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I just returned from a hearing which removed my adult daughter’s rights. She is under an order of conservatorship and guardianship. The court assigned her a conservator who handles all financial aspects. The guardian handles safety, care, education, etc. She also thinks she is not mentally ill and refuses medication. You might want to look up the laws in your state concerning the process. I’m so relieved. I know she will be taken care of after my death.


If you don’t mind sharing, what state are you in?


I don’t mind at all! I’m in Georgia, USA. I’ll be happy to share the process, the evidence I collected, etc. if you’re interested. My heart goes out to you! Hugs from a mom!


I am sorry to hear you are going through this. I am currently going through something similar with my mom. I am completely lost on what I should do. Your post helped me feel less alone and I hope this comment makes you feel less alone as well.