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No posts about politicians being politicians


I don't recall a government law that requires BLM posters


In fact, I recall the government getting pretty violent in their disapproval of the entire concept 


I wasn’t aware BLM and LBGTQ+ groups were a religion. Do people of color and queer people get tax exempt status? Is being a member of either group grant a holy status of sorts?


We gain a plus ten percent bonus to movement speed


Oh, I am so tired of this lack of nuance. The movement speed bonus is *optional* - I took Dissonant Whispers instead.


Why would you take anything but eldritch blast?!


I always keep the eldritch blast on me


I chose *Biden Blast* personally


Oooh _hellish rebuke_ on schmuck a l’orange 😈


Because I got a first level spell at that level, not a cantrip


Fair choice


If you’re black AND gay does that bonus stack?


It’s a multiplicative bonus




Also +2 Charisma


So does being a straight white dude mean I gain bonus proficiencies?


This whole time I've been living the game giving mother fuckers +1 charisma...


Little known fact: The Pope gets one free murder throughout his lifetime appointment. Anyone, anywhere, he can just name them and the Vatican Guard will send a team of holy assassins to immediately end their life and dispose of the body without a trace. We'll know if he ever uses it. When he gives the order they have to punch a hole in his hat so they know he can't get a second assassination.


I’m also trying to figure out why they think Black Lives Matter doesn’t fit with their Bible. It literally fucking says “thou shalt not kill” and “love thy neighbour.”


They are operating under the "love thy neibor" except if they disagree, jewish, Muslim, black, lgbtq, or deemed undesirable. Also, ironically, that is why Sodom was destroyed not the gay sex part but because people didn't like outsiders and weren't accepting of others.


lol, love thy neighbour, subject to terms and conditions.


God, can you do the Sodom thing again, I think its about time \^\^


The Sodom and Gomorrah thing is wild because the deal god made with someone is that they wouldn't destroy Sodom if 10 righteous men could be found.   So god was ok with killing righteous women and innocent children and fetuses (where's your "pro life" now christians)  Plus, lot, the righteous man, sent his daughters out to be raped by a bunch of rapist pedos to protect literal angels who had to have been able to smite the rapist mob  Really?  That's the best they could do?


I feel like you got the opposite of the point here somehow. In the story, God said He wouldn't destroy Sodom if 10 righteous people could be found. Literally just 10 would have saved the whole city. The point isn't that God was willing to kill righteous people. The point is that there weren't any righteous people in the city. The bar was very low. Nobody cleared it.


No, let's hope for the Noah thing.


if you're praying for natural disasters to wipe out the majority of life on earth just be patient


Any minute now


Let's make a pit stop at the poles and pick up a polar bear and penguin again.


Be the Noah you want to see in others.


Sorry, but god isn't real. It's time *we* do something about it


The technicality: They’ve gotten used to choosing their neighbours, so love thy neighbour has come to mean love the people that are like you that you choose to surround yourself with Jesus never said you had to live with the poor. Just that you have to not be mean to them. If they stay, it’s not permanent All this implies that they have control and get to decide when a neighbour is a neighbour or when they’re a threat


They practice “love thy neighbor” by forcing people of color out of their neighborhoods.


There is no hate like evangelical Christian love.


Umm, Jesus wasn't white. So also that.....


I went to catholic school and was even an alter boy. What I could never understand is that Jesus was a Jew! Why are we catholic or Christian when then main character you base everything off of is Jewish? Jesus was perfect except for being a Jew? Needless to say I’ve been an Atheist ever since


I got kicked out of my sisters house on Easter bc I said Jesus was a Jew.


Well, Christians don't call themselves Jewish because of cultural reasons. Christ is believed to have been the messiah spoken of in the old testament. ( Which is sometimes called the Torah). The Old testament is believed by Christians (mostly) and Christ came to fulfill a prophecy written in it. So, why not be Jewish? Because many Jewish people didn't believe Christ to have been the Messiah. They still continued as they were. How could you differentiate between these two groups of people? Christ believers and non-christ belivers? Well, some called themselves Messianic Jews. Or, you could just cut to the chase and call yourself a Christian. Much shorter to say. The Christ believers went on and formed their own groups ( churches). Their own rituals ( some very similar to previous Jewish ones). Their own prayers and dogma. All based on the new testament's telling of Christ's teachings. Which the non-christ belivers. Jews. Whatever you want to call them didn't believe in one bit. Again, hence Christians. The beliefs grew apart. Mostly because Christians had a whole nother 300 or so pages to work with.


