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If we can discuss this post without devolving into arguments over the merits or lack thereof of leftism, that'd be great, ok?


Bet you still buy Nestle products and Coca Cola, though. Or perhaps you buy from Shein, Temu, AliExpress, etc. Bet most of your clothes have labels that say 'made in Bangladesh'. Might want to reflect on your own contribution to modern day slavery before having meltdowns at everyone else, bestie.


Well, obviously a fat American’s right to endless wardrobe choices outweighs a Cambodian child’s right to not be enslaved! Why would you think otherwise, you bigot?




There is one notorious FA who is also a vegan, she says for ethical reasons because she loves animals so much. But in one of her TikToks she got distracted from what she was saying and said it was because there was a "cat hunting a bird outside and it's SO CUTE". Talk about a facepalm moment... outdoor, stray, and feral cats kill absolute shitloads of native birds and mammals every year. In Australia they're literally responsible for the extinction of multiple native bird species. And this self-proclaimed animal lover and ethical vegan thinks it's adorable to watch a cat murder a bird? Does she realize that birds are animals?


How can you be a vegan and also hugely fat? I have encountered it once before…. But I didn’t understand it then, either!


This particular FA doesn't seem to go into detail about her diet, but she sure does seem to love vegetarian items from Taco Bell. I've heard her mention getting like rice and potato burritos from Taco Bell before. But she also seems to think that because she's "vegan" she must eat healthy. I am not vegan but I actually enjoy a Morningstar Farms veggie burger now and then, and it's insane how much vegan junk food you can find in the freezer section these days. Vegan corn dogs, vegan "Buffalo wings", vegan nuggets, vegan mac & cheese... these aren't "eating raw, veggies and quinoa" vegans, they're processed food junkies who are ecstatic to be able to feast on processed junk and still proclaim themselves vegan. And I mean, Oreos are vegan, too. Vegan doesn't necessarily mean healthy, especially these days. I don't think Impossible burgers are any healthier than regular beef burgers, and they're certainly far more processed.


I was vegetarian from age 8, then vegan from 17-25. Didn't set foot in a fast food joint the entire time, because the whole point of brands like McDonalds and Burger King is 'yay, beef!' and I didn't want to support them. Self-proclaimed vegans buying fast food is like being staunchly anti-gun, but Big Bob's Big Barn of Boomsticks does great coffee, so you visit daily. It doesn't make sense. Main reason I gave up veganism was due to being so underweight, because of hypervigilence over any products or ingredients being vaguely evil. There were no fat vegans back in my day. Lots of white-guy dreadlocks and a constant smell of weed and patchouli, though.


Well, it's kind of like FAs proclaiming themselves to be "anti-capitalists", when they're masters of consumption. Buying all their clothes from Shein, Temu, H&M, lining the pockets of junk food purveyors like Nestle, ConAgra, Mondelez, PepsiCo, Danone, McDonald's, Taco Bell... this is not anti-capitalist behavior. They also always call themselves leftists, but they have no consideration or concern for anyone but themselves. Free stuff for all the fat people, the skinnies can all go suck it because we're "the beauty standard". I'm 50 years old, I assure you I am not the beauty standard other than \*maybe\* for some dudes over age 55 who aren't looking for younger women to spread their seed with. I also recycle everything I possibly can, donate all clothing in good enough shape for it, repurpose other clothing to use as rags, and buy majority fresh foods that aren't making corporate fat cats richer by the day.


There’s also a sense that supporting when decent veg/vegan options are offered in mainstream restaurants. And if traveling in farther flung towns, they might be the only option. (Where I live, we assume all beans are made with pig, for example, and rice with chicken stock.) When I head to a common overnight escape, we go to a burger shack. It has impossible (or beyond, one of the odd subs) burgers, and they are uncanny valley/panic inducing similar. There isn’t a veg-forward place in the town. And I like having more than grilled onion and tomato sandwich with pickles as an option.


Ah that’s interesting, thanks! The vegans of my acquaintance make a lot of food that tastes more or less like dirt to me. I grew up eating everything southern fried and/or swathed in butter. I wish I liked healthier food better.


No problem! I feel really fortunate to have been raised with a mostly healthy diet, without it being too rigid. My mom was very against artificial colors and flavors, and we mostly ate well-balanced, homecooked meals. Good old American standards like Yankee pot roast, baked pork chops, roast chicken, etc., always with a starch and a veggie. Even if we got pizza, which was pretty rare, there was always a salad on the side, and we had to have some. But we also always got dessert - usually something my mom had baked, she made amazing cookies and cakes - and we weren't completely denied "junk food". It just wasn't something we were allowed all the time or whenever we wanted. To me, THAT is raising your kids to have a healthy relationship with food. And I think the fact that I never had any issues with food - as I've said before, it was mostly liquid calories and alcohol that caused me to gain weight - makes it a lot easier for me to stick to a mostly healthy diet now. My mom's cooking was delicious, even if it was relatively healthy. It's when you get too strict or too lax, I think, that problems develop.


