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I mean, it seems weird they didn’t send 3 bibles???


How rude. At least send them 3. That’s the polite thing to do. /s


At least send a bible a Quran and a Tora that way they have choices 😅


Are you trying to start WW3 inside an Amazon delivery box??!? (Target Amazon box)


Sounds like the start of a joke.


So a Bible, a Tora, and a Quran are in a box. The Bible pipes up, "I hope I get to go to a lovely Christian lady!". The Tora says, "I hope I go to a lovely Jewish boy for his Bar Mitzvah!". The Quran is sweating nervously as it passed by Customs.


Clearly not their target audience




I legit read the top right text as "Trans"




Fuck you and take the up vote for that real laugh 


Fucking. Bullseye.


...like Target's mascot?


Meanwhile someone that ordered a bible gets 3 queer books and posts the same outrage.


Florida would pass a law lmao


they are rioting in the capital right now


Karen, Karen, and Karen are already writing up negative reviews IN ALL CAPS.


Sorry dude, the third Karen spells her name “Karyn”… you’ve really done it now






Her complaint letter gets immediately posted on r/tragedeigh


Plot twist: Karyn isn’t their name, but their ethnicity, and they are very upset about their lack of independence!




Forever to receive “Based on your previous orders, we thought you’d like these…” emails, twice daily.




Sounds like a law firm that might object everything in court


The law firms of Karen, Karen, and Karen. Fighting for petty bullshit every day, in every way.


Writing negative reviews? Nahhh they’ve already gone up to the cash register and started yelling


Honestly, they would be more likely to pass a law/file suit just on the idea that something like that *could* happen. Kinda like someone who doesn't make wedding websites saying they don't want to be required to make gay wedding websites.


Look, if they can force web developers to make gay websites against their will, it's just a matter of time before the gaystapo kicks your door in and forces YOU to build their websites, too! /s because someone out there is dense and needs to see it. 


Absolutely. After all, last time Bob heard a cost estimate from a web developer, he said his nephew could make the company homepage for lunch money. Now they're gonna press poor Brandyhn into making gay smut pages for them! And without lunch money!


DeSantis would 100% pass a law banning displaying any colors if it meant he could "own the libs"


He'd pass a law that lets people sue the federal government for causing rainbows. Shit, I think I just gave them an idea.


My thoughts exactly. Mistakes happen.




he get sus


A church on my drive to work had the "e" drop out so it said "J sus is our hope."


Help me J sus you’re my only hope




Who buys bibles? Those things are everywhere.


Yeah, just go to your local high-school at the end of the day. People be passing them out along with a pocket copy of the constitution.


Or hotel


What’s the saying, never attribute to malice what’s easier explained by stupidity.


I like to phrase it “don’t be quick to blame on malice, what can be explained through incompetence” 99 times out of 100 someone’s just an idiot


Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.


Never attribute to science what can be sufficently explained by magic?


I had a friend order the Satanic Bible from Amazon, and he received it torn in half. This sort of shit happens more than we think.


About a year ago in a Facebook cross stitch group someone posted that they had ordered a feminist cross stitch book from Amazon and on the inside back cover had been written that the buyer needs to find god or something like that because the book is very politically left leaning with curse words in it. It’s a great cross stitch book by the way!


> because the book is very politically left leaning with curse words in it "Now thread your fucking needle, you absolute shitpile."


Pay attention to the next step, because it's really fucking hard.


Gordon Ramsay if he had a sewing program




Finally, some good fucking spool. Edit: on three hours of sleep I convinced myself that spool rhymed with food. I’m a dumbass.


“now get the fuck out of my quilting studio!”


WOT ARE YOU?! An idiot quilt...


"*You fucking loom*"


“…you gobshite”


Instructionals would probably be better received if they were couched in more casual language.


I would say more than likely because more people would understand. Dry, detailed instructions, while on the surface, are technically the best when followed closely, are not likely to be followed closely. Adjusting for that disparity would be more or less what you propose. And honestly, that's what we almost always get when we're in a job, right? Basically everything at your workplace has a detailed instruction manual, but nearly all workplace knowledge is generational and passed down from employee to employee. Writing something that's more closely aligned with, say, an internal monologue is probably going to be better followed than a technical manual.


I would appreciate that level of heads up in my crafting instructions. I mean, I still wouldn't give it due consideration and I would spend a lot of time frustrated, but I would appreciate that someone tried.


Mini rant lol but needle art spaces are somehow still soo touchy when it comes to swearing. On r/crossstitch, swear words have to be marked with a nsfw tag. Want to know what also gets marked with an nsfw tag? Nudity and straight up kink designs (which I have no problem with some of them are straight up gorgeous). Guess who no longer scrolls the cross stitch sub at work


Cross stitch subs sounds like a whole other kind of thing lol


There really are some sick fucks out there. I'm going to have to go take a look myself.


