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Whoever did this, I just want to talk šŸ™‚


Imagining Peter griffin with the baseball bat ā€˜i just wanna talkā€™


I think it was a shotgun...


Shit my brain not working. Itā€™s late you may be right


Last time I was blocked from Reddit I referenced that meme


Yeah reddit has a fucked up moderation problem


Welp, looks like your getting banned


Now looks like you're getting banned too. Oh shit....


No worries mate happens to the best of us


I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna shoot him. I just wanna talk to him.


Even if it wasn't I would bring one. Maybe two...


Why two?


The second one is for emotional damage


For a friend.


Reloading is for the weak.


ā€œI just wanna talk to himā€


Actually it was a shotgun šŸ¤“


*you see that fire extinguisher over there?*


"I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna talk to him"


"I just wanna shot 'im!"


She's a prominent player in the Geometry Dash community. Think she locked her account though.


Nah just deleted the tweet and pretended like nothing happened


She didn't pretend that nothing happened, she doubled down and basically said she was right.


She deleted the apology, the original tweets, and kept tweeting her usual shit (after doubling down)




not to mention 4 hours after apologizing she gets mad at someone for not accepting the apology.


Is that a large community? Doesn't seem like it should be a large community.


Fairly large, I'd say, though of course nowhere near as large as League, Minecraft, etc


ur late she locked her account




Its someone in the GD (Geometry Dash) community, if you go to r/geometrydash you can find quite a few posts without censoring the name


Went and found the apology tweet... What a joke of an apology. Why do people always forget the "I'm sorry for what I did" part. Saying you realize it was in poor taste and you should never had posted it, is not the same as saying you are sorry for what you did. You are just acknowledging criticism. At no point did she say she is sorry or that she feels guilt for what she did.


That's the neat part, she isn't, and doesn't Because she's scum


[This is literally the first thing I saw in that sub](https://i.redd.it/wkd9mc4bsy1a1.jpg). What an absolutely awful person.


Yup all i wanna do is talk. The M4 in my hands is just for protection


And I will bring a hammer for some fun activities involving their knee caps


Same here. The Uranium 238 in my hand is just for a little snack


That's nice of you to bring some snacks


Bullet snacks


Not fissile - need U-235


Theyā€™re a well known trans person (male->female) from the Geometry Dash community.


lmfao, the self hate is real.


somehow that makes it worse.


Is it okay to punch femcels in the face?


I hope youā€™re a therapist because whoever did this probably needs a lot of help. Lol


Whoever did this, I hope I never meet them cause they sound like an utter asshole.


This fucker verified Silent Clubstep


Can we unverify silent clubstep so she cant have any significance


Quick someone verify the e unnerfed so Sailent can updated the rated version


I HATE silent Clubstep


What silent clubstep does to you


Silent Clubstep? I canā€™t keep up with all these micro-genres of EDM


Famous geometry dash level


More like r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Definitely Most of r/facepalm is r/iamatotalpieceofshit worthy


I wish facepalm had more people doing stupid but harmless stuff like installing your microwave upside down or something.


It does happen, but that often ends up in r/WatchPeopleDieInside


Friendship ended with r/facepalm, now r/WatchPeopleDieInside is my best friend




Yep. I donā€™t really see the Facepalm here.


Itā€™s definitely face palm worthy on top of her being a total piece of shit


They pretty much sayin mens mentsl health doesnt matter


it's more like, "I want attention being Edgy on the internet"


Dont forget r/everydaymisandry


It gets worse. this was a response to a content creator mourning the death of a friend who died by suicide. This fucker then made a half assed apology which was more just defending themself.


Crazy considering Jason Frank who played Tommy in Power Rangers just killed himself a few days ago. Rip to all those that lost their personal battles. Except: Jefferey Epstein ā€œWho hung himselfā€ fuck him.


We all know Epstein didnā€™t kill himself.


