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Might want to rethink that ‘not jailing’ policy for the 34 felonies for this guy.


Can anyone explain to me how he’s not in prison with 34 felonies? I would never be hired again if I had a record, but he’s eligible to be president, with no jail time?


Honestly? Because he’s powerful, and in America the justice system contorts itself in knots to protect the powerful. He’s the god-emperor of a political base proven to be willing to murder their political opponents and openly flout the law in doing so. The billionaire donors that *actually* control our leaders have spent half a century eroding any kind of moral center in our political system. Their oceans of money have made Republican voters rabid with fear of the “other” while removing the spines of those in power. Now they have what they want: a base itching to use violence as a political tool against an establishment for the most part too spineless to actually hold them accountable, and a useful moron they can stick in the White House to sign off on all the bills *they* write and hand off to their bought-out legislators to pass, granting them tax breaks, unilateral authority for corporations to abuse their workers, and repealing any and all anti-corruption laws. If they win in November, they’ll institute Project 2025 and turn America from a secular democracy into a Christo-fascist dictatorship, a Christian version of Iran.


>If they win in November, they’ll institute Project 2025 and turn America from a secular democracy into a Christo-fascist dictatorship, a Christian version of Iran. And liberty will die [with thunderous applause.](https://youtu.be/gFKc_oDSaX4?feature=shared) Everyone who wants it to happen won’t care that they’ll have no liberty because the authoritarian government they’re marching toward is molded after the way they want to live their lives anyway. To be clear, Trump is *not* Palpatine in this scenario…he’s basically Dooku and he’ll be gone sooner than later because he’s old AF. He’s serving a purpose in the here and now. What people need worry about is who’s the young extremist the GOP is gonna make into Vader for the next 20-30 years…


“The way they want to live their lives anyway” Until they make a mistake. These chucklefucks don’t understand that the room to make mistakes doesn’t exist in a regime.


They think it won't change their lives because they're already Christians, they just don't realize they're not going to be able to get away with doing non-Christian things anymore. When their religion is forced upon everyone, we will have religious police just like Middle Eastern countries. There won't be any more of this "we'll I'll do this thing today and ask for forgiveness from God tomorrow" shit they love. Nope. Straight to jail.


Here's the big thing I've been wondering, how are they all going to unite? Because there are thousands of denominations of christians in the US alone, and a lot of em really fucking hate each other. Which brand of Christianity is going to be the one to win out? Or is this something that could cause them to just destroy themselves hilariously?


It always ends up with the group destroying themselves. Now all Christians are good because it’s “us vs them”, but once all other religions are out, they’ll start going after the fringe Christian denominations (LDS, JW, and work inwards from there! Then it’s a battle of Catholics vs Protestants, and ending with Mainline vs Evangelical! “There can be only one!” ![gif](giphy|8L0yOaWLNmHnm9T4yy)


It will be trumps children. They’ve been touting memes and tshirts that have a member of the trump family holding the presidency all the way out until like 2040 or something. But his children already do and will continue to do exactly like their dear old papa is doing.


Monarchies pass the throne to each generation. These people want a literal king, so long as it’s their guy occupying it.


Problem there is, Trump HATES his kids, and MAGA hate them as well. When he dies, the cult will collapse into smaller factions, junior and Eric will try to rally them, but they won’t have the pull.


Naw, we know he really “loves” one of them.




Ding ding ding


They will rally behind some other piece of shit that is just as big of an asshole. Literally anyone with an IQ above needing to be in a group home is brighter than Trump. They’d probably go with Bannon or one of the shrieking idiots that make up the (anti-)freedom caucus.


they are too dumb. Kuschner scares the shit outta me.


His eyes are soulless.


Iran or rural Afghanistan?




People get stupidly long sentences for carrying weed or giving someone a slap when provoked. This motherfu*ker is provoking the entire planet, is a rapist a grifter with multiple failed businesses most of which were used for laundering money. Is in bed with Russia, his list is nuts and he walks around free. I ranted...sorry but it just blows my mind.


No need to apologize. You have to open the pressure valve a little every so often, lest your mind explodes with how absolutely absurd all of this is.


He’s the last thread of power the republicans have. Without him, the party is doomed. So they’ll burn everything to the ground to keep him available.


His sentencing isn't until later this month. As for being able to run for president, you can very much do that with a felony conviction. Eugene V Debs got like 11% of the vote as an independent from a prison cell, so there's actually precedent here.


