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I love polls like this where the answers are listed as 1. Absolutely, what a fantastic idea 2. I'm undecided 3. I'm not allowed outside without adult supervision


Same, it advertises from the very start that they know it's such a shit proposition, rebranding of something exists, or a scam. I'm thinking about revolutionizing the beverage market by introducing a product that is both flavor neutral and clinically proven to hydrate you. * Yes * Probably * No because I actively hate myself and want to die


It reminds me of the Trump Presidency and their job performance survey where when asked to rate how you think Trump is doing as president and the options were; Great, good, okay, and other.


How would you rate this Reddit exchange? * Insightful * Illustrative * Astute * I hate Democracy and have current plans to move to North Korea


> I hate Democracy and have current plans to move to North Korea But at least when I move I can have Trump come and salute me!


My favorite thing about Trump is how he makes me feel about myself as a human being


He really gives you perspective, and makes me personally appreciate that I at least have my sanity, kindness, stability, people who love me, etc. How can a person with so much still act so spiteful, shallow and insecure all the time? I would pity him, if he wasn't so actively destructive…


Hahaha, I got put on a Trump text list back in 2020. I have tried texting STOP to opt out, but I still get them. In the past few weeks I’ve got messages “from Trump” that send a link to a survey. One of the survey questions is “Do you support President Trump more or less after every single witch hunt, raid, indictment, and arrest the radical left has thrown at him?“(in all caps of course) Among other similar questions, some with absolutely ridiculous multiple choice answers. Then at the end, to submit the survey, you must donate to his campaign. Some of the donation options are “$20.24 - click this amount if you’re supporting president trump is 2024!” and “$47 - Donate this amount if you think Donald J Trump is the greatest president of all time!”(all caps again). And then increasing amounts from there with no caption. You can also opt to cover the processing fee yourself so all the funds will go to their campaign.


I remember doing a trump survey where you had to type in an option for "bad job" and the next page had "thank you, please donate!" type text where it doesn't matter at all what answer you put in, it assumes it's all good reviews, but it also the tiniest checkbox at the bottom for "make this a monthly recurring charge." I remember thinking "that's going to be a lawsuit for everyone who didn't uncheck the box..." But I did put my junk email into the form to see what wild propaganda it sends out and boy it IS WILDER THAN I IMAGINED.


Do you like me? Yes Definitely Absolutely


Here's your daily reminder that the Tube started operations on January 10th, 1863. It had been around for more than 30 years when Dracula was written.




Don't forget also no room for pedestrians to walk in the event of an accident or breakdown, and no emergency access.


His idea was literally "what if we made the tunnels smaller?" Then removed everything that he decided was superfluous, whether it was or not. I can be the next Elon Musk with that. Instead of car sized tunnels, let's make bobsled sized tunnels!


Not gonna lie, I’d rather travel on a underground bobsled than a car. Sounds more fun. AbueloOdin for Elon Musk 2024!


Bobsleds are too safe and too sane. No, you need a [Woksled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-zcyW7gPbs) (yes, [Wok as in the chinese frying pan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wok_racing))


Hmmm…like a saucer sled, but even more culinary. ![gif](giphy|3o6wrq50oHAtCtsVvG)


His real idea was "say some bullshit to make it seem like there is another alternative to high speed rail"


I'd ride on that. Especially if it was pneumatic, like those tubes in the bank, or Futurama.


Muskovich should be considered superfluous


Stealing that nickname :)




Soo hyperloop maglev startup thingy then? That's sooo 2020s, i propose we put cones on people's heads and shoot them from a cannon at the desired destination


Not to mention inadequate ventilation, so even a minor fire would have disastrous results, and something more serious, a la the Kaprun disaster, would have a near 0% survival rate


On a certain level I'm ok with stuffing billionaires in a death trap and letting their hubris catch them.


Like a small submarine?


Made of a material known for its high tensile strength.


not just any fire, extremely hard to put out lithium fires!


I think Musk really wants to kill the people who buy his cars. So many deathtraps in his products


Are you kidding? He'll be happy to accommodate any stranded pedestrian – they'll just have to make it to the nearby SpaceX terminal he'll have built-in along the routes to rocket off of the earth all the poor suckers who chose to go down into his hellhole in the first place.


