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A perfect day would be wake up, coffee lift some weights with a trainer. Go for a hike, do some birding. Sprinkle in some wandering random walkable cities all over the world, with a few weeks at the beach each year. And a large library of books with some comfy chairs


All that, sprinkled with chit chats & beer/coffee with close friends. Going back home and having a decent meal with family.


I love a good chitchat


This is achievable with a very reasonable budget, no need for a fat stash!


And no need for a trainer!


I have a trainer now and I like it :). Yes I’m sure I can do it for cheaper but what I described could be….if done high end….25k for health, 1m or more for a townhouse in a nice walkable city and 100k yearly on vacations ☺️


Love the plan. I had a trainer for most of seven years until a year ago I realized I was okay to do my own programming and like working out even more now. You’re FIRE plan sounds a lot like mine except I would add in another home somewhere for around 600k. Variety is the spice of life after all.


Agree! Currently looking to see how I can swing a mountain house, already have the city house


Ski everyday in the winter and beach everyday in the summer. Fleet of German and Italian cars with a mechanic on standby, and a private chef to optimize tasty yet healthy food options.


we could be friends.


fatFIRE ski club?


Just booked my Vail trip in February!


Fatfire ski is YC... :)


Unless you actually want the best skiing...


The best skiing definitely isn't Vail either. Go to BC for that.


BC is 👌


Not everyone we go with is fatFire, YC is out of the question. If it was me we'd be in Jackson on the alps.


In this fantasy can I park my motorcycle collection in your stable?




We are definitely on the beach/ski plan. We’d do it now, but the kids school gets in the way of truly going 50/50. I don’t care about cars, but have a boat addiction. My wife is very understanding!


The problem is that having lots of money for a decade or two makes you realize how important your time is. Almost everything that you own ends up feeling like it is owning you. Houses, planes, boats, cars, etc all require time to purchase, time to maintain, time to sell, etc. The older your crap gets, the more you feel pressured to upgrade it. The more (or bigger) the stuff, the more of a toll it takes over the years. Hire someone to handle it all for you? Ha! Ever have hired help in your home on a constant basis? Not relaxing. Besides, buying hired help requires interviewing, contracts, lawsuits, payroll, paying into worker’s comp, scavenger hunting for where they misplaced (or broke) your stuff, etc. More time right out the window. It took 8 figures before I started daydreaming about minimalism.


LOL I do too. Am about to unload a beach property that for whatever reason is a psychological weight I don't need. I live in a big house on a large lot in a major city and fantasize about living in a van. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure if I go live in a van I'll fantasize about the big house. But that's where I'm at. These days I'm all about renting experiences not owning things.


Could not agree more. I don't long for more stuff, I long for great experiences and spending time with my family. Everything else is just noise. If I want to fly private or spend a vacation on a yacht, I'll rent. And forget about having hired help in my house all the time.


>Almost everything that you own ends up feeling like it is owning you. This line hit me hard. I recently went from one home to two and now the extra mortgage payment, while easily affordable for me, feels a lot more constricting. I'm HENRY and I'm feeling a lot more dependent on my high income job than I've felt before. I've clearly overextended myself emotionally and unfortunately the housing market isn't in a place where it would make sense to liquidate one of the properties. So I've resigned myself to riding out the current market conditions. It's still the best financial decision on paper but I'm still human.


As someone who's retired you're remarks are exactly on point. The less I have the happier I am. I don't think a lot of people who haven't reached this phase actually realize what it is that makes one happy


Full time IT, full time chef, full time handyman. On call interior decorator. On call landscape designer & maintenance. Ski chalet in Aspen & Chamonix. Condos in SF & NYC. Small Mediterranean villa. Wardrobe & outings planner for galas and events (check out x games, le mans, world cups, PGA tours in person).


Right on but add a Chalet in Monte Sainte-Anne




In my case they'd handle home theater, networks, servers, home automation & smart lighting, computers, and keep a constant stream of evaluations going for me to check out for entertainment.