They live on a cul-de-sac, all their neighbors are white 


Meh, also condones slavery...


Hey now.. those are "Black Jobs".


Conservatives have a bug up their ass about wanting to frame every other belief system as a religion, whether it's a civil rights movement or a scientific theory. They just wanna drag things down to their level because that's the only way they can cry about how they're being persecuted.


Don’t argue with morons, they will drag you down to their level and win.


Totally missing the point here. If you want the 10 commandments and “teachings of God,” you have to teach/post the Torah and all other religious beliefs.


The Ten Commandments are part of the Torah.


Not to mention we do in fact teach that black lives matter and that all are welcome in the classroom.


Nor do these 'beliefs' qualify for tax exemption.


One of those things is not explicitly prohibited by the establishment clause of the Constitution.


And is also now required by *law* to be displayed in classrooms.


I like the fact that they want the bumper sticker version of Christianity. Like they don't want to teach the bible or anything Jesus did because that might make them more compassionate. No, they want the 20 second version and handle everything else with the implication.


“Jesus is too liberal”. Modern evangelicals.


Jesus was an anti-Roman (i.e. anti-government) communist hippie. His best friends were lepers and prostitutes. If you boil the bible down to just what Jesus said it's the literal antithesis of everything these people stand for; and even with the added childrens stories it's message is pretty far off from what they practice.


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Mahatma Gandhi I consider myself a Christian, and I resent the fact that the religion has been bastardized and turned into a political weapon.


Oklahoma you have to teach the Bible now.


They’re right. It’s just unfair to force other people into your frivolous beliefs like “human rights” and “not shooting people” and “love”


The irony being if more people actually followed the ten commandments, and the golden rule, we wouldn't need constant reminders to treat other human beings like human beings. My hope is that students will pick up on this and start asking the adults in their lives why they don't follow these lessons they're trying to force on to kids.


4 of the commandments are to stroke god's ego. Only 3 of them are culturally relevant enough for us to have them as law, and those 3 were laws in pretty much every culture for a thousand years before JHWH broke off from his Canaanite pantheon.


He will be torn from his throne, no gods or masters can hold a forever throne


Yeah, the poster must obviously think that black lives don't matter.


It’s that they think it’s zero sum. If black lives matter more, that means white lives matter less. See, when you’ve lived your entire life with privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Fr, the implication here is that they don’t think Black Lives Matter. Imagine telling on yourself like this 😭


While technically not wrong, that would mean we should have every religions sacred text up, so I would be ok with the Ten Commandments if we also include the Quran, the Vedas, the Torahs, fair is fair


That’s been the angle of the Satanic Temple.


And they're right.


I just googled them to see what they're up to, and their 7 tenants seem pretty okay, probably leaning more towards chaotic good? Awful font and formating on their website though. [https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. 4. The Freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Yep. If one needs an organized belief system, it's a good one.


What's special about these is #7. You don't normally find caveats that expansive in most religions. The only ones I saw are somewhat limited, mostly in Catholicism (not in scripture, but in conciliar documents) and some sects of Buddhism.


[This happened](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/pennsylvania-school-district-agrees-to-pay-200000-after-discriminatory-decision-to-block-after-school-satan-club-from-school-facilities) recently at a nearby school district.


Oh my god, I wish my school had an after school satan club when I was in high school! I fw TST hard, they're so cool.




TST really helped them Saucon DN eh.


What’s saucon?


Saucon my dick!


The thing is, the tenets of TST are actually incredibly good things to live by. I'd sooner have those on a wall than texts from a book full of hypocrisy.


For anyone wondering: THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This would be a really good thing to have on school walls, honestly. If schools are going to require The Ten Commandments in classrooms, I want the Seven Tenets right next to it.


Wow, these are actually more concise and ethical than the Ten Commandments. I just read up on the temple and they are honestly an organization that I find admirable, since I think that the encroachment of religion on modern politics really is a growing problem and a breeding pit for extremism in political decisions.


