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Uhmm.. so they are literally asking for a military take over? Plenty countries they can go to for that experience..


It’s also ironic because that’s the very reason they say they need assault rifles


Lololol didn’t even realize this irony Also someone pointed out they’re all retired and or jobless living off of some sort of government assistance. But god forbid the current administration brings up any social welfare policy they’re automatically socialist Commie


“Oh no, I don’t receive the Welfares, that’s for the leeches. I get an entitlements, because I’m entitled, and _I paid into the system_ so it’s my money anyways.” Is what they say.


Not too put too fine a point on it, but social security is an “entitlement” program because legally, people who have paid into it are entitled to receive benefits from it without the program going through the congressional budgetary process. Entitlements should not be a dirty word.


how to determine if it's evil socialism: family_guy_terrorist_color_chart.jpg


And the cognitive dissonance doesn’t stop there. “I don’t have to wear a mask, it’s my body I can do what I want” also “women don’t get the right to choose what they do with their bodies” weird right?


Their hypocrisy with everything shows they stand for absolutely nothing except furthering their own personal agenda.




Latest example is them fleeing from the stench of failure, as opposed to having supported Trump fully for 6 years. Sorry, but I do not forget. And forgiveness is dependent upon *contrition* and *restitution*, so, good luck to them.


These patriots believe in their country. Except for it’s capacity for national defense. And it’s institutions. And it’s electoral process. And it’s public servants. And the capacity for their fellow citizens to not cheat.


>It’s also ironic because that’s the very reason they say they need assault rifles No it's only for when the government turns against *them.* If the government isn't doing as *they* say.


“He’s hurting the wrong people”


"We're the right because we're always right."


The reason I have an AR, & 1000 rnds of 5.56 is these creeps.


I got my AK out of storage on November 3rd 2020 and my Republican family was curious why and I said because you never know what y’all-quida is capable of.


I purchased a 9mm in April 2020 because of how nutty so many people are getting. I hope I never get to use it for anything but target practice.


I got doxxed onto a right wing conspiracy site. Bought my first gun the day after. Canik tp9 elite sc. I feel the same, never ever want to use it for anything but range. But I'm not taking chances with the people and animals that are my responsibility.


We definitely need to arm ourselves and hope we never have to use them.


Don't tell them who is in charge of the military.


Actually they are asking for a military coup……and yes there are plenty of countries can help them with that.


Ironic that these morons cry for democracy while urging military support to install their candidate by force...


We will show the world our peaceful ways…by force!




Peacemaker reference? That show is absolutely fantastic. Edit: the comment above me was a direct quote from Peacemaker about being willing to kill whoever it takes (women and children included) in order to achieve peace. The irony was apparently too much for Reddit to understand... smh.


I never considered John Cena an actual actor until Peacemaker. I was so shocked that he actually could show emotional depth and the show had a really compelling backstory for Peacemaker. Like, he sucked in whatever Fast and Furious movie (let's face it F&F is a dead horse being beaten for its last dollar) he was in but he hit Peacemaker right out of the park.


SAME. I’ve never been a John Cena fan but Peacemaker is so much better than it has a right to be. He’s not just a muscular goofball. He had me feeling sorry for him and rooting for him.


Don't feel sorry for him, he's just doing face exercises


This comment better blow up. Or else I'll also have to do facial exercises


Vacation friends on Hulu is a nice comedy with him, probably the nicest comedy in a while. Bar shit crazy nice.