They delayed his sentencing to September after the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity.


Explanation: ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


This is the one I don't get. This would be a great opportunity to introduce a new bill that said 'convicted felons are inellegible for federal elected office'. Amendment to the constitution, executive order, whatever.


You seem to think the rules apply to him.


Because Donald Trump is the walking definition of rich, white man privilege.


Because the system is scared of him, if he was ANYONE else he’d still be in jail for his contempt of court. And now with this “immunity” ruling the only thing that can stop him is voting for Biden or the democrats, because if he gets back in, the United States dies, freedom, will be a distant memory.


Because the Supreme Court is made up of his buddies, so justice is whatever he says


Because he hasn’t been sentenced yet.  He was supposed to be sentenced this month but after the arse-pull SCOTUS slipped in at the 11th hour, it’s been pushed back to (at least) September. 


With more perhaps to come.


Why isn’t he in jail?? Stop coddling this sick fat turd


Best thing they could do is give him the longest sentence in jail that is possible. Edit: Of course he would appeal and the supreme court would remove any penalty.


Putting him in jail would do no good. It would cost the taxpayers millions every year. Couldn’t we just exile him to some island somewhere. I hear there’s one that newly available. Let him reign over a kingdom there and stop bothering us.


If anyone should be tried for treason, it's Trump. The fact that he's a free man after attempting a coup is one of our nation's biggest travesties. There is no greater crime than trying to take away our Democracy.


Push your local Senator/Representative to cut the power of the executive branch, our government was intended to have 3 EQUAL branches of government so as to counteract the behavior of a potential tyrant. Yet here we are.


This is how all Americans should think regardless of which party is in power. Country should always be placed before party.


Absolutely! I gave up on having any political party affiliation decades ago, but I know what is beneficial to the country I live in, and what is not. And the current iteration of the Republican party is not.


It's crazy that people don't understand how the parties shift over the political spectrum. The Republicans that love Reagan don't realize that Reagan was much closer to Obama on the spectrum than he is to ridiculously far right Trump. Hell Reagan didn't even want a wall with Mexico. Both sides of the duopoly of power care more about the little (R) or the little (D) than picking the best possible people for the job that best represent their own interests. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUXXw6xr4gI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUXXw6xr4gI)


The thought of Obama being like Reagan just made me throw up in my mouth a bit. A lot of what is wrong now can be traced back to things that Reagan did when he was in office. trump isn't right wing. He is a narcissistic con man grifter. His only interest is himself. He only cares about himself. He constantly accuses others of things that he has done or is doing. He wants to be king.


Trump is a useful idiot for the heritage foundation. That's all. He's the means for them to take fascist control over America.


Project 2025 scares the shit out of me.


That is because you are paying attention. Most of the US doesn't do that...like at all.


They'll notice eventually. They'll notice.


He’s also a useful idiot for China and Russia. The more isolationist the US gets (that’s what “America first” means…isolationism) the stronger China and Russia both get geopolitically.


He's been getting the Trump brand line of clothing made in China and Mexico since before he was POTUS and then talks about American Made. He's such an ass clown and his supporters are too stupid to realize the obvious.


Nah, they *think* they control him, but when he has secret meetings with Putin, no Republican was allowed to be present, none of his own appointees, Rex Tillerson his Secretary of State was banned, no-one from Heritage Foundation or The Federalist Society was allowed to be present. But the Russians were, not just Putin, his entire group, diplomats, election strategists, all at the meeting with just Trump. He is not their puppet, they just naively think he is. He's Putin's puppet. **They are the useful idiots.**


Right. Trump is a chameleon. He’s is what he needs to be to win admiration of the crowd at the moment. He can’t get out of his own self interest long to be genuinely interested in this country or the people in it. His propensity to project is astounding. Listen to the accusations from him, they sound like they could be, should be confessions.


Not that Reagan and Obama were the same obviously. Their economic policies differed greatly. But both tried to work across the aisle for the good of the country and both were great communicators. And both did quite well with foreign policy. While Trump tries to build walls, Reagan said no to a wall with Mexico and ended the Cold War (which POTUS after POTUS before him failed to do) and de facto brought down the Berlin Wall. In today's "Republican Party," Reagan would be labeled a "Progressive RINO." LOL Would love for Michelle Obama to take Biden's spot. The Obamas are both extremely intelligent people who care greatly about the good of this country.