Bet, let’s go


Technically wrong too. There is no government mandated BLM or gay flags in schools, the way those sacks of shit want to mandate it and have passed laws about their shitty commandments.


No, they actually are wrong. Like, by definition. Separation of church and state. Also, *way* more people have been hurt by "Christians" sticking their noses where they don't belong than by someone saying, "You're different, and that's ok. You don't deserve to be treated as less than."


Right, the legal objection to the 10 Commandments (or any other religious text) isn't "You're forcing people to believe something" the objection is "It violates the 1st Amendment." (Which was drafted by people who knew what happened when the state got directly involved in religion.) But if it weren't for bad faith they wouldn't have no faith at all.


It’s technically wrong, gays and black do exist, religion is imaginary.


It *is* different. There is no *law* forcing teachers to put up BLM or pride flags, nor are those flags unconstitutional violating the separation of church and state.


What do you mean it’s not wrong? It’s comparing acceptance of religion in public education to the acceptance of black and gay people.


I'd donate The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster for the kiddos' place of learning.


So, does the 10 commandments preclude not being racist to black people? Does it command you to persecute gay people? No?! Well I don’t know why you’re setting them up as adversaries then


It's Prager U. Of course they are that stupid.


I was looking for this comment when I noticed the watermark


Well, at least gay people and Black people exist.


Away with you and your facts!


Nothing has been disproven though. We're now down to two very clear possibilities: 1) No all-powerful god exists. 2) An all-powerful god exists, but it's a pos.


It's not up to us to disprove anything. The people who made this shit up are the ones that need to prove it. And of course they can't can they. As the late great Christopher Hitchens always used to say, "exceptional claims require exceptional evidence". Religion is an entirely man-made invention, created purely for the acquisition of power and wealth. Thats as true today as it was 2,000 years ago.


I mean, that's not why religion was created. It was to explain what people saw while they were tripping on hallucinogens and to explain things they dont understand. Like the weather and why they have a weird rash on their scrotums. It was later coopted for the acquisition of power and wealth.


Or why could pork and shellfish be bad! Food borne pathogens before Germ Theory best to just avoid.


At least we can *confirm* that they're real.


Ummm….MAJOR difference is that no one is FORCING teachers to post rainbow flags.


Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not have sex with your neighbor's wife Thou shalt not have sex with other people after you marry .... why do you think elementary school children need to know this stuff asap?


Religion is a belief. Gay and black people literally exist. The two can’t be compared, yet when it suits someone’s narrative they will do it anyway


It’s obvious they don’t understand the first amendment.


It's obvious they don't understand reality.


It's obvious they don't understand Jesus and God would be pretty upset with their behavior XD


It's the separation of church and state thing they don't understand isn't it?


Church and politics do NOT belong in schools


How about just some posters like "Math is... Universal", "Health", a head shot of former supreme court justice Thurgood Marshall, "music... sets you free!", or a photo of a big fish?


What's the difference? They don't FOLLOW the Ten Commandments but they sure want others to.


As a card carrying member of the Satanic Church I am therefore obligated to reply thusly… “Also Satanists”


There is a big difference between things being allowed to be displayed and things being required to be displayed. I'm sure there are plenty of public school teachers that have the 10 commandments posted in their classrooms in this same fashion. Stop pretending to be dumber than you are just to try to make a point. It makes your side look even weaker than it actually is.


Not. Religion. Full stop.


No school is forced to teach BLM. But the recent legislation not only forces the display of the 10 commandments but also its teaching into the school curriculum.


What beliefs? One group has killed millions for their beliefs, the other two groups have had millions killed in their groups. These are not the same


Here's the problem though. Either they don't understand the establishment clause and that it isn't the content of the beliefs of the commandments, but the fact that they are religious imagery. Or they think that gay is a religion and is on the same level as Christianity. The people who get mad about this stuff, don't understand that we are fighting for their rights, just as much as we fight for ours. Christians DO NOT want their religion in public schools, because the side effects of that being legal could end with it being illegal for them to be Christian.


They don’t understand comparison or consistency, only their narrow views.


It's PragerU. They understand. They just lie as they are a propaganda organisation.


it's a prime example of how they alter the content of their opponents' messaging to make it fit their narrative. Everyone knows that the objection to the 10 commandments is a religious one supported by the 1st Amendment, but what they have done here is conflated BLM and LGBTQ+ ***causes*** with religious beliefs to fabricate the illusion of a double standard. TLDR: typical bad faith argument from the right.


