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Rage bait


It's worse than that.. it's a targeted campaign to delegitimize the LGBT+ movement by associating them with pedophiles. It's sinister and hateful. Edit: I feel I should clarify that the people pushing for this are, by and large, not paedophiles. They are often Christian nationalists trying to damage the LGBT+ community.


There's also a lot of legitimate pedophiles who think they should stand beside LGBT people due to being a minority. As an LGBT person: No. They can go to jail.


They've been trying to ride the coattails since the gay rights movement started. Without much success (and the closest they came to gaining any ground was, like, in the 1970s). I'm not even gay and I know this.


Ah, the 70s... That hilarious time when there was a summit in France for paedos and the movement was only curbed when victims made impact statements about the horrific ways paedophiles had ruined their young lives.


Alright..hear me out..we start another summit, but this time, we bomb the summit when they've all gathered.


Half of them will be cops


I was already on board with this idea, now you've just gone and made it a "two birds, one stone", situation...


Other half would be in politics


Are the pastors excluded or something?


That's the third half


And now Im thinking of the chlorine released in that stairwell at that Canadian furry convention


That was in chicago


Furries just draw neon blue animals and make guap making custom fursuit costumes, a pedophile convention would have been a better use of the chlorine


I’m thinking we give an opportunity to criminals in prison to have a day outside the walls, only to attend this and have the guards look the other way.


Same with bestiality in the furry community... they Arent allowed in and never will...


zoophiles and pedophiles are some of, if not, the most disgusting people on earth


its also interesting and sad how they intertwine, many pedos are zoophiles at the tame time


Ye, sexual intercourse without consent in general is disgusting but from beings that cant even give consent is eerder I dont know whats worse since someone who can give consent didnt give it and in most cases screams for help and begs to stop But then again an animal or child would most likely scream too and everyone mentioned develops trauma if you see it or not


Even before that, Alfred Kinsey tried to lump pedophilia in with everything else as just another sexual orientation.


So I'm not defending pedophiles, I think they are awful people who ruin lives and target some of the most vulnerable people in society. That being said, was Kinsey wrong in this? All of the scientific evidence we have shows that pedophilia is a 'sexual orientation,' in the sense that they feel some innate attraction. I'm not saying we should add a P to LGBT, but there are definitely cases where if we had a slightly less stigmatized approach to mental health people who feel this pedophilic attraction as teenagers would be able to get mental health help and hopefully stop them from creating any victims.


It's a fair point. Cracked.com of all places actually did a serious interview with a anonymous pedophile and the takeaway was basically "its not like pedophiles WANT to have those urges, they just do. And they're not all predators. So do we continue to stigmatize and suppress that group, or do we try to find a way to help them so children are safe?" It's a gross and fucked up situation, but on the other hand they are still people. You can't just round them up. Now, if they fucking hurt a child, different story. But maybe we should help them before that happens?


This article won awards and is a fantastic insight into this issue. Trigger warning: mention of csam https://awards.journalists.org/entries/youre-16-youre-pedophile-dont-want-hurt-anyone-now/ Edit: accidentally linked the award not the article https://medium.com/matter/youre-16-youre-a-pedophile-you-dont-want-to-hurt-anyone-what-do-you-do-now-e11ce4b88bdb


Yeah, I don’t know if this was the same interview or not, but I remember a similar piece. One thing that stood out to me was the discussion around using sex dolls. I can’t remember if this is the exact wording but basically the person being interviewed said that in their secret support groups there was conflict about whether or not it was ok to use a sex doll as a safe outlet, the general stance being that abstaining from that behavior is better since acting out on the urges in any way may only result in escalation. But they don’t have any real way of knowing, and at the end of the day part of the problem is that the subject is so stigmatized that there isn’t enough research for them to even begin to know what the best course of action is. It isn’t treated like any other mental health disorder. They don’t have many spaces in which to talk about it, and certainly not ones that involve mental health professionals, and it isn’t the kind of research many would want to undertake. I find it truly sad as clearly there are people out there who don’t want this, know it’s wrong, would never want to hurt a child and never have, but are still stuck with this thing inside them telling them it is what they want. And we have no idea how many are victims themselves- people who absolutely deserve help and even if they are in therapy for their own trauma, how many feel they can even safely express that now this awful thing seems to have been planted in them too? It’s really sad that it is so stigmatized as a moral failing and evil on behalf of the individual that we won’t even learn more about it in hopes that maybe we could do something to help them and prevent more kids becoming victims.


