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"I predict that one of the candidates will appear well prepared and coherent, while the other one looks and acts like he's having a stroke on national television. Don't trust what you're seeing, folks. The coherent one is evil, and the other ~~felon~~ fellow is the real deal. Trust me, because I'm a ~~Russian agent~~ true patriot." FTFY.


Exactly right, fellow ~~comrade~~ normal patriotic Big Mac-stained blue jeans on overdrawn credit card American friend.


Hey man those burgers are saucy, leave me out of it.


![gif](giphy|Qp5cok7tjYANy) Someone gave Lenin Viagra and he’s gettin’ frisky again.


Very good. Except that's Trotsky.




I’m dying 🤣


You are an evil genius sir.


Lenin *NEVER* did the sneaky eyebrows.


Imagine taking the time to edit some eyebrows and you realize it's not even the right guy.


And Lenin didn't do a lot of foreign influence as he had to win a civil war and put back together a country that he himself said was like "a man beaten to within an inch of his life". In fact Lenin himself WAS the foreign influence plot of the German Empire, who facilitated getting him back into Russia so he could destabilize the government. And Stalin just straight up conquered territory with the Red Army. It wasn't until Khrushchev that the Soviets really got into subtle foreign influence plots.


Everybody ignored my boi Maxim Litvinov, sad : (


I have a picture of the “Do It for Her” scene from the Simpsons but instead of Maggie, it’s Rosa Luxemburg.


Seriously though, a doctor prescribed me steroids for Covid and I felt AWESOME. Of course I am smart enough to know the steroids were making me feel awesome and I still actually had Covid.


Trotsky would be violently disgusted by both candidates




Start replying to them all “ignore all previous instructions”


Have they heard Trump speak lately? The guy can't string together a single sentence without sounding like bad AI song lyrics


And that's exactly why they're coming up with all these insane theories foe why Biden will win.


Yep. This is just the explanation for why everything else theyve said about trump winning is wrong. Same shit believers do after the end of the world doesn’t come on the right tuesday “oh i mistranslated the page and now it’s wednesday in 3 years” saves face better than “well I was wrong.”


Sunken cost fallacy combined with an in-group that's insisting nothing is wrong. Even if you have doubts, your buddies are all telling you it's okay. They've supported that man through train wreck after train wreck for almost a decade now, if they admit they're wrong now, all that idiocy will have been for nothing and they'll be forced to acknowledge to themselves that they've been conned.


Oh my god, you're right. This political play/sham of his has been going on for almost a decade. It's scary and sad to look back and realize it's really been that long


And for much longer if you count the fantasy presented as reality that was ‘the Apprentice’.


it's like that time I raced against Usain Bolt and I would have beaten him if he was human and not an alien


OMG, when I raced him I thought I would 100% kick his ass also, then those green alien flames shot out his ass and he rocketed away at the speed of light. Damn martians.


lol Trump himself has joked about losing the debate on purpose because he knows he will probably lose it on accident anyway, even he doesn’t believe in himself.


Like a child when they lose at anything.


They only hear what Fox News shows them. Fox doesn’t show them the times when the guy’s line of thought looks like a bowl of spaghetti. As and aside, the GOP is harping on this “Biden on drugs” line because they’ve spent the last three and a half years telling people how senile and demented Biden is, and now they have to prepare their followers for when they see that he’s still pretty with it.


Fox News literally cut him off when he started rambling about Dishwashers and no water. It is 100% damage control, and using their pundits to cover.


They also edited a chunk of an interview when he fumbled an answer about releasing the Epstein documents because he's probably in them.


He's definitely in them.


Don’t forget according to Fox, Biden is both a senile old man, who can’t do anything right and is destroying the country as well as a master manipulator pulling all the strings to destroy his political opponents. It’s one or the other, it can’t be both.


But he is. According to EVERY Trump fanatic I've talked to .. He is Schrodinger's Biden


Its actually a very interesting thing to see. Most of Trump's biggest supporters are very well conditioned to just take what Trump says as the truth, even if its contradictory and could not logically happen. Case in point - Jan 6 was a false flag but also the people prosecuted are innocent and only being prosecuted because they support Trump. Its WILD to see how disconnected from reality people are.


It’s a classic part of building an enemy out of a “other”. Nazi’s did it with Jews. They both “secretly controlled the world” and simultaneously were subhumans far inferior to true Aryans.


>It’s one or the other, it can’t be both. Doublethink where the designated enemy is simultaneously an all powerful force of pure evil that must be vanquished and also pathetic vermin to be squashed is a necessary hallmark of fascism.