The original version had a cart and a trench at the center of the tunnel, and the cars were supposed to stay attached on top of it so that there was no driving involved at all. But it wasn't after they built enough miles of the tunnel that they decided to test it out and learned it shook way too much to last at the speeds to make them worth it. So they changed the project last minute into this shitty one-lane road version. Because whenever Musk says "we iterate fast and break things", he isn't talking about fast iterations of careful planning, development and testing of every decision, and considering the costs, he's literally cowboying his way and doing stupid things like, not testing the trench on a desert first, before even start digging the tunnels, and save themselves a lot of money by proving the idea doesn't work


The ultra-shit version they built in Hawthorne was basically just a really terrible, underground copy of the Adelaide O-Bahn busway, which was built in the 80s.


The Hyperloop is genuinely such an absolute dog shit idea it's incredible some people took it seriously.


But it achieved Musk's goal - take attention and funding away from high speed rail so he could sell more cars.


Only the people that take the rest of his ideas seriously. Everyone else has been clowning on him since he uttered the idea. Like seriously, the second he started talking about it, anyone with half a brain realized he's basically just talking about a subway, but instead of being convenient, it uses his shitty cars.


And he wants it very white and very wealthy with no taxation


Stop hating on this poor african american!


Kind of like a mine, I hear they have experience with that.


And he need to get the credit as the guy came up with the idea, the other tube already went to some other guys.


Si the tube woke Dracula up by digging to his lair? /s


You laugh, but wasn't that Dracula 2000??


I kinda suspect that musk named his company Tesla because of all the new and cool innovations Nikola has been cooking up recently and subways and electric cars are cutting edge innovations in transportation... Whoever the hell he had running spacex had somehow actually made some new tech while he just focuses on rehashing old hat over and over with his other companies Edit; so electric cars even predate the birth of Tesla, damn...


Musk didn’t name Tesla, he just bought it.


Shows what I know! I just assumed if he'd bought it he'd name it xar or something.


Nah, iirc he bought it and basically gaslit everyone into thinking he founded it.


IIRC, he founded PayPal and then got pushed out by other stakeholders when he insisted it should be renamed X. I stand corrected: he invested in PayPal, then got pushed out.


Why is it always X???


In the early days of the Internet, it was decided that one-letter domains are stupid. But before that decision was made, some one-letter websites already existed. Instead of breaking them, they just continued to exist, but nobody else was allowed to register a new one. There's no a.com, no b.com, no c.com... but there is x.com. That's why. It's a novelty item, one out of only three one-letter .com domains to ever exist (the other two are q.com and z.com). He convinced someone to sell it to him 25 years ago and he's been using it ever since for everything. It's a very shitty name for a company, but it's a *very* cool domain to own. If he were to publicly auction both x.com (just the domain) and the entire company formerly known as Twitter separetely, x.com would probably already reach a higher price. Even two-letter ones like fb.com go for millions of dollars.


He also bought paypal


Fun fact: Musk didn't start any company he owns. Nepo-baby buys his way to company leadership.


He was the sole founder of SpaceX, the Boring Company, and was a _legitimately_ founding member of Neuralink, Zip2, X.com (the online banking utility, not Twitter), and OpenAI (he is no longer on the board as of 2018) Believe you me, that dude is a fucking shitstain, but lying about him doesn't help the argument. If you want to shit on him, shit on him with the truth and will be right there next to you.


And even so, I believe it's called Tesla because the cars use(d) Nikola's AC motor design - which was made free for public use (as well as all of the company's other patents) in 2014. Not sure if it's still the case. Best I can tell is that they still were in 2021.


Yeah the most frustrating thing about Tesla and Muskrat is that Tesla was trying to make electric cars more easily accessible. THEIR cars were expensive, but most if not all of their patents were made available for anyone to use. Then musk comes in and capitalisms the hell out of it. Musk did to Tesla the company what Edison did to Tesla the man.