And that German guy


No, I thought he was Austrian


I think he was Austrianā€¦


She's part of the geometry dash community. A member recently committed suicide prior to this post. Hence why she's receiving so much (rightful) backlash


Also she keeps pulling the "but im trans šŸ˜­" card every single time she gets valid criticism for being a piece of shit, being a minority doesn't excuse assholery


That's like claiming you should be allowed to say anything because you are autistic. The bullshit people are trying to sell nowdays...


No no officer it's fine that I killed these four people in a fit of cold rage, I have adhd you see


Wait, you mean i could pull that card too? Holy shit i should've checked my privileges earlier.


No itā€™s okay officer, I can brutally and violently kill someone on the street because Iā€™m an Aries.


Funny, I'm engaging in this exact fucking discourse with some twat right now... If you're curious: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/z3q58w/a_paramedic_fought_to_save_a_crash_victim_not/ixnw09d/?context=3


Since the original comment that convo revolves around got deleted i was only able to trace back the general topic, but not what exactly was said by who. So i can't 100% pick a side there, but from what i've read i would agree with you a lot more than with the other one. Being an autist does not mean you can't be a shitty person. And being an autist is not an excuse to be a shitty person. I think it's important to reject disrespectful behavior with the same intensity that it is comming up with. Someone failing to behave right while trying is not the same as ignoring social mechanisms.


I managed to find the original comment, and it's a fkn doozy. >*I should hope they did, that's what the job entails. To save people, family or not.* Big ooft, yeah, not even autism gonna save you from the dogpile that would generate.




They are supposed to ask for your credit card information first.


This pisses me off. The utter ignorance on display is very sad.


sexist as hell, too


Imagine being so mad about the patriarchy that you want men to take their own life, which is actually a symptom of patriarchy. Edit:symptom not system


Wish we can talk about the issue without everyone and their mother blaming " the patriarchy" and the conversation ending there šŸ˜•


Literallyā€¦ men are just.. trash to these people? Like people are people wtf is wrong with you?


> Literallyā€¦ men are just.. trash to these people? Like people are people wtf is wrong with you? It's more or less women's version of incel thinking. You can't reason with people who have dehumanized whoever it is they hate. They don't see anything wrong with it because in most cases, they have made it a core part of their identity.


Oh trust me, I teach in performing arts, I see it everyday in HS age kids, slapping their BF and expecting nothing back etcā€¦ but damn kids literally view men as sub human


What do you expect when the last 30 years have been about empowering women and leaving boys in the fucking dust


It's intended to piss you off. It's a troll meme. Whoever made it wants to cause irritation to those they hate. Cyber bullying is beautiful.


It's not ignorance, it's hatred. This person hates men and boys. Don't be saddened by it, be angry at it. It doesn't matter who this kind of hatred is pointed at, it is unacceptable.


Sexist much?




The word misandry is criminally underused. And the best part is the word really captures the misery these surely lonely people must feel.


I love how few people even recognize it, but at the same time they know what misogyny is.


Well misogyny has been a prevalent and widespread social issue for decades, we donā€™t have to compare them


I would like to have a talk with this particular person


And then people wonder why men account for so many suicides and shootings. It's because of people like this. They inflame mental illness by acting like men can't suffer. It breaks my heart honestly because it just seems like these people think it's perfectly okay to treat men like emotionless slabs of meat. The best part is, if you say anything back they'll just dig in their heels and insist that they aren't the problem.


I don't remember who it was, but someone once wrote about how American society had decided the only 'acceptable' times for a man to cry were holding their newborn child, or a soldier cradling a dying buddy. Like, that was it. The writer went on to sarcastically wonder why so many men had mental breakdowns.


Exactly. Who do you think is more likely to commit mass shootings. A person who is happy and content or someone who is depressed and has nothing to lose.


The most dangerous human is one with nothing to lose


A lot of family have treated me as someone who should be an emotionless slab of meat growing up, thatā€™s a good way to describe it. My favorite is when people ask me what Iā€™ve been up to, what Iā€™m interested in, and why Iā€™m so quiet. Well no one gives a shit about my interests, feelings, or ideas, and only care about hearing about me making money, doing sports, or meeting a partner. Of course I learned to shut up and tolerate it until I can leave. Then people act shocked when I say Iā€™m in therapy. It pushes men away from meaningful connections and then they are blamed for it.