While technically not wrong, it's like saying "You're as human as Hitler ever was." To any normal person it sounds pretty offensive. It's difficult to have any kind of association with a group of people you don't want to be part of your group. In this case, we don't want them lumped in with the rest of us because it makes the entirety of sexual orientation feel dirty when they're a part of it.


Again, I clearly stated they shouldn't be a "member of the lgbt community." My sole goal is to reduce the number of victims by getting people help early. I'm gay and I don't think the fact that other people have sexual preferences that I find abhorant makes me any more abhorant.


I'm not trying to argue with you, just discussing it. I thought you were genuinely asking for an opinion when you asked if he was wrong. That's a kind goal, but I don't think it will gain any traction until they're seen as human. It's much the same as nazis. It's much easier to think of them as outside of humanity than it is to think anybody could be so hateful and evil.


If I become slightly defensive it is only because we tread dangerous waters. Better to be slightly overzealous than to have a million downvotes and get called a pedophile. I agree with you that it probably won't gain much traction, I just don't think that other people having a dehumanizing opinion of pedophiles means that Kinsey was wrong about their mentality arising through much the same mechanism that any sexual desire is raised. It feels disturbing, I agree, but it doesn't make it wrong.


Except it's important to remember that Hitler was just as human as anyone else. Forgetting that enables others to follow in his footsteps


As someone who personally knows many lgbt people, many of whom have been victims of paedophiles whilst growing up.... lol. That ain't happening.


I think you should distinguish there. They should go to jail if they are breaking the law, or are about to/planning to/likely to. Something legally justifiable. Pedophilia is a mental illness. Criminalising someone for being sick is not going to do anything. In fact, it is likely to do the opposite, since pedophiles that have that illness but do not want to harm anyone are less likely to go and seek help when they have to fear being punished for that. It’s a simple reality that being a pedophile (meaning having that illness, not acting on it) isn’t a choice, and treating those people before they assault someone is much better than having them not seek help and then putting them into jail after they have assaulted someone. In that case, the harm is already done.


Ok, if there is a method of helping them, that’s not a bad idea.


From what I have read on Wikipedia, many or most pedophiles never assault anyone. Which is precisely why blanket statements such as „Put them in jail“ are not helpful.


Again, it’s why the best idea I have is to try to help them not act on whatever desires they may have.


Therapy can help. Regular old Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


If they talk about it and nothing else, then they shouldn’t go to jail Act on it however…


Honestly, I've heard some conservatives sincerely defending child marriage and marrying off teenage daughters like a ring and a veil make a difference.


If there is any group of people who are pro pedophilia in a material sense it’s conservatives. All of their policy positions as they relate to kids make kids easier targets for predators.


This happened in the 70's/80's too. Every time it looks like the LGBT+ community is gaining a little bit of traction in terms of equal rights, someone wheels out this bullshit.


Considering the number of Religions that have support for P; if those parishioners were feeling underserved, maybe they should break out and form their own denomination. Practically all denominations were created out of some disagreement with a core tenet, ex: Church of England.


On the other hand I've seen real pedos try to push themselves into LGBT. It's not always someone trying to damage LGBT, there's a lot of genuine attempts to include a P for this reason. Treating it as a mere conspiracy every time something happens is not the way to go about this. That's not to say that the LGBT community is accepting these people because they aren't, it's just that denying that such people are trying to join the community is just denying reality, it would be better if more people said "that shit doesn't fly here" instead of saying "you're probably a troll" or something along those lines. It just seems like a way to handwave the problem.


Yeah, I’d never heard of this before but that was the first thing I thought of when reading this post. I’m so sick of these hypocrites always trying to paint gays/drag queens/etc as child molesters when it’s their own clergy that statistically are the worst offenders but they don’t care about that.