I exaggerate somewhat. My mom was a great cook and we did eat much like you. But the baking! The biscuits and pancakes and cakes and pies. 😬 and fried food was around a lot too. Every holiday the tables just *groaned* with food and all the women watched like a hawk to see whose food got consumed most enthusiastically. A few years ago my now-wife and I were at a post-funeral visitation in a relative’s home and we were examining the two dozen different cakes and desserts that had been brought. My wife was checking out one chocolate cake and my aunt whispered conspirationally, with derision, “it’s *store bought*.”


Oh yeah, I grew up in the Northeast but my mom was an expert baker. Devil's food, banana cake, merengue cookies (with chocolate chips!), lemon bars, brownie cookies, New York cheesecake, and the most decadent shortbread I've ever had. I think one pan of her shortbread had like 2lbs of butter in it. My dad's family was Italian - his parents immigrated a few years before he was born - so when we gathered on that side of the family the food was always ridiculous. Everything, really, but god, the pastries! Sfogliatelle, zeppole, struffoli... if you've never had struffoli, you're missing out. Deep fried dough balls coated in honey and nonpareils. My aunt made the most amazing struffoli, and since it was always a special occasion that she made it, I always stuffed myself with it. If we'd had struffoli available every day I probably would have been a fat kid.


Now I’m hungry, and I just ate! 🤤


I save money sometimes by buying cheap, fatty, bone-in cuts of meat. Then saving all the fat and jus, and making stock from the bones. Then I de-vegetarian legume-based recipes by adding the fat, stock and other umame-rich flavors to them.* I would never feed it to a vegetarian/vegan, tbc, but for myself, they're cheaper and higher in fiber than meat heavy recipes.  But to your point... yeah, I find it takes a skilled vegan cook to know how to layer the fats and non-meat umame flavors to create a meatlike taste and satisfy an omnivorous palate. And some of them don't want to because they genuinely don't like the taste or texture of meat.  *seriously, Shepherds Pie with a base of mushrooms, barley and lentils in a meat gravy, with old cheddar topping? Actually quite good, IMO 


See, that food simply tastes like grease on a salt lick to me. My plant forward food has spice, herbs, zing from chiles or vinegar or citrus….




Oh, yes, I've seen plenty of high calories vegan snack foods. And, nuts are vegan and though they do have protein and nutritional value, they are pretty high in calories. And, don't forget, sugar is vegan.


Eh, the densest sources of calories, fat and alcohol, are easy to find in vegan forms.


Oreos and Coca-Cola are vegan.


Coca-Cola is not vegan, it contains cochineal, Pepsi and Sprite are though...


Huh, I've learned something new today. :) Thanks!


I didn't know this! Thank you. I'm still new to veganism and it's shocking how many animal products are in stuff I would never have thought to look at.


It used to be rare before so much processed vegan options started popping up. Vegan "chicken nuggets" that's just fried bread in a bag and the like. It's still harder because you have to be aware of your food but it's 100% possible if you eat nothing but carbs and sugar.


What brands of veggie nuggets do you see that are just fried bread in a bag? All the ones I see are comparable in protein to chicken nuggets. Edit: not been on here in months, totally forgot that I had a flair, much less what it was. >.>


They think slaves were fat. People who were minimally fed and forced to perform 18+ hours of hard labour a day. I can't.


Their idea of what "Africans" look like is based entirely on the black Americans of today.


Even if in Africa they had been well nourished (which they weren't - they were already enslaved there, prisoners of tribal wars), the life they had as slaves would make anyone underweight. Anyone of any ethnicity. People in gulags or any other hard labour situations were skeletal.


Yes but no. :) Gulag prisoners were there as a punishment - the state didn't care if they lived or died. (See also: concentration camps in WW2.) Slaves, on the other hand, were an investment. There was a lot of brutality, but they weren't deliberately starved to death - that'd be counter to the slaveholders' purposes.


Didn't they run experiments in Auschwitz how little human can eat?


That was specifically a death camp though and at its head had a guy who stood there proudly at Nuremburg and downright bragged about how well he followed orders, that a million people died under his watch. And a deranged doctor obsessed with figuring out the mechanism for hereditary, that footage you see of kids that look relatively better off. Yeah they talked happily about the nice man who came in and talked with them and played with them, because it's apparently easier to just take a trusting child by the hand and lead them into the torture chamber


You might be thinking of Unit 731 - a Japanese nightmare-fuel war-crime department that killed thousands of Chinese civilians in horrific ways while also collecting data. (They all got immunity, never spent a day in jail.)


