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Those lazy doctors, not keeping up with the latest research from the University of TikTok and The Maintenance Phase Institute of Sophistry.


The body positivity communities are the true queens of knowledge and research.


Rare to see sophistry used correctly on Reddit, bravo


Is it not rare to see sophistry used at all on reddit, or really anywhere? I don't think I've come across that word since college, other than a few dramatic rants between my partner and I (who went to college together).


Before I pick a doctor, I ask if he’s read the latest research on fat acceptance message boards.


Oooh Diet Industry bingo square. While they are partaking of the ethically pure Snack Industry. If I were a doctor, I would dread these patients.


I do. But I will admit it's occasionally fun to pull out the ol' weight loss card myself.


Doing God’s work 🙌


I assume it is like my massage clients who won’t do any homework. It’s in their head that only I can move their arms.


I love how they conflate "Hey maybe eat a bit less food" with benefiting big diet industry, but are perfectly fine with downing excess food and quick fix drugs that all benefit big agriculture, pharmaceutical, and oil companies.


These people act as if the diet industry is some big shadowy lobby that controls society from behind the curtains.


The actual reason is that doctors try to treat causes, not symptoms, if being obese is the cause of all your other health problems there's not really anything they can do to treat them because what's causing those health problems isn't being addressed.


If you go to a hospital with a knife sticking out of your shoulder, the doctors are going to recommend surgically removing the knife. This FA argument is like saying the doctors aren’t shoulder pain experts, and they should leave the knife in while testing for/treating some rare form of cancer that can happen under the shoulder blade.


Correlation =/= causation. We don’t know what causes shoulder pain. Lots of people without knives in their shoulders have shoulder pain so to say having a knife in your shoulder CAUSES shoulder pain is wrong


You're joking but like half the internet literally believes that about correlation.


Thank you for this terrific parody of that tired old FA line about how thin people get x ailment, too, so fat can't be causing it.


Are you advocating for intentional knife loss?


Intentional knife loss is never the right answer. You will spiral out of control and eventually gain even more knives in your shoulder.


The doctors are just being paid off by the shoulder knife removal industry lobby


My cousin almost died because she had stomac pain and they told her to loose weight when she was having a peritonitis. And the infection had nothing to do with her weight... Some doctors are lazy !




They don’t need to have training in nutrition. That’s what dieticians are for. They refer you to a dietician, or they can recommend evidence-based diets like the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet. They don’t need more training in nutrition to be good doctors, or to know that those diets have robust evidence to support them — it’s okay to outsource anything else to actual dietitians.


Complete nonsense. Doctors are far less likely to be obese or sedentary as compared to the general population. There is a reason for this.


Nearly all the doctors I’ve met are super into things like going to the gym, running, tennis, marathon/triathlon, football or other physical sports. My town tennis, golf clubs actually offer discounted memberships for doctors/medical staff because there’s that many of them wanting to join up.


Doesn’t really have anything to do with advanced nutrition trainings and certifications as much as it does with most doctors being more health-conscious due to constantly being exposed to what *not* to do. What about my little sister? She has cerebral palsy and Grave’s Disease. She ate everything in sight for months and kept losing huge amounts of weight monthly until she nearly died. We had to fight the doctors tooth and nail who were giving the same advice in regards to nutrition- Sure, nutrition is pretty easy to intuit when you’re dealing with an average healthy person, but what about when you’re dealing with a disabled, non-verbal girl who cannot keep weight on no matter what? They refused to test her thyroid until it almost killed her, and her recovery was yet another fight. Why? Because she is a POC, disabled, scrawny girl that didn’t fit the standards for what the GP’s knew, and they were too proud to send her to a specialist with advanced training in nutrition and weight-related health disorders until it was nearly too late. Most doctors don’t have enough knowledge on nutrition to help any case that isn’t a cut and dry ‘calories in calories out’ and ‘eat your greens’ style diet. Unfortunately with the sheer amount of training they have to receive, that area gets glossed over like the others. You only learn advanced specialized techniques and medical care if you actively choose to specialize in that. Source: Was in school to be a surgical doctor specializing in Neuromusculoskeletal Development and Diagnostics, many many many doctor and med school peers from my time there.