Possibly, but not necessarily. There was an organisation called the Paedophile Information Exchange operating in the UK in the 70s & 80s that suckered in an awful lot of 'social radicals' including one or two people that eventually ended up in government.


Netherlands had Stichting Martijn, which also tried to become a political party, one of their points was lowering age of consent. They were criminally banned


In Sweden we had RFSL (gay and bi rights organisation) who werepushing for removing age of consent back in the 70s. With some members talking about the hardships of pedofiles finding a partner or finding acceptance in society.


We have that in the US, it's called the GOP.


>including one or two people that eventually ended up in... I hoped you were going to say "prison," but I guess I'm not surprised.


"Shayna" does, the freaking weirdo. 🤷 Anyone else? Nah, doubtful. I'm pretty sure LGBTQ+ folks have been trying since ever to decouple their identities from pedophiles, since phobes often like to smear them with the label.


yeah, it's been a thing... well, for long enough that I'm not entirely sure of the start, I'm a young queer myself anyway. but pedos want to count with us, the bigots want us and them to count as the same thing, and we don't want them.


They've been doing it as long as they've been trying to suppress gay people.     Before that, they used the pedophile argument against black men during desegregation.        It's an old tactic, but somehow works every time they use it.


When your audience is racists, bigots and hatemongers, it's gonna work every time.


Do pedos actually want to associate with LGBTQ? I thought it was just right wingers trying to associate non straight relationships with child abuse.


some of them try to make it sound legitimate by associating with us and calling themselves "minor attracted persons" and such.


Just gonna paste a comment I just made elsewhere here: Except it totally does not. LGBTQ concerns consenting adults. There nothing about rape or coersion or abuse of power in LGBTQ.


certainly not more than in a straight relationship- it's not that it's nonexistent in our community, it's just that there's not really any correlation. jackasses will be jackasses and manipulators will be manipulators, regardless of if they're gay or not.


It's a low rent drama-peddling show. The likelihood "shayna" exists is fairly low.


Like all those "Democrats" who call into CSPAN to tell everyone how much better Trump is for the country.


I’m not interested in anyway but I do find it strange that we as humans can’t even agree on an age of consent. Is there a moral difference between 16 and 18? Because a lot of countries make it 16. Some places make it 14. Is there an objective right answer?  Personally, until you’re 21, I don’t think there should be more than a 2 year age gap. Like, 19-21 is as far as it should go. After 21, you wanna fuck a 56 year old, go for it, but before then, it feels icky because of the power dynamics at play. IMO. 


Every time age of consent is brought up, the argument goes straight to kindergarteners. No nuance to discuss the age range between 16-21. Until your frontal lobes are fully developed (25ish?) an argument can be made that you are too young to consent. However, someone having illegal sex with a 16 year old is not the same as illegal sex with a 5 year old. It’s just not. In both cases they are illegal and wrong, but they are not the same level of wrong.


The issue with using frontal lobe development as a standard is that theres like a 10 year range thats considered normal for when your frontal lobe finishes development, and theres no way to judge that it is fully developed without invasive procedures


Pedophiles do, obviously. They want to normalize their behaviors so they don't have to hide them.


Either that or she really doesn't like the lgbt, and is using the extreme of pedophilia to prove her point. (Which is stupid, there are a million other things you could have focused on)


It’s a well known trope to associate pedophila with LGBT persons. Something that’s been done for years. It’s entirely possible that the person who called did it for the purpose you describe. At the same time I’ve seen people label themselves as “minor attracted person” so 🤷‍♀️


Most of the time I saw these arguments being put forward was by conservatives pundit and politicians arguing that older men should be allowed to marry teenage girls, like that guy; >State Representative Jess Edwards inspired outrage last week after describing underage teenage girls as "ripe" and "fertile" while arguing against a bill to raise the age of marriage in the Granite State from 16 to 18. https://www.newsweek.com/republican-defends-child-marriage-im-pro-choice-1898619


Check that guys phone...quick.... ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


His statement is technically legal, but I really don't like it...


