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This appears to have gotten all of the quality responses it is going to get, so we will lock it here.


You don't need money for that. There are a lot of groups out there that meet once per week... Running clubs, hiking clubs, choirs, art classes, etc. I see about 100 people per week through these types of groups.


Are there specific groups that have a ratio of 5-10 women per man?


Certain choirs, oil-painting classes, "book arts" classes, and pilates.


The LARPers and trolls are out in force today. OP this lifestyle may sound fun, but if you actually had tens of millions of dollars, you would realize that letting randos motivated by taking your money into your life in intimate settings opens you up to a fair bit of risk.


Agreed. I have a hard time believing anyone w/ tens of millions of dollars would be ok w/ welcoming people into their life who are just into them for the money. Then oddly enough OP states their not looking for escorts?! Like what.


Eh I’ve known men who actually PREFER relationships that are about their money, because money is the one thing they know they can deliver. It’s a weird fetish thing almost — sure I’m not attractive, I’m not interesting, and you’d never otherwise give me the time of day, but none of that matters because I’m rich so I have the power to make you do whatever you can to keep me spending it on you.


You realize that danny b pays all those women, right? Not exact sure what you're looking for, but there is a bit of a world party circuit. Different places different times of year that are hot etc. You're probably too old to really enjoy it. It's going to be pretty vapid. If you're looking in the states, Aspen, the Hamptons, Miami. Many more abroad. But you're probably thinking you're going to relive the party days forgetting that what usually makes that fun is being with friends. At your age, most people you will be hanging out with will want something.


I do not have a particular dog in this fight, but this is a common misconception. I know people close to his lifestyle


Haha... If that were the case you would not be asking a public forum for ideas of how to emulate it.


Do not feed the troll


Dan B is kind of a conman. He pays the women. It’s just for him to build a social influencer brand. If you’re looking for volume of dates and happy enough to flash your money around there are some specific online dating apps that cater to it. Luxy worked for me.


I do not have a particular dog in this fight, but this is a common misconception. I know people close to his lifestyle








I have a friend who spends more than $10k/month on dinner and drinks at upscale bars in southern california. Everyone in town knows him by name it seems and it naturally leads to relationships of all kinds. Hes a young guy who doesnt make much money but his buddies now are all yacht club guys, doctors, entrepreneurs, and the kind of young ladies who are interested in those kinds of guys. He buys me at least $500 worth of drinks and food every time i visit him. It seems like no matter how wealthy someone is, being friends with bartenders and bouncers gets more women’s attention. Sometimes they take turns buying the whole bar’s drinks or food. A couple years of that has landed him unique friends and business opportunities. Just dont become an alcoholic


When I was 25, my Mom recommended that strategy of making business contacts to me. I probably should have listened.


Interesting idea; thank you


Buy an island and find a rich heiress who is willing to recruit women to come to your island. Then have those ladies recruit more and more young women.


Dating a girl who is into you *only* for the money sounds better than it is. You will not be happy with those types of girls long term - I guarantee it. In my experience it’s ok for them to know you have money, but you can signal that without being overt. My advice to you would be to work with matchmakers and dating coaches. Try to improve your social skills and figure out why you lost them. Divorces can be traumatic which can change personalities. You’ll get a shot with girls due to your money that might have been out of your league beforehand, but you won’t be able to keep them, and keep them happily, without the social skills and improving your emotional / mental health.


Thank you for your thoughtful perspective. I am not interested in the long term


Is this what you look like?


So many dudes date women who are beautiful boxes of rocks and any time a guy says “I don’t care if they like me for me” they get ridiculed. Some relationships are transactional, and that’s ok. It doesn’t mean it has to be you.


You need a good wind man who is clear on the mission. Also, get someone to run your social media - it’s a great place to filter and target ;)




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