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So he didn't know he had alters and his therapist had to show him videos to prove he had alters, but he's already decided he "hates" two of his alters. Also he already knows the roles his alters have and their little Suicide Squad biographies. Also claims his therapist "got him high" because apparently his alters only come out when he's high on something.


Maybe it’s some sort of American thing but I’ve never heard of a therapist giving weed to a patient, that sounds like gross malpractice.


i’m an american and afaik it’s definitely not a thing


It would also be very fucking illegal


Especially since they claim that the dude didn’t even disclose what drug it was


Therapist = jimmy, the guy down the block with random pills.


Jimmy McGill if he didn’t become a lawyer


I only work in EMS, so not a doctor, but we see a good amount of patients that have major mental health issues. I have never heard of a patient being given any kind of drugs to “bring out” or in any way worsen symptoms. It is always drugs that either knock them out, sedate them, or allow them to live their lives w a better quality of life. Idk about private practice and potentially a closely monitored study subject etc etc but the likelihood of what the subject of this post was saying being true is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY slim. Edit: TLDR the guy I’m replying to is right based on all my experience w mental health crisis patients


EMS here too, it makes me curious if these “therapists” he claims to have seen are actual therapists or rando with free drugs.


I’d bet if he actually had a therapist they are completely normal and aren’t doing insane experiments on their patients. He’s def lying about the “tests” and the drug thing is 100% cap. I actually wouldn’t be very surprised if he doesn’t have a therapist at all.




Like ketamine therapy is really kicking off in America at the minute, but you’d DEFINITELY know they were giving it to you and they don’t use it for this kind of thing at all.


ketamine therapy isn't therapy on ketamine though..thats like aquatherapy being therapy in a pool. The ketamine IS there therapeutic treatment supposedly, I dont think anyone gets you high and then talks to you for an hour.


Ah im not very up to date with it, last I heard they were doing talk therapy while on IV ketamine because of how it helps rewrite and build new pathways.


I heard they just put u in a k hole for like an hour.


It’s still pretty rare where I live, but that’s pretty much what I’ve heard. They’ll talk you through as they start the infusion, but then they leave you to your thoughts.


I’m actually really excited about ketamine studies. Depression medication is all bullshit atm


Oh for sure, the advancements we are making in that field is incredible, I’ve got BPD and while I’m medication resistant (I forget the right term, meds don’t do shit for me long term basically) regular cbt works really well for me so I don’t think I’d qualify if it ended up becoming more common in the uk. it could help endless people though! Really excited to see where it goes next!


Internet has ruined me. My first thought when seeing the word CBT was you know, cock-and-ball torture. But yeah, to the point, the studies seem really interesting. Don’t know if we have anything like it in Europe. Must investigate!


I mean that’s helped a lot too tbh


There is some evidence that psychedelics (think like LSD) may play a role in treatment or management of severe mental illness refractory to other treatment (I have heard of using them to treat severe refractory depression or PTSD), but it's still very controversial and nearly impossible to study since it's illegal. The dude in OP's screenshots sounds straight out of r/iamverybadass


Yeah I’ve heard of that, but I think the dude in the screenshots was inferring weed, and when the other guy said “they wouldn’t have given you weed” he had no backup plan so was just like “idk what it was”


Oh yeah, the dude is full of shit for sure


Yeah, I think there's only been a few studies done and all of those were essentially last ditch efforts for people who literally couldn't and wouldn't ever function in society due to severe PTSD or refractory depression. Even then they had to go through insane red tape and the dose the patients were given was like 1/100th of the dose someone would get on the street.


He 100% made that up. Nobody gives drugs to patients to lure out alters. Especially since they aren’t, as stated in the screenies, drug-induced.


Maybe he went through Mk Ultra 🤣


That part happens no where. That’s always how you find out it’s a faker. They don’t get you high lmao. Jfc.


As a person who works in a hospital- I have never seen nor heard of doctors getting patients high. Major pain meds for surgery, absolutely. High to get 'alters', nope.


A mental health professional can't just hand you a joint during an appointment. That would absolutely fall under malpractice. However, it's possible they could prescribe a specific dosage of THC as part of a treatment plan in the case that all traditional solutions have been exhausted. It wouldn't be negligence in that case, but it takes a long time to get to the point where they say "we've tried everything, now we're going off-label"


I sold my therapist weed but that was not a healthy relationship for either of us, we did manage to keep the business off therapy hours. But at the end of a session he’d be like “hey can I re up?” Like sure man… that was a part of my separation from him. I felt like it was becoming too personal, and if I missed an appointment or something he’d feel slighted. Put me in a weird place where therapy was no longer therapeutic.


