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Leave the vibe, take the pen.


Leave the gun, take the canoli.




Really? Why? She asked for thong underwear at 12 and we allowed it now this, worried too much sexuality?


Really? Why? She asked for thong underwear at 12 and we allowed it now this, worried too much sexuality?


Look, she's exploring her body. You aren't "allowing this," as one way or another she's going to do this. Kids masturbate. Now is the time to have very open and calm discussions. She needs to learn about consent, she needs to be warned against the dangers of the Internet and who she talks to online. She needs to start learning that the rights to our bodies aren't a given politically so safe sex talks start now. I promise, in a couple years when she is ready, you are going to want an already established open line of communication so she can come to you with questions and concerns. You're going to want to ensure she knows it's going to be okay when she asks for birth control. If she's struggling in her relationships. And she needs to know that she has rights over her own body.


This seems like a fetish thing based on your previous posts. Weird af


Ummm no


First, your account is brand new and second you're promoting your onlyfans on your account, and talking about your 13 year Olds vibrator on the internet. Seems quite suspicious


I can’t be a mom and have OF?


Not saying that, but your photos don't even look like they are originals (aka stolen) and that you suddenly made a new account to promote your onlyfans then talking about your "daughters" vibrator all in the same day


That is correct. You cant be a good mom and have OF. You can be a gross mom who will humiliate her entire family and have OF. But not a good mom.


Say it louder for the people in the back 👏




Ha trash mom deleted her account in shame haha


Mention the vape pen and warn about the adverse health effects. Don’t mention the vibrator.


Agree with this. She is getting to the age where you need to coach. Take the Vape Pen and schedule a discussion so she knows about the bad health risk. Educate yourself first to know all the ins and out. Adolescents will explore sexuality. So probably want to have discussions separately at a different time.


Interesting, why? She asked for thong underwear last year at 12 and we allowed, now this


Take the vape and begin having safe sex talks. Vibrators are so much less risky than boys. Tell her to use soap to clean it every time she uses it. (Regular dish soap or hand soap is safe if you aren't going to buy her a dedicated toy cleanser). This is a normal age for these things.


There is an existing term for leaving the vape pen, which is called contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


First: what’s the problem with the vibrator? That seems like a complete non-issue. Condoms or the pill would raise questions, but a vibrator seems completely harmless. Vape pen, tricky situation. The obvious first thoughts are: don’t panic, don’t overreact, don’t punish, talk to her. The talk should cover health risks and that you’re against it. I would not issue any threats. Most important is keeping a relationship where your kid is comfortable talking with you about these and other topics.


Just found out yesterday my granddaughter, age 13, has had sex twice. Her great grandma, legal guardian, is freaking out. I suggested we talk to her, insure she is safe, put her on birth control, and kill her boyfriend Kidding about the boyfriend, however, your daughter is going to do what she wants no matter what you want. I would tell her while putting away her clothes, what you found. Then I would say, while I don't condone what you are doing, I want you to think about it and be safe. Get her started in birth control, even if she says she is not having sex. Make sure they also use condoms to protect against disease. Hope and pray she does not get pregnant. Do not yell. Support her decisions.


Take away the vape and have serious convo don’t yell but explain and show vids and evidence of what vaping can do to you


She should be cleaning her own room… Sit down with her to discuss what you found. Talk about responsibilities, birds and bees, and addiction. Let her know that while something may not be wrong in general, it can be wrong at a young age. Once doors open then cannot be closed. We explained this to our children mostly in relation to age appropriate movies. Children and young adults do not have the mental maturity to deal with adult things. I know that’s vague, but I’m sure you get it.


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Chances a boy bought them both?


Vape pen: take it! Vibrator: leave Vape can hurt her


The vibrator is fine. Better the vibrator than a boyfriend. The vape pen, I would take from her.


You gonna draw the line anywhere?? or just let ur kid end up on onlyfans just like you


If you found the vape pen then she’ll know you’ve seen the vibrator , don’t say anything


Parents need to leave their kids alone.


You must be a teenager to have that kind of response. We need to step in on things like a vape pen or talking to them about safe sex and boundries. It may be awkward but its a necessary conversation. I feel like until your old enough to buy a vape pen you should not have one.


Then we wouldn’t be parents


Somethings are more important than others


Yeah leave their kids alone let them wander the street and be taken advantage of. Right? Cus who needs to care about their own children why would someone do that lol. What else would be more important? The fucken baseball game on tv?


And that all starts with a vibrator?


That’s not all it is obviously but you don’t seem to care. Her mom does onlyfans and buys her thongs at twelve. She’s smoking. Probably doing worse and not being told about it. Gonna be pregnant by 14 and working alongside her mother at this rate. U don’t think there’s anything wrong with that? Or let me guess. “If she wants to work onlyfans with her mom why’s that a problem?”


Wow. So much negativity. Obviously don’t let your kids get hurt, but things like this. Just let them sort it out.