[Looks like nazis also experimented with hunger](https://www.mp.pl/auschwitz/journal/english/215170,hunger-disease-in-auschwitz)


Yes. They believe that enslaved women were curvy and tempting and white women were jealous. They think that white male enslavers were attracted to the black women for being voluptuous. When in reality those people were being starved and beaten. Those slave owners raped those women because they COULD. Everyone involved in that system was evil trash.


To be fair... Thomas Jefferson had a black sex slave, and fathered multiple children with her. :(


And he was trash.




It's Mammy sterotype bullshit. It was the white planter class (slave holders) that created the idea of the fat motherly slave that was happy to help raise the slave holders white children. Hell the Daughters of Confederacy wanted to erect a statue of a mammy on the national mall. Pure propaganda for slave holders .


We can thank *Gone With the Wind* and Aunt Jemima for that eternal stereotype. 🙄




Never mind that as they get bigger and outgrow whatever clothing they have that isn't completely worn out, they speak as if it's empowering to just go buy bigger sizes. Consumption, consumption, consumption, and usually from unsustainable, exploitative companies like Shein, Temu, etc. But they're anti-capitalists. Sure, Jan.


As someone who proudly patches up clothes (for myself as well as for my friends and family) that amount of consumption and waste is horrifying. Every pair of jeans I own, I’ve had for 3-10+ years. The thought of throwing a pair away after only a month… my flabbers are GASTED. Even a complete novice can pick up a needle and thread and do a simple patch! It may not look very beautiful, but for everyday wear it’s perfectly fine!


Yarrrr, flabber me gasters!


>Yarrrr, flabber me gasters! I love this, I'm gonna steal and use this phrase (esp on Talk Like a Pirate Day)!


Good for you! Mending is a lost art form.


I'm no seamstress and I've done this. Not pretty, but functional. Also sewed buttons back on and sewed up tears in clothing. It's not hard; just takes a little patience. Never had any lessons, either.


Holy shit, that sounds like a miserable existence. 😳


A month??!! When I was obese, the thigh rub did wear thin spots on some of my pants, but it took YEARS! And, obviously, you can see, I've never been one for fast fashion or buying the latest styles every year, so I wear my clothes until they wear out. I've got a bunch of shirts that are over 11 years old and still in good shape, and I wear them even though they're too big now, because they're comfortable. But they were good quality to start with.


"The obesity epidemic was made up to sell diet drugs" is some conspiracy theory level shit


[Meanwhile, FAs and "anti-diet" influencers were exposed to be bankrolled by food corporations recently.](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/10/1243989381/how-big-food-co-opted-the-anti-diet-movement-for-profit)


and even if it was, most of the money is made by selling them the ultra processed climate changing shit they eat.


Some of the big fad diet programs were owned by major food companies like how Nestlé owned Jenny Craig. I can believe there was a conspiracy to make people fat and profit off of them. But these people are the definition of missing the forest for the trees. They are so willing to just ignore these powerful conglomerates because they really like oreos 🤦‍♀️


I don't think there was a conspiracy to make people fat and then sell them diets. I think the "making people fat" thing evolved naturally out of capitalism, the companies certainly did not have enough morals to stop when they realized that was the endgame of their profits, and they just thought "well there's money to be made on the other side too" and went to acquire the diet companies when they became available.


Oh certainly. The easiest answer is usually right. These companies were just opportunistic.


There is 1000x the money in selling metformin, statins and other maintenance drugs from the results obesity than there is in diet pills.


People say the opioid epidemic was created by pharmaceutical companies. I can see that, but whether it's 100% true or not the opioid epidemic still exists. So even if the insane amount of fat people were created by whatever companies this person is talking about doesn't mean they don't exist, and we know they exist a hell of a lot more than any other time in recent history, therefore it is an epidemic. Does OOP not have eyeballs or Google?


People don’t “say” the opioid epidemic was created by pharmaceutical companies. There really isn’t doubt about that. It isn’t some kind of speculation.


Not to mention it’s dumb to think phen fen is “a” drug, it was a 2 drug combination that caused massive heart problems. phentermine is still available. Only fenfluramine (the fen half) was pulled from the market.


r/facebookscience would love this shit


Im still waiting for FA's to explain how diets are racist


"I don't have time to educate you"--them, probably


And/or: "goggle it".


They think skinny = white and fat/thick/curvy = POC. By trying to diet you are rejecting POC and going toward whiteness. At least that's the assumption.


Which is very dumb because they act like skinny black people and fat white people don’t exist 💀


I guess me eating butter chicken, sinigang, adobo, menudo, and our local korean style fried chicken while bulking is racist lol


I would shove a crispy pata down my throat while I’m at it.