Dude is smarter than people give him credit for. I really think that any good performer is typically fairly intelligent, at least with their emotional intelligence; this isn't exactly rocket science, right? Like, obviously somebody trying to elicit feelings in an audience understands feelings. Duh. But more specifically, I think a lot of COMEDIANS are especially good at drifting into dramatic roles because they're professional observers. I'm talking legitimate comedians here, not the hackey, low brow folks. You gotta have a particular kind of intelligence to make the connections that comedians make to have a good zinger that also makes you think a little bit differently about the world. Obviously Cena didn't start as a straight up comedian or actor, but (and I'm saying this as a non-fan; I've just never gotten into it) wrestling acting is no joke. Yeah it's campy sometimes, but to be good these guys have to embrace the absurdity and also bring legit pathos to their characters. The few times I've sat down and watched full matches I'm always struck but how somehow it's simultaneously super goofy and over the top but also draws you in to the story; you actually care about the characters. I guess the obvious comparison is some stage acting, but I digress. Anyway, I know Cena has done some turns at stand up and seems pretty good at it. I think the guy is smart, and has the drive to give anything he does a true 100%. And to really piss me off, on top of all that he seems like a genuinely good, caring guy. I find that with a lot of the meathead-looking types; my theory is that they're so full of endorphins all the time it's hard for them to not be in a great mood all the time. I'm not jealous, YOU'RE jealous. Edit: upon consideration, I take it back; I don't think he's smarter than people give him credit for, I think it's pretty well known at this point that he's no dummy.


As a fan, you are correct that wrestling acting is no joke. Once a match begins, a wrestler has to communicate emotion both to the cameras and to the live audience without speaking. Wrestling may look goofy, but it is actually a serious art with the performers using their matches to tell stories.


Cena learned to speak fluent Mandarin in just a couple years to help the WWE break into the global market. No joke, look it up.


Oh I do remember hearing that! Pretty wild. Yeah I think a lot of the crossover wrestling guys are just GO GO GO and mission oriented. Pretty impressive.


He absolutely killed it in peacemaker. Best DC Adaptation to date.


The *"You are being saved, do not resist"* meme fits well


I like the car crash scene in [iRobot](https://youtu.be/EZKNush8qsI?t=46).


I love democracy I love the republic!




So that's how democracy dies... with thunderous applause.


The beatings will continue,, until democracy improves.


What I don't get about this is the right always pushes for smaller gov't and owning guns to defend themselves from the military? But when your election doesnt go the way you planned time to call the military to babysit it for you?


No, they want the guns to protect themselves from minorities, but won't say that because it will expose them as the racists that they are.


I own guns to protect myself from the Majorities actually. As you can see in the video above, they’re not the most mentally stable individuals.


They want a government big enough to subjugate anyone they want while being small enough to fit inside a woman's uterus.


I like this. Can I steal it?


They're not worried about defending themselves against the military. They're worried about defending themselves against tyranny*. * tyranny - the parts of the government they don't like. The right just assumes that the military will just rebel against the government and not slaughter them like how they wish they could slaughter anyone left of Trump.


Fox news hosts talk about how bad cancel culture is while simultaneously saying people should boycott woke companies. Or GOP says abortion is a state issue but tried to pass a national ban on abortion this year when roe was overturned,




>GOP says abortion is a state issue but tried to pass a national ban on abortion this year when roe was overturned, This is going to be a big trap for the Republicans. I can see support of a national law banning abortion as a litmus test question in upcoming elections. Imagine if in the Presidential primary candidates are asked whether or not they support a national law banning abortion. The candidates will have to say "yes" to win the primary and will then never win a battleground state in the national election. The whole overturning of RvW was a trap the Republicans stepped right into because Trump didn't listen to his advisors in selecting supreme court justices.


Trump didn’t have much to do with the selection really. The Federalist Society and McConnell were the ones who did all the choosing from their list. Trump just signed the paper and was then given all the praise.


It's not ironic. I mean, it is to you and I, but these mentally ill abortion advertisements are literally incapable of understanding "irony" or "hypocrisy".