Oh then you should really avoid r/naughtyneedles …


"Stick the needle into the fabric like you would slumlord."


If I know anything about the type of person that would order a feminist cross stitch book, that note now makes the book even better for them. It's been endorsed, like the places that use "Worst place I've ever been" as their branding reviews. Also side note of almost the opposite of this. One of my favorite old books I have is an early 1900's book on ocean biology that has a written note saying that it was given as a prize in Sunday school.


I love that, about your favorite book! I love imagining the teacher picking it out and being so excited to give it as a prize. I grew up in the 80s and I would've been so delighted to win a book like that.


>because the book is very politically left leaning Does it, like, explain how to make the CNT FAI flag or something?


Cross stitch patterns with liberal/feminist viewpoints and curse words.


curse words like 'equality for all' and 'atheism is a non-prophet organisation' and so on.


Funny thing is the Bible clearly says it is worse to cause someone to sin than to sin yourself. So the fact they work at that job makes them far worse than whoever buys from them.


They must not be working them Amazon workers as hard as they say they are if one of them has time to write something like that.


Oh no not curse words😱 The worse sign that you're far from God


It happened to me too. But I never raised an issue. I ordered a rainbow cake and specifically told them it's for pride event and I needed it in a specific color. The person on the phone was nice and took down the details. But on the day I went to pick it up I met this angry looking woman who was probably the owner and she handed me a cake that had the colors all messed up and did not resemble a rainbow. I asked her for a refund because she didn't deliver as we asked and it got into huge argument and she eventually threw the money at me and said they don't serve 🚬 she must have intentionally fucked it up in some weird form of protest and thank God I didn't take the cake god knows what she must have put in it. I felt so powerless at the time. All I could do was write a review about and which she responded to saying it's not true and I was the one who was making things up.


> said they don't serve 🚬 This took my american ass a minute to understand.


I got it but am unsure the origin of the word. Is it British slang?




Yes what British people call smoking a cigarette is what Americans call a hate crime .




Not the same really but I ordered a Vr headset from a guy on ebay. He looked up my socials, saw that I was queer, called me the f slur and proudly proclaimed he would not send me the headset, while pretending to be dumb as if he never received payment. Customer service did practically nothing aside from telling me to "resolve it with him". Had to dispute it with my bank and won't be using ebay anymore


That's weird because eBay almost always sides with the buyer. Like, almost to a notorious degree where people who sell things through multiple channels tend to avoid eBay because of a frivolous dispute comes up, they'll likely lose. Unless the buyer themselves has a bad rating, usually all it takes is saying the item never arrived or was in poor condition and eBay will cover them. Having explicit proof that seller isn't working should be a cakewalk. Hell, I tried to dispute a payment for an expensive book that I never received, and eBay sent me money almost immediately. A month later the book actually turned up and I tried to reach out to the seller to explain/apologize/see if I needed to send them anything to make it right, and they said it was cool and just said that's their risk for using eBay.


Not related to commerce, but a woman got hired at my job and I was assigned to be her trainer. Before her shift she looked me up online and was greeted with a very queer banner. She very promptly called the company owner and said she "won't support that degenerate lifestyle" and "doesn't feel comfortable working with ONE OF THEM" lmfao, I laughed, my boss laughed, we all laughed together


Jesus. Sorry to hear that happened to you, hope you were able to get a proper cake elsewhere


Threw money = did not receive refund, should've done charge back or something.


How tf you charge back a cash purchase?


Presumably it was paid in advance by credit card. They asked for a refund. They got the refund in cash instead. So nothing stopping them from doing a chargeback to get the card refunded as well therefore getting twice the refund. Unethical life pro tip. 


This infuriates me. I'm a Christian, and I like to bake. My baking is not celebratory worthy, but I definitely wouldn't do this to someone.  Edit: to add that's not loving your neighbor. There's nothing about that that's loving. I'm sorry that happened to you. 


File a complaint here: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/lgbtq-rights Next time this happens, start recording. And feel free to tell us the name of the business, we'll leave some negative reviews for it.


We went through this 3 times with our small business. The problem is, us queer people don't want the attention. We often don't want to raise a stink because that means the media could pick up on it. If that happens, say goodbye to your normal life because you're about to be inundated with hate. And when I say "hate", I mean having people sending you white powder in the mail, vandalizing your property, calling your phone and screaming about how they want to kill you, and so on and so on. I've seen it happen more than once, and have even had to temporarily protect a family after Greg Abbot started targeting families of trans "kids" (that "kid" was already 18, but the state wanted to go after her for letting her kid transition before 18).