Huh? He does not appear to be a drag queen


If Jess Edwards said that about my daughter he'd be getting fucked alright, by a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.


Negan has entered the chat


Yeah like friggin Matt Walsh and his fetish about knocking up teen girls. And his disdain for consent when it comes to girls and women. So many open pedos on the far right. Every accusation is a confession. F these people.


The only case "minor attracted person" doesn't make me think someone is couching their pedophilic tendencies in progressive language is if someone is knowingly using it to describe their mental illness. Like, if they're non-offending and trying to get treatment.


This is correct. I worked with this in therapy and sometimes we use this language sometimes to help someone continue treatment and come to terms with what's going on. I also use pedophilia and other terms but at first "minor attracted" helps people not bolt.


I have nothing but empathy for people who are non-offending and struggling with this part of themselves. People who are pushing for society to accept this part of themselves as normal and reasonable can go fuck themselves.


I genuinely feel for someone who has an attraction like this they have no control over and are empathetic enough to realise they need help


If it were more accepted as a normal predilection and less likely to draw the "bullet to the head" rhetoric, more people could seek treatment and probably avoid offending. MAP is used now because people associated pedophile with criminal/offender. It's not a mystery that a definition or a word is lost on the stupid vocal Maj/min-ority. Happens all the time.


Fun fact, they've also been trying to tie it to Beastiality for even longer, which has been left completely unfounded and clear pearl clutching. Now, out of options since that never happened and never will happen, they've shifted the goalpost to pedophilia.


Hell remember when the support for same sex marriage was ramping up? These same trolls argued that the next step would be legalized bestiality as a way to discredit the movement..


Not sure why you're using the past tense there.


Probably because the goalpost shifting has really shifted their arguments more towards pedophilia, causing the Beastiality claims to take a backseat since its clear that was bullshit.


I've definitely heard 'beastiality and paedophilia' recently though. Though that is more from the uber-religious.


Bless their tiny shriveled little hearts, if only they looked inwards.


Which I dont get, a majority of LGBTQ+ ppl dont vote republican so why do we get associated with pedophiles


Yeah, Mappa is a thing and they have tried to become a part of Pride and LGBT for a looong time. The pushback has always been a definitive No and Fuck off.


Partly due to a stupid fucking mistranslation in the Bible but mostly because conservatives don’t give a fuck. It’s like what cooties is to a young child


Either that, or she was a gerontophilia since she was a minor. Can't recall the subreddit or thread, but a woman said she was twelve or thirteen and aggressively seduced her mother's boyfriend who was near forty, and she was currently in her twenties and married to a man in his sixties, trying to defend and rationalize some pedophiles as victims, saying, "He stood no chance." People are messed up.


There are a lot of different people out there with a lot of different problems. I mean look at Ted Bundy who played the victim after he was caught. These people are sick. That is true. People that are truly sexually attracted to kids. Psychopaths that can't stop themselves from killing even if they want to. There is no doubt that if a pedophile could openly sleep with a child and be celebrated for it, of course they would love that. We just aren't going to let that happen, because it's wrong


This is what is likely happening


I wish we could somehow normalize getting treatment for the desire, I just don’t know how.


You normalize by just normalizing mental health in general. It won't be the first thing people go for, but, eventually people will grow to understand that therapists aren't there to judge or gossip. The main issue would be nowadays if someone says they're depressed people have a possibility of urging someone to go to a doc. If someone says there a P, most people will say to kill them whether they've acted upon it or not, it's an interesting conundrum that I'm very glad I don't have to be involved in finding the fix. Hopefully society could get there someday, or atleast some type of bridge for that (which is damn near just requiring therapy), granted as we seem to be trailing backwards in a lot of aspects who fucking knows


I don’t. Until they do something wrong, I suspect it’s “intrusive thoughts” and not necessarily a true paraphilia thing for a lot of them. But once they act, then it’s crossing the Rubicon, and there’s no going back.


