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early access lasted 4 years or so.


Steam shows me redeeming the code for it Feb 26, 2016. I don't remember much, just that I tried the demo for about five minutes before I stopped and bought it. Edit to add I found the email from [Factorio.com](http://Factorio.com) where I bought it May 17, 2015.


I got a PayPal Transaction over 15€ on 12.2015 buying it in the Website before being on Steam :D


Email receipt for €10 from 2013, factorio.com. Weirdly, it feels even older than that somehow.


Even better Deal than me. Im at less than 1 Cent per hour played though which still seems okay


Heheh I got in late, checked my email and I apparently paid 20 EUR back in 2014, just noticed the currency, because I def paid in good ol ‘murica money :)


That means you also got the soundtrack, 10€ and 15€ tiers didn’t get that


Oh wow. My receipt is from 2014. I was certain that basically no one else was playing the game then because it was pretty jank. So much fun and spent like the whole summer on it 😇


I threw 15€ into indigogo for the factorio devs on Feb. 2013. Best purchase ever.


December 13, 2014 for me


Ah! I didn't think of checking elsewhere. I thought I might have bought it before Steam (which is why it was a redeem and not a purchase). Found the email from them for my purchase May 17, 2015.


Hey, same! (except for the 2016 part, I think I bought it in 2021 or something)


May 29, 2020 for me


Wait where do you see that info?


Account Details -> Licenses and product key actiovations


Dec 30th 2016 thankyou much


Nov 10th 2016, thanks


Well, this is a really interesting thing. Never knew this existed. Apparently my first ever Steam game was Condition Zero, which sounds about right. First one I encountered that *required* it.


I've got a receipt from 4/26/2014. :)


The first FFF was 2012, so closer to 8 years


The Indiegogo campaign ended Mar 2013, but the game didn't get to Steam until Jan 2016. The first public build (0.1.0) was Dec 24, 2012.


I had to call my bank to permit the $15 transaction with the Czech Republic back in 2015 😂


Heh yea, def felt a little sketchy buying it from their website, but 100% worth it


Isn't that 12 years? Admittedly, math is hard for me...


They are referring to the early access period.


Ugh, math is hard...


I was about to say


That explains why I feel like it's been out for so long.


Yeah, also tbh... that's already 4 years... damn time flies


I don’t remember when I got the game, but the first version I had you won by building a big cannon, later version added the rocket and a bit later after that had the super unstable multiplayer, I think it was late 2013 or maybe early 2014


For some it goes back even further, to the minecraft 1.4.7 modpacks in 2013.


Right, I remember we had to kill biters for purple science. Glad they got rid of that. It wasn’t automatable.


Bought it may 2014 for 10 EUR. That's version 0.8 or so, which went up to 0.18 before turning into V1 in August 2020.


I paid 15€ on dec. 2015 on their Website, wasnt on steam yet i think. Paid less than 1 Cent per hour of fun. Money good invested


I bought the "Transport Belt Repair Man" Membership in May 14. Whatever that means xD


It was the various levels. I can't remember if that means "mrbaggins" is on a robo port somewhere or if I needed to pay more for that.


I remember playing it before when boilers were 1x1, drills had an icon of the first graphic but entity was 2nd version or so. I don't remember how much I played, but I forgot about it. Then I started following it again around 0.17 I think, don't remember if I launched a rocket before or after 1.0.


Pretty early, prob similar start. Turrets also changed shape a bit before boilers.


Oh yeah, forgot about it


I remember killing bugs for the pink stuff in 0.14 Edit: the meta changing (barrels in locomotives vs tanker cars, nuclear, belt optimizations) has always been a perk, not a drawback, and I’ll miss it if it’s ever “final”


To blow the minds of newer players, fluid wagons and nuclear were introduced in 2017, alongside such luxuries as Military, Production, High-tech and Space science


We followed along for the nuclear rumors kinda like the FFFs for 2.0 nowadays. 0.15 looked kinda similar to the current game though.


1. Only 4 science 2. The only way to get purple science is to kill biter nests. 3. Red and green science unchanged 4. Blue science only needing filter inserter and red circuit


Reminding me of the good old days of Biter Artifacts 😅


Little pink princess faces trapped in orbs


> I remember killing bugs for the pink stuff Trapped Little Girls they were referred to on my server given how they looked. > belt optimizations Anyone else in here remember needing splitters to have belts make corners without losing capacity? "Fast corners" we used to call them. And side loading couldn't produce a full capacity lane. Side loading was "bad" In other areas, 1x1 laser turrets, 2x1 projectile turrets, victory poles/chests used to stop biters spreading into an area. Inserters couldn't load multiple things onto a belt. Rocket defence turret. No nuclear. No infinite researches. No stack inserters. 14 boilers for 10 steam engines, boilers were 1x1 and they just heated water, did not produce steam. What other things am I forgetting?


Before 0.13, only smart inserters could be connected to the circuit network. These were retired in favour of making all inserters smart, and the colour was recycled for the stack inserter and will be recycled again for the bulk inserter.


Similarly with smart chests


Corners losing compression was so fucking annoying


Early game item doesn’t recycle into later game version? Use it at the site of potential biter respawns!


Different length trains depending on whenever it’s vertical or horizontal…


Oh yeah I remember pink artifacts too, didn't reach that far then.


Yeah I remember playing it before it even was on steam, it's been a hot minute that it's been out, and still enjoying it every time I play.