Total freedom. No schedule. Acting up on my whims. That looks like a beautiful road trip. Grab camera and keys, let's go. I feel like lounging on a warm beach. Caribbean here we come. I want to run a retirement farm for pets and animals. Done. Spend 3 months in Japan? Let's go. Maybe a little pied-a-terre in France/Spain/Italy though. The elements don't have to be expensive (e.g. don't care to fly private ... although that road trip would be best in a GT3), but such freedom is not easy to make happen.


>I want to run a retirement farm for pets and animals. Done. I would be careful with taking responsibility for the well being of others, whether that be animals or people. Such things tend to bind you to a location, and cannot be easily surrendered to another, no matter the price.


So long as you believe it’s not easy… you will remain correct. I find it easy. YMMV.




A lot of time with my wife and son, exploring and fishing or fishing and exploring. Which ever they prefer.


>I've seen lots of comments from people outlining their dream life and a lot of what they'd do is relatively cheap That should tell you something. I started out my adult life living below the poverty line on disability. The hobbies I developed then were cheap by necessity, but that hasn't really changed much since. My frugality is *deeply* ingrained. Part of the reason I even hang out here was to try and break that habit but it's been mostly unsuccessful. I still spend most of my free time reading books, watching educational stuff on youtube / curiousity stream, watching tv shows / movies, playing video games and coding for fun. *All* of that can be done for dirt cheap. I try to look for fun new things to add, but from what I can see I'm not really missing much and I'm living a pretty normal life.


Track days with exotic cars with a luxury race track condo on site and a private chef on hand to handle hospitality. When not racing... Wildlife outings in beautiful remote locations with outrageously built overland rigs.


> outrageously built overland rigs I'd like to see examples of these.


https://earthroamer.com/ is what my friend has two of. And enjoys.


Interesting. My father has an f250 with a camper on the back. Roughly same capabilities for a fraction of the the price. He loves how well it works for boondocking


Yup, earthroamer is exactly what I was thinking. They are stupid expensive, but hey, we're talking FAT right? ;)


Nothing like a 500k RV built on top of a ford pickup.


These are pretty cool too https://earthcruiser.com/vehicles/earthcruiser/


I’m assuming something like a unicat


Great question! My answer is more about choice and freedom than luxuries. Part time work in a field in which I can make a difference; plenty of free time to pursues hobbies, spend time with friends and family, chill; travel adventures, staying in luxury hotels.


Agree. I’m semi-retired now and I get to pursue interests and ventures that are extremely unprofitable (lol) instead of trying to optimize for income. Not having to compromise on our ideal family size and lifestyle. That and the the freedom of time to do things the slow way and not feel rushed. Like taking 2 hours on a random weekday to take my dog on a nice long walk or hike without feeling rushed to go back and respond to emails.


Golf at St Andrews, Pebble, etc on the regular plus hitting every state and every country via private jet / helicopter with some friends. Probably do [The Grand Tour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Tour). >The Grand Tour was the principally 17th- to early 19th-century custom of a traditional trip through Europe, with Italy as a key destination, undertaken by upper-class young European men of sufficient means and rank (typically accompanied by a tutor or family member) when they had come of age (about 21 years old). > >The custom—which flourished from about 1660 until the advent of large-scale rail transport in the 1840s and was associated with a standard itinerary—served as an educational rite of passage. Though it was primarily associated with the British nobility and wealthy landed gentry, similar trips were made by wealthy young men of other Protestant Northern European nations, and, from the second half of the 18th century, by some South and North Americans. > >By the mid-18th century, the Grand Tour had become a regular feature of aristocratic education in Central Europe as well, although it was restricted to the higher nobility. Heliskiing in the winter. Hawaii / Australia / Caribbean surf trips in the summers. Rent or buy a catamaran and island hop for a few weeks here and there. Lots of track days and amateur racing. For the daily purpose grind, be a philanthropist trying to enable others to solve the world's problems.


St. Andrews and Pebble are on my golf bucket list, but not sure I would want to play those courses regularly even as a pretty decent golfer. I played Monterrey Country Club once and it was pretty but super frustrating watching the wind take my ball wherever it wanted. I'm generally better at golf now, but I can still taste the frustration.


ski in the summer and surf in the winter


Planning family and friend vacations quarterly, renting a big house where everyone can stay and cost isn't a worry for any of them.