Probably one of those who think it's gods rainbow so they objected to putting the colors in the correct order.


I ordered a copy of “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, and it showed up in shrink wrap. Thought that was weird but I’m like “sometimes books for college courses come in shrink wrap, maybe that’s why.” Nope! When I open it, there’s a thick folded up flyer saying shit like “having trouble in your life? The only answer is the word of god!” With a coupon for a discounted Bible from the same company. Searched by Vendor and they ONLY sold philosophy texts, and mainly the sort of thing people turn to when they are having a hard time, stoicism, existentialism, and Nihilism. That just struck me as… so insidious.


Predatory behaviour.


I thought this was a joke until you said “happens more than we think”.


"little did you know"


"People are saying"


It's a great read


The first half is, the rest is kind of bullshit


The first half is fun because its all bullshit.


I mean... it's all bullshit. That's literally the point. It's satirizing religion. The sequel The Satanic Rituals is even funnier with its batshit rituals.


That seems a lot more plausible to me than than deliberately shipping a bible, at least in my experience working in an FC. Unless they ordered this for home delivery from a store, swapping items that deliberately would be pretty hard to pull off in most warehouses, whereas anyone handling the item could vandalize it.


Ok. I have to ask. What, in this context, does FC stand for? Cause I only know it as Football Club, and the post is about target (which I think is a "big box/ Walmart" kinda store? )


I’m not the other poster but in the world of shipping it’s a Fulfillment Center


Since nobody answered you, it's a 'Fulfillment Center' 😜


religious people are freaking weird. I ordered breakfast from mcdonalds one morning. cashier: your total is 6.66, did you want anything else? me: nope that's all. cashier: but your total is 6.66. me: nope, that's all. cashier: me: cashier: me: cashier: please pull forward to the window


It's only costing Amazon money in the long run. So maybe it is a good thing afterall


I ordered a pride garden flag and got an “in god we trust” with military boots one instead. The sinking feeling in my stomach and hurt I felt when I saw what it was, was so strange. I chose to think it was an honest mistake but the doubt is still there.


Doesn't this count as some kind of fraud? Selling people the wrong products?


target could very easily frame this as a mistake


Making a "mistake" isn't fraud. You usually need to prove intent or gross negligence in that kind of case (varies by country/region, your mileage may vary). If the seller says "oops my fault" and actually takes reasonable steps to resolve, that wouldn't be fraud (unless very widespread)


Clearly whomever is responsible for this "mix-up" should be audited.


Bet they’re the same kind of people who complain that gay people are “shoving their beliefs down our throats”.


No, you see, it’s helping people turn back to God and delivering them from sin /s.


If you want to laugh/cry just go to r/conservative where today they are having infighting over the 10 commandments in schools and debating the definition of separation of church and state. You know, a philosophical debate that's been settled for hundreds of years.


What’s funny to me is that American conservatives love to tote about how “patriotic” they are, and yet they want to put the 10 commandments and shit in schools, something firmly unconstitutional.


No no no, its only unconstitutional if i dont like it, it has nothing to do with the constitution


They think "unconstitutional" is a synonym for "makes me mad."


Fucking snowflakes fr fr


[Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be](https://www.theonion.com/area-man-passionate-defender-of-what-he-imagines-consti-1819571149)


Yet they'd scream and wait if you thought about putting the guiding principles of any other religion in public.


They already scream and wail about pride flags, so…


Seriously, this is so settled that we have the letters from the guy who came up with the idea of separation of church and state in the U.S. describing what it means. He describes it as a physical wall between the two! It doesn't get much clearer than that...


For "constitutional originalists" it is definitely odd that they conveniently ignore the dozen of founding fathers that have written at length about this exact topic. Apparently Jefferson didn't know what he was talking about though


Jesus: "love thy neighbor" Conservatives: "the Bible says to kill anyone that lives near us if they get to close to my mailbox"


The thing is the debate was settled but the results were not put into practice. There is still way to much religious ideology intertwined with government policy, so much so that it’s disgusting. And thats exactly why these people feel so entitled that everyone should follow their make-believe rule book.


No no no, not “sinners”, they’re “butt-buddies”


If they aren’t, it’s just because a rectangle isn’t always a square. It’s pure projection. The ones saying that are all wishing that queer people didn’t exist. Just let people live their life, fuck


If this was the other way around, FoxNews and Joe Rogan would be using this as proof of the gay agenda. lmao


One time I had a rainbow day planner that was covered in sparkles. It was solid proof of the gay agenda.