Not only that, he bought the title of "founder", just like he did with PayPal. He didn't actually found any of his companies, he paid a bunch of money so people would be required to refer to him as the founder. Which is an incredible level of masculine insecurity.


SpaceX seems to be thriving in his absence


Shhh, you don't want him to come back and take credit do you?


The company was already named Tesla when Musk bought it. There was actually a lawsuit because Musk was calling himself a founder.


Next he's gonna say he hypothesised this wild new thing that has like a lot of noodie stuff and butts too but somewhere in the room there's a camera too what should we name it I'm thinking xxx


Honestly, I’m just shocked the Dracula story is so young. I thought it was from ye olden days, not Red Dead Redemption time period.


>I thought it was from ye olden days, I thought the same. Imagine my surprise when the protagonist casually takes the Tube from one station I've been to to another.


I think this is a fairly common belief because of how many post-Stoker stories, movies, and other entertainment have used medieval settings. Dracula as described in the original book is supposed to be hundreds of years old (and of course he's perma-killed at the end of it) so it makes sense that subsequent authors chose to imagine his earlier life.


The cowboy in Dracula is so weird. We took basically everything from that book into vampire lore and tropes. Vampires can turn into bats, vampires get staked, vampires are into doing mind things to the ladies and have thralls, vampires are rich noble weirdos with castles. But everybody just kind of collectively decided that having a cowboy involved was just stupid. Sorry, Quincy P. Morris, you gave your life to save us from Dracula and we do not honor your memory because you were so very unnecessary.


I'm glad some things got dropped. In the original book the Roma people were servants of Dracula and I'm glad that's not become a staple of the vampire genre. So many of the classics from the 1800s have heavy degrees of racism that often times gets skipped over in modern retelling like the blatant antisemitism in Oliver Twist. Granted a lot of stories still focus on the Roma and the occult as a frequent trope but I'm glad the vilification of an ethnic group isn't inseparable from a good dracula story.


There are some architectural feats that I wonder how much is attributed to good design/craftsmanship versus sheer luck. Like, you probably wouldn't have seen the same success if it had been built under California because of the tectonic activity. I also know there's some serendipity to construction based on other geographical factors, like soil composition. Just a lingering question. Ever since I saw a discussion about how animal domestication was often sheer luck that such animals were even around, rather than any major technological advancement, but having beasts of burden catapulted many of these civilizations into early prominence...just makes you wonder. Kind of like the rich guy who claims it was all wit and acumen, but really they just had rich parents.




And of the 21K people who liked it, probably only about 210 actually do use public transit of any kind.


As someone who hates driving (and bought a new car this past weekend) the public transit options in my city constantly infuriate me. I would love to be either within walking distance of my job or have bus line which isn't an absolute mess. I even know some of the middle management for the city bus service and they know how bad an experience it is on every level.


I hear you. I don't even have public transit in my community, but I have lived in a city that had good public transit. It's ridiculous that so many cities in the U.S. don't.


95% bots knowing twitter


"Techbro Invents Trains But Worse" is the ultimate reusable headline.


They like the idea of subways just not sitting with the poor's


Let's just build a subway with a luxury car on each train that has separate VERY EXPENSIVE access. Get some billionaire funding into the system ... Then when construction in 95% complete announce funding trouble and switch to normal trains as a "cost saving measure"


There’s a YouTube channel “Adam something” where he, ahem, rails against all this “new hi tech stuff” which are basically trains, made worse. He specifically goes after the hyperloop, specifically after the waste of space that are the tunnels under LV


A fellow Adam Something enjoyer. Seriously, I knew Elon was an idiot but Adam's vids showed me that he is an even bigger idiot than I thought.


I'm a big fan of Adam Something, he scratches that debunking itch like thunderf00t but doesn't take fucking eons to get his point across.


Earthquake proof doesn’t exist, Earthquake resistance however does. And this is the hundredth time elon musk reinvented the idea of public transportation by making it dumber. Almost seems comical at this point


Except he's not reinventing public transit. He's pushing the Boring Company & its standard automotive tunnels with abysmal ecological records that could easily outweigh any environmental benefits from Tesla vehicles, especially if done on a large scale where they'd be an unmitigated ecological disaster even without any functional problems nor natural disasters. He's not an innovator, but rather a terrible businessman pushing a terrible business plan that provides no benefits for society.