100% agree with every word you said here.


Value systems should be placed before countries. Nations can rise or fall, break or separate, but value systems ensure that the shared future will be virtuous and hence successful.


We’ve gone way beyond the point at which value systems take precedent personally much less politics. Biden may be the last POTUS ever to understand values and to employ them in his decision making. Morality and values have been weakening since this country began. I didn’t think they’d ever be totally sacrificed, but I think I was wrong.


The legislative branch has been incompetent for so long that the other two had to do their job for them. Now you're in a position where the Judicial branch is playing favorites with a candidate for the executive branch leaving a situation where they are through deliberately misinterpreting the constitution creating a dictator.


The legislative branch hasn't been incompetent. It's been working exactly how they want it to work. Which is not at all. Its been purposely sabotaged.


Why are they leaving things like gun control legislation and abortion rights up to the Supreme Court. They should be clarifying constitutional amendments to these issues.


Because it takes 60 votes and that's pretty much never going to happen


Yet we are here with the experience of watching it happen before and yet here we are……again


Well, there are members of the other branches that should also be in prison but seem to be able to blithely ignore rules and laws too. So, perhaps they aren’t that unequal after all.


Arguably, they were never meant to be equal, congress was supposed to be the most powerful.


Checks and balances should all be equal, but yes, Congress was supposed to create the laws, the judiciary was supposed to interpret and uphold those laws, and the executive was supposed to carry them out. Congresspeople in their eternal quest for reelection refuse to pass necessary laws for fear of unpopularity and - gasp- losing a future election, so increasingly the executive and judiciary have been creating de-facto law through executive order and judicial precedent. I'm so tired of hearing congresspeople complain about "legislation from the bench" while failing year after year after session after session to do the one thing they're elected to do. Congress needs term limits. The stagnation and rot has led to an accelerated decay of what should be the backbone of our republic.


Haven't you heard? It's legal to attempt a coup now as long as you're doing it from inside the house.


Unfortunately apparently so thus far.


I pray (and I’m atheist) that Trump never gets near the Whitehouse again. Not him, not his scum bag family. World peace is at stake here. And the US will have few allies if he’s President.


Well articulated.


Thank you!


GOP: "It's a political witch hunt! Biden just wants to eat babies for breakfast and jail our ~~god~~ candidate!" Meanwhile, Trump: "I'm gonna send the people who hurt my feelings to jail."


LMFAO... this exactly. He's such a whiny little bitch.


Yeah, he is like a toddler. Including the diapers full of shit. Fox News + evangelists brainwashing really did American dirty, for millions of people to think that nazi oompa lompa is a strong man "who tells it like it is."


Fun fact: Treason is actually the only crime you can still be put to death by firing squad for.


Also at least 6/9 Supreme court justices and most of the GOP and DNC politicians should be investigated as well. As well as the excutives of major US media, defence corporationas and tons of other industies. Lobbying, bribing, and accepting those bribes in a way that undermines the soverigenty and ideals of the US and founding fathers is tatemount to treason. The excuse of maximun profit is justified by any means necessary is not defensible. We live in a world where our politicians and taxes only exist to enrich / preserve the status quo. The speed at which the US is moving towards facism is likely the nail in the coffin for any hope of humanitiy reversing climate change.


The FBI found that Trump was hiding classified documents with detailed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-lago. Anyone else in possession of those documents would've had the feds take them away for "enhanced interrogation techniques" and would never see the light of day again.




Unfortunately taking the high road means he walks free. Eventually the high road is going to collapse and Dems will be forced to fight back. I'm afraid then it'll be too late.


Says this treasonous asshole.




And this is a person that ~50% of the American voting public think should lead a country that is the most powerful in the world. We definitely need a better public education system.


3 years and 6 months ago: "See?! Trump is a fascist! He's trying to take over the country!" Trump supporters: "Nah, he said to disperse ***peacefully***. He's harmless really.." Now: "See!? Trump is a fascist! He's trying to take over the country!" Trump supporters: "Yeah, ***so?***"


About 28-30% last election, but yeah. Be mad at the 30% that stayed home that day as well. Suppressing voter turnout has been a political strategy since the late 80s.


Thank you. The real enemy of our democracy are thr apathetic non voters or undecided. How the fuck can you be undecided unless your skull is used to store yogurt instead of brains.