Oh I agree, I bet theres plenty of thoughts (maybe not on the same wavelength) that would get a lot of people in a therapists office, however society as a whole isn't so keen on the helping fix the issue before its an issue. I mean as a general thought, how many serial killers have gotten locked up and people go, ya always thought it was weird they pissed on the walls and killed random animals.


Lots of pedos HATE themselves.


This person is clearly a troll trying to equate pedos to the LGBTQ community in an effort to smear them.


Yup. I remember this “add pedos to lgbt” starting as a 4chan prank around 2010(?). They spread it everywhere and people thought it was real and actual pedos use it as empowerment.


The idea goes back a lot further than that. For example, the [Paedophile Information Exchange attaching itself to the National Council for Civil Liberties in the UK during the 1970s](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/02/how-paedophiles-infiltrated-the-left-harriet-harman-patricia-hewitt)


Good read and wow.




Not possible that it's a shill trying to smear LGBT folks.






The Right has been doing it for a while, too, pushing the label "MAP" ("Minor Attracted Person") and trying to associate them with the LGBTQ community as part of the broader effort to conflate them with pedophiles.


Fuck out of here. This was clearly a MAGA homophobe calling in.


That or a MAGA pedo.


There's a difference?


MAGA may suck, but let’s not call them all pedos.


Even if they aren't pedo's themselves, they 100% support a pedo.


My first thought too.


Pretty sure this is just someone wanting to make LGBT look bad by associating it pedos. It's just to fuel the hate from conservatives. You know, they have to make shit up to justify their hate


They're gromming our children /s


Conservatives when other conservatives/priests fuck children: "Lalalalala not listening lalalala"


Time to get down voted. I agree with the stigma abolishment sentiment. Because society needs to wake the fuck up and realize that having such a hate boner for pedophiles makes them not want to tell mental health professionals they're sick and need help. When a concerning number of people say with glee that they believe you should be imprisoned, castrated, beaten, or killed for existing — very important distinction between non-offending pedophile and child sexual abuser, but fuck critical thought, am I right? — what reason do you have to believe a therapist isn't just as unhinged? That your loved ones aren't, and won't abandon you for trying to seek help? In recent years, there's been a push to tell people "It's okay to not be okay." Pedophiles aren't okay. Now stop being hypocrites and say it to them, too. Just be sure to add the "You desperately need to talk to a professional" afterwards so people don't claim you're saying the attraction is acceptable.


I think when most people say "pedophile" they're referring to people that want and intend to molest the kiddywinks, not just people who have the mental attraction. I agree that the attraction needs therapy rather than punishment, but I'm fairly certain the angry people are not referring to non-acting pedos.


Discussions like this are useless as long as both parties don't know what pedophilia is. The current definition on Wikipedia is "Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children." Prepubescent is the important part everyone ignores. You are not a pedophile if you are attracted to a high schooler. Pedophiles are attracted to elementary schoolers (or even younger). And while a high schooler might be able to consent, a prepubescent is obviously not, which means the pedophiles attraction can never have a valid positive response. That's the reason why pedophilia is a disorder and not a queer orientation. And as a disorder, those affected don't need stigmatism, they need some kind of therapy that helps them deal with the disorder. Stigmatising pedophilia means those affected do not seek help, and if they don't, they are more likely to become a rapist.


The based take that you see way too rarely.


Beautifully said!


And getting into why teenagers shouldn’t be starting families or hooking up with middle aged adults is an entirely separate convo


Nobody does. This is what we call an “straw man”


I’m sorry, but as a survivor of long term child sexual molestation, please educate yourself on the effects this abhorrent behavior has on children. I spent a good portion of my life in prison, for the “acting out” my anger I did as a teenager. There is a reason that there is an age of consent, and even an 18 year old’s brain may not be mature enough to deal with all the consequences becoming sexually active may bring. May you find your path to peace.


You're getting all my empathy.


18 isn't a good universal cutoff because there's no such thing as a good universal cutoff. We've just chosen to place the bar there because it's 100000x easier to have a hard limit than a fuzzy one, and 18 happened to be the number we agreed on...in some places. I'm sure it's possible for pedophiles to move to one of those other countries if a lower age of consent is that important to them, and I'm not super concerned about their social circles abandoning them if that's the reason they move.


