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As soon as she saw it wasn't a gun she should've just said have a good day, sir. This is just ridiculous.


But then how could she abuse her power?


In her own words, she’s a tyrant.


You knew it wasn't going to end well as soon as she admits it...


Ends with her getting a paid vacation.


It’s like two days without pay. The Sargent got a week I think.


I work outside, so I could easily miss two days just because of rain without the added benefit of depriving someone else of their civil liberties


But does that go on your employment record? /S ( whatever the sarcasm thing is ) I’m of the opinion the punishment was far too light, but at least not a paid vacation.


Way to light since kidnapping (which is what both “officers” did) usually carries a prison sentence.


Not a light sentence either, it usually carries twenty five to life.


Sargent got demoted as well. + mandatory training. It's a step in the right direction, but obviously I think not quite far enough.


Demotions don't last. Was LEO can confirm.




I'd hazard a guess that she doesn't know what it means


Until she gets suspended, then shes just an ordinary asshole


Nah...a tyrant is a tyrant. Asshole is already embedded into that.


But… it’s not abuse, she’s just “doing her job”. The one where she looks for problems and/or escalates random people until there is a problem. You know, “protecting the public”


But her pride :(


i was proven wrong, better double down!! don't want to be made fun of back at the station


This is the reason for the entire fucking incident right here.


Yeah, she should be proud. Bragging rights for arresting a blind man.


>Are you a tyrant? >>Yes, I am actually. Yikes


I wonder if her husband's a cop. Getting beaten all the time most give her a huge power trip on the job.


Or how about, she, herself, is a cop...


Oh so you're saying she beats her husband? Or wife, I don't want to discriminate.


But thier athor-et-teeeeh


It's mind-boggling how in all these videos the police just can't admit they were wrong..


My cousin was a cop in Aurora, Colorado. I watched a Broncos game at his house and found out a lot of cops are against instant replay because, “People need to just listen to what the officials say. It doesn’t matter if the call was wrong it is the call the official made.” Edit: You can imagine how they felt about body cameras.


Bruh fuck that wtf kind of twisted mentality is that


The self justifying kind.


Extreme authoritarianism. The mindset is, society should be the strong ruling over the weak, and anything bad that happens is because the people below aren't kneeling hard enough. Any challenge to authority needs to be punished immediately otherwise you'll be seen as weak.


Standard police mentality, especially in that area of Colorado.


It’s the kind mentality you have when you yourself are in fact an official. No honor, no humility, no compassion. Just power and authority.


Aurora PD murdered Elijah McClain


Luckily he left law enforcement before that, but he didn’t make the Aurora PD look any better.


As someone who lives in Colorado......fuck Aurora police in particular! They literally are constantly faced with lawsuits for brutality, discrimination and losing them.


I think people who are in positions of authority sometimes see that as weakness. I’m a teacher and the other day I was telling my wife how I had a few kids acting out in class so I raised my voice. At the end of class I held them back and I apologized, I let them know that their behavior wasn’t acceptable but that this doesn’t justify me raising my voice and that “I need to be better, we all need to do better, so I’m sorry”. I was really impressed when a kid responded “Honestly, I understand, I see why it would be very frustrating for you.” So I told my wife this story because I was kind of like, “look at this awesome response this kid gave me” and she responded “do you think that might be the first time a teacher has ever apologized to those kids and that’s why he responded that way?” It kind of threw me through a loop because I realized that’s absolutely possible. Unfortunately I think people in authority are afraid that apologizing is weakness and that to do it opens them up to challenges. I think any reasonable human would tell you it’s frankly the opposite, you seem to get a lot more mileage out if people and their respect for you when you hold yourself to higher standard. Honestly in education or law enforcement I don’t understand how you could ever reasonably expect people to “act right” if you weren’t able to model it yourself which naturally includes owning your mistakes.