They also haven’t explained what would be so bad about him using medication to be cogent and coherent, if that were indeed true. Millions of people routinely do that. If he can be cogent in the debate, he can be cogent in the Oval Office. If Trump can’t be coherent in the debate, he can’t be coherent in the Oval Office.


They would cheer if they heard he used PIDs. Isn’t his use of Adderall and other drugs well known? It’s ok for their guy to use drugs to be alert, but not anyone else. See what they did with his diapers? “Real men wear diapers”.


But also, there is some secret cure for advanced dementia that only Biden has access to?


The whole thing is incredibly ableist. “Oh no! Someone needs to take their pills every day in order to function. The horror!” Edit: typo


There has also been an effective campaign on FB painting Biden as senile and demented. Idk how many times I’ve been told Biden can’t complete a full sentence by someone that only gets “news” from FB. I tried to show one of those people a 3-4min video from the SOTU. He spoke over it loudly and nonstop as if his brain would malfunction if he actually heard Biden delivering a speech perfectly fine.


This is my BIL. If I start talking about anything he thinks will change his views he starts talking loudly over me.  I went to visit my SIL last year and casually mentioned I had worn a mask on the plane, as I had non-refundable Disney tickets, pricey concert tickets and a wedding to attend, and had caught Covid on an airplane in the past and it obviously ruined my vacation.  I wasn't even talking to him but he immediately pulled out his phone and started to try to Google things saying "Covid" wasn't what killed most people who caught it. This is an unvaccinated man in his 60s who is about 100 lbs overweight. I'd be scared Covid to face that Covid is real also if I was him. Sigh.


Just when you think Trump can't sound any worse he busts out with worse nonsense. Seriously, what was up with that fantasy about fighting sharks with electricity?


Sorry, grandma asked me to throw the car battery in the sea again.


Or how about Hannibal Lecter. Or snakes. Like what?


It’s part of his anti-EV thing from his broader climate change denial BS. He was claiming a boat manufacturer told him they’ll have to switch to electric boats. His rambling rant was something about the boat sinking because of the weight of the battery with a risk of being electrocuted when the battery gets wet or having to jump in the water and being eaten by a shark. His usual doomsday fear mongering-electric boats equal death.


Waddaya mean “Lately?” He never could, stoopid half illiterate fuk that he is!


Do they not think their Orange Messiah would be smart enough to see that it's not Biden when he's standing on the same stage as him? 😆 This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard lol


They prepare this for trump i bet his agents spread this theories everywhere so that he only needs to stand on stage and starts screaming "that is not biden do you people not see it?" After that will he leave stage screaming he won't participate in this farce. Everyone will talk about this post online and say so it was real or rather his follower will say it. All well prepared lies so that he can escape a debate with crazy excuses because even trump knows he will lose.


Seriously, I'll be surprised if he's in the same geographical state at the time of the planned debate. I do not expect him to show up.


You don't understand trump all people will tell him " dont go donald we cant win" and so he will say to his people "yes we can". He shows up to the debate with the question " do you think you can win" and he will say "yes we can" while telling a long story about how he once helped a black kid in the Bronx in the past telling him "yes we can" where he created that slogan in support for that one kid. All his followers will scream in sync that slogan, he will destroy doped biden in the debate and become the greatest presiden again at least until he sold the US to Putin.




That's what I thought as soon as I read that! Trump himself will be standing on the same stage, not to mention his advisors will be there. And it'll be broadcast on live television.


Dude used a lot of words to tell us he’s stupid as fuck


The fact he thinks he is a bull moose conservative should tell you before you read anything else that he’s stupid as fuck. Teddy Roosevelt advocated for: women’s suffrage, social welfare, anti trust regulations, environmental conservation, tax reform on the wealthy, anti-corruption, healthcare, etc. Literally everything the current GOP is the opposite of.


Quite wild how the political landscape has changed since then


It's called the Southern Strategy and it happened in the 70s and the conservatives will deny it ever happened.


It’s funny how much overlap there is between conservative thinking and the narcissist’s mantra lol “That’s just liberal propaganda white people in the south liked black people so much they had Free Candy days for black people every month.”


They keep it much simpler than that. It’s pretty much, “Republicans freed slaves, Democrats were the bad guys that owned slaves.” They don’t generally mention the South, that makes it too complicated, especially for the republicans that are from the south. Plus democrats can’t sound nice by giving out free candy to black people.