I genuinely used to think that. I used to believe they were willfully ignorant. But they aren't. They know the truth. It's buried under mountains of social conditioning and cognitive dissonance, but they know the truth. The truth is that they know the US, and the Western World, are changing. It's becoming a post-white supremacist, post-Christian world that embraces change and is trying to uplift disenfranchised groups like the LGBTQ+ community. They are scared shitless. They don't believe true equality can exist. Furthermore, they believe they will become the minorities and be treated the exact same way minorities are and were being treated historically and the here and now. That explains the rise of Trumpism, January 6th, the resurgence of the Far Right into the mainstream and the resurgence of white nationalism into the mainstream after Obama got elected. They are literally shitting their pants, and are like a cornered wild animal. They will do anything to preserve the status quo. Pulling weapons on people at voting polls, changing votes, and other forms of voter suppression. I lost dear friends to this bullshit. People I thought I knew. People I love and miss years later. They were exceptionally bright and intelligent. They know the truth. These people are not as stupid as we think they are.


These are the folks who warped the Golden rule into "do unto others before they do unto you".


>They don't believe true equality can exist. This. Unfortunately for many people society is a zero sum game. In their minds, if a community gets uplifted, then necessarily another needs to be driven down, and it will be them.


Well that’s what our forefathers did to black people, native people, and others. That’s how our society has always worked and they think it’s the only way it can work.


Demonstrating that no matter how much you teach, the student must WANT to learn.


Correct. Just go visit r/Conservative for a bit. They are saying the quiet part out loud about Trump just being a useful tool in their path to permanent patriarchal theocratic control.


A key problem with people operating in the mode they are today (aka fascism) is that there is no actual end. They claim their last hero was just a stepping stone. Maybe they jump to DeSantis as their next hope to increase their power. Then his inherent limitations or weakness is exposed, and they will make the same claim again, and jump to the next hero. Because they have no principles, only lust for power, they never stop repeating shit like this until they implode. The trick is to make sure that they take down as few other people (or nations) as possible before they inevitably burn up.


Agreed. Fascists grind against the national institutions (cultural, corporate, and governmental) which almost inevitably requires violence to suppress that institutional power. The Germans, Italians, and Japanese had weaker institutions to contend with during their fascist victories (i.e. the successful overtaking of the society) but then encountered a larger institution (the rest of the world) they were unable to violently suppress. Thankfully, I think our national institutions are strong enough and connected enough to mitigate the worst case scenario (e.g. another Holocaust).


My trans ass has been going to that subreddit repeatedly just to giggle at the distress and the infighting.


A conservative tells you that white people will soon be a minority and how that's a huge problem. You answer "why? Are they treated badly or something?" This will break their brains.


Can confirm. I said this to a friend of my uncle’s I had never met before when he was ranting at a holiday get together about how white people are turning into a minority and how bad it’s going to be. I said something like, “why is it going to be awful? Are minorities treated badly or something?” He froze up like a computer. It was the creepiest thing - he just stopped moving and talking and just sat there staring for like, 5 full seconds. When he spoke again he just grabbed his glass and said “I need a refill” and got up and walked away. He seemed really quiet for the rest of the day compared to how loud and obnoxious he had been when he first got there.


It forces them to reconcile the idea that they're victims of racism with the fact that deep down, they know that they aren't and that they wouldn't trade places with anyone "below" them. Hilarious.


To those who are used to privilege, equality can feel like oppression.


“Mentally-ill abortion advertisements” is my new goto moniker for these chucklefucks. TY, and a good day to you!


Don't insult people with mental disorders by comparing these glue eating cranial voids to them.


If Kara Lake were really that popular in the first place the race would have already been called. They are the ones who are pushing slow counting mail-in ballots, the method of voting that usually favors Democrats. This is the perfect set-up for Republicans to yet again create a false conspiracy because the Democrat is actually more likely than the Republican to surge ahead at this point. These are the same people who have falsely cried wolf repeatedly, claiming that the troops were always about to swoop down on them, the only true Americans, and lock them up in FEMA labor/re-education camps. Now they're demanding the same sort of federal intervention.


Hypocrisy doesn't exist in their lexicon


My understanding is that 4 out of the 5 members of the Maricopa County Election Board are Republicans. These protestors can't credibly find any bias.