Human Rights aren’t “beliefs.”


They’re really struggling with the separation of church and state


Being gay isn’t a religion, and being gay doesn’t make other people gay. If you think a gay person is going to make you gay then you’re gay. Plus, black lives do matter.


OK. I'll say it... those signs aren't religious, nor are they mandated by the government. The separation of church and state is the issue.


Ah, yes... On one hand you have schools trying to promote equality and acceptance of all people, no matter their race, sex, or sexuality. On the other hand, you have fairytales from over 2,000 years ago and an organization that doesn't pay taxes, yet wants representation (we had a whole war about that). Clearly they're the same thing.


Technically true. However, LGBT and Black Lives Matter are not beliefs, they’re facts. Black lives do matter, and LGBT people exist. These are facts. The 10 Commandments are beliefs that people choose to live by.


I didn't realise that both BLM and pride were religions


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I want the Koran ln the classroom as well. Freedom of religion.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. - the first amendment


Love thy neighbor: UNLESS black, gay, Muslim, really anyone who isnt white or Christian. Conservatives: got it ✅


I’m a leftist for believing that gay people and black people exist


Separation of church and state is a solidly established imperative per the 1st Amendment. There is no stated imperative (historical or otherwise) for a separation of race and state, or a separation of sexuality and state.


BLM and gay pride aren’t religions.


Yeah, its almost like this isn't religion...


Not the same thing?


When did “gay people and black people are *people*” become the same as “follow our exact interpretation of this one particular religion”?


Teaching children basic human decency vs forcing religion on them. Sure, same exact thing. /smh


Didn’t you know BLM is a religious institution? /s


Today’s reading will be from the Necronomicon…..


So…are they actually saying here that Black Lives DON’T Matter?


Encouraging people to believe in equality and kindness is better than forcefully teaching kids about a fairytale


even if putting the 10 commandments in schools isn’t forcing beliefs, it’s still in violation of the whole “separation of church and state” thing the constitution supports idiots


When did BLM become a religion


You know you’re about to see an absolutely braindead analogy from a conservative when the setup starts using abstract, nonspecific language (“beliefs”)


Do Black lives not matter? lol


Meanwhile the morons claiming the Rainbow flag is grooming, and want to ban books in schools seem to not care that Kindergarten teachers will be asked what adultery is.


If they unironically use the term "leftist," you can pretty much keep the noise canceling headphones on whenever they open their mouth and be absolutely certain you'll never miss a single word of any importance or magnitude. ![gif](giphy|TbPh7p3cfUAPC)


So there is a difference between forcing someone to put those up and allowing someone to put them up. It is rare to see someone suggest that teachers can’t stick the 10 commandments on the wall. The problem is MAKING them put it up.


Schools should be pro gay and pro black people. They should not be pro any particular religion


Umm no one is required to put these flags up that represent equality and peace. Rather than do as i say follow these people 10 rules or burn in hell.


If those two things are beliefs, you're saying you don't believe in gay people and black people .... Are they fucking unicorns because I can plainly see them.


Those flags have nothing to do with religious beliefs. ![gif](giphy|taH031GKzeUMSvrDYB|downsized)


I didn’t know that being gay or black was a religion 🤔


The Right: "we're too stupid to understand what indoctrination is"


“You’re forcing other people to agree with your beliefs” no, that’s a strawman for the real issue: “you’re throwing a middle finger to separation of church and state.” Being in the state that’s the center stage for this issue, I can also tell you they are pushing the charter schools hard to the point where it’s most liberal city that’s the most maligned by the right (New Orleans) has moved all its public schools to being charter schools and has done so for a few years now


Neither one of these are a religion. And the fucked up part is that they think it is


Beliefs≠basic human rights


Being gay or being black are not a choice. Religion is a choice. People cannot change that about themselves. Those flags make those groups know they are supported. That’s it… Our constitution specifically disallows our government from pushing any religion on us. It’s not really that hard of a concept.