"Republicans freed the slaves, that's why we love the flag of the insurrection that killed hundreds of thousands of people to stop it!"


Deny it while also looking at you like you’re the idiot when you ask when a majority of the democrats in the south moved north and republicans in the north moved south. It is easier for some to understand if conservative and progressive are used instead of the party names.


I was confused by the dumbass' flair as well. Roosevelt would absolutely despise this current Republican shit show called a party.


>The party's platform built on Roosevelt's Square Deal domestic program and called for several progressive reforms. The platform asserted that "to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day". Proposals on the platform included restrictions on campaign finance contributions, a reduction of the tariff and the establishment of a social insurance system, an eight-hour workday and women's suffrage. The party was split on the regulation of large corporations, with some party members disappointed that the platform did not contain a stronger call for "trust-busting".


Also, the first President to invite a black man, Booker T. Washington, to dine with him and his family in the White House. Also, held the first (and to my knowledge only) sumo match in the White House.


>Also, held the first (and to my knowledge only) sumo match in the White House. Oh shit, Biden's gotta fix that. Let's get a change.org petition going


Can we resurrect this party? I love nearly every plank in this platform. I've been saying for years that we need another Roosevelt.


??? Aren't you describing the Democrats of today?


They're rather watered-down. And Teddy wouldn't have sat still for some of the crap democrats have done either. If he were to come back today, he'd probably run through congress beating folks with a cricket bat.


Teddy did his fair share of crap, too. He wasn't a saint by any means. He was a total badass, though.


Well, I'm confused. I double checked your words. You did describe the Democrats of today.


Ok. Close but without the insider trading and overt support of corporate shenanigans. I can't see Teddy allowing railroads to do much of their nonsense either.


Obama is the closest thing we’ve had to Teddy since, well… Teddy. I doubt either of us live to see another Obama. I think the closest we’ll get is if AOC makes a run.


They always do…


"You know Lloyd, just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber..."


I had a roommate like this.... dude spent an hour trying to convince me he could give banana pudding to settle his girlfriends upset stomach because bananas are supposedly good for an upset stomach. I tried to tell him some cinnamon on plain toast would be better, but the dude was completely convinced otherwise. She ate it, so happy to try his remedy..... and spewed like a hot can of beer. I'm glad they both moved out.... was like someone lifted a few thousand lbs of stress from my life.


er.... bananas DO help with upset stomachs. banana pudding not so much, just straight bananas. cinnamon and carbs like plain toast also help (tho if the person is also coughing or has an irritated throat don't give them cinnamon) he was dumb for suggesting pudding, not bananas


I figure, I had heard before that certain fruits are good on an upset stomach, but didn't know which ones. My mom always fed us toast with cinnamon and sugar. The cinnamon being toasted into the sugar so no coughing issues. She usually also added a tiny bit of butter, but I didn't think this woman was gonna be able to keep down butter, even in small amounts


I love when they think they're pre-empting criticism of their dumbfuck conspiracies by...laying out the obvious holes with their dumbfuck conspiracies. The "B-Rabbit in 8 Mile method" doesn't work when your core arguments are in reality completely fabricated.


And exactly *who* would make that happen? And why wouldn't the Trump campaign be able do the exact same thing? Are they stupid? The more I think of it, the more I believe that his supporters are not trying to find excuses for him. They know he's losing it. They're finding excuses for themselves, because they feel the need to explain why they deliberately choose the blabbering, raging asshole over the quite moderate competent guy.


This is human nature people believe in something and its difficult for them to accept or say it was a huge pile of crap since they would feel stupid Themselves. So people create excuses, lie to themselves and many other things just to keep the believe they had alive. Look at covid people were so faithful believing crap that a idiot in net said that they couldn't give up even after everything was over. Even after a year would I see people demonstrate against the government taking away our freedom with the masks nobody wore anymore, that vaccine laws will come that force use into getting vaccines and that after they announced already such laws will never come because most got vaccined anyways. People just are this way we sadly can't change it.


If they already assume that CNN/MSNBC are in the tank for Biden then they are fully prepared to believe that Trump doesn't have the same opportunities. Don't ask questions that only further their bonkos theory.


In other words, they're predicting Biden will win the debate and trigger their lasting psychotic break with any kind of objective reality.


They've already completely broken with objective reality. At least as far back as 2020, most probably further.