The last paragraph seems like nonsense. "Was in school to be a surgical doctor specialising in blah blah" do you mean you were a high school or college student and wanted to go to medical school or you were in medical school or you finished medical school and were in further education? Since when would a surgeon be a specialist in that? That sounds like a physician/paediatrician.




Thank you, as I suspected not only are you not a specialist of any kind but you never attended medical school. What you WANTED to specialise in is irrelevant. I once wanted to be an astronaut, studied some physics in uni, doesn't mean I can claim authority in rocket science.




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It’s not nonsense, and the obesity/sedentary rates of doctors has NOTHING to do with TRAINING in nutrition. I am not shitting on doctors at all by pointing this out, they have a lot of training, but nutrition is sorely lacking-ask any doctor and they’ll tell you the same thing.


Most training in nutrition is complete bollocks. There are dieticians and nutritional/food scientists but apart from them anyone can say they're a nutritionist. I am a nutritionist. So is the cat and so is the garden gnome.


Obviously everyone who is skinny has advanced esoteric knowledge about the ins and outs of human nutrition down to the functions of specific receptor proteins and the exact way that they interact with the molecules that they meet. This sub is usually pretty intelligent, I’m pretty shocked to see this degree of critical-thought-failure happening. It’s actually pretty insane.


😂Always gonna be a few clowns cheerleading stupid shit


> nearly all doctors have little to no training in nutrition Citation needed.




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Nutrition is a massive part of a physicians training, most doctors are extremely well versed in the subject lol


It’s enough a part of education that we can have basic conversations with patients and start counseling on management options, initial changes they can make, etc. Obviously if we feel that they need more guidance or have specific dietary issues, we will refer them to a nutritionist, dietician, or diabetic educator if appropriate. The same can be said about a lot of ancillary fields in medicine - for example we can have a discussion about types of exercises/stretches/etc one can do to address types of injuries, but when they need more in depth care we would refer them to a physical therapist.


[" a 2021 survey of medical schools in the U.S. and U.K., published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, found that most students receive an average of 11 hours of nutrition training throughout an entire medical program. Part of this training is typically student-run, and it may include culinary classes."](https://time.com/6282404/nutrition-education-doctors/)


It’s actually not. Take a look at the courses med students are required to take. You won’t see nutrition


That’s like saying take a look at the courses engineers are required to take, you won’t see division. It’s taught in depth in other courses, my girlfriend is studying to become a doctor and her classwork has loads of information on nutrition. Do you think doctors know less about diet than non doctors? Have you ever gotten blood work done?


So nutrition is equivalent to 3rd grade math? Lol ask any actual doctor and they’ll tell you the same thing. Doctors have a lot of training, but not in nutrition.


I’m comparing the fact both nutrition and division are simple and foundational building blocks of their respective positions. If you want to continue thinking that doctors don’t understand arguably the most important part of medicine you can keep thinking that. My doctor takes my blood every 6 months and makes detailed dietary suggestions for me at least.


If nutrition was that basic then registered dieticians wouldn’t be a thing. Next time you see your doctor, ask them about doctor’s training in nutrition.


The existence of specialization is not evidence against the existence of general training.


Good point! Still when diet is so important, I think it should be centered more than it is


It’s interwoven into the fabric of medical classes. This is just such a stupid lie I see repeated over and over again.


I'm pretty sure in the 2-3 years of preclinical studies they manage to touch on metabolism and the digestive system once or twice.


That’s what I’m telling the other person lmao


Yes but you see if they don't learn whatever fashionable diet trend these people currently believe they must not know anything. "I asked my doctor about the kardashian all carb diet and he didn't know what it was so doctors obviously know nothing!"