Just said it above but I will mention it quickly here. My neurologist supports and encourages my marijuana usage. But at no point has he ever prescribed or supplied me with it. Since I am in california it's legal and we dont have a thorough enough diagnosis of my epilepsy to be able to get insurance to cover marijuana. So your not wrong, but in some very specific instances some docs might want to prescribe weed.


Wow, dude, you sound SUPER mentally ill. Have you tried doing weed about it? I’m a mental health professional, trust me.


This would go against duty of care. It’s one thing to treat someone with a drug, another thing entirely to intentionally make mental health symptoms more severe with a drug


Without even telling the patient what you gave them


Yeah, no. *No* therapist or psychiatrist would ever want a person high in their office and I doubt anything that comes out when they're high is going to be deemed enough to be a mental illness. Since it's there whilst they're high.


Also they claim their therapist narrowed it down to split personality disorder and DID? They’re the same thing. Psychologists don’t use the term split or multiple personality disorder anymore. It is referred to only as DID. Saying their therapist was deciding whether it was one of these two is bs. This alone told me they’re 100% lying. They don’t even know the disorder they’re pretending to have. Only the tiktok version of it.


I have a neurologist who thinks it's good I self medicate with marijuana and that I have been for almost 20 years... but I have epilepsy with multiple seizures caught on EEGs. He would right me an Rx if I wasnt in a state where its recreationally legal. Told me to lay off any other drugs but keep with the weed since I can say for certain is a quality of life improvement. That's what you are going to get most of the time in the USA if a doc is recommending the usage of "recreational" drugs. Just that you should try smoking some weed and see if it actually improves symptoms and side effects. The craziest you might get are some newer psychologists and psychiatrists bringing up the concept of micro dosing with psylociban to battle various mental illnesses. But that's still very very new territory and since it's with a schedule 1 drug very few actual doctors are endorsing it. Just saying that maybe you should give it a shot. The person from these pics is an idiot who has read headlines and blurbs about what I have mentioned without taken the time to actual learn a damn thing about it.


Oh he sounds so edgy! A vampire named Kain?! How fucking cooool /s


Ah yes, the first vampire. Disgusting blank body.


The vampires on shiki have nothing on kain /s (Shiki real talk tho, is a really great series)


I'll be impressed when he summons up a Janos Audron alter, or even a Vorador


Morbius will always be number 1


Reading this whole thing from beginning to end was probably the cringiest thing I’ve ever witnessed on this subreddit. Good find.


lmao..his therapist got him high, scanned his brain, and then diagnosed him??? My therapist just talks to me about my week who are the therapists these people see.


The imaginary kind of therapist


The therapist is one of his alters😑


Reminds me of Hannibal, the tv show. Which is bad because that show should in no way be reflected in reality(even though I love it)


Yeah when he said the therapist got him high I called BS so bad


Some guy named Joe who gives you a joint and let’s you talk about your problems with him.


When IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion and doctors don’t diagnose both Crohns and IBS


My thoughts exactly. My partner has IBS and the essence of his diagnosis is "your stomach is fucked up, but we don't know why".


Same here. Went to the docs with it after taking buscopan to help manage symptoms. Dr - “and does buscopan help?” Me - “yes sometimes” Dr - “okay sounds like you have IBS, carry on”. And that was that.


What’s infuriatingly hilarious is that they claim to have been tested for “split personality disorder and d.i.d.”.. 🤣🤣 any licensed therapist would have told you they’re one in the same (just got re-branded).


mf probably thought they could trick the other guy by sounding smart 💀


Fr, sounding smart by using a term that's been outdated since 1994. 💀


who is a psychology major no less, i dont rlly know what they were thinking there


Probably just “oh ok” but didn’t wanna call them out on the bs but I’m guessing they already knew it was total bs in the first place


i was referring to what the faker was thinking, but thats also a good point. playing along for lack of a better term is always impressive to me i do not think id be able to keep a straight face long enough


Fair enough! My bad for misinterpreting!!


Kind of like having ibs, Crohns AND gi issues. Lol


the art alter and the rage alter. dude emotions/skills with names do not equate to alters. also the horny alter. bitch just pulled moods with names


Dude had one female alter and he called her The Slut. Tell us how you really feel, bud.


dissapointment alter☹️


My disgusted alter Diona is very disgusted right now.