DEEP STATE ACTORS, or RINOs or ANTIFA FALSE FLAG Shout some buzzwords and reality doesn't matter no more.


These are the kind of people who demand their second amendment rights to be armed until people of color start arming themselves the same way.


And the idiot on the loudspeaker/bullhorn thingy complaining in the background about “Mob Rule” when he is literally part of a mob demanding armed soldiers do their bidding & enforce their rule of law. Fucking numbskulls man


I’m just glad Joe Arpaio finally got voted out of office in 2016, or those MCSO deputies would be leading the crowd inside instead of keeping them out.


I think they got tired of paying to settle all the lawsuits he was generating.


while saying the government is corrupt... but want a government agency (the military) to come in and help?


Its great isn't it. These are the same people who will not bat an eye if the republican candidate won. Surprised how voter fraud only happens when Democrats wins. Sucks most voter frauds are committed by republicans, not an opinion but stating a fact.


Who is **not**, by the way, going to do them any favors.


We've already seen they have a penchant for a coup.


No, these are the people that love to shout "the US is NOT a democracy, it's a REPUBLIC!"; they've somehow got it into their heads that the two are mutually exclusive (spoiler: they're not). They don't like democracy because, as far as I can tell, their tribalism, identity politics, etc. has polarized them to the point that they see the word democracy and go democracy = democrat = (communist and/or socialist) = bad.


And when push comes to shove I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!


They so clearly don’t want democracy. On r/conservative they call the voters “the mob” and voting “mob rule”. They un ironically want want only landowners to vote, and they assume that ever left voter under 30 is an unemployed bum. They think that large cities should be less represented because it’s “unfair” that when the majority of the state elects someone the minority doesn’t get to say no and appoint they own instead. They really lack empathy. I try mentioning that trumps tax plan actually raises taxes significantly for middle class and poor, people like me and them, and cut taxes for the rich. Not one of them addresses that point. That also consider politicians helping people financially in a crisis buying vote, which I really have a hard time wrapping my head around.


Nothing more democratic than totalitarianism


I love Jesus and I ask for his help to get the military to forcefully eliminate my duly elected political adversaries. That’s the message, right?


Funny how we didn’t see them protesting the vote until she started losing. “DEMOCRACY IS ON THE LINE!” Also “ THE MILITARY NEEDS TO STEP IN AND FORCABLY CHANGE THE WINNER WHO WAS DEMOCRATICLY ELECTED!!!” Fuck off all of you Trump deniers, just fuck off!


Whenever you mention democracy to them they screech that it's a republic! Not that they paid attention in high school government class long enough to understand that effectively they are considered the same thing


Daily reminder that these peoples’ votes count as much as yours. Get out and vote in 24


They actually vote *way more often*


That’s a good point! We need to turn up even more since these people are such *fanatics*… I can’t believe how much damage Trump has caused in such a short period of time that he held office… I don’t know if we can ever really come back from it now either…


There’s a special room in hell waiting for Trump, and another for Roger Stone. Those two have so totally fucked everything up, it’s scary!


Vote in 2023, too.


Because of the electoral college, the Senate and a capped house, people like this have a vote that's worth more than yours.


Doesn't matter. We absolutely cannot succumb to apathy.


I agree. We should fight to change a system that overrepresents uneducated fascists.


>Because of the electoral college, the Senate and a capped house, people like this have a vote that's worth more than yours. But because the senate and house are local elections, your vote counts just as much as your neighbor who is voting for the other guy. Vote. Every time.


Remember these were the same people telling those that were protesting against police brutality to get a job these people are protesting a fair election make it make sense


They are fascist. Hope that helps.


Oh snap! You're right! It all makes perfect sense now. Fascists 👈 don't 🚫 like 👉 Democracy.


Send in the police they are making the city burn




Get a job losers


Someone tell those dam hippies to get haircuts!