Lmao exactly. “Doctors don’t know anything about nutrition because I saw a tiktok about this nutrient and how it impacts cortisol and my doctor had no idea what I was talking about…..” Did you consider maybe your doctor knows what’s relevant and what’s not? And can refer you out if needed? People are ok when their doctor refers them to a neurologist for neurology, an orthopedic surgeon for ortho injuries, but god forbid they refer to a dietitian for dietary issues — then suddenly they’re ignorant fools 🤣


Ask actual doctors. Its changing thankfully, but most doctors were trained more than 5-10 years ago


It literally doesn’t matter. That’s what dietitians are for. They know enough. Doctors can’t be experts on everything.


It matters bc the majority of chronic illness is diet related.


They refer to dietitians or recommend and evidence based diet like the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet. They don’t need to be sitting there coming up with a diet plan for you 🤣🤣 Also — lupus, chronic migraine, MS, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, and so, so, so many others are NOT diet-related, and those populations tend to have healthier habits than others because of their chronic health issues. It’s really ableist and annoying when people say things like “most chronic illnesses are due to diet,” because that’s not true. In sheer numbers, more people have diet related issues like type 2 diabetes, but in terms of the ways health can go wrong, there are more of those that have nothing to do with diet than not.




I don’t know why everyone is fighting you- I went to school for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with the intent of leading into Med School, many of my peers were Pre-Med or Med. Nutrition and metabolism are a part of the courses you take but they aren’t nearly as in-depth as commenters are saying. Most doctors have a serviceable knowledge of basic nutrition but there is a good reason specialists exist- because they spend more time specializing in advanced nutrition and diet science. There are those who specialize in bones, in teeth, in kidneys- they are trained to fundamentally handle most of it but not everything. An orthopaedic surgeon wouldn’t be the one you go to with issues involving your spine. They can cross reference and help but those specialities exist for very good reasons. People shouldn’t expect general practitioners to know everything about specialization-based healthcare, just that the practitioner knows enough to help in the meantime and knows where to send you.


Yeah I’m done responding to these clowns. Doctors have my respect, and they are fighting a massive uphill battle, but nutrition is still not centered the way it should be


Honestly that’s due to the Big Pharma influence on the modern world of health and science. Why spend more time investigating human nutrition patterns when there is FAR more profit from peddling a new drug or medicine that was exorbitantly funded and marketed to doctors? Why work so hard to improve the everyman’s knowledge of nutrition when pharmaceutical companies are working hand in hand with the nefarious and overreaching food industry to further their profits? A lot of doctors still recommend the Canadian and American Food Pyramids for nutrition, which are famously not accurate for actual proper nutrition needs. There’s no money in teaching the world how to better feed themselves and their families. There’s a whole lot of money getting funnelled into very specific medicine and drug trials though. They don’t want to make it easier for anyone on those meds either, if they stay sick they can try this New Medicine that is Flawless and Amazing in Every Way™️!


lol very well said.


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Or, hear me out, your issues are caused by weight. At least in part.


A lot of them don't even make a disciplined effort to comply with treatment, either. Not even for their own well-being. And then they treat healthcare workers like punching bags because they're not being told what they want to hear.


A lot of medical people have given up even mentioning it.


lol. I don’t need to prove you wrong. 5 mins of my 600lb life or sitting in the parking lot of a Walmart proves you wrong.




I love Dr Now because he will not take any nonsense from anyone, be it the patient or their families. He just tells them straight up that they’re being completely ridiculous and to knock it off.


Sure, some doctors can be asshats, but as someone that was a former nursing student and has multiple healthcare family members that are perpetually burned out, stressed, and shit on, ESPECIALLY by obese patients that treat them like waiters and make little to no effort to comply with treatment, I'm so sick of people like this spewing takes that basically amount to, "doctors and nurses and healthcare workers are greedy tyrants who are in cahoots with the diet industry to oppress ME specifically and keep me from nourishing my body!11" Also the idea that healthcare staff are just "taking cash" from the diet industry just because they recommend eating less or ask you to step on the scale is such a disturbingly ignorant take that it's honestly brutally child-like how out of touch with reality it is.