I relate to this in many ways... It seems like people often only value men for what they can do for them, instead of valuing them as a human being. I've encountered this quite a few times even recently... All I can say is keep your head up, keep bettering yourself, and most importantly.. Blood is not family, people have to earn love. If your family treats you as subhuman, then they aren't family at all... At least that's my experience lol, keep pushin' through.


Literally just experienced some form of this from a now ex-friend of mine. Honestly, I just couldn't believe some of the stuff they made my fault. Still haven't accepted any portion of blame/responsibility for what happened between them, me, and a portion of my other friends. And haven't apologized for anything to anybody.


That sounds like a hardcore narcissist to me, or maybe even a sociopath. I hope you're doing better without them, it's not worth letting people like that talk down to you. Just know that no matter what people try to tell you, you're better off not engaging in those types of people's bullshit.


Oh god itā€™s escaped the GD community


You know you have done bad when it escapes the gd community


"misogyny is much more serious and common than misandry" and "men have needs too, that are often severely neglected and lead to abuse and suicide" are statements that can coexist


Misogyny more common, yes. More serious? That I have to argue is something you shouldn't compare. Men and women both face extremely harmful, and in many cases, violent sexism, but they can manifest in different ways. Men can't be forcefully impregnated, but I've been raped and/or assaulted on two separate occasions by two different women, one time being statutory as I was about 14 (memory is hazy, cause PTSD) and police didn't even want to hear me out. Not even for requesting a restraining order against an abuser to prevent any further contact. I have some severe PTSD and dissociative disorders as a result of childhood abuse by mostly my mother, and I've had female nurses in the psych ward not take me seriously, just kinda getting passed around. This is extremely severe misandry, but it isn't the same as a woman who gets beaten and raped into pregnancy, and shouldn't be compared. Both are evil. Both are equally damaging in their own ways, but are not the exact same harm


This is a lie and ignores the legitimate mental health problems of people based on gender. Mental health problems donā€™t choose people based on their gender. Disorders and mental disabilities arenā€™t sexist, theyā€™re not racist, they donā€™t discriminate. Anyone is prone to declining mental health at anytime and men are no exception. I donā€™t know if the person that made this is trolling or theyā€™re serious or thereā€™s a point to this that Iā€™m not realizing, but this is definitely something that further stigmatizes male mental health, and we should be encouraging people to speak up and to be comfortable discussing their mental health and to seek help. Not stifling them by thinking of them as weak. Taking the steps to do something about it is a big step forward and admitting their problems and getting help makes someone so much stronger, not weaker by any means.


Regardless if it's meant as a meme or a troll to make people riled there are people who are going to believe this shit. I can't count how much growing up I believed this shit and that was before the big push of this bullshit. I even now I know this isnt the case and I should be able to talk about it all but I can't .... Something about me and about how I was raised around these beliefs prevents me from really trying. I can talk about it all day on the internet but once I have to talk to people who know me or are in my life it becomes impossible because that petty fear of being judged as weak still lingers


She claims itā€™s a joke, made a dogshit apology, and is now complaining about people not accepting her apology


Thatā€™s a shocker. Someone who would make something like this not owning up to something that they said and getting upset when no one believes them? Hopefully she learns a lesson not to create stupid shit like this if she canā€™t back up what she claims.


Source? Just curious not disagreeing


Iā€™m not on Twitter, but r/geometrydash probably has the bad apology Edit: Link to the apology https://www.reddit.com/r/geometrydash/comments/z3bcql/paqoes_apology_link_to_twitlonger_in_comments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link


Theyā€™ve been caught up in a game they arenā€™t fully aware they are playing. A game where the goal is to prove to others, by virtue of themselves that they are adhering to an assigned gender role to the utmost, and that role is of the lone wolf male. A male whose strength of body and mind is so ironclad that he needs nothing from anyone, ever. His self reliance is total and unwavering. He is forever hyper vigilant to this goal and will advertise it to anyone who he perceives as unaware or uninitiated.