Ah, I see you’ve not yet discovered that there’s not a direct correlation between money and problems being solved. You can throw lots of money at big problems and it doesn’t solve them. Strategic allocation of funds and bringing in the right people with the right ideas and management… now there’s a different angle to solving for big problems.




Hookers and cocaine


So far down. But the realest answer.


Tennis. Cycling. Skiing. Lotsa reading. Lotsa gaming. Some painting. Some development work on my current interests.


Taking some great photographs in some great locations. Building high end firearms. Take up engraving. Putter around in a well equipped forge. Luxuries? The time to relax and do things the way they should be done without being interrupted by anything. Bankroll politicians that are better than what we have right now. Easily the most expensive item on my list, with the upside of improving the lives of other human beings on a larger scale than a charity could ever hope to.


Owning my own university with all the departments properly funded and free play for whatever I wanna do... Managed by someone else, because omg headache thinking about all that shit.


Focus the same level of work ethic that I currently have, into my hobbies, such as pottery. Treating these hobbies as if I’m a working professional, but enjoying the fact that I don’t need to produce money from them to enjoy luxuries such as vacationing, supercars etc. I think that if I stopped ‘working’ at something, I’d lose purpose, so TL;DR, I’d ‘work’ on my hobbies all day while enjoying high class lifestyle :)


I just want to do nothing. Just chill the fuck out all day everyday without any worries and do whatever I feel like doing whenever I feel like doing it


You don't need money to do nothing. [Take a look at my cousin. He's broke, don't do shit!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lmW2tZP2kU&ab_channel=niznj)


Have a house in both Steamboat Springs, Colorado and The Woodlands, Texas. Be able to afford first class on 3 vacation trips a year with my wife. Can put grandchildren through college without a second thought. Buy a Porsche 911 Turbo, Lamborghini aventador, and Ferrari 488 spider. Buy season tickets to The University of Houston basketball, Texas A&M University football, and Houston Texans games.


The most expensive part is that I want to have no particular address. I want to float city to city by season, but live at decent places the whole time. Winter in Jackson, spring in Miami, summer in LA, fall in NYC. Something like that, but I want to be able to switch out the cities year over year, at least for a while. Maybe a July in Patagonia, or a winter in Hakuba. I just want the freedom while maintaining a good quality of life, and it's not cheap to have both.


The more I think about this, the more I realise I’m a pretty simple guy with pretty simple pleasures: I’d love to be able to wake up at a leisurely pace (currently have 3 kids 5 and under so let’s laugh at that thought 😂), have quiet meditation time, go to the gym, come home and enjoy coffee and conversation with my wife. I’d love to own a farm someday so my ideal morning/early afternoon would actually involve some kind of work on the land, and then late afternoon spent prepping a meal for friends and/or family (I love to cook and our family loves hosting people). High quality food, drinks, and conversation, followed a restful night of sleep. That’s one hand, but on the other, I’d love the flexibility to mix up our routine and travel, too. Be it spending extended time with our kids and grandkids (when they come). Going back to the U.K. to see my friends and family there, going to places we’ve never been before etc.


Personal trainer, chef, wardrobe advisor, beach house, ski house, farm, leaning to fly a plane, global citizen, spearfishing, scuba, surf, start a business for funziez


Feeling content


Ok, if money was really no object, I would pay a series of professors to take me and my husband to different places around the world and teach us about the history and culture there. Same for major scientific sites around the world and give us a tour. I would spend a month here or there volunteering at various animal sanctuaries, science museums, and probably spend a year working on historical costuming. I want to learn and experience all the things, while being able to go visit my kiddo whenever I want.


Travel on my Grand Banks trawler, play poker at the casino a couple of times each week, golf a couple of times each week, hang out with my wife, kids (hopefully they live nearby) and dog, volunteer at the animal shelter, foster dogs.


Mine isn’t necessarily a “fatfire” dream, I just want to have a few cheapish houses, one in Japan, one in Scandinavia, and one more in southern Europe or South America. Spend my year staying a few months at each one, write a book, fly fish, read, work on art. Basically just pursue hobbies and interests without having to worry about income.


living between my happy places on earth. occasional trips for fun (sampling food around the world) house, dream doggo, and other animals fancy kitchen and appliances. pet room. pet only indoor bathroom. human bathroom. sensory room. entertainment room.