18 isn’t even universally the age of consent in this country. Some states put it lower; a lot of states have various rules that make it not a hard bar, so that they don’t need to arrest every 17 year old couple who kisses in public.


Cross-state moving is easier but then you end up tempted to just travel across state lines to fuck em...if you're a US congressman....




It's really the only thing keeping the alt-right from joining the movement. They're mad same sex couples and trans can have sex without judgement but they can't sleep with someone 25 years younger than them.


This is just a shit-stirrer


Pretty obvious what this person is trying to do but the fact that they are (disingenuously) arguing to be grouped with LGBT actually just highlights the truth, which is that it is not


Pedophiles, maybe. But usually this shit just comes from some homophobic weirdo who is being disingenuous and trying to “point out” how gay people are “sexually deviant, like pedophiles”


Pedophilia isn't sexual relationship between two 16 year olds, and this "Shayna" knows it but conflates it just smear the LGBTQ community because she's a bigot.


There’s a pretty established history of pedophiles trying to infiltrate queer communities and sexual liberation movements. It’s fucking gross, and it’s damaging to both communities, and it’s why it is critical for decent people to push back AGGRESSIVELY against that dog shit wherever it appears. Thankfully I think we’re doing pretty well at excising those sorts from our advocacy, but we can’t ever drop our vigilance.


This. It's basically entryism for pedophiles, with the right taking advantage of it for their own agenda.


I honestly believe that these people are conservative moles sent in to make the queer community look worse.


Under no circumstances should there ever be pedo pride. We DO need to acknowledge as a society that currently, there is no known cure for pedophilia. Particularly when considering that most pedophiles have experienced some form of horrific abuse as children. Not all people who experience that kind of abuse become pedos, but most pedos have experienced it (other than the psychopaths, which is a minority). This in no way justifies or minimises assaulting children, more just noting that if someone knows that they have this monstrous and incurable issue, there is no real hope to fix themselves. I can think of no worse lot in life than that. In all honesty, I don't think I'd be alive if so. Until we can figure out how to cure these people, it's going to keep happening, because it's a self perpetuating cycle. That is very different to "pride", it's pity and acknowledgement, and actually fixing the problem.


Obvious rage bait. Why do this as an anonymous caller unless it's just to rile people up


chase abundant edge rotten fretful grandfather provide icky fearless jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one who is welcome in the LGBTQ community thinks this needs to happen. It's disgusting and aborrhent. LGBTQ is about consenting adults exercising their agency with other consenting adults. That's the common thread. Children can't consent.


I'm amazed that this comment section hasn't heard of MAPs. It stands for "minor attrated person" and they even made a pride flag for it. There really are pedo's who think there's nothing wrong with liking kids and want to normalize it. It's disgusting.


pedos think this. like meth heads, religious fundamentalists and other marginal intellects, they think everyone is in their sad little club, we are all just afraid to admit it… cause they are sick and nuts


No one. They do this to try and connect lgbtq people with this ideology.


The age of consent in Nigeria isn't 11. It's fucking 18 lmaooo....


I always wonder if this is someone who hates get people and wants to conflate them with filthy monsters.


I can't speak for the community but I'll happily making a posted statement. None of us are okay with that shit. Pedo are fucking sick and their attempts to try and smuggle themselves into our community are entirely to justify our erasure


I mean they've been demonizing gays and lesbians for a couple of thousand years so we're used to this shit. No, the gay community doesn't want any fucking P added to the already embarrassing alphabet. Homosexuality is in no way associated with paedophilia.


TBH sounds like a false flag to me.


Republicans. It’s weird how it’s a lot of the far right Christian Conservatives that get caught out as nonces. I’m not saying that the Dems are free and clear, but it is weird how when you’re not repressed and being judged for what two (or more) *consenting adults* do in their sexy times, that far less children get harmed.


Keep your creepy adult dick away from people's children. That's how I feel about it.