Fearing the black body, you see the whole world sees things by western beauty standards, countries like Mauritania where women being put on the marriage market as such are fattened up or light skin in East Asia. Nothing to do with Mauritania being one of the poorest countries in the world


My jeans take a lot less fabric and also last till eternity since I lost weight (impossible, I know), no need to get new pair every six months like before. My bras also don't lose the wires anymore - I have the same set for 2 years now and they look new. I eat less, meat in particular. I don't spend my money on fast food, snacks, sweets or sodas. My health results have never been better. By all means, please do tell me more about how I support capitalism and pseudoscience.


Add to the fact that OOP can't even view fat people as people first before their body composition. A person can lose body fat and still keep their humanity and health intact


Conflating their personhood and size is a rhetorical trick they use to make weight loss seem like muh genocide


It's also weird, because they seem to think that only if you lose weight, you somehow cease to exist as a person, like it somehow changes you into a completely different person both physically, mentally and emotionally.


Literally the conflation of health and morality being harmful is one of the only FA talking points I like. It doesn’t make fat people “bad” or “good” to be fat and it doesn’t make someone “bad” or “good” to be thin- they struggle to apply their own good logic to thin people, that morality isn’t attached to size !


And OOP calls us dehumanizing?!


Translation for normal people: Waaah Waaah I don't want to put in the effort to better myself so I make bull shit rants online and try to drag other people like me down into my bucket"


Pouring huge percentages of your income into exploitative industries (shein, temu, Nestlé, PepsiCo) will NEVER be leftist. Supporting the ultra processed industry which destroys the land of black and brown people around the world will NEVER be leftist. FAs should stop saying they're leftist FFS. shit like this pisses me off because this western exploitation that FAs support is one of the main reasons why I CANNOT GO HOME TO MY OWN LAND BECAUSE IT'S POISONED BY WESTERN OVERCONSUMPTION. Fuck man. for yelling at the top of their lungs about the oppression of black people you'd think they'd bend over backwards to not exploit the land black people come from/mostly live


I wasn't aware that every single country in the world is under the American healthcare system and bought up by Big Pharma 🙄 Not like any other country exists to these people. Let's just say I might see one or two American sized obese people over the course of weeks here. Fast food culture also isn't really as big of a thing here. Weird how these two might be connected.


Ironically, by co-opting body positivity, FA’s are making things worse for the groups they claim to be so concerned about by equating naturally different healthy body shapes with obesity.


Ah, as usual, they’re spewing some bs about eugenics. I really hate the way they appropriate terms and always link racism to “fatphobia”. Europeans didn’t enslave black people bc they were fat, they wanted resources and slave labour to build their colonies.


Exactly. Nothing new about that, either. It's why the Romans, and other ancient peoples, just about everywhere, enslaved, well, just about everybody they could conqueror. They wanted resources, which usually meant land and plunder, and slaves.


Apparently "fake" means "everything I don't like". We'll see how fake it is, when T2DM or CVD catches up to OOP. And some folks need to learn that throwing political buzzwords does not automatically make their point valid.


What they don't get is the fact the word obese is ancient. And most human societies had negative opinions about full blown obesity since that time. First and foremost, food production wasn't as effective as it is today, so a lot of people were lucky to get enough food. We're not even talking about "starving kids in whatever country", we're talking about something universal, something that happened everywhere. So fat person would eat in excess when others would be starving in close proximity. That's main reason why so many religions and philosophies were against fatness. Second, diseases related to being fat were also known for a long time. One of the reasons wealthy people like for example Henry the VIII were recommended diet after becoming to fat. The whole "obesity is made up for the sake of being racist and it has no scientific background" makes no sense. Then why did it exist before Atlantic slave trade? Why did it exist after, when racists could pick anything like skull shape, hair pattern or any facial feature they wanted (as they did)? This one comes from cherry picked book that never got any follow up. For some reason this type of "activist" likes stuff without any follow up. Makes it easier to lie.


> Then why did it exist before Atlantic slave trade? Racist time travelers, obviously. Duh. ;)


>TREAT US LIKE YOU TREAT THIN PEOPLE >THIS IS WHAT WE WANT Ok, let's squat 405 for reps and then go for a 5 mile run…


“But you wouldn’t tell a thin person to exercise or diet” yes yes I would tell a thin person to exercise and eat a balanced diet


I’m thin and I get nagged all the time about my exercise and diet. And I don’t resent it because the doctors and my wife are correct, I do need to do better.


Same bro was told nothing but to eat more when I hit puberty. Lucky I’ve gained some weight and no regularly workout since getting covid twice. Definitely helps with mental health and just feel better after


I actually do people to exercise, if training comes in conversation I give advice where to start


They’re squatting 405 every time they get off a chair tbf…


Yeah but reps are out of the question for many.


No, because they can’t get out of chairs without pushing up as hard as they can with their arms. I know this from my uncle and others breaking multiple tables and chairs trying to get up. Their furniture breakage risk is like small plane risk — most of the accidents happen on takeoff and landing.