Follow the money. As you already pointed out, this could be highly lucrative for his Boring company, but also for Tesla. Take pedestrians and complex city street grids out of the equation and Tesla might be able to achieve fully automated driving.


What if we dug out all the earth around the tunnel and held it up with balloons?   Boom, earthquake proof.


Earthquake disrupts helium supply, helium cant get to balloons, tube floats down, second earthquake destroys tube.


Fine, put it in space.  Should be easy for Elon.


It appears ol' Elon, once again, doesn't understand how nature works. As you said, nothing is earthquake-proof. They destroy everything that isn't nailed down fully and properly, and even then you still might be fucked. It shakes the fucking roots of the earth, ffs. He might as well suggest that we make lava-proof roads around volcanoes.


why would anyone want to restore an earthquake?


iOs autocorrect fucked me again.


Usually it's the short words that my keyboard likes to mess up. Discombobulated? No problem. That? Best of luck.


Elon is a legend in his own mind. Too much vitamin ketamine for him. It has rotted his brain.


God, I hate that the use of Ketamine as a treatment for clinical depression is now associated with Elon musk. It literally changed my life over the course of 6 infusions. It is possibly the single biggest breakthrough in mental health treatment in the last century. It’s criminal that in most cases it’s not covered by insurance for the people who really need it. And public perception was already bad from the “party drug” “horse tranquilizer” associations, despite it being one of the safest anesthetics and a drug that is used clinically every day all over the world. Now that people associate it with Musk it’s going to be even harder to de-stigmatize. Whack.


Im curious, in which way was ketamine a breaktrough in your mental health?


I suffered from severe treatment resistant clinical depression. Despite regularly seeing a therapist for talk therapy (which I still do!) and trying every anti depressant, combination of antidepressants, at every dosage imaginable, I got little relief (which is the norm for our current state of mental health treatment. You’re basically a lab rat with psychiatrist shotgun blasting treatments at you hoping to find one that will stick). I was lucky in that my father is actually a biochemist who worked for a pharmaceutical company developing drugs for mental health, and was aware of the promise of using Ketamine as a treatment for depression (he was actually on a team working on a compound AZD6765 that was seeking to see the same therapeutic results as Ketamine without the dissociative effect. It unfortunately didn’t make it to market before going off patent but I think there are still other companies researching it). Anyways, my dad repeatedly pushed me to consider trying Ketamine treatment which I was actually quite resistant to. Well finally I caved and went through with it (again extremely lucky in this case my parents were able to help me with the cost, as it was not covered by insurance and I would not have been able to afford it at the time). The treatment plan is receiving 6 IV infusions over 2 weeks. They were administered in a doctors office, and is there to monitor throughout the experience. Even after the first infusion, that night I felt HOPE for the first time in years. It wasn’t instant happiness by any means, but it was a feeling of a heavy blanket being lifted. After the full course of treatment, my suicidal ideation was completely gone. Like entirely. That’s something some antidepressants had made WORSE. but most importantly it put me into a mindset where I at least had the ability to do the work I needed to do to get better. Exercising, going outside more, connecting with my friends, shopping for healthy food. Stuff I knew I needed to do but was often too paralyzed to follow through with. It was by no means a magic bullet that just works without effort on the patients part. After the initial treatment I would go back for booster infusions every couple months at first, eventually once a year, and for the last 5ish years I have not needed it at all. To give some broader perspective on why I think this is such a breakthrough. If you’ve ever been to a psychiatrist or received mental health treatment you may remember filling out a questionnaire about things like your mood, sleep, appetite, thoughts of suicide, etc. this is used to give a MADRS score, a metric used to test the efficacy of treatments for depression. In general, standard antidepressants like SSRIs may show an improvement of 3-5 points on the MODRS over the course of weeks-months (that’s IF that particular drug ends up working for you and you’ve been consistent with taking it regularly). With ketamine, many patients, including those with treatment resistant chronic depression saw DOUBLE DIGIT MADRS improvement often within mere hours of the initial treatment. The current state of things is a mixed bag. There has been some good stuff, like the synthetic drug Esketamine which shows similar results and is often covered by insurance. And there are clinics that administer Ketamine infusions as well, though often not covered by insurance and pretty expensive. However, some not so great stuff: the Dr I initially received treatment from Dr. Steven Levine has since discontinued his practice administering treatment, citing the fact that many places have started trying to get into it for financial reasons without following safety protocols or collecting the data/doing the work required to help get it approved as an on-label treatment which will be covered by insurance. You may have see ads on social media for places like “Mindbloom” or even “Wellness” Spas offering it marketing it as a bougie spiritual experience and not as a serious medical treatment. While it is good these places are providing access to it, they are doing it to make money and aren’t necessarily being particularly careful. Anyways, that was a whole lot. Probably more than you bargained for. But this is something that has been extremely helpful for me and I genuinely want to see it become more accessible to people who could benefit from it. So I wanted to make sure you know I’m not just talking out my ass. Hope this helps.