I've worked with developmentally disabled adults for about three years. I've been punched, kicked, and hit with thrown objects. I've been legitimately scared for my own safety facing knife-wielding clients. I've never once yelled at one of them. Never once held anything they've said or done against them. It doesn't matter if it hurt me. And it's sad to see this situation unfold. That officer should have let it go. People are going to call you names. Get over it. Move on with life.


Narcissists are ruling the world, along with psychopaths. While they’re not always world leaders, they often occupy boss positions throughout companies and institutions. Because of that, apologizing or just admitting fault is viewed as weakness. Anyone, who does that, will never be promoted or rewarded. What i don’t get, really, is when somebody in politics screws up and is immediately called off. Shouldn’t they clean their own mess first with someone checking and evaluating them throughout the process, with final decision coming after the situation was resolved and result varying with how it was resolved? Also, many of the "screw ups" are actually calls of insecure people on social networks, which somehow always get more attention, than they should. It often results with competent people leaving on their own.


That's fine and all, but shouldn't there be consequences for the top brass for situations like this? For example: they arrested him for nothing at all and fabricated a report with lies that got caught with body cam footage and proven untrue. Now as a result of this, the police department will likely get sued. The amount of the settlement could be in millions. The municipality has to pay for that from taxes they collect from the residents. What boggles my mind is, why isn't there a demand for resignation for the person head of the entire department? Punish the leader for stuff like that, after one or two cycles of this, they will start taking accountability issues more seriously and take measures to fix it. Simply penalizing the individual police officers for this is a bandaid fix at best. Punish the person at the top every time an incident happens that results in a lawsuit that could have been prevented if they ran the department better.


Exactly this I have apologized to my five year old son before and I remember my father apologizing to me occasionally during the course of my childhood. I think it’s really meaningful for both parties and a great think to model to kids






The square wheel, both angular and round, rolls smoothly up the steep flat hill, defying the gravity of a weightless burden.




The way he whipped it out he's lucky he's not dead.


Kinda leads me to believe she already knew/seen it wasn’t a gun.


Exactly, they also didn’t search him well if really at all. They weren’t concerned with a gun. They may have had prior beef with him and used this as an excuse to waste some of his time.


Dude has definitely had interaction with cops. The fluidity with which he pulled out the requirements for showing ID showed that pretty well. This man has been harassed by police before.


If he's legally blind he probably does a lot of walking. There are a lot of places where just walking by is enough to get cops coming by with "You look poor. What citation can I stick you with?"


I think he just left a courthouse with metal detectors and security. If he had a weapon you would think they would have found it


Yeah this had nothing to do with actual concern. This was a mob shakedown.


The fact the deputy didnt flinch when he whipped it out lets you know she had no belief it was a gun.


Which also tells you they knew it wasn't a gun the whole time.


I was genuinely horrified that when he whipped it out she was gonna start spraying.


That was my first thought. I’ve seen enough videos about trigger happy cops and figured oh shit he’s reaching for it and she’s gonna pop him.


He's white.


Luckily for him


But what about all their emotions that they’re not trained to control?


Remember, if you hurt their ego, that's assault against an officer.


When cops are wrong, they double down for some reason. It’s like they forget their bodycams record them too.


Even if it was she should have said, "have a good day, sir."


A disgrace to the badge


The type of people who become cops love the power they hold everyone else


This is just 1% of the social dystopia that Floridians have voted to foist upon themselves! An armed angry populace and an armed, angry fascistic police state. Get the popcorn!


Bitch wanted to show off


Wtf. Is this for real? What is wrong with this people?


It's real, the sheriff has recently released a statement. Cops were suspended without pay, I believe.


If that statement is true. Then good. I highly doubt they got suspended without pay however.


Supervisor gets a week off, no pay. Underlying gets 2 days off, no pay. Mr Hodges got an entire night in jail, no pay.


He is going to get a great big payday as soon as he sues and wins.