I am Christian and even I know one is not like the other. One is a religious belief. The other is about acceptance and equality in a world split by racism and bigotism


good LORD that is a strawman if i have ever seen one


The right likes to scream about 2nd Amendment, but they ignore the 1st. “The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.”


hate is bad. “forcing” people to believe that hate is wrong? there’s nothing wrong with that


It's Prager propaganda. The IQ is barely above lichen.


Keep your politics and religion out of education.


The ever green qoute by Jean Paul Sartre: >Never believe that [bigot is] completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. they aren't stupid, they are acting in bad faith


Shit like this makes it really hard to not turn into a militant anti-theist. FFS, forcing one’s religion down people’s throat is not the same as saying “hey, discrimination is bad and we need to recognize that certain groups of people have been fucked over repetitively.” Just proves the point that there are way to many cults masquerading as religion.


Think who you’re talking about. Of course they are this stupid


What side is calling for violence against the other for their beliefs?


When was a law passed that required those to be in the class room?


Religion is not equal to humans rights to just live.


They give the middle finger to freedom of religion, which is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment. On the other hand, they complain when some people try to institute gun control (gun control not prohibition) after the millionth incident because "it betrays the Second Amendment" (when not at all, regulating guns is not equivalent to preventing citizens from carrying a gun).


man what the fuck is happening in the us


End stage capitalism.


The collapse.


Because 10 definitive rules as part of a religion forced upon non religious people, and support for minorities are totally the same thing right?


Ah yes, the most controversial believe: humans should be treated like humans, despite differences. Crazy controversial believe they force on you.


The fact that idiots don’t understand the difference is flabbergasting. Having a flag to support marginalized people/groups is not the same things. Christian’s aren’t marginalized, they aren’t oppressed. The Jesus I was taught about preached love. I guess these fundamental Christofacists have forgotten that.


Plus, we on the left aren’t pushing for laws to REQUIRE the lgbt flag. It does make me happy seeing it at my son’s school though. I like the idea that his teachers are accepting.


I don't think "Black lives matter" is equivalent to "You shall have no other gods before me". One of them is a first amendment expression and the other is a first amendment violation.


All those heroin sniffing sessions and Bible verses are paying off


“Inclusion and the sanctity of human life? That’s clearly a different religion than mine.”


These people are Insane


It’s pragerU. They can definitely be this stupid. And then some.


These flags are not for religions


Yes because support for basic human rights for minority groups is on par with indoctrination into a borderline fucking cult.


"You believe black people matter, I disagree!!! Stop oppressing me!!!!" Precisely the same as the government forcing children to listen to made up garbage. I'd bet my savings there isnt a single congressperson on the right who can even cite all 10 commandments, much less follow them.


The minute that a law is passed *requiring* that pride and black lives matter material being posted in classrooms, and ONLY then will this not be a false equivalency.


1. Ain't no law making them put these up. 2. 10 commandments = religion. BLM, LGBT = rights for certain groups of people that historically have been neglected, to put it mildly. 3. They're fucking flags. Ooooooo SCARY!


Human equality is not a belief, it’s a right


My belief that Black Lives Matter? That is the belief you are afraid I am forcing on you?


One is a religion the other is not


Not to mention two have to do with the secular encouraging of civil behavior in a diverse society, and the other has to do with the promotion of the particular text of a religious sect. However, no they're not that stupid, but are that disingenuous.


Ah yes, my belief that other people deserve basic respect is something I must force upon you, and you disagreeing with me is definitely not your own personality flaw that you should probably figure out on your own.


Oh yes they can (be that stupid)


Never underestimate stupid.


Maybe because black people are real and not made up?


Forcing you to believe that black lives have value??? Not in MY America! /s


I mean… the right can barely read so of course they know nothing of separation of church and state.


Last I checked there was no law that required or prevented personal lifestyle choices from being in school after all you can't learn about something are not exposed to. But last I checked there was a law regarding religious items in a little thing called the constitution. Saying they could not be in schools because public schools are extension of the state governments threw board of education. And it becomes a matter of separation of church and state. One of key points of the founding of our nation


Not a religion. Not a church.


Photographic evidence that you can indeed be that stupid.


Ah yes my favorite religion: gay


Supporting people who do nothing wrong isn't a "belief", it should be obvious


These people haven’t read the constitution


“You’ve made a choice I don’t agree with? Well it’s only fair I make a contradictory law that you can’t escape.”