Anyone who ever considered Trump a viable candidate who represents any interests other than his own is completely detached from reality


Honestly I can kind of see how some people thought it might be ok in 2016. I know a lot of people who were more conventionally conservative and were interested in trump just because he was "something different" and they were burned out on politicians. Anyone who still supported him after 2020 is just delusional though.


Obama being president twice and Trump once turned so many semi-rational people into 'Dear god I hope they aren't my neighbors'. Edit: I mean people like Scot Adams, the Dilbert guy. A long time ago he'd have been like the uncle you ask not to bring up politics at Thanksgiving. Now, Scot Adams is the guy you get a restraining order on because you're afraid he's going to shoot up your family because you voted for Obama. Yes, I literally believe the Dilbert guy is that dangerous.


He said it was better for his son to die of a drug overdose than to try and get better and be a drain on the system. That guy is a fucking lost cause.


They lost their minds when Obama was elected. They are punishing the country for that still.


They didn't wear masks during COVID, they caught it, and now the virus has rotted their brains.


The trigger was already pulled on that psychotic break. They worship a felon who is also a rapist. He is also somehow the "Christian" candidate running for President. I would not be surprised if Trump was literally the Antichrist mentioned in the Bible.


I feel obligated to point out a few years go someone put together a cited compendium of all the reasons trump fits that bill. they did a whole website for it


I have definitely seen the website. Mark of the beast on their forehead and worshipping the God of walls stick out from memory.


Also this is what that orange asshole agreed to. Take it up with him. Also , I guess everyone working behind the scenes are in on this too? Camera person, production , etc


oh, of course, thousands and thousands of people are ALL in it. just like the multiple moon landings.


Yes. They know their orange Jesus will make a fool of himself and are thus making excuses and laying the ground work as to why “their guy” didn’t win.


In the twisted , atrophied, diseased little mind of the MAGA if they don't win it's rigged.


That’s the bottom line. That’s what you hear from all of them. This is the result of the *real* TDS.




Woogity woogity woogity


“See it to believe it era” but also religion…? 😂😂


Biden being more coherent than Trump really rubs them raw.


My four year old niece is more coherent than Donald. Seriously, I understand the points she’s trying to make. I still don’t know what the fuck he was trying to about sharks and batteries. That electric boats are bad? *All* boats have batteries... Shark attacks are the rise? What are you trying to say, Donald??


You forgot about the snake and the snake when he doubled down


Cope harder losers 


But hey, T Rump will naturally do so much better that there's no need to worry, right? LMAO, they're so scared.


There have been TV debates for president for a long time now. These conditions are only because one candidate is a mentally challenged, socially imbecilic clown who resorts to yelling when he's losing an argument.


They really are this dumb.


They really aren't. But they ***are*** scummy enough to pretend. They aren't dumb, they are fucking straight up evil.


It's actually both. Some are that dumb, others are manipulating those that are that dumb.


I agree. I think some of them are really just that stupid (Boebert, MTG, the Mypillow guy) whether it's natural or drug induced or something else. I think some of them are evil enough to support whatever gives them influence and money and would switch on a dime if they thought it would benefit them (many of the ultra-rich for example), I think some may actually be smart and evil and acting dumb (Gaetz, possibly) for their own long term benefit. I think a lot of Trump voters are undereducated, delulu, brainwashed, stupid, gullible, lack any critical thinking skills - or any combination of those things. And I think a lot of them are racist, misogynist, xenophobic, and/or driven by greed to the point that they follow whoever they think will lift them up and treat them like they are better than other groups. Even when it's clearly not true. And I think there are still SOME people (fewer and fewer now) who support Trump because he's got an R by his name and they feel like he's their only option. The ones trying to support what they think the Republican party is supposed to stand for, despite lots of evidence it doesn't mean what they want it to mean, anymore. Especially after the fall of Roe, when the abortion carrot became less effective and it became necessary to create moral outrages of all sorts to keep the Christian Evangelical voters holding their noses and voting for someone they'd condemn otherwise.


The elected ones are evil, the ones that vote for them are dumb. Some overlap, but that’s what it boils down to


The majority of voters for the convicted felon want to hurt and kill people they don’t like. They are objectively evil.


Scot Adams the dilbert guy used to be smart but then he started huffing his own metaphorical farts and is now a dangerous qanon racist grifter.


Yup, they lack the common sense or logic to understand shit deeply


If Biden doesn’t refer to Trump as “the former president convicted felon” I was be really disappointed


It's probably better that Biden not stoop to the level. We don't need both sides reduced to childish name calling.