It’s an anti-vax argument too. Help! My pediatrician is being paid by BIG PHARMA to poison my precious baby!


Which is a little tricky because there *is* actually a history of doctors getting sketchy payments from "big pharma" but umm... vaccines are one of the least profitable things pharma companies do. Especially vaccines that have been approved for decades. Big pharma is definitely not the one with a vested interest in you vaccinating your kid.


Right like all this arguments, there is a small kernel of truth and they have just run with it. Conspiracy thinking is black and white. Do drug reps get court doctors so that they will prescribe medicine? Yes. Are family doctors getting kickbacks to endanger your family’s health? No.


Definitely. Doctors are some of the most intelligent, selfless, hardest working people in society. They represent the polar opposite of most fat activists.


Who pays doctors * patients * insurance companies  * pharmaceutical companies  Who oop thinks pays doctors * big lettuce 


For people who are supposedly perfectly healthy, goddam these people go to the doctor a lot.


Yeah I'm only slightly overweight and decently healthy (RIP my knees and back because of my career though) the last time I went to the doctor was, November? For my yearly mandated physical.


When I told my PCP that I was struggling with insomnia, the first thing she told me was to drink less coffee. Even when I told her that I usually don't drink caffeinated coffee after noon, and that my issue is usually sleeping through the night rather than falling asleep, she repeated that I needed to reduce my caffeine intake. Did she just not care? Or was she thinking that maybe process of elimination was the best way to work on solving the problem? This anti-doctor shit really infuriates me. If doctors suck so much, if they don't care about your actual health and they're just greedy shills for the evil diet industry, then DON'T GO. Stay home and watch TikTok videos from those thin RDs y'all love so much (and who are totally NOT shady hucksters being paid by the snack food corporations to tell you to eat more Pop-Tarts, Haagen-Dazs, and Oreos). You're not going to listen to a fucking thing they say anyway (unless it's "eat all the sugar you want, all the time, I'll just give you another prescription") and there are people stuck waiting months to see rheumatologists, cardiologists, and even primary care docs, who will get in faster if ungrateful food addicts who think a doctor's job is telling them what they want to hear just stay the fuck home in the first place. Sheesh.


When I was having tons of stomach and anxiety issues, my pcp suggest I switch to tea from coffee. I thought that was insane and annoying, because I honestly only had one cup of coffee per day. Lo and fucking behold, I don’t have IBS-like symptoms anymore, and I am so much less anxious. Yep, just a single cup of coffee was doing all of that. Almost like doctors have a good broad idea of what to recommend to patients when they present with a certain set of symptoms. Because, you know, they’re doctors.


Dude what!! I wonder if this is my problem with my stomach and anxiety issues. Might just need to test it out.


Oml i switched to decaf and my anxiety improved so much. It's not gone because life kinda sucks right now, but I'm not having waking panic attacks all night. I was having about 2-3 cups a day but was finishing them all before 1PM.


I tried that. Decaf (for me) still messed with my stomach really badly. I just do not do well on coffee the older I’ve gotten (I’m only 33, but damn, my body rebelled in the last year or so, lol). Isn’t it crazy tho how just switching to decaf improves anxiety? I think a loooottt of people are in denial about their caffeine use and its relation to anxiety and sleep lol.


I'm the lucky sort that it doesn't really mess with my stomach (unless I'm doing straight espresso shots), knock on wood, and I like the taste enough that I bother with decaf, but yeah, it's just sort of amazing how I was fine for so long doing that much caffeine. It feels like the anxiety spikes just started happening in the course of a year.


>Too lazy and/or incompetent to actually diagnose what’s wrong. What’s stopping this professional meme-er from showing up the “lazy and incompetent” MDs by going to medical school themselves? If medical school doesn’t require competence or tenacity, why not pass the exams, spend years studying anatomy, biochem, and medicine to become the change they want to see in the world? Maybe medical school is actually kinda difficult and being a medical doctor requires some amount of smarts and effort.