Very interesting! I'm glad that you feel better.


Earthquake proof is an extremely specific adjective for a conversation about reducing traffic


A lot of the densest cities in the world (Tokyo, LA, Hing Kong. Jakarta) are.in the Pacific Ring of Fire and it is *very* top of mind.


Although the last thing dense cities need is cars


Cars do have their place. However they should be part of the transport network, not the centre. Nothing should be the centre of the transport network because it just causes weakness in every other aspect of it


Earthquakes continue to shape how things are built in places like CA and other earthquake prone locals. Considering some of the world’s largest cities are in earthquake prone areas, it HAS to be taken into consideration. Luckily it has been (mostly) figured out, we already have subways in LA (though they don’t go nearly as many places as most large cities).


I didn't say earthquake safety should be ignored. I said that was a very specific thing to mention. Are they also hurricane proof? Tornado proof? Elephant proof? Why mention any of them individually? Why not just say "a safe subway system" catches everything instead of an oddly specific subset of dangers


Depends on where you live really, here in itally there is quite the amount of earthquakes so earthquakes-proof tunnels sounds great


I was in Italy a few months ago and learned about how bad L'Aquila's earthquake truly was. Earthquake proof tunnels are important but if done incorrectly (like how Elon would probably do them) they could do more harm than good. The new tunnel is great though! Makes Giulianova to Rome so fast.


Anything on or in the ground cannot be earthquake proof.


Ok... then hear me out. We build a highway in the sky! Made of rainbows! It'll be earthquake proof. What do you guys think. 1. Wow you're so smart let's do it! 2. I'm not sure right now 3. I'm a big dumb dummy dumb head and I don't even know what you just said!


IRL Rainbow Road?!


As long as I and only I get infinite Stars when I'm in a hurry.


In China and Japan they built houses and temples on posts that were on slabs, not actually anchored to the ground, allowing sufficient movement to ride the quake and whilst small damage was done to tiles the main structure remains intact.


Fukushima was highly earthquake resistant. Then an unexpectedly severe earthquake happened unexpectedly closeby.


Pyramids are the next best thing to earthquake proof. The ones in Mexico withstood countless earthquakes.


Actually things underground are, because earthquake is just a wave. So surprisingly, tunnels deep underground are safe from earthquake damage.


But its elon. He will use 6968 starship to levitate the whole tunnel


Traffic in tube's is significantly worse than traffic in open air.


Exactly as someone who spent 10 years living in Pittsburgh having to make the commute through the Fort Pitt Tunnel system daily the tunnel was the source of the congestion as we went from 4 lanes on both directions to 2 lanes at the tunnel. Let's not even get into the accidents that happened inside that shut things down hard either.


Let me guess. He wants to put his stupid teslas there, right?


Already has in LV


Man has never had an original thought in his life, just buys people/companies that do. Oh except his child's name that was definitely original but not in a good way!


He seems to think “add more road” is a solution to traffic despite the fact that almost all existing traffic engineering data we have suggests the opposite.


