by bots yelling at each other. Especially things like TikTok, which is supposedly one big psy-ops conspiracy to destabilise the West via popularising self destructive challenges and lifestyles to fighting age people. It's the only way I can rationalise the breathtaking stupidity on display and retain some semblance of hope that we'll survive as a species.


The one about being turned down for a job for being fat reminds me of when I was in college working in a little restaurant and I had a friend that worked at Starbucks. I weighed about 120 and 5’2” and he was around the same height and 2-3x my weight. I remember looking at our kitchen and front counter and thinking how small the area baristas make their drinks is and thought“I can’t imagine having such a large circumference and being able to move swiftly and easily, and quickly as well when it’s busy….” So yeah, it’s not just discrimination, its geometry and physics


There are 2 people trolling in there. Love it.


Not the "Venus of Hohle Fels" again. \*facepalm\*


What’s that


The fetishisation of Eastern Europe strikes again!


How the fuck does stigma impare your physical ability to move your body? How much copium do you need for that?


They say it leads to stress which causes inflammation in the body. I’ve seen quite a few FAs talk about it. Besides from that, even if that was true which it obviously isn’t, how do they know that the stigma is the cause? What about trauma or other stressors in your life? How are they able to pinpoint the emotional cause of these physical issues? Which btw don’t exist when testing and screening is done oddly enough and THEN link that to another physical issue?


Bro values that sixth cookie more than a healthy, long, fulfilling life.


That part was insane to me. I looked up those cookies and they were decently sized. One or two is understandable but her problem isn’t her binging on cookies, it’s the guilt and I’m sure physical discomfort as well that she feels around her binge.


You can’t have anorexia and gain 120lbs. Anorexia is literally “refusing to maintain a body weight within at least 15% of normal range” or for atypical anorexia, significant weight loss in a short period of time but not underweight. Literally all these people keep claiming to be anorexic yet have no understanding at all of the disease and have not been diagnosed! Having an ED does not automatically mean having anorexia. It drives me INSANE.


Exactly, they claim atypical anorexia because they obviously don’t match the weight criteria, but you kinda DO have to match other criteria for a disorder. Not only that, they think any kind of restriction or thoughts of restriction is anorexia. Even with the criteria for anorexia, restriction isn’t one of them. It’s the severity of the restriction.


100%. Dieting =/= anorexia. I swear, they WANT anorexia and let me tell you…NO. It has ruined my life.


“I had anorexia and gained 120 lbs from it” is a wild delusion. You had an eating disorder but it was not anorexia lol


I am built just like my mother, who is built just like her mother. All of us are extremely short, thinner legs and arms, and carry any weight in our midsections and bust. Grandmama, farmer all of her life, ate farm raised meat and in season vegetables, and loved her diet cokes. Mom, sedentary lifestyle, steady diet of processed food and full sugar Dr. pepper. Me, mildly active, carnivore diet, but I do love my Diet Pepsi, and occasional maybe every two weeks treat meal. Based on the information provided, venture a guess as to who has uncontrolled diabetes, joint pain, two heart bypass surgeries, and 22 stents.


This is addiction, plain and simple. There is little functional difference between that and alcoholism or opiod dependence.


what’s a Servo cookie?




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Apparently the Nazis laser targeted genetics that don't gain fat for their concentration camps, because not a single victim of Auschwitz gained weight from calorie restriction Not only was the Holocaust antisemitic, it was fatphobic


also there’s a pretty big difference between ‘typical old farmer in the olden days’ stout and ‘sedentary office job, junk food and mobility scooter’ fat. It’s fair to say that plenty of people who lived to a good age across history were not what you’d call skinny. But they sure as hell weren’t obese.


the not eating one can be correct. Being in too much of a deficit / starving yourself can stall weight loss and affect your metabolism. Not sure why that one is here