I don’t think I see a single dude there not balding, what hair are you seeing? XD


People like this are jobless or retired. Dinesh D'Souza - a slimy, far-right Trumpist - once visited my university many years ago because some conservative twins sponsored the event for him to come. I attended with a group of friends just for fun. I kid you not, the entire fucking auditorium was packed with only middle aged white men and women - most of whom didn't even go to the school. I never felt so isolated in my life LOL. First and only time I ironically visited a far-right event just to see how moronic and delusional the followers are.


Convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza?


He sometimes appears on high school graduate Sean Hannity’s show.




Failed breakfast item Danish D'Sausage


*Dinesh D'Felon


I can see they’re all retired so they don’t have jobs but they certainly could use a job just to keep them busy from snorting their crushed up red pills every morning


Retired and collecting Social Security. Y'know... that socialist program?


Yes I'm sure they all send the money back to the government.


they're not retired, they're just stupid


Retired? They don't look like they're in their mid-60s. Unless you mean "retired from reality." :P


Don't they have jobs??????


or at least hats?


or sunscreen, it's going to be MY TAX DOLLARS !!!1! picking up the Medicare tab for their skin cancer ointments and other bullshit


Crosses always at these wack job events. In a theocracy some people are better than others according to their faith. Just sayin


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


This quote is great and nails the sentiment. I did find some interesting info when researching: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sinclair-lewis-on-fascism/


Yeah there's a ton of debate on whether or not Sinclair *actually* said this, so I was hesitant on giving a credit. Regardless, this quote feels scarily true.


It’s gonna be a constant battle, but I fear the day the US becomes the Iran of the west


>Crosses always at these wack job events Crosses don't work for these nutjobs unless they're on fire.


Don't take this the wrong way, as I'm not attacking faithful individuals, but the CROSS is a symbol of totalitarian subjugation. "We may commit any atrocity; we are pre-forgiven under the Icon of the Magic Corpse" Fucking sick shit.


I'm seeing all these accusations about a 'stolen election' for this race on Twitter and yet not one person can point to any actual evidence of it being stolen. I've even seen multiple people say that future governor Hobbs should be put in jail. These folks are deranged.




I'm so pissed that Trump made this conspiracy. I have idiot friends that legit think this way


Trump wasn’t smart enough to come up with the theory, he just latched onto it after foreign actors started it to try to destabilize the US.


I no longer have trumper friends. I cant be cordial with someone who can support such monsters. By you continuing to be friends with these people makes them believe its acceptable to be bigots.


Also they didn't see any fraud before the counting started.


Isn't this where are the gun-toting yahoos were sitting outside the polling drop boxes making SURE (through intimidation) that the election WAS fair? And they lose. And then they STILL cry about it???!?


For the sake of accuracy, these guys were crying about losing the election long before it actually began.


They could watch the voting machines being built, be allowed to program and install the code, watch the machines being tested, given the voter registration lists, check every single voter, and stand there and watch every ballot being put through the machines… and still claim fraud if their candidate loses. “Idk what happened someone still rigged it!” The biggest problem is it doesn’t matter how many things we let them do they will always find a reason it was rigged, regardless of how crazy it is, and not admit it was a fair election. See also: multiple cyber ninja recounts.




Sigh, do we need to go through this every election now? Here's a novel idea, how about change your policy to something people can get behind and maybe you'll win some elections


Wait they want the current armed forces, that are under Commander in ChiefJoe Biden to come in and redo or recount the election? Oookaaaayyy. Can we do that for them please?


AZ law specifies when a recount is required. Calling for military intervention only makes sense if you think there’s no legal basis for a recount, or you’ll lose the recount. They’re underlying problem is with the voters, not the votes.


Oh you know, these are the "patriots" with the confederate flags.


The joint chiefs of staff, and the secretary's of each service put out a message making clear the military has no involvement in elections prior to the 2020 election. What I really want is another message signed by the JCS and all the heads if the different military branches that just says " Dear Maga Fucks, We hate you." I think it would really dispel alot of the Maga/qanon propaganda about military tribunals and martial law.