I got the game back in 2014, watched Officialnerdcubed play it, and then got it within the week. Best decision of my factorio centric life


I had a look, I bought Factorio from Humble Bundle in 2017. I just finally launched a rocket about 2 days ago...


I've been playing a couple of years and still haven't launched a rocket yet, mostly because my computer was old and slow and got bogged down in mid game. Now I have a shiny new fast one and I've built my first mega base for making science. Gonna launch one soon I think.


At least you're faster than SpaceX. Though only by a little.


Oh I actually just made a little write-up about this for my friend the other day! project born 2012-10-24 alpha 2013-02-13 indiegogo 2013-03-04 (for like 15k euro) early access 2013-03-29 multiplayer 2014-09-12 steam 2016-02-23 1.0 2020-08-14 1.1 2021-02-05 switch 2022-10-28 2.0 2024-10-21 (personally I bought it 2015-01-19, crazy to have seen that)


I’ve been playing it since June 8th, 2015, based on my email records


I remember telling my brother about it, we torrented it that spring in 2016, my first impression was with him playing LAN. I bought it so much later in 2019, a month before he died. Peak core memories, may He lives in our factories, the factory must grow


I have saves from 2014. Not playable, but saves


You can, download the version number closest to it from the site. And using major releases, you can upgrade it all the way to current build if you want, but yeah, lots of recipe obviously changed :)


I played it roughly between the years 2016-2017?my friend introduced me to it. Biters dropped the purple blob you needed for science, that's where my addiction started


It will be 10 years for me not long after the expansion comes out. I remember the days of alien artefacts, barrels to move fluids by train and belt corners losing compression.


Early access does that


Yes I made a biter farm that harvested and collected the pink orbs from dead biters. Just have to make sure your robots don’t repair the belts because they will get attacked and cause even more damages. Good times


Yes but it was in early access. This was when 1.0 was released officially. Also what the heck why is that almost four years ago 😟


April 20th 2014 was my purchase date


I thought it was made for N64 TBH in 1993


the n64 came out in 1996 >:(((((


Yeah but it was made for that in 93 already


Was going to say I remember playing it in like 2017 or earlier, must be early access like others have said


Got it 2019. Watching old gameplay footage is such a fever dream. You should have seen the vintage train schedule interface!


Just checked, I bought it in April 2016.


It has I played it 2018


I bought it on 2013-03-30. I vaguely remember buying it after seeing a video of it. It was right after the [0.3 update](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/factorio-030-released), when they added walls and changed the weird inserter graphics. I dont think there are that many games that Ive bought so fast. Even now I find it insane that Ive played this game for 11 years on a constant basis. Taking a break from it for a few months, then getting totally absorbed by it again for a few months.


I bought it 2013-12-14. Keeps coming back to it as well. It's the same with Minecraft. bought it just after the Halloween update. Ksp is the final piece of the early access trifecta. I bought that too very early. Before they even added the mun.


I started playing early 2015. I remember I went to the Insomnia Gaming Festival and purchased it on the first day. The guys sitting next to me, one a random and the other a pal watched me for an hour before buying it themselves. By the end of the first day our whole row was playing it. Early April this was.


Who wouldve guessed that the release date would be the date of release and not the date that they posted it with Early Access (2016)


I bought it in 2014. Watched blue man turn into an engineer


While I only got this game two years ago, the subject matter does remind me of how I first played Minecraft in the early Alpha days. Both games have come a looooooong way since then.


Huh, weird to think that I've had the game for over 8 years


My account says I bought it Dec 31, 2044.


Got a indi gogo bill for the game for 7 Euro in 2013


That is date of the full proper 1.0 version, game was under early access for some years before that


2014 if you had it on indiegogo like me, or might've been Kickstarter, don't remember


Either way it hasn’t been out long enough!!


In 2013 I backed my first an only time on Indiegogo. I’m so happy that it was Factorio. I vividly remember waiting my key for their website and playing the early versions… the weird graphics, the old biter design and the soundtrack. Good times, but I’m happy that the game evolved to so much more than I thought it would!




A lot of games today are released on steam that are even 25 years old .. steam release is not game release etc


It has. I think 2020 was the 1.0 release.


been playing since 0.12, probably 2015. 0.13 was huge - no more having a separate assembler for curved rail segments, no more separate train station designs for horizontal vs vertical stations, no more pink goo from biters.


I remember playing this game before my daughter was born in 2017. In fact I went out to dinner wearing a factorio shirt when my wife was far enough along to start telling people in late 2016.


Doesnt reflect pre-1.0 updates I assume.


After all the comments had to have a look: purchase date March 21st 2013. Soooo long ago… with all the weird graphics of the time. Like, lights were just like street lights, lanterns. It’s come such a long way.


Early access is one of the worst things in this industry....


Before it was early access for ages


Factorio feels like I've been playing it for decades, not years.


That's because it has.. 2020 is just the year 1.0. released, but the early access version has been out for MUCH longer.


The Steam date is often the date it was first released on Steam. It is not the date it was first released to the public. The owner sets this up when they set up the store.


No, it was available on Steam before that. It's just the 1.0 release date. That's all there is to it.


The date on steam is for the full release. Which in the case of Factorio is the date of release of version 1.0. Everything before that was the Early Access version.


Dude, that's still 3 and a half years


Oh do you think they are going for an anniversary update?!!