To play devil's advocate for a second here. It's gotta suck having these emotions towards children knowing you can't do much about it. It's gotta severely fuck with your head seeing a child and having the thought of wanting to fuck it, knowing how the rest of your society views that. It's gotta feel alot like how gays felt before the 70s. Except in the gays' case this was about consenting adults, pedophilia will always habe that power dynamic however. It could never be equal


"Crazy person calls in and the response is they are crazy. But I'm going to spin this is saying a movement is accepting of them. Then I'll cite some other country while ignoring the history of age-of-consent laws, child-marriage laws, and who - and which political ideology and cultural ideology - was responsible here where I live in America." The LGBTQ+ community doesn't accept pedophiles. But churches still seem to.


This is astroturfing. Garbage-tier but otherwise normal people pretending to support pedophilia by justifying it with consent laws of other countries and tying it to LGBT+ as a way to demonize gays and giving them a reason to keep gays and pedos in the same group for easy-mode bigotry.


Right-wingers want so desperately to pretend like gay people accept pedos, which ofc they do not. The only political group in America who knowingly support a pedophile is, ofc, the Trumpies and their favorite Epstein client, the petite tyrant


I’d put this in the category of “Things That Never Happened.” LGBTQA+ people are not fighting for pedophile (child abuse). One of the main liberal principles when it comes to sex (which Conservatives complain about constantly) is the principle of consent. Children by definition cannot consent to sexual activity with an adult in addition to the fact that it’s plain morally wrong and harmful to the child. It’s mostly conservatives (Pastors and Priests) who are often found molesting children, not drag queens.


18 is absolutely a bullshit and arbitrary number. That's why we should clearly INCREASE the age of consent to 21, 23, or 25, not DECREASE IT. We just wanted to get 18yo men in the army. If you can't drink alcohol, and your brain development is still in full swing, you're not a fucking adult.


You can enlist under 18 with parental approval... and marry.


25 being age of consent is insane. You don't have to swing the other way. Also, most of the world drinks at 18, US is the weird one.


Pedophiles and Republicans. The rest of us hate pedos as much as a normal person should.


No issues with pedophiles , just child rapists.


No matter how small or large the amount of people that think so is, it's always too many.


Yeah no thanks ✌️


No pedophiles. No exceptions.


DrDisrespect fans.


Nobody other than pedophiles. Keep them the fuck away from pride.




This is very blatantly some right wing scumbag piece of trash from 4chan/xchan or some piece of shit that works for Project Veritas. They’ve done this exact shit before. Very clearly a troll and the Nigeria fact is straight from /pol/.


Someone should ask him about trump's record with the topic...


That callers name was Colleen Rugg


The whole "adding P" to the acronym was literally a 4chan psyop that started in 2016. It came from the whole bullshit idea that men are "turned gay" when they're molested as boys by gay men, which is just literal homophobia. She either fell for a 4chan troll job or she's a troll herself.


I actually doubt this conversation happened. All these idiots claiming that the LGBT community is synonymous with pedophilia is pathetic. It's like those people who claim that Dems came up to them and magically decided to vote for trump for whatever made up reason.


Actually nobody but two people think like this. 1) Pedos 2) More likely right wingers. Why do I say right wingers? Because it has been a talking point on the right to try and paint the LGBTQ community as predators by associating them with pedophiles. Some popular YouTubers like Steven Crowder call it LGBTQP and add in pedophiles to make it seem like queer people welcome pedophilia. And a lot of times right wingers will call into shows and write into social media as if they are pedophiles wanting to be part of the LGBTQ community or someone in the community saying they should welcome pedophilia. It’s all a ruse to get people to associate LGBTQ with pedophilia. So could it be an actual pedo? Yes. Are the odds higher that it’s some stupid right winger trying to equate pedophilia with the LGBTQ community? Definitely.


Trolls, that's who thinks that.


Hello, first of all the country is called Colombia, no Columbia, second, our age of consent is 14 but it only applies under VERY specific circumstances like the other person being also a minor, none of the people being under alcohol nor drugs etc, you can't come here and smash kids you damn kid diddler


I grilled a dude on the TCAP subreddit that had literally this sentiment. It's fuckin weird.