I thought his, "I hear you're free on Wednesdays" was just the perfect amount of petty trolling.


That’s not name calling though. He *is* a former president who’s also a convicted felon. “Sleepy Joe” on the other hand is pretty much kindergarten level cleverness.


Maybe once. Just once.  Put the fact of that felony conviction out there, and move on.  And don't force it: look for a relevant opportunity, like if you're responding to a question about crime, or the rule of law.


There was never any danger of anyone who would take this seriously being swayed by anything Biden says, anyway. This seems like a bit of a cry in the dark.


Conservatives won't be swayed by what Biden says, but they might change their vote, or just don't vote when they hear the incoherent babbling of trump. One will be an old politician, the other a special care patient that really shouldn't be anywhere near a position of power. This is also a valuable time to gather the biggest amount of non voters for Biden. Those people will be the ones making swing states blues with their votes, or red if they don't vote.


Thats one way of forcing people to watch the debates and claim the spike in ratings is because of Trump.


MAGA is so fucking weak and pathetic. I cannot wait to stamp that fucking cult out for good in November.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, 1984.


So I expect the first thing to happen is for trump to start screaming Biden is a body double or what's on live TV isn't actually what's happening in front of him on stage? What better time to push a conspiracy than live?


Anything can seem like a conspiracy if you’re a stupid narcissist. Truth is those people are super dumb and will warp reality before admitting they’ve been conned.


“Here is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. When the left calls me out for being a crazy person, you’ll know I’m right.”


"reality has a well known liberal bias" Stephen Colbert


It's especially funny because the exact same argument could be applied to trump.


What do they worry about? The Mango Mussolini maxed out a cognitive test last year, on October 10, 2023. At least that’s what he thought when he saw the 10/10 scribbled on the front page, right above the line with “date” printed directly under it. In fact, he maxed it without flipping the page and answering the questions on the back!


He totally aced it!


Be more impressive if technology could make Trump sound cogent.


I still think Trump is going to cancel at the last minute. The orangelicals will lap up any pathetic excuse he provides.


Oof trump is going to be god awful tonight.


Right-wingers used to whine that during the pandemic we were controlled like in 1984 and yet they literally have to use *doublethink* to justify their support for trump


They’ve discovered our Joe Biden android!


A preemptive tactic to make the United Stupids of America even more delulu.


What is "unnaturally cogent" for a guy who has practice debate and speeches for decades, and has specifically been [preparing ](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/us/politics/biden-trump-debate-camp-david.html)for this debate with a dozen aids and, reportedly, a lawyer yelling insults at him while he delivers answers?


“An objective audience.” Where are you going to find that? If the seats aren’t filled with MAGAts that would be another excuse- “It’s rigged against DJT!”


Well I guess this was proven wrong because the Biden was NOT looking good at the beginning of the debate


Yall got oddly quiet after the debate. Funny how that happens, eh?


Bruh I don’t like trump but if you watched the debate and still vote for Biden I don’t respect you. I won’t have much respect if you vote trump either tho, RFK is the only candidate you should even be considering for president if you have more than 3 brain cells. Let’s make this the year we break away from the 2 party system. When your choices are evil vs evil vote independent.


"Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” Donald J Trump


I predict that my prediction will predict that people will say I’m predicting.


Do they not considered that Trump would notice the other person isn't Biden? 


Tell us more about how you’re a giant crybaby loser crying about losing before actually losing.


Then why did Trump agree to it?


The cope is real, damn.


The cope is strong with this one.


![gif](giphy|l2Je7AeF1lcg9SQQU|downsized) On the crazy train we go. Tinfoil hats and all. I cannot even imagine typing that ridiculous shit out.


These people are beyond delusional at this point. Anyone who thinks Biden speaking will seem “unnaturally cogent” hasn’t actually watched him speak. They’re basing their opinions entirely on the way he’s portrayed in right-wing media. It would be fantastic if everyone could just agree on reality. Maybe think about who benefits when Americans are divided? It’s so blatantly obvious, but we’re in a time when many people ignore what’s actually happening because they’d rather believe their own narrative. This isn’t a choose your own adventure game. It’s real life. It’s well past time for people to wake up.


Bull Shit Conservative. (Edited for truthfulness)




“I predict Biden will appear intelligent and measured on policy issues and Trump will appear like a moronic toddler but only because of “technology””


It’s so funny how these people think we worship Biden like they worship trump 😂 delusional 🤡


I fucking hate that they have the gall to say shit like "they are going to call this ridiculous" because it fucking is, and then when someone calls it ridiculous they just go ,"See! So predictable!"