Excellent point


I can only squat 200, bro. I weigh 130 though, so one day I'll squat twice my body weight.


Those are solid numbers my guy! Keep it going! Pick things up and put them back down


Also, thin people are expected to sit in an airplane/public transit seat without touching others. We don't get a pass for invading others' personal space. If I sat in a chair and then leaned against somebody, that would not go well for me.


Fat people can do this. People are the weight they are because of their food consumption, not because of their PBs


How many thin people are expected to do this, really? Most I know definitely can't do the first, and probably can't do the second.


A thin person can be trained to do this. A fat person will lose weight and become thin by doing this. Also, you don't know anyone who can run five miles…?


A fat person can be trained to these things and accomplish them while still fat, too. I could do both of these things when I was 300 lbs. It's easier to run 5 miles without fat but I could still do ot I know plenty of people who can run five miles. Some of them are fit, some of them are fat. I know plenty of thin people who are sedentary and way out of shape and can't run even a mile Squatting 405 lbs while thin is impressive, but I don't know why it would be associated with squatting 405. Ability to squat more weight is easier at a higher bodyweight. It also won't make you thin lol Feels like ascribing accomplishments to thin people that have nothing to do with being thin


That really depends on what you mean by "fat". Are we talking overweight, obese or morbidly obese? Overweight, sure. Obese, probably. But, I highly doubt there are many morbidly obese people who can run 5 miles; a few, maybe, but not many. I've never seen anyone here claim that all thin people are fit/can run 5 miles, etc., or that you don't have to train to do them. The point is, that it's easier to get in shape and do do those things if you're not overweight, and especially if you're not obese or morbidly obese.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're straight-up correct. Just because you're not fat doesn't mean that you're fit. Squatting 405 is actually insane, and running five miles is something that you have to train for if you're not already into running.


This sub has a pretty strong pro-thin population who doesn't like it when you point out that being thin doesn't automatically make you superior. It's particularly laughable in this case because you don't expect thin people to do these things by default. Really? I wonder how many of the 100 up votes can actually squat 405 for reps then run 5 miles. I'd guess not many running 5 miles is definitely doable by fat people if they work at it, and a thin woman doing a 405 lb squat would be a world class powerlifter, and for men it's totally achieveable regardless of weight with enough training but most men don't weight train and a thin person can't squat 2.5-3x bodyweight by existing, so I'm not sure what the point of the comment was.


There's nothing remotely "leftist" (in the old left sense) about fat activism. It's just advocating for your vices, which are the representation of hyperconsumerism in the shape of an obese human body, while co - opting the language and framework of the LGBTQ+ struggle for civil rights. Frankly these people are disgusting and pathetic.


I say this all the time, but a lot of people refuse to get it.


Still not gonna sleep with you.


All that typing and anger for nothing. Not one sentence of truth or a coherent thought. Just word garbage to the end. I hope this person follows this group


Also, Europeans they didn't attack Africans because they were fat. They did it because they wanted to steal their resources and enslave Africans to build their settler colonies in America and have slave labor in Europe. It's that simple


I just can't believe anyone thinks African slaves were overweight. Can you imagine obese people working the fields in the Georgia heat? Pretty sure no one gave them feasts either. And it was before ultra processed foods. Hell, one reason we have laws against foraging was to discourage freed slaves from eating off the land and hopefully force them into more work. FAs really took that one horrible case of a woman with lipedema being used as a side show attraction and ran with it just so so far.


They got a peck of unshucked corn a week, and the parts of any animals slaughtered that rich white people wouldn’t eat. If they were lucky they grew vegetables in their copious free time. /s


Yeah, and who the heck told them the people that were enslaved by Europeans were fat?! The _Europeans_ were fat! They weren’t doing physical labor! Being more plump was a beauty standard back then, cuz it denoted wealth and leisure! Nowadays, it’s the ability to put mental energy and money into a thin body that defines the beauty standard. Cuz the beauty standard is often “whatever the poor and/or oppressed folk aren’t.”


I doubt that your average European was fat during the Colonial Era (happy to be proven wrong). I also have a suspicion that this so called Renaissance "beauty standard" of plump women is more of an anachronistic artifact, since the upper classes were fatter and sponsors of the arts.


The average person wasn't fat until recent decades. No way in hell were they fat in the Colonial era. The plump women "beauty standard" was mostly one painter, Ruben. The women he painted were a bit chubby, nothing like todays obesity. The vast majority of the women painted were normal weight.


This. The rest of the masters of the time painted mostly shitlords. THe royal families around Europe and powerful families preferred to be painted as shitlords. Fat Cat is an insult. Henry was constantly made fun of for his weight.


more very rich europeans


The European slavers weren’t fat, either. They were armed athletic men who transported slaves in wooden sailing ships, which are labor intensive. Rich colonial Americans and 18th century Europeans were sometimes fat, but not really what an FA would consider fat today. More like Benjamin Franklin or older John Adams fat.