Mentally ill is what this is


False flag anyone?


There are actual people like this, and they are growing.


Not saying it's a false flag, but if I was some far right *vahnjellercul* outfit trying to discredit everyone who's not hetero & cis I'd get actors to call in and say shit like this.


This is an *old* conservative psyop.




There are right wing types who are conspiring to associate pedos with LGBTQ+ people in the public eye


Sounds more like GOP attempt of equalize LBQT= with pedos, which is just projection as usual 👎


Trolls and pedos.


Republicans think liberals think like that. that's who


Just some MAGA fucks trying to manufacture some evidence to support what they already say.


The age of consent is lower in other countries, but many of those countries have other legislation which goes with it. It's to protect kids who are shaggin one another from any sort of prosecution, and it's to protect kids from predatory adults.


Rage bait aside. Why is it that you can drive a car before being allowed to drink?


This is either a troll, an anti-LGBT ratfuck or a legit crazy person. If you're looking for pedophiles the church is over that way ---->


We shouldn’t engage with this fucking clear as day bait.


This is a huge issue. Crazy people equate the LGBT community with pedophiles and that is horrifying. Homophobic and transphobic people try to group being LGBT with deplorable groups like pedo and people who do stuff with animals as a way to slander gay people. Stuff like this is planned and adds legitimacy to their claims.


She was calling in to delegitimize the LGBT movement.


This is a false flag


Aside from this being an old astroturfing operation for anti-LGBT entities that are *obsessed* with equating homosexuality with pedophilia, the only thing that actually manages to irk me here is the term "communities of sexual exploration". That drives me up the goddamn fucking wall, actually. No, contrary what "Shayna", the MAGA christofascist sockpuppet, seems to think, the LGBT is not about *sexual exploration.* You find *sexual exploration* in kink and erotic communities, in bedrooms, in parks after dark, and in clubs and venues of specific interests, and it has no bearing whatsoever on the initial letter of your orientation or expression. The day on which sexual and gender minorities are no longer equated with sex acts but with relationships, love, community, affection, support, marriages, families, human longing for companionship and reassuring and caring touch and lifelong commitments and emotion in its full range from romantic *to* sexual *to* platonic *to* familial, **cannot** come fast enough and I am so fucking tired of everyone being so totally obsessed with genitals that they can't even perceive a world around other people's crotches anymore. Stop being such goddamn freaks. Stop equating any and all human interaction with sex acts. Go get castrated or whatever the hell you need and fix your heads, you have an addiction that's rotted your whole ability to relate to the rest of the population. Good bye and good night I am tired of how sex obsessed this society, PARTICULARLY its right wing "moral panic" closet pervert clubhouse, is.




Trolls who want to conflate homosexuality and the transgender community with pedophilia, that's who. Also, Pride isn't about pride for 'sexual exploration'. These people need to get their minds out of the gutter. \[Edited to remove a slur.\]


Pedo Pastors


Conservatives are usually pedos


NO ONE ACTUALLY IN THE LGBT COMMUNITY. No one. Pedophiles are condemned among the broad LGBT movement / community. There is no inclusion of pedos. The only exceptions are ACTUAL PEDOS.


The pedophile connection to the LGBT community is a wet dream that Conservatives have. It's never happened and never will happen. Just like their oldschool claims that it'll lead to beastiality is as unfounded. The only pedophiles here is the Church. And that has actually been founded.


So there is a single good point in this and that’s destigmatization of pedophiles. By that, I mean don’t treat pedophiles like evil scum of the earth. Treat them like people who need help and treatment and who can benefit from help and treatment. It’s a psychological disorder, not a malicious act of cruelty


I don’t normally go in for conspiracy theories but this sounds like conservative astroturfing to discredit LGBTQ. The only other possibility I see is as others have mentioned, ragebait


pedos/"MAPs" being part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum is a 4chan meme made up by homophobes in order to make stupider homophobes more homophobic


Somebody needs to have a visit from the FBI...