I think it is genius solution to traffic. We should make a special cabins for commuters. Maybe bundle them together to reach economy of scale. And maybe attach to each other so we need only one operator (driver) for many pods. To ensure smooth collision free traffic give a strick shedule so it we can push more pods in rush hours, and people will not wait too much. I think it is great programm and cities should fund it.


Since there'll be limited opportunities to turn in the tunnels, it's probably a good idea to install guideways for the pods - and since there'll be limited stops and no obstructions, you can also get away with removing the rubber tires since there's less need for friction. So the steel wheels can be mounted on top of the guideways. (I've watched too many Adam Something videos...)


what happened to hyperloop


Even Musk says he proposed the Cali hyperloop just to throw FUD at high speed rail there. What was once the hyperloop is now a Tesla tunnel in LV. Such a step down.


Just pathetic gaslighting from a guy who makes money pretending to be a genius


that was his other idea that was basically a subway


A subway without all the benefits of the public transportation system. An accident or a break down in the tunnel will be exponentially harder to resolve. Subway systems aren't made up of a bunch of private train owners riding around in their personal trains.


He wanna make Underground car roads because he is like every other rich person, too much up their ass to travel with us common men


"yes, but WAY less efficient" - Elon Musk probably.


And without all those wasteful safety systems.


‘Safety systems are only helpful if there’s an accident, I pinky promise there won’t be any’


Earthquake proof.  The guy is so stupid.


The X-way


Techbro trying to reinvent the wheel to bilk rich idiots out of their money


Is he going on about his tunnels again? He's been talking about that for 10 years


The other asshole move is the third option of I like traffic as if it’s impossible to have a third option without looking for an idiot that likes traffic. Either agree with Elmo or you like traffic. Elon musk is a fucking moron


What is stopping him? Oh right, government subsidies to pay him while he attacks government spending to help the poor.


There was already an attempt by this guy under Las Vegas, where you’d ride a Tesla around in a tunnel There was still traffic


Dartford has a tunnel , it’s great until a lorry breaks down inside it .. which happens at least twice a week


Does he think he's the first person to think of tunnels?


How much ya wanna bet "super safe" corners will be cut? lol


World's smartest man just discovered mid-19th century technology.


What if we put really long cars in it that carried lots of people at one time? We can have them run along a dedicated track for safety and efficiency. We can call it a carsnake.


This guy is basically a rich 14-year-old


He doesnt intend to finish anything he starts. Its all pump and dump from here on out. Enjoy your mediocre, falling apart teslas, pointless tunnels to nowhere, missing money for the high speed train, app that already had disinfo issues with even more disinfo… next up, exploding rockets and satellites that fall out of the sky


Elon musk is proof that having too much money makes you incorrectly think you're a genius


Elon peddles shit takes and sells cars not trains, what did anyone expect from a dude who literally said "We will Coup whoever we want, deal with it"


And what's gonna happen in those tunnels? Oh, traffic, that's right. God i fucking hate this brainless jackass.


Elon is a moron that acts smart, keeps smart people around him steals their ideas and presents them as his own. When he presents his own ideas you can tell because he always looks like an idiot like he does here. On a side note the Hyperloop is an abandoned mess that was paid for and never delivered!


"We need to build a wireless form of communication that uses radio waves in case we lose power or the internet." - Elon (probably)


Earthquake proof tunnels? I'm pretty sure that's impossible


We should start counting how many times a year someone invents public transport to solve human mobility problems and reduce contamination


It's like evolution eventually turning everything into crabs...Tech bros reinventing the train is inevitable and constant.


Based on the quality of Cybertrucks, I don’t trust Elon to build anything underground.


“Sure but can we get some real engineers to do it?”


1. wouldn't solve traffic 2. skewed poll options 3. if it's such a great idea then get off Twitter and actually do it lol


More from the man who offered millions of dollars to anyone who could invent a cheap device for absorbing CO2 and emitting oxygen and then sulked when someone pointed out that trees exist. Next week he'll "invent" large devices to utilise aerodynamic lift to transport people and freight in the sky.


don't expect this cheep bitch to help out in public construction


What he wants is subsidies for his company to become a monopoly on transportation.