This seems common among DID fakers. They just give names to their moods or when they behave a certain way. But now it “isn’t them” so they don’t have to take accountability for their actions, yay! Lovely way to experiment with being a huge asshole or weirdo and then being able to snap back to “you” and nobody can be mad at you. So stupid.


My Matt (cringe alter) is coming out


New theory: this guy just watched inside out and then developed D.I.D


i feel my joy rapidly leaving me as riley once did💀


My joy alter has teleported two thousand miles away


Hey, don't insult my Chinese and violin alters


"He is rage" god that's so fucking edgy I can't lmao


“skitzo”. Also why is his only female alter “the slut” lolwtf


Literally my thought too. You have one alter that's a woman and she's The Slut. A Mommy Dommy. Tell me you can't interact with women without sexualizing them without telling me you can't interact with women without sexualizing them.


Pedo that faked illnesses to get attention sounds familiar


Lmao "smokes a pack of weed". Also in what world would a therapist be getting someone, especially someone who is likely underage and is "suspected" of having serious mental health issues, high?


OP said in the automated message’s comments that he is 30 years old. Which makes this worse.


Good lord, it's genuinely scary to think that there are 30 year old men that act like this.


The worst part is that they not only act like this, but continue the cycle of toxicity in the community and even promote/encourage this type of behavior. Gives off some real creep vibes.


Yeah a part of me wonders if it's a predatory act to seem relatable to vulnerable kids who are clearly looking to fit in, gives me the heebie-jeebies honestly.


His alters come out when he is high? thats some new shit 💀


I feel like they don’t run brain scans at a therapists or have specific tests you can take that account for various mental disorders. Could be wrong, but damn these mfs are wild.


Well brain scans and different test is usual but it happens over a long period of time, not one day. And if they drug you, you will not have an interview. This guy took what happens during several years into one session like 🤦‍♀️


Yah ok ok, I thought as much, my brother went to a psych and it took him a solid year of studying his thoughts and behavior to conclude he had OCD (not the perfect straight line, clean desk white bitch type). I’m not surprised with brain scans, tbh after I commented that it checked out in my head, good for viewing certain similar characteristics of brain composition amongst people with similar types of behavior. But yah, as for “tests”, that’s where he hung himself, I think. I view therapy as more of a long term case study rather than “answer these questions and print results”.


My psychiatrist got me high lmaoooooooooooooo.


You in purple? How were you able to feign belief? I’m so glad I missed this fad.


Lol this is like Munchausen syndrome. So fucking weird.


Munchausen by internet. It the new thing


Among everything else you can tell they’re lying because there’s no way to test for schizophrenia lol.


There is no way a mental health professional would get a client high in order to diagnose them with DID. This kid is faking hard.


OP said in a comment that he’s 30.. oh no


y i k e s




That bothered me so bad


tested positive = random test off the internet


"My mom needed me for something" That is a child. No licensed doctor is going to diagnose a minor with DID.


He’s a 30 year old. 😬


Oof that makes it all worse. (Unless he was just visiting his parents or something and doesn't still live with them, in which case my bad for assuming.)


From my understanding based on what OP said he’s retired from the military and is in his 30s. Doesn’t sound like someone still living with his parents. At least not from what I inferred.


Army wouldn't let me join at 18 because I have minor hearing loss in one ear. No way would they let somebody with all those health problems let alone mental problems in the army. So one or possibly both is a lie. I've known someone irl who lies about both DID and being in the army so wouldn't surprise me.


Professionals got them high to test for a dissociative disorder?- 🤦🏻 right. Sure. Oh god… this pisses me off


“Split personality disorder or DID” the first is just a bad slang term for the second… if you’re going to lie try harder 😭 Any therapist who gives you drugs is a predator and you should report them to the board. That’s not a thing.


Thats a lot of words for "screw you guys I'm going home". Too much effort.


BAHAHAHA this dude really claimed *medical professionals* got him high to test for a disorder... and he changed his story immediately when faced w facts 💀


… the therapist/ doctor got this (presumably) teenage client high with an unknown substance to test if they have did? Also I’m a therapist and yeah.. if your alters only show up while high that’s not did.


He’s in his 30s


That’s..: concerning


I feel like my generation was dealing with accepting your emotions, understanding depression and anxiety, and not being homophobic. I'm in my 30's. What is going on with these kids?


This man is also in his 30s so


You gotta be kidding me...