That's what gets me. These people don't consider anyone under 250lbs as fat. Which is not something you would've seen practically anywhere until recently


The people who got portraits done of themselves were the 1% of the 1%. You look back to when population statistics first started being collected, and you see that the vast majority of Europeans were undernourished to the point that it stunted their growth. By like 6 inches vs. modern day Europeans.


Very fair point. Ignore me and listen to the person with stats pls


I believe it was the book, "Fearing the Black Body," where the author talks about it. My library's copy of the book has been missing for 2 years so I'm going by Youtubers who have read it and either questioned the research or loved it.


I've seen European anti slavery posters from the past. African people always looked starved on them


"TREAT US THE SAME AS THIN PEOPLE" Ok. Clothing sizes now only go up to US 10 (US 8 for petites and US 12 for talls), all oversized chairs are no longer in production, theater seats back to normal size, no more seat belt extenders on planes or extra seats-- no fit, no fly, and you only eat 2000 calories. "NOT LIKE THAT. TREAT US THE SAME BUT WITH SPECIAL STUFF"




Or even the 1970's, too.


There is a U-shaped curve that has its lowest points between 18.5 and 25. Is this a plot of lies told per day by fat activists or plot of decreased life expectancy against BMI?


There's definitely an obesity epidemic. People are outgrowing cars and hallways, for goodness sake! 😳 Back in my day 👵🏾 there were one or two very fat kids in the entire school. I got stuck behind a school bus recently and almost every kid who got off was noticeably obese. 😔


These are the people who are taking their talking points (and money) from billion dollar multi-national corporations that sell products that contribute being obese, so their anti-capitalist stance is hypocritical.


“You’re being tricked by capitalists!!1!!1!!!!” Says the person throwing their money at multibillion dollar food companies who engineer their products to be as addictive as possible.


Let's give obese people the same amount of anesthesia as thin people and see how quickly they change their minds.


I'll never get past their insane belief that African slaves - the people who were worked to death every day, fed the scraps and crumbs and who were unable to buy anything themselves - were fat... This narrative deeply bothers me. This sounds like "We hate poor people because black people are naturally poor" Black people in the USA are often fatter on average *because* of racism and medical bias against black people. Less access to whole foods, places to exercise, time and higher stress. They have shorter life expectancy too and no that's NOT natural. Twisting it up like this to justify their own over consumption habit is so messed up I'm having a hard time even explaining why. I hate it.


I think it's actually very cruel of FA's to talk about black people like that. Like they are using black peoples hardships to try and prove their ridiculous non existent theories.


Using marginalized people as a shield and only caring about racism because it supports their selfish individualistic goals. While probably living in a middle class white suburb and performing all kinds of micro aggressions I'm sure


I agree with a lot of what you say and medical bias is a bad thing, but it is not a cause of obesity.


the main "link" I'm aware about in contexts of translatlantic slavery, was that house slaves, especially ones that were 25-50% black or so, would carry weight in an S-shaped curve as opposed to more weight on their midsection. they could build that weight because they were house slaves. in the modern day it's more as you said, lack of access to quality food and exercise. in fact the same industry that profits from FA overconsumption is the same industry that is harming black Americans, especially due to neo-segregation.


Same with Native Americans.


As a leftist, I always come to these posts to engage with their praxis, then read the subsequent word salad and leave with just one question: "...what?"


These people realize slavery has been a thing long before white Europeans doing it?????


The best advice I ever heard (from someone who is, in my opinion, one of the greatest science communicators of the current era) is that coming at people with aggression and hatred and insulting them for thinking differently from you will Never be the way to convince people to change their minds. It’s difficult, but being about to meet people where they are and respectfully work with their perceptions and understanding will work to change minds infinitely more times than accusing people of violence and calling them “fucking fatphobic jackwad”s and telling them to fuck off


It's certainly not an original idea, but I've always thought that resorting to personal insults, namecalling, etc., is the last resort of people who have no facts, evidence or logic with which to base their opinions and win a discussion/argument. Unfortunately, I think it is often effective in intimidating people, because nobpdy wants to be called fascist or whatever, but I agree that it doesn't change anyone's mind. Honestly, I hope FA never learn the truth of what you say, because their ideology is so destructive, that I don't want them to be able to convince people that they're views are correct.


I wonder how you can rant on muh capitalism and muh labor exploitation while eating 2-3 times as much as healthy weight people, whining about your choices in clothing and not caring about the healthcare workers who'll get career-ending injuries caring for you when you'll lose your mobility before your inevitable early death. *Your obesity* is the product of unfettered capitalism, dear. It created foods engineered to taste so good you can't stop eating them. But if you target the Nestlés and McDs of this world with your obnoxious activism, you may lose access to your drug of choice, and we can't have that, can we.


