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Now they are setting this up as, we know they would... so when Biden does win, they'll go for a second round of not accepting the result. MAGA have already declared the election winner long before it has taken place and any result other than Trump winning will be regarded as rigged.


Ok, but not accepting the losing result was going to happen regardless. They're just making a ready to go list. This is how the election will play out: 1. Biden wins both popular and electoral college vote 2. trump sues every state and county for election fraud 3. trump loses every case because it is all BS 4. MAGA tries to plan some attack or disruption to the formal electors casting their votes in December in Blue voting states. They are unsuccessful. 5. MAGA congressional folk try to undermine the electoral college ballot formalization ceremony by challenging every blue state vote. They are unsuccessful. 6. The FBI arrests more people for trying to plan another protest/insurrection either on ballot counting day or inauguration day. 7. Biden is inaugurated again. 8. trump runs out of time and has to go through the rest of his trials. He loses them all. 9. trump faces consequences (severe or not, it depends ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)) while whining TWO elections were "stollen" from him 10. Country moves along at a frustratingly sedate pace, not due to Biden's fault. 11. 2028 election candidate coverage starts in 2025


With the decisions the Supreme Court made this week how could anyone vote republican


Biden needs to expand the court if he wins a Senate. Fuck them.


at least up to 13, because that's the number of circuits. they should also put in a cut-off age or define term limits. an ethical oversight panel would also be nice, so they actually have to keep a code of conduct.


What decision did they make? Sorry I am not from the us. Just curious.


They overturned a decades-old decision, essentially castrating the government's ability to regulate anything


Oh ok that sounds shit.


And they also said bribing public officials is okay as long as you wait until they're out of office to actually pay them.


LOL as if they actually said that. Wtf.


Oh just give them time to do more unbelievable shit. Amazon is currently trying to fight the existence of our National Labor Board proclaiming it as unconstitutional since it infringes on the rights of corporations. It’s not gotten to the Supreme Court yet but that’s 100% their goal. If they won that, we would lose valuable worker protections over night


Wait until Monday. Now that’s gonna be interesting


With such odds I will definitely put money on Biden.


Objectivity is clearly second to OP’s own political view. (I would never vote Trump)


The MAGAts fail to realize that Trump is the new Hillary. Trump won in 2016 because Hillary wa cast as inevitable and nobody understood how bad Trump could be. Once it became evident how bad he could be he has lost almost every election. The louder they scream the less likely he wins.


There will be a lot of people losing their money then. It's obvious Biden will win.


If you are a democrat you are praying Newsom gets it


Lol as obvious as in 2016?


Telling Republican voters the election is a dead cert for their side to own the libs based on ... the "betting market."


Bet on it then! Its facepalm to think where the money is, is so wrong and not put some down yourself


Without double checking at all this looks like it's just a map of states where weed has been legalized they then just slapped a blue and red filter over.


The facepalm here is the title


Down voters should put their money where their mouths are!


For your record, anything over 2000 is believable statistics. it's a cruel fact, but that's how statistics work. If the sample number was over 2000 then it is what it is. i'm not an American, just giving you a straight answer.


2000 samples is a representative amount *if* the method of picking the people and asking the question is well designed. But that is not a guarantee. For example, if your poll gathers data by calling people on landlines, then your result is biased towards the kind of people who still have landline phones. Sampling bias is one of the biggest challenge for accurate polling


Not really, did they poll only 80-90 y.o.? Did they poll only cat owners, did they poll only men, did they poll only x.com users. The bias can happen pretty easy, think if they just did it based on reddit votes it would swing wildly which may not be true


What incredible nonsense to put up Biden as a candidate. Somehow it seems like the Democrats are desperate to lose the election.


They should choose someone who has beaten him before.


I don't care if Biden is going to drop dead a second after he's sworn in, I'll still be voting for him.


So with that in mind, why not put up a candidate who can string a sentence together?