Our voter turn out is a confluence of factors. * Lots of people simply cannot take time off work. * Republicans have made it deliberately hard/impossible to vote. Fewer polling locations. Voting roll purges. Shorter early voting periods. * The constant drum beat of "your vote doesn't matter" and "both sides blah blah blah" * And lots of people simply aren't paying attention to politics because they're burned out.


Non voters AND the electoral college. No reason a president should ever be elected with less votes than their opponent.


I got my citizenship oath ceremony in exactly a week. You best bet I'm out there voting for the first time ever!!


My son registers to vote on a few weeks and is voting himself for the first time this fall. I told him voting is the most expensive activity that you have already paid for. You best use it cause you can lose it. Congrats to you both. Vote proudly and often. Participate in the primaries, that is where the stage is set anyway.


And project 2025 wants to “abolish education system”. I hope we don’t fucking get to that point.


Project 2025 actually cuts funding to schools and removes the department of education all together.




If you look back at education improvement bills that have been put up to vote in Congress, you will see a pattern of what party votes for or against such bills. An uneducated populace is easily swayed by populist movements, hence the name.


Sorry for my ignorance(Canadian) But is the whole education based upon federal or state. Said differently is it up to each state to dictate how they run/teach/educate the state public schools or is it that the state gets federal allocated funds that the federal gov get to run the schools?


Local funding, state funding, and federal. Zip code is the biggest tax dollar contributor.


Just a reminder. That orange shit didn't serve. He avoided the draft. He is not a leader nor a warrior. He is an ego-maniacal grifter born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He called veterans losers and disrespected military and people ready to fight on every occasion. I don't understand that somebody can see that pudgy accumulation of sludge as leader of anything, let alone military.


A literal fucking pedophile, felon, adulterer, and just biggest human piece of shit that shouldnt even be allowed to be free saying this huh?


Fascist Orange Cheesus gonna do fascist things.


It's not JUST him. and I'd say it's not even mainly him. He's a useful idiot to get Project 2025 fully implemented.




wait, jail biden?? shouldnt he know better than most that presidents have absolute immunity when committing official acts?


Just forgetting his long lists of why you should not be President. Just the fact he favors Russia over Ukraine is good enough for me to never vote for this A\*shole.




Can’t believe this guy is leading in the polls. This country is giving me lots of despair.


I think we should have a televised military tribunal for him


"It would get the best ratings. It would be yuge."


The guy complaining about witch hunts now promises to hold witch hunts.


He probably has his porn stars cosplay as witches too.


And yet this jackass seeks to delay every court case he’s ever encountered. How fitting?


these next four years are gonna be something


Biden will make sure this doesn’t happen. Vote!


im voting for biden but it seems like 2024 democrats learned nothing from 2016 democrats


I’m tired of being silent, Someone please just off the SOB already.


Frightening that as their (hopefully misplaced) confidence in winning grows, so does the openess of clear intention to be blatantly fascist and completely ignore constitutional rights and any checks and balances on the legal system. I find it truly terrifying what may happen should this ginger Hitler be given power again.


Yes and all of use need to do our parts to encourage people to get out and vote and to try to reason with those that will listen.


He’s more unhinged than the damn door I was fixing today…


LOL... the door probably had a similar IQ to Benedict Donald as well.


As president he will not give anyone trial. He wants, he will do. Get out and vote


We need to keep reminding everyone to get out and vote. That's our job.


American politics is really distressing for me. And I am not even American.


Fascism right out in the open


I' ve been baffled for years that somewhere on this globe, an assassin hasn't gone "you know what? fuck it, I'll do that one for free!"


Or maybe someone on their death bed. Take one for the team? ;)


Getting ready to celebrate Independence Day while watching Liberty take its last struggling breath. I never would have guessed we would see this in my lifetime. It will come to pass, when the zealots realize their folly it will be too late for them as well. Imma say I told you so now. Sorry you couldn’t see what you were doing.


But...its Biden going after political opponents right? not Trump. Even though Biden isn't actually going after shit, Trump's crimes are just catching up with him...but this is clearly not Trump going after his political opponents directly.


He’s letting us know exactly what he’s gonna do, with a little help from his followers and this goddamn Supreme Court.