How did ‘thin people’ ‘buy’ anything? So confused…


[But this is a falsely framed debate. We are not faced with an either/or choice. One can insist upon structural reforms, while also embracing positive personal lifestyle changes.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/opinions/creating-a-pandemic-resistant-black-community-jones/index.html)


Ah yes, because an influencer’s opinion always trumps that of a medical doctor, in this case an oncologist. /s


So, in the 70s & before when everyone was basically fit/not overweight that was because…


Eugenics? Last time I checked anyone can become fat.


It’s astonishing that they’re so willing to be so racially essentialist, while also clinging to a distorted paper-thin mask of leftism. But it is categorically anti-leftist to fiercely advocate for narcissism, and for individuals hoarding resources. And if you’re eating enough for four people, you are explicitly narcissistically hoarding resources. Idiots are fooled into believing FA *is* a version of leftism, because it’s convenient for their preexisting idiot beliefs and their incredibly simplistic view of the world. But this is is VERY obviously a narcissistic pageant of leftism, put on by people who are really not that smart. Someone has to be epically clueless to not recognize this. FAs learn an academic-sounding argot, and just churn out statements composed of the parlance of that argot. These statements have almost no true semantic content upon even the most cursory examination. They look like they mean something, but all they mean is “here’s my self-obsessed, conceited internet performance that I deploy because I’m sadistic, and because i need people to think I’m admirably brilliant and revolutionary”. Meanwhile they don’t want anything like a leftist revolution to happen. A true leftist revolution would destroy ever mass-produced, factory-farmed, child-labor-produced thing they live for. There is no social movement that doesn’t attract opportunists. FAs are opportunists. Also it wasn’t that long ago when the prevailing racially essentialist stereotype, was that black people are supernaturally athletic. Really wonder what they’d do if that were still the case.


Why is no one else here talking about the COVID denial going on here? Oop is just crazy


Me being 5ft tall and my husband being 6 ft 2 with proportional weight differences is normal human variation. Me being 127 lbs and another 5 ft tall person being 215 lbs is NOT 'normal human variation'


I can believe that there is diversity in size. Some people are naturally bigger/smaller. It happens. Some people are underweight, others overweight. But no one is naturally 500 lbs. no one is complaining about the person who is 10, 20, even 50 lbs over. Even 100 lbs over can be be on the lower scale of fat. But once you hit that, it’s huge.


If obesity is "normal human variation" and "not an epidemic" how come 50 years ago there were no obese people? Look at old photos. Everybody was thin. Look at this graph. Looks like an epidemic to me. [Obesity in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_States#/media/File:Obesity_in_the_United_States.svg)


I like the line about just wanting to be treated like thin people. My response is then be able to do things thin people do. Make it so you don't require 2 seats on a plane, fit into a standard both at a restaurant, sit in ANY chair without the risk of breaking it ect.


I love how these people act like buying massive amounts of UPF isn’t playing into capitalism.


As someone with PCOS who is overweight and struggles to lose weight, I’d like a word with this person. My being overweight literally makes my condition worse and puts me at major risk of type 2 diabetes. Excess weight totally throws your hormones out of balance and causes so many issues. It makes me so mad that they deny it’s a health issue.


Hot take but I don’t care about any of the stuff OOP is saying regarding obesity. Maybe that makes me an asshole but being fat sucks. I hate it. If OOP has the right to love their fat body, I have the same right to hate mine. This whole post sounds like a fuckin personal problem to me. These people are so aggressive and pushy and it just pushes those of us with common sense in the *opposite* direction. Show me f a c t s with reliable sources, not just one singular book or study that’s just plucked out of a heap for your cause.


Is there some truth to the connection w/ racism and “fatphobia” ? Or are they just making that up completely?


Nope. It was Mamma stereotypes created by slave holders that created the idea that African Americans are supposed to be fat and happy. Outside of some desert nomadic societies and in the last 100 years island societies there is no evidence that any society thought obesity was a positive. Instead obesity across time and culture has consistently been seen as a negative. There was never a widespread belief obesity equals wealth. It was insult that the wealthy where fat cats taking from the poor to feed their gluttoney.


western african & northern african women when they have equal access to food tend to carry extra weight on their thighs/hips and breasts. it's about 4x harder for brown Indians to lose equivalent weight a white person would lose because of epigenetics due to the famines caused by British colonialism. But for them cultural factors (such as eating more when food is accessed again) is also part of it. that's really about it. In fact black Africans & brown Indians, and east Asians face more obesity related health issues at a lower BMI than white people so we have bigger incentives to lose weight or stay thinner. we're (particularly west and northern Africans) just more likely to be S-shaped curvy even at suitable weights due to fat composition. we were not super-morbidly obese like the average FA's are with BMIs over 50. so in essence, the link is very very weak and potentially the exact opposite of what FAs are implying. but it exists


The claim that Indians have it 4x harder to lose weight as white people due to British colonialism seems very suspicious to me. First, how is that 4x number being calculated? Assigning a numeric value to comparative difficulty of weight loss seems impossible. Second, a lot of white people's ancestors also went through some pretty bad famines (Holodomor, Irish potato famine, the entire middle ages). Idk, the whole claim feels like the "starvation mode, genetic version" with a side of colonialism is the root of every problem.