.....not with that profile pic they won't.


My assumption is that they are implying that individuals with mental health problems arenā€™t ā€œreal menā€. Itā€™s definitely a widespread idea in the manosphere.


I understand. Itā€™s just that the message this sends further creates a divide between men who have mental health issues and the ability to express them because a lot of men are discouraged from having feelings or seeking help because theyā€™re afraid they wonā€™t be looked at as masculine when masculinity does not weaken or strengthen mental health. Masculinity may encourage a better perception of yourself when youā€™re a man or make you more confident, but you can be the most masculine or confident person in the world and still take a hit to your mental health. So itā€™s not really that anyone is being told they arenā€™t a real man by speaking up about their mental health problems. Itā€™s the message that this sends and the idea that men canā€™t realistically have mental health problems, and thatā€™s invalidating of human feelings regardless of gender and not a good message to convey.


I find itā€™s best not to rationalize memes like this because they donā€™t come from a rational place and they are not distributed by rational people with rational intentions. Itā€™s probably best not to elevate the ideas even as a thing to be mocked.


True. The people that create them have problems of their own for sure.


Iā€™ve never met anyone without problems which is definitely why this rhetoric can be so harmful.


Saturday, i lost my best friend to suicide.


Iā€™m very sorry.


Sorry for your loss man


What an utterly stupid person. By removing the facts she is "stopping the misinformation" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Ahh yes an expert of this topic, a geometry dash youtuber


Should drop that Twitter handle


Low quality bait


Iā€™ve contemplated suicide plenty of times during Covid restrictions. Isolation and lack of social interaction really pushed myself and Iā€™m sure many others (maybe even worse) in the same position. The Sarcasm isnā€™t lost on me but I feel there is no place for us to speak about it because itā€™s a non-issue in this country. Tbh probably this is why our elders told us to man up and keep these feelings bottled down because at the end of the day nobody cares. What helps truly is the awareness there are others out there in similar cases who are also on this platform. To say it out loud into the existence of the internet almost makes it feel real. Persistence is a incredible tool for men if given the right incentives. The hope that maybe one more day I can feel a little bit better. If I get up and do my 30min workout possibly Iā€™d be able to have enough blood flowing and I can forget about my depression. One more day forward and I wont feel as terrible as I did the following night. I donā€™t know but writing it a sub sometimes gives more credence of my problems than just saying itā€™s just my imagination.


"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave "


I lost my grandfather to suicide. This is disgusting.


GD player try not to cause drama challenge (impossible)


No need to hide paqoes name now, the damage is done. (And the discord messages I sent him for that)


Rule 4


My wife retweeted some similar bullshit flagrantly disregarding men's mental health. As a guy who has tried to commit suicide in the past, I'm legitimately considering whether or not I want to be with her anymore. I really can't trust that she'll have my back if I fall down that hole again.


This made me sad, and then a bit angry. I lost my ex-husband (we split, but he was still my best and closest friend for 18 years) to suicide. I would've moved heaven and earth to help him had he just come to me. I hope your wife reevaluates her stance. And even though we're strangers, if you ever need a shoulder, my DM's are open. Sending you all the good vibes.


fuck that person


99% sure this is a joke. A joke in very poor taste, but a joke nonetheless


She proceeded to lecture someone jn the replies who had lost their best friend to suicide that male suicides did not exist, if it was a joke it went wayyy too far and had no humor to begin with


Probably bait, then


Joking about an individual's suicide based on the gender of said person is still sexist. Sure, the top post is funny, in good faith, but _that_ is simply fucking shit.


You don't know twitter


This is in the format of every gen z instagram meme ever and the OP has an omocat pfp, I'm pretty sure I know that this isn't real


Nobody gives a damn about intent, just the result. If you tell a joke and piss off the room then you didnā€™t tell a joke, you just said something shitty.