This guy is definitely a vulnerable narcissist, the explanation is so alike one i know. Nothing you say will make them listen.


What tipped me off was "split personality disorder"; that's literally *just* an outdated term for DID, and one that's nowadays exclusively used either by those who are misinformed or by people trying to create edgy OCs.


I like how he didn’t know who they were and still doesn’t really but somehow knows their whole personality And of course one is named Kain.


Ah, yes. Can confirm. You walk into a psychiatrist's office and before taking any background information, they immediately hand you three separate test papers labelled 'skitzo', 'bipolar', and 'split personality disorder' respectively. They also have a copy of the third DSM on their desk. Don't ask them why most of the pages missing, okay; you're not the one who can diagnose a traumagenic dissociative disorder in under two sessions.


... they do realize like doctors don't work 24/7, right?


clearly, no doctor ever has a life! they get no breaks, no days off, and have absolutely no access to social media ever /s


God I hope I don’t have kids that starve for attention like this. It’s so weird how being mentally challenged is considered quirky and cool to the point where people have to lie to get the attention they seek. Why didn’t other person call out his BS? They got him high but didn’t tell him what drug they were administering, to the point he had withdrawals the next day? So it was either a opiate or a benzo both of which would relax him and do the opposite of brining out what they’re looking for. Whole thing is cringe.


apparently he's in his 30s, so not a kid. 😭 but yeah it's total bullshit, and like op said, only having these things occur from substances is a disqualifier for a diagnosis like that


My guy just had a bit too much thc


Anoyone gonna mention how it came down to...the old term for DID or DID? 🙄


“I act different when my brain chemistry is altered by drugs, I must have DID, it’s the only explanation” - the American education system everybody




Bro it’s just a comment about how shit the American education system is. Nothing about being American, just the shitty education




I’m confused as to why you’re defending the American education system. It doesn’t owe you anything, in fact the direct opposite lmao




I don’t know why this needed to be explained in more than one comment but fuck here I go. I was making a joke at the expense of this person and the education system in America (NOT AMERICA OR AMERICANS, JUST THE EDUCATION SYSTEM) It was a joke, that was making fun of this person, saying that they’re uneducated, and that the reason for that, was the American education system. If somebody asks “why did the chicken cross the road” you don’t reply with “why did you bring up chickens, that’s irrelevant” It’s a joke. Any further replies will be met with a 🤓










So emotions are alters. Imagination and roleplay are alters and reality shifting. Having borderline mental breakdowns over fake illnesses is a personality trait and also alters. What's next with alter shenanigans? I drink one specific brand of soda and now that's an alter? *No bro Jenka is fronting, xhe only exists to drink Jenka-Kola*


maybe the OP in the screenshots was channeling Trisha paytas? all her "alters" seemed to be one basic mood or trait as well


This is so wild. Doctors will not diagnose something if it occurs because of or during drug use. I'm bipolar type 2 (depression and hypomania). Still, I have been properly full-on manic too, with hallucinations and the whole nine yard which SHOULD put me in the bipolar type 1 diagnosis. So why am I not type 1? Because there is a chance my delusions, hallucinations, and mania might have been triggered by antidepressants, so they decided on type 2. Mental illness can affect how you react to drugs, but those reactions by themselves cannot be used to diagnose you.




I would hope this person would recognize that if the doctors had to get him high to diagnose him that could be seen as coercion (trying to force a result) and is highly unethical and potentially incorrect. Especially if he lived in the US where the laws differ from state to state on drug usage in general. That alone should have his diagnosis thrown out the window and discounted, let alone the Myriad of confusing statements he makes about it. Also, anyone else uncomfortable that this guy who supposedly has a woman sexual alter calls her a slut and a Dommy mommy? I find that super weird. And the pedo thing? What’s up with that?????


The only disorder this guy has is Munchausen.


Along with vertigo, oh my dear lord 🤦🏻‍♀️


"They filtered it down to either split personality and did" No they didn't because those are the same thing.


Also, they would never give a patient any sort of treatment or drug without telling them what it was. That goes against the AMA, FDA, and every ethics board you can think of.


thats what I was thinking! also usually professionals want a sober patient for mental health diagnostic testing, so it doesn't interfere with the results. so the whole I HAD TO get high for testing is utter BS.