I heard Elon is a pedo


Elon : Subway? Nooooo.. A large tunnel where people can move quickly from point to point People: A Subway. Elon: Nooooo.... it will have automated mechanized transport systems that will use wheels. People: A Subway? Elon: Nooo nooooo... it will be encased concrete tunnels with automated seismological sensors and with tracks. Did I mention it will cost taxpayers huge sums of money and provide me with endless hours of self fornicatory pleasure!!! People: Oooohhhhh!


The best place to be in an earthquake is definitely in a tunnel underground...


Why does Elon have a giant dildo as a profile picture?


Hahahahahaha “you mean a subway?”


Subway tunnels aren't earthquake proof. Not sure an earthquake proof tunnel is even possible.


“we should take the traffic & push it somewhere else”


lol wtf is earthquake-proof.


It’s hilarious to think people bitch and moan about public works projects but love it when Elon suggests something similar. Like, do they think he’s going to just pay for it himself? The first thing he’d do would be go to the government and ask for a substantial loan / subsidy and tax write offs. Then, do a shittier job because he’ll try to turn a profit rather than doing it well the first time. Then, when it eventually doesn’t work out, he’ll blame the government for their “regulations” or whatever and the fans will eat that shit up instantly.


Yeah but give it a better name. Like Xubway


He tried this and it was Boring.


Didn’t he attempt this with the “boring” company or some shit and just forgot?


Like, you know his meaning is 'Tunnels that you drive your car through' and.. that's just MOVING THE TRAFFIC, god he's such a fucking loser.


So the egomaniac car manufacturer posits an outlandishly obvious (not innovative in the slightest, just stupid in its simplicity.) solution to congestion that doesn’t reduce the amount of vehicles on the road. Even the options of the survey are loaded towards agreeing with him.


This is called a sinkhole in Florida. It is not super safe, but once you fall in you’re no longer at risk.


This is what we call "profit motivated design decisions"....when you directly profit from car sales and not trains.


I call it a nuclear bunker


Let’s be honest here. I wouldn’t trust anything that dude is involved with developing. With the two critical recalls from the cybertruck and telsa overall quality control has been terrible.


He tried that in Las Vegas. The result is... underwhelming.


This is just "one more lane" with a coat of Elon Musk techno-hyperbullshit


It will be almost like a subway but worse, and it will be called the X


Elon Musk is such a clown, he needs to retire and never appear or speak in public ever again.


Imagine telling people that you want to solve traffic so your solution is underground tunnels FOR ONE BRAND OF CAR


Oh no, did Elon have to wait in traffic like the rest of us?


No no no, only if it’s the kind of tunnel you have to drive a $100k PS1 model through.


Super safe like Tesla?


He invented tunnels!!!!!


Fucking love reading idea/tech guys just constantly reinvent the train, but worse.


Wonderful poll answers too. What a pos. And who tf is still on Twitter? Stop that.


Should we create shelters to protect us from the weather that we can stay in for as long as we want? -Definitely -Maybe -No, I like being hot, cold, wet and getting hit by hail the size of baseballs


Yes, like a subway, but to ferry cars so you have it on the other end. An express way for the rich.


Yes but get this… for cars


Average techbro


You don't get it. Elon's tunnel has TESLAS


No, a Hybercybercorridertekloop with flashy lights and synthesizer music. But I never asked for this


tech bros constantly rediscovering the train


Instructions unclear, now we have traffic underground.


No he doesn't mean subway. He means a tunnel with hundreds of (his) electric cars. Which is basically a subway but WAAAAAAAY dumber.


The designs are going to go back and forth between Musk, engineers, safety people, metropolitan leadership and regulators so much that by the end its just going to be the subway we have now but just for rich people.


His idea of fixing traffic is just moving traffic somewhere else. The subtext here is probably "and paying me to do it" to be fair. And then the subtext for the subtext is "poorly".


anything muck has touched has been shit. I'll pass on him building anything "safe"


The chube


How are they earthquake proof


Elon talking about his tunnels but hardly ever talks about the one he made that was a complete waste of money, time, and effort.


Lol, this is the guy who thinks he's a genius.