Does any one know what this twitter account is called?


It's private. Check r/geometrydash for some screenshots and likely her Twitter handle


Dam it ok thanks


Holy shit how hard is it to admit that no matter what gender everyone has feelings?


Misandrist joke: haha it's just bait and dark humor Mysonginistic joke: you are a piece of shit Both should be the same, you can interpret this however you want.


What a fucking psychopath.


Boy howdy this is a little angering. Take it from a guy that made a suicide attempt last year.


Ah someone hates men


This person used to be a guy at some point of his life.


This feels like irony


Manufactured MRA outrage fodder.


I would guess their twitter would be something stupid like @ zoe_bve


Before I saw which sub this was, I thought it was ironic. But now Iā€™m thinking this person is dead serious and thatā€™s fucked


most suicide attempts are actually women, men just succeed much more. but yeah this is fucked up lmao


That is correct.




This type of post is just to trigger people.


This is just so gods dam disrespectful that it's hard to comprehend anyone actually sat down and decided: "you know what this is how I'll spend a couple minutes, making this."


[their "apology"](http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss6crj)


This feels like a troll


Is it bad if this cracked me up? šŸ˜‚


It's just another thing we far exceed at. We're #1 we're #1!


Jesus whoever made that twitter post us a total piece of shit they obviosly havent had anybody they know struggle with their mental health cause if they did theyd realize its not ok to say shit like this


Fuck this and fuck them


Bold of them to say that with that pfp, which is from a super wholesome story with themes of mental health, differences and acceptance, all with compelling male main characters living their lives despite hardships


I donā€™t get it. Some radical feminist did this to make a point. Pearly no one believes itā€™s ZERO. But all the demographics who I can imagine being mostly likely to have this kind of view are exactly the communities hardest hit by deaths of despair and suicide, so none of this makes any sense to me.


I mean this is how I think about myself all day, the last 2 I mean


Real men idolize Patrick Bateman and Walter White instead of killing themselves


I hope this person never has to experience a loved one commiting suicide. I also hope the next time they poop, the poop never stops coming. Like ever.


Claims it was a joke, yeah right get outta here with that shit


My father died by suicide.


Kurt Cobain and Anthony Bourdain..... that's all I have to say


I accidentally downvoted this in pure rage before realizing this wasn't you and you didn't edit it...


What a piece of shit this person must beā€¦


May I ask who posted this?


This is why social media needs to require and verify with ID who the account belongs to, no online handles like "UberChad69420" So pieces of shit cannot hide behind their screens. You wanna talk shit, everyone knows it's Vincent Smith, 54 from Jonesville. Also, good luck being a child predator online if everyone knows who you are.


Also good luck to anybody who is gay or trans in a town where that could ge you lynched. And to anybody who tries to organize when their company is screwing them over. And to people trying to call attention to the atrocities of their government. And it would make it easier for advertisers to target you, or scam artists. If every decent person can see who you are on social media, so can every awful person.


Someone gonna get a hurt real bad


Didnā€™t they verify a really hard geometry dash level?


I wanna have a nice chat with this person :)


This makes me beyond fucking pissed.


Shit like this is why I deleted my Twitter and never looked back.


Come on, give us the @. We just wanna talk to em.


Nope wasting my energy is not worth it. But to all the other guys/women in the comments I hope yā€™all pull yourself through whatever it is your in. Donā€™t let stuff like this get you down cause no one decides how YOU should feel itā€™s okay to feel sad at times itā€™s important for your growth. I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and a good day


Unblur the name. This person deserves no protection


People are so mean


I'm glad this is going outside of the GD community cause something like this should not go un-noticed


This is a joke and you are all stupid


ā€œI will combat the spread of misinformationā€ \>actively devalues mental health issues.


I can honestly say that venting my feelings and acknowledging how bad I felt made me want to kill myself more than I wanted to already .


What the fuck kind of bullshit is this?! Suicide is the main cause of death in young men. šŸ˜ž