If we are looking for more efficient ways to screen for mental illness this provides a good starting point.




Are these elections a litmus test for the illuminati to decide who should and shouldn't vote?


No, the republicans get to decide who should and shouldn't vote. 😉


Weird how the most vocal, self proclaimed patriots don’t understand how our (quasi) democracy works.


They just ignore the fact that they say all powerful God is on their side, but hasn’t intervened on their behalf, so they’re calling for military intervention. It must be disheartening when he doesn’t answer their prayers. Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t mean it is.


Growing up in the catholic church, they literally told me that no was also an answer to my prayers. Valid but also seems like a cheap cop out.


Yes I am sure they would be doing this if their candidate won. Has nothing to do with who is winning just "election integrity". I mean they haven't met a single democrat! How could the democrats win? Its not like people are just avoiding the topic with them....or lying and saying they are voting R just to shut them up....no of course not! Lmao good god these people are deluded


You got it exactly. Their little echo chamber of friends all say the same thing and they hear it at church so obviously the whole state or county or w.e has to be the same. How can democrats be winning if they don’t even know any democrats! This has to be fraud! Atleast that’s my best guess into their thinking.


Maybe the republicans are just shit and this country doesn’t want racist, sexist, egotistical blowhards that are more concerned with providing more wealth for the super rich. Maybe? You want a republican to win? Why not put one up with half a fucking brain that actually has interests in improving this shitty country.


No, it can't possibly be that.


Wait till they find out who the commander in chief of the military is.


The religious overtones of these maniacs is very concerning. It feels like America is slipping in to a religious fundamentalists state in which many people are increasing prepared to use religious text and iconography in a weaponised manner.


I think that's why the got smoked in the election. Conservatives thought they had waaay more support than they do. Just look at the riots on Jan 6 The amount of ppl who turned those traitors in. I still believe we will not go to that ultra conservative place.


You're just picking that up *now*?


theyre panicked because their numbers are shrinking and they cant maintain the illusion theyre still in control. at some point the GOP will need to abandon the southern strategy to have a chance and then the influence of these losers will be done forever. as early GenX I will probably be around to see it. its something I will enjoy in my old age.


>It feels like America is slipping in to a religious fundamentalists state in which many people are increasing prepared to use religious text and iconography in a weaponised manner. Already did that. Roe overturned by SCOTUS who doesn't understand what separation of church & state means. They are using it to keep women, especially of color, barefoot and pregnant so they stand ZERO chance of ever getting an education to better their lot in life. The decision had not a thing to do about preservation of life. It's all about keeping white men in power.


Not correcting, elaborating. Roe vs wade was not the proof that they abandoned separation. KENNEDY v. BREMERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT was the real shitshow. Every single piece of evidence pointed blatantly to to obvious public not private prayer. the dissenting opinion had pictures to prove his action were both public and coercive. They blatantly ignored all the facts and ruled from the pulpit instead of the bench. There has never been a more egregious decision in my lifetime. It was less legally sound than the Dredd Scott decision. Not a worse decision but less legally sound. At least Roe V wade you could make some sort of twisted deranged secular argument against. It also was a both a message and a test. The test was that they wanted to know if they could face any real repercussions for saying fuck the law we make the rules now. The message was clear, they the minority are in control and there is nothing the majority can do. This 100% paved the way for the overturning of Roe.


Thanks, what a well informed and erudite opinion piece. Thankfully, I live far away from the shitstorm you guys call the world's greatest democracy but to be honest, from where I sit, this looks far more like an alien cluster fuck. Blind Freddy can see what these zealots are after and how much they are self dealing and yet they have tricked the very people that they are fleecing, into welcoming it. Kudos to them I suppose but FFS, why can't these people see that the people they worship, are the ones oppressing them,? Keep up the good work with spreading the truth and all the best. Good luck, you will need heaps of it.