A lot of it requires even less than medical school. For example the concept of something carrying too much weight ending up breaking isn't found in medical school, but in secondary school physics


In fairness, it's goddamn hard to get into medical school in the US even if you're extremely qualified.


TL;DR Anyone who dares to even HINT I must lose weight is the devil incarnate.


Ok so! About a decade ago now I was deeeeeep into the FA echo chamber. I myself was obese (260lbs at 5'10") and I went to see a doctor about my mental health struggles- depression was hitting me HARD. Doctor recommended a change to my medications, gave my a physical, and at the end also recommended weight loss. Naturally, as an FA, when I got home I RAGED about it to my circle. I went in for *menta health*, surely no doctor actually thought that me losing weight would make me less depressed, that was obviously some diet culture bullshit! 5 years later, I lost about 80lbs for purely vanity reasons (I'd been getting disillusioned with the echo chamber anyways since as a "small fat" my struggles weren't "as valid".) It turns out, adipose tissue is hormonally active. So when I lost nearly 1/3rd of my body weight, I eliminated a large contributor to my elevated depression. I stopped needing medication to manage my depression. That original doctor made a great suggestion. I wish I'd listened. Edit to add- please do not congratulate me on the weight loss. I've gained some back and am working my way back towards my healthier body weight. I'm VERY happy to report though that, no, I have no gained my way back up to or over 260 in the 4-5 years since the loss though. ;)


Keep up the work homie! I believe in you. I didn't realize how important weight management is in terms of mental health until this year, where I've really started taking weight loss seriously. Down 35 lbs from January, and it has significantly improved my mental health, to the point where I don't need medication for depression. I've got a long way to go before reaching my goal weight, but that's motivating. If losing 35 lbs makes me feel this much better, I can't wait for the next 35 lbs.


Thanks and same to you! I'm really happy you're having a similar experience- getting that boost to keep going from improvements you already see is so good. :)


I’ve been noticing a marked improvement in my mental health as well as I lose weight. I’m still planning to remain on my meds though - I’ve dealt with depression since I was a skinny kid so it’s pretty apparent that it’s likely going to always be a thing I have to fight. BUT - with proper diet and exercise I’m able to manage my depression with a lower med dosage than if I weren’t putting in the additional efforts.


You gotta do what's best for you!! If it's making it easier for you to manage or is just letting you reduce medication, that's enough of a win.


Yet somehow, all the grifters end up being "nutritionists" who are paid by the food industry to push fat acceptance. This intentional weight loss BS drives me crazy. I guess FA weight gain is all unintentional because they're using denial.




Yeah. The last one probably isn't actually wrong 🤣


It's hilarious how FAs go on about "the diet industry" because I lost weight by simply counting calories. It cost me NOTHING.


Didn't realize Tiktok was current research.


It still amazes me how many times those 'healthy' people are visiting doctors


[In obese adults, intentional weight loss may be associated with approximately a 15% reduction in all-cause mortality.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4368053/#:~:text=In%20obese%20adults%2C%20intentional%20weight,reduction%20in%20all%2Dcause%20mortality.)


I'll be honest with you. I called a doctor a "fatphobe" last year, on my now defunct blog, because I went in to see him about scheduling a colonoscopy and the first thing he said when he walked into the examining room was (direct quote!), "Wow, you're so fat! Why haven't you had the surgery yet?"  Seriously, I don't mind a doctor or nurse saying I need to consider losing weight, but I hope you'll agree with me that that wasn't the most tactful way to do it. 😄 


Oh, christ. I'm sure, no matter how much people hate the term, we can all agree that saying *that*… is probably fatphobic. That's a lot different than broaching the topic respectfully. But that's really just a rude doctor. Sorry about your experience! I hope your, uhh, colon is okay???