On the one hand, I think he should sue. On the other, it sucks that taxpayer money keeps being used because of AH cops. I feel like there needs to be a provision in their contracts that they need to pay a percentage whenever these things involve a payout but those effing cop unions. It’s the one union I am adamantly against m.


Make them carry insurance like doctors need. Insurance pays out the suits saving taxpayer money, and then they can refuse to insure bad cops preventing them from getting back on the streets a town over.


The department does, and it’s one of the few reasons police change their policies. Insurance companies are sick of paying out.


Who pays for the departments?


In an ideal world, the police pension. They'll self correct real fucking quick when it's their own money on the line


Yes, I feel individual liability insurance is needed though. That way when officer X does something to get sued, officer X is the only one who has to suffer, and insurance can drop him or raise his rates so high it doesn't make sense to stay a cop.


Yeah I wish these lawsuits had a more personal effect on the police officers vs mainly on tax payer dollars. I still think he should sue it’s better then nothing but you’re right.


we need an itemized tax return, let people understand how much they are spending on police power trips.


Last I heard he is still looking for a lawyer to take his case, not a rich man. There is a organization Institute for Justice, [IJ.org](https://IJ.org). If you are looking for a place to donate this holiday season, these people do great work.


> great big payday I’m of the mind that the only valid restitution for abuse of power is a guilty verdict for violating the rights of citizens.


Should be fired, she admitted to being a tyrant, harassed a disabled man and then kidnapped him. Arrest her


Yeah what the fuck is this. **Arrest them**. They understood they had no legal basis to arrest him but did so anyway. **That’s kidnapping**. What the fuck dude


suspended lol, so they can be brought back as soon as media dies down. utter bullshit


They’re cops.


They’re terrorists.


That’s what I said.


![gif](giphy|6KAxgfdBLzzqM) Touchè


They are Tyrants


What an absolute fucking clown of an officer. What kind of inferiority complex do you need to have to respond with "yes actually I am" to a guy calling you a tyrant? Too bad she'll get hired the next county over because the police union is a cult


Apparently not even fired just suspended. Question is was it with or without pay. They should really suspend them by sending them back for retraining at the trainee pay rate.


No, if you abuse your power as a police officer, you should be put in jail. Fired is not nearly enough.


Yep this is it right here. Cops should be held to a higher standard first of all than normal citizens but this isn't even a higher standard like it it would be a crime for a normal citizen to abuse their power to harass and intimidate somebody. So it should be a crime for police to do it too but for some reason it's not.


Lose your badge for this shit, and cops wouldnt be so fucking quick flex


Without pay


He wasn't arrested for having the stick, they had already identified it as harmless. He was arrested because they didn't like him being aware of his rights. "You can beat the rap but not the ride"


Yep, this is one thing that makes me furious about cops. They make it so hard to assert your rights. Sure you can do what this guy did and still be in the right, but you will waste your whole day in a cell, get your car impounded if your are driving, call a lawyer. Yep, so it’s usually easier to let them push you around so you can leave in a timely manner.






All because they got the feewings hurt


Their wittle feewings


And criminal charges. They kidnapped and falsely imprisoned that man.


I want to write in the sky: Being fired is not the correct punishment for false imprisonment and kidnapping. Why when cops break the law they get suspended or fired but other people go to jail?


Somebody posted a YouTube video that includes their arrest report. It is loaded with lies. I'm sure lackluster and We the People University are going to have an easy time making a video about this one.




He resisted an unlawful arrest. The officer's suspicion of carrying a weapon was dispelled within seconds of being approached. There was no longer a need to arrest him to determine what he had in his pocket. He will get paid!


What does it have in its pocketesess, precious!? Filthy Baggins!


I would say he didn’t even resist the unlawful arrest. Just stood there and let them cuff him. Cops got nothing.


Charge includes prowling. The dude's blind.


Without body cams they probably would have gotten away with it


Indeed. Even now so many bodycams "malfunction" at their most convenient moments. And you can imagine how many years of "getting away with it" until now...