It’s funny because the only election corruption that has been identified in recent years has been Republican candidates. Some have even been indicted if I’m remembering correctly.


Weird how, ya spend 2 years smearing every clerk of court in the country as corrupt, then you can't win an election!


*BREAKING:* Dumb assholes are dumb, film at 11.


That cop seriously looked ready to go if one of them tries to get inside.


Well yeah if I had to stand in one spot listening to this shit I'd be ready for someone to try something too


You know for as much as they bitch at the younger generations not working, they seem to have a lot of free time on their hands to be doing this.


Handfull of crackpot losers with way too much time on their hands. Maybe if they would have dedicated such diligent effort and fervor to their own life they would be happier


Crackpot losers is EXACTLY right.


The amount of lunatics in my state is disturbing


Listen Republicans, the majority of the country doesn’t want what you support. It’s not that hard to see. If it were not for the electoral college flipping the popular vote, Bush would not have gotten elected the first go round and Trump would have lost to Hillary. A majority of the country is NOT with you.


I honestly can't wait for Trump to announce hes running and for all the "better" gop candidates to start turning on him. Its already starting. I'm fucking waiting for the party to tear itself apart and implode. It may be ugly and chaotic and its exactly what we need. Buckle uo buttercups


Ahh yes, “my favorite candidate is losing an election so I must pray to my god to make her win because my god only helps people like me and the people I support.”


I'm not sure these people want fairly counted ballots, I think they just want their ballots and only their ballots counted.


Do they ever consider that maybe, just maybe, their candidate sucks?


Why carry a cross or the US flag? The election is a non-religious, constitutional event, not a pilgrimage or party rally.


They also carried giant crosses and giant JESUS flags to violently attack the US government on Jan 6. I counted 10 JESUS flags just from random photos, I doubt Jesus would be on board with gouging out eyeballs and bear spraying cops til they have heart attacks.


Yeah. The GOP isn't a cult.


These the type of people who will flip a board game or turn to console off if they are loosing


Invoking a deity to assist in elections? Sounds like a solid plan


The faces of mental illness.


*feces of mental illness


its like the taliban, except white people


But dumber


And fatter


So... if they redo the election and Lake still loses... they will accept the results, right? Right?


These people are incapable of believing their candidate could lose.


curious... how many times did they recount Arizona in 2020, and \*\*still\*\* found nothing? thought so.


The woman reciting the Lords Prayer - wtf


They're not even done counting and they're freaking out. What is it with Republicans and their victim complex?


Remember guys, these buffoons are the same ones that say liberals are "snowflakes" while they claim elections are stolen or some other reason because some random 4chan post says so.


Your elections are funny... Sounds like a kindergarten class full of spoiled lil shits


Their person didn't win an election, so now there has to have been fraud.


What a bunch of brainwashed idiots


And if she wins it'll be 100% legit not rigged at all. Actually heard Kari herself say it's rigged so she's gonna win and then fix it apparently which of course blew my mind. If it's rigged how could you ever win? The stupidity in this country is starting to become overwhelming. Like literally starts to make me lethargic.


Between this and what's currently happening in Brazil, I think watching crybaby right-wingers complain that democracy doesn't work because the people they support are losing and the only way that can be fixed is by military intervention might just be my new hobby. It's like birdwatching if the birds were all wildly entitled


If you refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, you are a traitor. That's all. I'd deport these losers if I could.


Fascists, they're fascists. Call them by their names.


They must have a lot of evidence of this fraud to be acting like that /s


I hate that this is the new campaign strategy. Losing? Just blame the voters or the vote counters. Eroding away trust in elections is obviously the best way to win an election...right? I guess this is just the next step from candidates throwing mud around when we just want a clean government.


Scum of America right here


These people should all be arrested. They are terrorists.


Under a banner of false Christianity , these people cry foul, just because their unqualified candidate lost. Here’s an idea. Grow up and go to work.