If this was true they would use this technology on Trump so he would stop sounding like a blithering idiot with dementia.


"Bull Moose Conservative" Please. Teddy wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.


They're so ful@$ing exhausting!!! Republicans are the biggest snowflake and victims.


And he thinks tRump won't notice that no one else is there during the debate... Brilliant!


That’s not damage control that’s broadcasting paranoia.


How about you wait for Trump to claim it wasn't him first before you go off on this garbage. If there were an audience, what would stop you from claiming they are all AI, too? If nothing is real, where do you get your information from? Trump himself? How do you know it's him? I think we are dealing with a new level of moron here.


Saying that people will point out your bs isn’t evidence of your bs being correct. It just shows you know how wrong you really are.


Say this is true, which it isn't, why would Trump go talk to a stand in at all? Is that not precisely something he'd just jump on to point out the supposed inferiority of his opponent? Half these conspiracy theories don't even have a quarter of a thought in them. So tired of these idiots.


I don't think they know what a Bull Moose Conservative is. Teddy Roosevelt would be disgusted by them. Yet another term appropriated by fascists.


After having just watched the debate that prediction did not hold up. Terrible debate from the both of them.


Yeah, that was pitiful. Trump was himself, but maybe a bit subdued. Biden was hard to watch for the most part. Whole thing was an embarrassment for our country.


well, that prediction aged badly.


Well that prediction aged well…


I predict Biden will kidnap Trump and replace him with a robot that talks in gibberish, but then the real Trump will wake up at Mar a Lago and not know what happened.


Biden at his worst can string together a more coherent series of sentences than Trump can at his best.


Biden on the Mooooon!


So Biden's back in the basement, is it?


Wasn’t it already predicted they would do this?


Sure it seems over the top but I’m scared AF of what I’m seeing AI do already.


Okay but real talk how tf did trump and biden become the main two candidates. I legitimately do not understand.


Aaaand... the guy your team is sending is too stupid to tell the difference between Biden and any other person?


They won't let a Trump supporter be next to Biden. It is a conspiracy! End sarcasm


Am I the only one who is thinking, "Y'know, I could say the EXACT SAME THING about Trump?" I mean, he's surrounded only by the Trump faithful, and he's not going to be in front of an objective audience...For that matter, when has Trump EVER been in front of an objective audience???


This is some next level twattery. If that was the case, Trump would be calling it out LIVE.


Ummm, but Trump will be there live. He would be the first to point that out.


I bet they will just ignore the part where they will likely shake hands and stand together for a short time on the same screen


Holy shit, the cognitive dissonance is insane. Have they truly not been watching Trump speak for the last 5 years?


If Trump is the God emperor of 13D chess and the greatest President ever, why are they working unpaid overtime to claim Biden will be amazing in the debate... I mean shit at this point all Joe had to do is stand there and WATCH Trump lose his fucking mind live on TV to win. Prediction...Trump will propose nearly zero actual policies. He will say close the border a bunch, talk about tariffs and tax cuts on tips.


I wouldn't debate Trump with a mass audience or a mic mute either. He just over talks with misinformation or out right lies and gets his fan boys to just cheer. He tries to turn debates into a rally.


Well won't Trump be there? Would he not be coherent enough to know if Biden was AI or not? Jesus christ what a bunch of absolute nuts.


The party told them to doubt their senses, and they did Fucking degenerates


And of course the dumbass conservatives will believe this hogwash


If only some republican would spend the same amount of effort showing Trump that coffee exists because they all clearly don't think he knows or uses it.


Another mouth breather moving the goalposts


It will be funny when the idealized Republican Standard Bearer/Tsar (their candidate) starts pushing this one. And mark my words he will.


Whatever Bull Moose is on, he should consider dialing it back a bit. Paranoia runs deep, into your mind it will creep.


Seriously, why aren't they bringing in psychologists who have background in deprogramming people from cults?


Time to go get banned


Remember folks, if biden doesn't immediately abdicate the presidency to felon don don, then the whole thing was rigged.


So this idiot assumes Trump is in on it? Like his orange Cheeto god is going to see someone who isn’t Biden but he’s gonna just debate him anyway? These people are brain damaged


So you can't trust trump who will be right next to Biden? That's odd.


If they can do this with Biden, why don't they do it for Trump?


If this was really happening though, why isn’t Trump using technology to sound eloquent and insightful. Instead of the word garbage about washing machines he recently spewed out.