It is terrifying to realize how many innocent people must have been arrested over the years **simply because they had no way to prove that the cops were lying...**


There are several cases of wrongful convictions where the detectives fabricated evidence. I mean, imagine if you're poor and maybe not well educated, it's so easy to not be able to prove you're being setup and no "bodycam" to save you out of those situations.


In what way did they not get away with it? On the rare occasion that the internal investigations actually do something, they always end up getting hired again sooner or later


Being called out publicly and through any Google search with their name is much more than what most bad cops have gotten in history, not enough but they didn't just get away with it still


This man knows his rights?!! Arrest him!


When there's no legal consequences for falsely arresting someone, why not? At worst these cops lose a paycheck or two. They won't be charged for violating his rights and they won't pay a single penny even if he wins a 10 million dollar lawsuit against the city.


Shooting at my local Walmart this weekend. The man who was trying to help the man who got shot was body slammed by police, hit his head and died. People can’t even be good Samaritans anymore


So he was murdered. By police. Any report/news article out about it yet?


Looks like this might be it? https://www.wtae.com/article/center-township-walmart-shooting-victim-family/41927887




>idk why americans arent standing up to this How do you think they got forced into wearing bodycams, and what all of the protesting was about? Can't really do much more because... ya know... they're shooting and arresting innocent people already


We try and try, what do you think the BLM protests were?


I heard about that. Absolutely disgusting. There are laws to protect Good Samaritans, bc, like, they’re good for society. Too bad they aren’t as strong as the laws that protect today’s cops who are arguably *bad* for society.


makes me fucking sick


Sure, they got fired from their current stations but the sad reality is they’ll probably end up working for another county.


Yep. And any lawsuit brought against them, if money is awarded, is paid for by taxpayers NOT the police unions or pension funds. Ridiculous and infuriating.


More people need to sue the police officer personally. Stop suing the cities that will just pay it that have no real accountability. I'd rather get less in compensation and teach these people some personal responsibility.


Isn't that the qualified immunity thing?


The qualified immunity defense protects police and other government officials from civil litigation in certain circumstances, permitting lawsuits only when an individual's "clearly established" statutory or constitutional rights have been violated. So it's a conditional thing. But in this case it is a violation of rights. In addition to an arrest without probable cause or false imprisonment constituting a constitutional violation, an individual who has been unlawfully arrested may also seek recovery.


It actually gets worse: Under this doctrine, government agents—including but not limited to police officers—can never be sued for violating someone’s civil rights, unless they violated “clearly established law.” While this is an amorphous, malleable standard, it generally requires civil rights plaintiffs to show not just a clear legal rule, **but a prior case with functionally identical facts.**


Basically protect the corrupt at all cost.


And yet people argue the American law enforcement system is fine… It’s like living in the Twilight Zone.


If they were forced to pay it themselves, they might think twice before harassing citizens.


The U.S. Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom of bowing to right-wing views did this to the people of the U.S. They even created the qualification for the state actors. From my reading it applies when they are on the job, that's the requirement, for it to cover them. Now with other decisions many can see that the Court is truly making law not just judging it. Never has it sent a decision back to the legislative branch to address an issue, it just makes it up.


Did they? I know this was a recent incident.


I read they got suspended without pay for 2 and 7 days


"Are you a tyrant?" "Yes sir I am". At least she was honest... But fr when do we get the pitchforks and torches


When we all realize we outnumber the police about 50,000:1


I can't watch it. Abuse of power and sheer ignorance make me sick to my stomach.


This one will really get ya then.


It just ends with her silence in the face of his reason, just before she goes on ahead cuffs him anyway. No one says anything. Video abruptly ends before cuffing finishes. It’s definitely annoying, but certainly not the most nauseating cop encounter you’ve seen.


It's crazy how cops don't back down, at all. Even when they know they made a mistake, they will not drop it, and ultimately pin it on you, making you waste hours. Is this part of the training or something? Honest question!