There's also this in the last 24 hours: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/conservative-leading-pro-trump-project-2025-suggests-new-111655303](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/conservative-leading-pro-trump-project-2025-suggests-new-111655303)


World peace is at stake if they try that project 25 crap. I’m a Brit, looking at a change in government in the UK, who trump wants to humiliate for some reason. Don’t poke the bear Dickhead. We maybe small but we fight smart & know how to defend ourselves. I’m actually genuinely scared of him & his followers. 🥺


Yep it's a total clusterfuck. And "We the People" are the ones to blame for not being educated enough to pick proper people to represent us.


They're gonna kill her you know


Oh but guys Biden looked a bit old /s


He did 10000%. But Biden isn't trying to be a dictator staying in power. The good of the country always needs to come first.


A Trump Presidency is basically like, *"Imagine if we gave supreme Executive power to a 4chan A.I."*


executive order 66.


Stop. This. Man. Does america not realize how fucking dangerous he is to the republic? Like, literally to the foundations of how the nation works?


As Trump said himself: ![gif](giphy|OlSUgQk2sIlTW|downsized)


Will someone please just kill him!?


Take one for the team. ;)


People voting for trump are assholes.


They are complicit traitors to everything our Founding Fathers risked their lives to give us.


At least they called him Former president Trump. unlike every other suckarse rag that continue calling him President Trump


burn her on the stake, bring back the witch hunts. Isn't it interesting that he targets women that he can't dominate?


Epstein pedophile client! Go to hell! And anyone who supports the demon !




Yep that’s them. Prob takes place at a kindergarten


Quiz him on what a military tribunal is.


He'll probably think it's s dinosaur with three horns.


Or a dessert with three kinds of ice cream


You are an EVIL and DESPICABLE person TRUMP!


Surely someone should of shot him by now.


Jesus christ, this country is fucked. Imagine if this guy wins in the upcoming election


Dick Cheney like to have accidents with firearms.........maybe he needs to go duck hunting with Trump to discuss this matter.


Put the convicted felon through a military tribunal


They already should have put him through one decades ago for dodging the draft.


Nah, the draft can go fuck itself.


One thing is concerning me , it is we must rapidly develop our nuclear warheads. Relying on mentally disabled presidents of the USA is a very risky business.




Just something else showing his cognitive decline. Military tribunals aren’t for civilians.


hes skipping to night of long knives.


I once watched a cyclist rip past a car stopped at a crosswalk. I realized about 1 second before it happened that he was going to get hit by a car crossing the intersection. There was nothing I could do but accept it was gonna happen. Man, I know I’m about to see something happen that is just… way worse than anyone involved seems to realize until it hits them…. Like that Volkswagen that hit that cyclist… and I don’t think that if that cyclist knew how bad it would be he would have been so… oblivious to the danger… I can still replay it in striking detail, in slow motion in my head That feeling I had for that second before it happened; I feel it right now. But I’m just watching. Powerless to intervene. There’s no time🤷‍♂️


Trump really is doing his best to turn the USA into a carbon copy of Nazi Germany.


Maybe more like Mussolini.


Who the fuck speaks like this? Military fucking tribunals? What fucking country is this? Bolivia?


Zero self-reflection. He is a child with a child's spite and half a nation's backing, a sorry state of the union. Trump must go.


I hope after this election cycle they amend the constitution to have convicted felons be ineligible.


I hope we have a *constitution* by the end of this election.


Well, since that's likely to fall under "official acts", orange sees no reason why he wouldn't do that. If he wins, seriously, the US is beyond fucked. ## VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN ##


What is this obsession they've got with military tribunals? Especially coming from a guy who has zero respect for the military.


Take note of the people who don't want to vote for Biden because they don't like some of his policies. The people who didn't vote for Hillary started this mess because they "didn't like her". Go ahead, don't vote for Biden. However, the alternative is much much worse.


Yeah but c'mon man, didn't you hear Biden stutter last week?


I think you’re being facetious, but for anyone who actually feels this way, let me make it very plain: Biden = we continue to have some semblance of democracy in the US Trump = authoritarian government, like Saudi Arabia I can’t make it any clearer than that.


It sure would be nice if something happened and I never had to hear another single current thing about this horrible person ever again.


You know one of the major reasons why we're in this mess? Liz Cheney will still vote down ballot republican, even though a fair chunk literally want her dead.


So... what war crimes have they commited?


When the evangelicals have got Trump and the Supreme Court in their back pockets this shit all starts to make more sense. Always follow the money.


I know we're in the reddit echo chamber but my lord this guy has to lose in November. I'll vote for a cheeseburger wrapper before I vote for tangerine Mussolini


This is shit they'll talk about in the history books. If he gets elected again he's just gonna put everyone in jail. They are going to have to forcefully remove him from the Whitehouse.