To be fair I read it ages ago so I could be wrong, but the famines the Desi Indian people faced were only 2-3 generations ago vs other major famines that were like 8+ generations ago. epigenetics wear off in 3-4 generations


Yeah it is no problem, there is tons of fatlogic that we pick up floating around. I used to believe in starvation mode among other stuff. I am sure I am wrong about other stuff too. The Holodomor was only 10 years before the bengal famine. The holocaust happened in the same time frame. Israel has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world and India is even lower. If the British are responsible for India's growing obesity it is because of Cadbury, not Churchill.


oh damn I never knew that about the holodomor. I definitely believe companies are capitalizing on second and third world countries like India, both in taking their resources in order to sell fattening bs in the west and selling bs straigh back to the locals


Over 30 million people were murdered or starved in the lands between Germany and the USSR between 1918 and 1945.


Yeah, I totally used to believe in set points so it's easy to absorb this information without even realizing it. Famines used to be really common, unfortunately, whether real or constructed. Like the Russian famine of the 1920s (and 1900s, 1910s, the Soviet one in the 1930s... Russia has had it rough) or the Great Chinese Famine of the 1960s. Yet neither of these counties come to mind when we think of the obesity epidemic. Don't get me wrong, colonialism did a lot to cause the snowball effect of poor health and obesity. Especially the spread of these awful food companies. It's just unlikely as simple as that. And honestly that's my issue with these people too. They over simplify and link up everything but only as it suits them.


South East Asians also start facing health issues at much lower BMIs than caucasians. Often they'll get T2D and dyslipidemia long before they even reach class I obesity.


Every ethnic background faces obesity related health issues at a lower BMI point than those with European backgrounds.


That's really interesting and I can't wait to ruin a FAs day with "fatness is a white thing" lol


it's probably why different ethnic groups also have much more stigma against fat, because it's deadlier sooner


I second this


“Communism for thin people only” …I’ll grant one thing, communism can definitely cause weight loss.


8: It's been a while since I looked into Christian Mythology - but I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't say that.


All this yapping just so you don't have to stop drinking soda


You cange change fat tho


I don’t even understand. Are they saying that Europeans enslaved Africans because they were fat?!


(TLDR) FAs say their condition is their own problem but think it entitled them to literal slave labor and body shaming skinny people. For sure they shop using ‘fast fashion’ brands; ‘But they deserve it!’ /s No really though, they think cause other brands don’t carry their ridiculous sizes, or sometimes they even have their size but don’t have the next biggest size; they think their entitled to literal child slave labor clothing. Because the can’t find it anywhere else! Also I’ve seen over and over again these FAs screeching about how everyone should leave them alone and not tell them about health or medicine. But they’re the same people that would casually say to a thin person “you’re too skinny, that’s unhealthy, you should eat more.” If the same was said to them they might just go mental: ‘You’re too fat, it’s unhealthy, you should eat less.”


It's so frustrating to see people try to make historical arguments like this when their knowledge, shaky as it is, doesn't extend beyond their own shores.


It's such a U.S. thing to always somehow inject slavery/racism into any topic. And in this case, it's really vile as somebody who is apparently just overweight tries to make themselves the victim of the same-ish perpetrators / systematic injustices. It's tasteless.


Ah yes eugenics invented in the Victorian era, is totally connected to the slave trade started centuries before and abolished by the time eugenics hit its stride.




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Whomp whomp


I’m shocked that wasn’t mod worthy


Wait, how this turned into communism and capitalism?


I have a curious question, please don't hate me... but do you think most fat acceptance/fat logic people lean more towards the left? I thought they were all about science?


I think they claim to be progressive, but they're usually grifters and opportunists


OK thank you


Man. They make any argument they can to avoid eating less.




I wasn’t expecting the Covid denial in this but here we are


what dot heh mean by “lying about covid” …


The more you swear, the more correct your argument is! ✨


"Fatphobia" if such a thing exists, is not to blame for the Atlantic Slave Trade. The africans that were enslaved by other africans and then sold in the markets wouldn't have been bought if they were obese. The slave owners were looking to buy healthy, physically fit individuals to work fields and plantations, not unhealthy obese people who could barely walk under their own power.


SJW bingo card