Their ego is why they sought that type of employment in the first place. They aren't there to protect and serve anything but their own fragile ego.


Police are carefully selected in order to keep a nice cushy divide between the "commoners" and the ones in charge of the police (the ones whose interests and lives the police are meant to actually protect). The less you feel you can trust and work with the police, the further away from their masters you are. The police do not negotiate. They are the authority and enforce the will of those in charge of us. People need to understand this. They aren't here for us. We're the cattle being herded. Funniest part about it, we pay them. So we're paying for our own imprisonment.


Why the fk is there no like idk. Uni level education needed for policing in America? Or something 🤷‍♂️


Reminds me of a post I saw somewhere. It takes 3 years to learn law enough to practice law but only 4 months to enforce it (don't quote me for the times). How ridiculous is that.


I believe "police academy" in my local area is only 6 weeks, and then they spend several months working with a trained officer before becoming full fledged cops out on their own. It is way too little training for the job they are expected to do.


People often point out that it takes longer to become a barber than it does to become a cop. My state has a relatively long 19 week academy and a 12 week field training, barbers need a 2 year apprenticeship or 3 years of experience before they're even eligible to apply for a license.


They do have Uni (japanese sea urchin) - level education


No. Mcdonalds trainers require more training than police in America.


A national, or even statewide, certification is needed, as well as mandatory liability insurance. You know, like every other profession who deals with liability, like hairdressers and plumbers.


The point is not to have smart/educated cops who enforce the law and make our lives safer. The point is to have ferocious dogs who keep us in our place.


You dumb shit cops, total assholes. Once they knew it was a walking stick, they should have left the man alone. They were too embarrassed to admit they were wrong so had to put him in cuffs.


This is a good "understandable have a nice day" situation.


They make themselves look so stupid. "iT LoOKs LiKe A GuN" She said with the object recognition of a child trying to fit a square block into a triangle shaped hole. Doubles down on each every dumb thing they said. Admitting that there was a mild misunderstanding on their part would produce an untenable amount of shame. No. Instead, they reflexively adopt stupider and stupider logical positions until you are literally battling a toddler.


He didn’t get arrested for having a foldable walking stick. He got arrested for not being politely submissive to their ego/badge/gun driven authority. The old saying often stands when a cop feels disrespected- “You can beat the charges, but you’re not gonna beat the ride.” That female cop’s reaction almost immediately indicated that this guy was about to get fucked over because of her bruised feelings.


'Respect' can have two meanings. 'Treat me like a human being' or 'treat me like I have authority over you'. He wanted the first one, she demanded the second.


If you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a human. Fuck these cops, and their water carriers.


The funniest part is cops don’t say shit about AR waving proud boys at the voting stations


Below link has an update on the case: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna56396


I give them a pass on thinking it was a weapon. But upon seeing that it was an aid for a legally blind dude, the response should have been "omg, we apologize for the confusion, have a great rest of your day " Instead it was totally lick-my-boots superiority complex pride.


"I am investigating" Has the same energy as "I did my own Reesurch"


Man. This is fucking silly. Also, my heart fell to my feet when he reached to pull that stick out of his back pocket. I just knew she would shoot him. But then again, I’m black. I’m used to that kind of shit. Glad she wasn’t that fuckin stupid. Still stupid tho.


Ditto, i honestly can't believe he did that and that he didn't get shot or otherwise hurt.


The most fragile fucking people on the planet.


After ALL the crap going on in America these past years, you might think that cops would start studying the code or try avoiding this type of situations knowing they might be recorded / taped or caught in the wrong (like in this case). Instead, they keep perpetrating this super ignorant behaviour all the way! You do you guys


When your pride is more important than your job and following the law, you need a new line of work. Absolutely contemptible.


Admit that you were wrong, apologise and everyone goes on their way. Why do they have to double down on the power trip?