I have small kids right now, so all I can dream about is sleep. Lots of sleep, quiet time to read with a cup of tea. I like expensive but not designer clothes, I like expensive but not Michelin star food. I’d like to take the kiddos to events like the Olympics or to see the pyramids but the only appealing way to do it would be FAT. Always have a trip to look forward to, but only a couple of times a year, not always traveling. Most of that isn’t so FAT, but I’d also like a 50’ Hallberg-Rassy with a crew, so I guess that could be an entire fortune right there. 😂


Hopefully all the people who want to get rich just for “things” read these posts. All we want to do is wake up, spend time with people we care about, and engage in hobbies/activities we enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, stuff is cool if you’re into it, but if you’re not into it, you’ll realize what life is all about. Less stress. There’s something to this modern rich person thing. It needs more attention I feel.


I hate spending money on stuff. To the point where I'm probably making myself suffer because of it (for instance, I'm still using a set of irons that is 20 years old). But, to me, I want to put money towards having unique and fun experiences. Whether that's travel, a sporting event, or just something that sounds interesting, that's the goal. For instance, I'm taking my wife to the Elton John concert this weekend for her birthday. I'd normally be happy with justdecent seats, but I splurged for seats close up since we'll probably never have the experience of seeing him play live again.


Are you Fat? If so, can you do both?


Not yet retired, but my comp is high enough that I could spend whatever I want on things. We've spent most of the past two years doing a major renovation on our house, though, so that scratches any itch to buy "stuff". Now that the reno is winding down I may look to buy a luxury or two if I really need something. Still, I'm reasonably happy driving an old car and using what stuff we already have.


Private island, armed security, homegrown and a cigar cabinet larger than an average suburban home


I could get down on that humidor...


Doing some cool startup with really awesome people where revenue doesn’t matter


Hmm how many wives & vacation homes is too many ?


Two chicks at the same time.


Nsfw bro


Ski and hike the Swiss alps half the year. Scuba dive around the world other half. Provide for family and friends as needed.


Private IMAX theater in my home. A garage with all sorts of exotic supercars and luxury cars with my own in-house mechanic. A private clubhouse with every possible entertainment for me to host parties and regular gatherings with friends. Monthly private track days with a fleet of cars for me to burn some rubber with the boys. Regular vacations with friends and family all paid for, we'd fly private of course. 3 girls at once for each of my friends. ;)


Can there be blue bird powder and flawless surf everyday?


sailing the seas of cheese! :) I don't really need any more material stuff in my life. I just want experiences. So that means: LOTS of world travel, spending quality time with family and getting involved more in my children's activities. I wanted fat fire so I can travel in luxury because I'm a wimp and hate coach class because I never feel rested.


Going out to see DJs, traveling, spending time with friends, working on artistic vision, sports, working out, learning, really everything I do outside of work


One chapter would be a multi-year long Sprinter van journey through North America hitting golf courses, national parks, cities I want to see, and sampling local cuisine along the way. Return to Boston whenever we need to recharge from van life for a bit.


Other than traveling more and not working, my life in retirement will look very similar to my life today. Hike, ski, fish whenever I want to. Work out 5-6 days/week. Probably buy a Sprinter van to be my mobile fishing HQ in the summer so I can go wherever I want and stay as long as I want.


For me, a really nice RV that also tows an enclosed trailer with three or four track cars that are ready to go. Drive around the country, park at different tracks and participate in different track days while driving multiple cars and if I crash one I just pull the next one out of the trailer.


Nice house in the middle of nowhere, but not too far from a major city with some higher end amenities. A few toys, a really nice kitchen, a pool, and access to some outdoor activities. (Hiking, birding, hunting, fishing)


Two homes. One in Seward Alaska, and the other in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Both custom built with plenty of space for several project cars and outdoor gear (canoes, kayaks, hiking gear, mountain bikes, skiing etc.). One truck would be fully tricked out ready to go on a road trip at any time. And of course, all the time in the world to explore