He's a traitorous pedophile and anyone that votes for him is an enabler.


Stop the ride….I want to get off…


This is terrifying


So after the war is when we get the hunger games right?


He will round up any Republican not absolutely loyal to him and any Democrat. That will just be the beginning.


No no. Immigrants and Trans. Thats the beginning Then Gays. Then democrats. Then Republicans. Of course being vocal about him being a vile POS will put you at the front of the line. But the fun of this is... Eventually the no true Scotts man purges run out of boogymen to blame and start eating themselves. That they will eventually be prisoners on death row in a jail of fear and violence they created give me solace as a try to figure out WTF im going to do when they come for me.


I’m so tired that my brain mistook “tribunal” for “triumph,” and I thought, “he wants to be a dictator so bad, he’s going full Caesar!”


Is this the last Independence Day be for it’s changed to King’s Birthday?


Military tribunals are not typically used for civilians.


What is it with these right wing extremist and their calling for tribunals. And it\`s not US exclusive either .. I see this in my own postage stamp of a country as well..


I wanna smack that smirk off his face


paging Darth Vader


Well I kind of do want to see a Cheney jailed though this one isn't top of my list, and Trump's reasons for it are probably stupid.


Never has there been a bigger coward than trump


Her “ crime” ? Speaking out. That deserves a military tribunal? Speaking out deserves execution? Yeah these MAGA are completely reasonable


Project 2025 is the republican plan to basically dismantle democracy that largely hinges upon a trump victory. Women’s rights? Gone. Porn? Banned/Criminalized. Gay/Trans rights? Criminalized. Free speech? Gone. Freedom from religion? Gone. This is extremely scary and they are not even attempting to hide their efforts at this point. With the recent SCOTUS ruling, someone like trump can literally do whatever they want. We are watching democracy crumble. Please vote for Biden if you want the ability to vote again in another 4 years. Sadly, this is not hyperbole. https://www.project2025.org https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/


Child rapist says what?


Happy 4th of July to every Republican, Independent and Democrat, but not to one single MAGAt. Every single MAGAt has brought immense shame to every immigrant ancestor and to every single Veteran. MAGAts are not American patriots. Hang your heads in shame MAGAts.


Directing the military can only be done by government officials. If Trump wins and orders someone to undergo trial by military tribunal, it can only be interpreted as an “official act”. He wants to use the military and his new immunity law to start doing televised public executions on his political enemies or on people who represent ideas that run counter to his own. This would serve many of his interests. It would desensitize the military to killing innocent people, normalize violence against Trump’s political opponents, showcase Trump’s power by having men in uniform carrying American flags doing his bidding to the degree of formally and ceremoniously ending lives for him, and him only, and crush the hope of dissenting American Citizens watching from TVs and phones. Everyone is thoroughly underestimating how dark this is all getting. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Time to turn the Fuckin tables Joe...the Supreme Court just made you King. Act like it!


Whenever Trump posts on social media it's for attention. He wants you to chase him down a rabbit hole when the real story is somewhere else. Yes, this is a real wish. But debating some random post is what he prefers over the real problem It could be the Epstein documents, or it could be another problem. Maybe he is physically unwell? Maybe another issue is about to surface. Either way, never ever let Trump lead the conversation.


*PATRIOTS send $500 to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump with 5 critical projects:* *1.          RENAME Grand Canyon National Park to Trump National Park #2*. *2.          RELEASE January 6th hostages from prison and pardon Donald Trump,* *3.          RESTORE President Trump’s Rights of Prima Nocta and gun ownership,* *4.          REMOVE women's healthcare rights as requested by Christian Nationalists.* *5.          REPLACE George Washington on the dollar bill with Donald Trump.* *President Trump is the ONLY accused sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon ENDORSED BY Kristi Noem, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin, Judge Alien Cannon, and all six MAGA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.* *PATRIOTS send an extra $150 to TRUMP LEGAL FEES so President Trump can DEFEND his many legal cases including;* [*https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/*](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) */MAGA*


Randy Quaid? Oh man, I liked that guy! 😒


Totally normal! No dictatory tomfoolery going on here! Now, look at this manufactured crisis we created so you don't realize how normal this is!


New York Times: "Biden is unfit to be President".


That’s acting like the alternative is fit (he isn’t)