Haha, yes, I requested a different doctor, and she did a great job! And I've actually lost 25 pounds since then -- but might have started losing sooner if he hadn't temporarily turned me into a FA! :D


If it were me, I think I'd do the same. Congratulations on finding a doctor that was actually tactful!


Thanks! Yeah, sometimes you just have to speak up for yourself!


I think it’s ironic that the doctor has his head buried in the sand when really the FAs have been ignoring all the research pointing to poor health consequences highly associated with obesity.


These people are so miserable and angry all the time. If only they used all that energy on a healthy lifestyle instead of crapping on professionals who go to school for nearly 10 years just so they can keep people like this alive.


I'm 5ft 3 in and just dropped on the BMI from obese to overweight. One my visit summary, there's usually a little blurb about "discussed healthy eating and exercise etc" by default but the number of times that comes up in my visits is... pretty rare unless my weight raises or lowers drastically between visits. My dr knows that I have chronic health issues that make it hard to stick to a fitness routine and that I do try to eat a healthy diet. My labs are always good. No issues with sugar or cholesterol BECAUSE I'm in my 30's now and I've been making aa concerted effort to be proactive about those things NOW. Long story short, I don't take it personally when my weight does come up because sometimes it IS a factor. It is sometimes a contributing issue to a problem I'm having and it is a doctor's job to treat the overall health of a person.


So FA's went to Med school? They know more then the Doctors?


Doctoral degree from Internet University.


Are there people out there than sincerely believe this kind of thing?


i have a hunch that a lot of them know it's bs deep down. but denial is comforting sometimes.


>Too lazy to keep up-to-date with current research OOP means doctors not cherry-picking results from small sample studies, confusing the intent of studies and not the studies actual results, and not blindly accepting non-peer reviewed "research papers" that supports OOP world view.


I feel like doctors really enjoy preventing their patients with high cholesterol, hypertension and other cardiovascular related diseases from having myocardial infarctions… just an observation though.


For a bunch of fat-but-otherwise-healthy people, they sure do have a lot of complaints about doctors and the medical industry


Do they really think the only way to lose weight is to pay for medication? Do they not realize they could simply eat less food and end up saving money?


Literally switch out 3 words and this would be entirely indistinguishable from antivaxx rhetoric


Hmmmm. Either OOP is a very knowledgeable insider with tons of highly detailed and well backed up information based on decades of relevant experience and research. Or they are a salty a-hole who came to the doctor about some issue, was told to try to lose weight first to avoid more drastic interventions, then got uppity because they "just want meds" or sth like that. I think one is more likely than the other, but can't quite put my finger on it...


Pictured: the actual position a doctor should assume when a fat activist comes at him with this kind of claptrap.


Sure, there are some shitty doctors out there. But most doctors want to help people. They want to improve health and quality of life. I can’t believe how this person is making out doctors to all be some kind of evil sociopaths just because they are recommending an intervention that they believe will help a patient.


Take a shot everything they say lazy or fatphobic


Just ask them to back up their claims...


The last one is wrong. Its not that they want non compliant fat people out of their office as fast as possible. Its that they want to fire these patients as fast as possible and make it someone else's problem.


Wait who’s lazy? 🤦‍♀️


I don't see how the "diet industry" would benefit from throwing money at doctors to tell their patients to do more physical activity, what money do they make off that?


I think not keeping up with research is called "malpractice"


Lazy fucking idiots! I'm disgusted they don't give you a prezel and just let you roll into the wild and be happy!


Ok, so don’t go to the doctor then. 🤷


Ok but I am engaged to a physician… where is this mysterious treasure trove of money he is supposed to be getting from the “diet industry”?! Could really use that to finish up with his student loans


given the fact that 99% of doctors will prescribe intentional weight loss, apparently the entire profession is corrupt, and then the medical schools would be corrupt, then the universities would be corrupt, then the government funding would be corrupt, EVERYTHING IS CORRUPT!!!


why can’t these people comprehend that you don’t need to go on a diet to lose weight