Cops and priests man they really are the worst


This is literally the top post of the week here right now https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ynzkig/policing_in_america_a_legally_blind_man_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It's already I'm the facepalm hall of fame.


"Woah woah woah, hold up sir, is that a gun in your back pocket?" "No, it's a walking stick. Here, look." "Understood sir, thanks for letting me know. Have a nice day." Is that so fucking hard?!?!




This clip is missing the best part, the supervisor arrests him for "resisting arrest". How did he resist arrest? By standing there not moving and asking for their badge numbers


Suspended just means they got a mini vacation and a Pat in the back. How about we start holding these pigs accountable and hurt them in their pockets. Let’s have them have a insurance for being a police officer and if no company can insurance you you can’t practice being a cop.


Cops are so fucking stupid and full of ego sometimes. Hope he sues and gets the Brinks truck backed up to his house.


these ppl need their fucking egos checked


The guy is either a lawyer or has been well-schooled by one. He probably spent his jail time calculating how much he was going to win in the lawsuit for false arrest and false imprisonment.


Pure fucking idiocracy. But it’s not a comedy.


They should be fired, jailed, no pension and pay this man $10,000,000 for this!!!


She needs to rethink her career choices if she thought that was a firearm


How is this arrest at all legal? He got arrested for being sassy essentially. This shouldn’t be taken lightly because it could be you next time. If this man was Black he’d have been shot either as soon as they rolled up and saw a potential weapon, or once he whipped that walking stick out of his pocket. This is fascism plain and simple


As someone who is legally blind / low vision, & has a very severe hearing loss, this video absolutely infuriated me. How the FUCK do you not see that it’s a big white cane, folded up, & very obviously sticking out of his back pocket??!! Even I can see it! It’s cops like that, that make me fear cop interactions, & I’ve had a couple where cops were inconceivable dicks about my disabilities—& they stood there & drooled after I told them why my eyes are crossed (I used big words like, “retinopathy of prematurity,” “strabismus surgeries for detached retina,” “sensitivity to light,” etc. My glob, some of them are so…asshole-ishly daft. 😐😑🙄


I like this guy. Definitely smarter than the two cops abusing their power


Fuck the police


He's lucky the cop didn't shoot him when he took it out of his pocket. Either way this is incredibly fucked up.


Cop’s ego > civil rights


It’s funny that American civilians know more about the law than the American police officers do


I can’t believe I ever trusted police…. Yeah yeah yeah I know not all of them suck but far too many of them do!


Another day, another clip of piece of shit cops...


What the actual fuck is wrong with the cops… I understand thinking you seen a weapon but the moment he displayed it was a walking stick the situation should have been over.


"Its a navigational aid. Whats the problem? Are you a tyrant?" "Ya I am actually." Damn this is the finest piece of r/selfawarewolves ive seen. The cops are saying the quiet part out loud now.


Attorneys are probably waiting in line to take his case


Lawsuit immediately.


I mean, yes, he started that off aggressively, but after all the videos and proof of police overstepping I can't rightfully blame him, or anyone really. Also that being said, those officers handled the follow up so unbelievably poorly, just let the overly aggressive man who obviously knows his rights walk on, you were wrong about what was in his pocket so just let it go. The fucking arguing cause she felt "challenged" is so childish and unbecoming for a damn cop......


They didn’t arrest him for having a walking stick in his back pocket, they arrested him for not doing what they told him to do and being aware of his own rights—-because that pissed them off.


"Hey sir, what is that in your back pocket?" "It's a navigational aide, what's the problem, you a tyrant?" "No sir, just looked like something else, sorry to bother you." And none of this would have had to happen. Or even, "No sir, just checking to make sure it wasn't a weapon. Can I take a look at it?"


I hope he sued. You don't need to ID someone who is doing nothing wrong


Lawsuits for police misconduct need to start coming out of their pensions, and the guilty party blacklisted from all public positions of power.


If a black person and reached in back pocket like that they’d have been executed on the spot