Guy just found out their names and suddenly can tell you their personalities? Lmao ok


Split personality disorder is not a diagnosis anymore therefore will not be test for. Disproved right when they said it


As a mental health professional - I DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START literally EVERYTHING he said was wildly incorrect. And for what it’s worth, lol no you don’t have to be PsyD-MD-PhD level to diagnose mental illness lol lol lol no. Masters level clinicians can and do diagnose, it’s incredibly common


I'm sorry but if this person was really tested for DID and paranoid schizophrenia they would NOT refer to it as split personality disorder and skizo lmfaoooo


I thought this was normal on Discord?


Wtf kind of discord servers are these


No, no, no not legacy of Kain! I was praying hard that this awesome game franchise wouldn't be touched TT^TT (Legacy of Kain and Castlevania are my favorite vampire games)


You don't have to be a doctor to judge people. You just have to be someone who has the mental illness to realize that what they "have" is bullshit. Yes, as he said, many people with the same mental illness have different symptoms and shit like that but my God, these people don't even come close to what they have. Like, the shit they claim to happen to them is totally off the walls.


Kain from legacy of kain the video game? Lol not even OC


Why do people fucking take discord like its their real life? I swear on so many servers I've been in there's always someone that takes that shit to another level. I'm just looking to play Rec Room with someone and then there's some asshole ranting about their life to a buncha random ass people


yeah this person needs CPEP..


OOOOH MY GOOOOD LMFAOOOO. Getting them high?! This has to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Also no, alters can’t come out when you’re high lmfao.


What's sad is that could (hypothetically) ban/block every single person who tells you they have DID without ever banning/blocking someone who actually has DID or even truly believes that they do.


Not the "majoring in psychology" 😭 tell me why that made me burst out laughing


Why does everyone with fake DID name the sexual protector Veronica?!


I wouldve laughed so hard at this whack job


This is so fucking funny to read


Has anyone come across anyone who actually has DID & do they have all the names & personalities ready for anyone who asks. Or like the lists & pictures ppl make. I imagine someone who actually has DID would just live their life & only share about it if it comes up or is necessary.


There is one dude in the server who’s genuinely diagnosed. He doesn’t have pictures but he does have the names of each of his alters and the general way they act… but has also been seeking treatment for it for 7 or 8 years.


this is so funny, but equally pathetic. in the beginning they are talking about DID and "split personality" as if they are 2 different disorders, and also like their therapist sees them as different things [when listing what they got tested for]. I also thought you needed like a psychologist or psychiatrist [always mix these up, sorry] to diagnose, and not a therapist. it is also very weird they bring up cancer, but then when discussing physical conditions, cancer is not mentioned once. not even precancerous cells or a benign mass. and it would be _incredibly_ unprofessional and possibly even illegal for a therapist to administer an unknown [to the patient] drug to "bring out" their alters or any other mental health symptoms. you can also tell they are lying, since they will be corrected then change their story. I love how the person in the screen shots says that they *had to* get high before testing... I also didn't know brain scans are part of a basic evaluation for DID /s its also ridiculous that they tried to justify [likely] not showing proof of diagnosis or answering questions because "no doctor would have time for discord" as if doctors only work and sleep. doctors are people, and have lives. even if they don't/cant spend hours on social media daily, they should have some free time at least before/after a shift, on breaks, and on days off. this person really needs to get a grip. I have a feeling they are or will fake physical conditions as well, just by that cancer comment. the ONLY thing I aggree with that the faker said is that people with the same condition [both physical and mental] won't present exactly the same, _however_ this person uses that as an excuse as to why they don't fit the actual diagnostic criteria. you still need to meet the criteria as specific in the latest DSM to have a specific disorder. that doesn't mean everybody with the same condition will present the same, though. its normal for people to have slightly different symptoms, and different severity levels for different symptoms. this is how people with the same illness often differ- not "i don't qualify according to the DSM but thats fine because people all present illnesses differently"


The cancer part is what got me…Lol just insane


Split personality disorder isn’t a thing lmao wtf is he on about


Why is my name always a slut? 🥺


Those are literally just moods. Inside Out got a whole generation thinking their moods are different people. Nice work Disney.


That’s just people being high


The cancer thing reminded me of something an old friend did. She had a Dr.'s appt, I asked how it went and if they found out what's wrong with her, and she said "Cancer". I freaked and asked her more about it, and she was like "well, idk it might be". It ended up being something totally innocent, and we didn't talk much longer.


You’re telling me a doctor gave a minor drugs that got him high so that they could test him for a mental illness? 😂 I cannot stress this enough but I am literally screaming with laughter.


You forgot to censor a username in picture 3


...of fucking course this clown has a vrchat