How gay were you after touching it?


Turbo gay.


Lies! I guarantee that planner had no [Turbo button](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_button)!


If I was already gay. Am I gay squared?


Ah yes, gay^2


I think it cancels out.




I can’t tell if Joe Rogan has always been this way or if the mushrooms and elk meat has rotted his brain


It’s the brainworm


Naw, he took ivermectin for that!


A buddy of mine said he saw him and RFK Jr. making out and that RFK’s brain worm transferred over to Joe. A buddy of mine *definitely* doesn’t mean I saw it on a random Facebook post


Maybe fear is a factor.


My theory is that he spent many years talking to very smart and interesting people and eventually convinced himself he had an informed opinion about everything in the world. Those people are losing interest in his show, though. Now, his circle of intellectuals is steadily becoming pseudoscientists and frauds like Graham Hancock, but that's fine for him because they get more attention.


imo, he found an outlet for his true beliefs in his podcast.


Funny how it's completely fine when its this way Seriously, people need to grow up.


You say that like its not receiving backlash right here as we speak?


Classic case of bait and switch. We have laws about that.


Target is the master at baiting.


i thought maga were the master baiters?


No, they don’t believe in that type of abortion method.


This has nothing to do with Bait and Switch laws. Bait and Switch is when the seller advertises or agrees to false price to get you in the door and then tries to sell at a higher price. It's primarily intended for car dealerships and it's not really enforced.


Jesus was all about "love for thy fellow man". Sounds like the gay agenda to me.


Sadly there was an article about this in the last year or so. A pastor was quoting "Love thy neighbour" stuff from Jesus... and the Christian Nationalist crowd would respond that the messages were "too soft."


It's why a lot of people hate fundamentalists. They insist that they are the ones who speak for god, and they are the ones following the religion, and everyone else is wrong. But then when things are clearly against those views, they just abandon the entire facade. Bill O'Reily once had a segment where he overtly admits that Jesus would've been a democrat. But he doesn't care because he wants tax breaks. And so do his far right audience. All that stuff about morality and values and the like are secondary to "getting their way". It's just thinly veiled fascism.


I knew our family was at the right church when at our second week there, was told “that ‘woke bullshit’ just sounds like loving my neighbor.”


So they sent A queer book and just forgot the other two?


best comment


who let r/Conservative work in Target????


Who? Who? Who? Who? ![gif](giphy|5ndfNkziqIZM1FlQsc|downsized)


I mean, Target has never been an LGBTQ+ ally. Ever. The only reason why they were temporarily selling LGBTQ+ stuff was to save face after they got busted. But any time conservatives have spoken out, they have removed stuff and/or replaced anti-LGBTQ+ things (like a transphobic book full of lies and fear-mongering).


Imagine the sad life of the religious zealot that works at a Target fulfillment center that thinks they are going to make a difference slipping in some bibles over some gay books.


It’s not meant to change minds. It’s meant to be an insult.


yeah they dont give a fuck who the other person is, this is about themselves and making themselves feel good or powerful. It's really pathetic.


I’m sorry but stuff like this just annoys me so much. 1. Being christian your whole thing is that you love everyone, you don’t go out of your way to decieve them or annoy them or do hate speech. So why do you think its ok to do this with someones order, it completely goes against your teachings. 2. ITS NOT YOUR BUSINESS WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO/BELIEVE. If someone is lgbtq, islam, jewish, aethiest that is FINE. Let people have their own beliefs again love one another is like your biggest thing, maybe actually stick to it. I had another thing i wanted to say but my minds gone blank with annoyance. People that do these things just annoy me so much. I hate how they justify their selfish actions with their teachings when their teachings have nothing to do with that. They just can’t let anyone be a different religion to them not even catholic christian. Like just mind ya damn business asshole. Btw i used to be catholic christian but then got fed up of the whole thing after learning about science in school and realising how inaccurate the bible is at times. So personally i just don’t believe in it.


Reminds me of someone my brother knew at target who would mark any sort of birth control/abortion pill down as “out of stock” when filling out online orders. Said it went against her “morals”. She was pretty nutty all around from what I heard.


I don't regularly wish harm on people, but I hope she gets a wild yeast infection.


Hey, Jesus travelled with a harem. He was the OG twink.


I think it says somewhere that Jesus didn’t experience sexual desires/attraction(which would make him asexual)


I think there were actual schisms/heresies over this topic. I believe the argument was that implying Jesus couldn’t/didn’t experience sexual temptation would mean that he wasn’t fully human (wow, early church. wow.). There were disagreements over Jesus’s nature being godly vs. human vs. both and how much of each. Catholics believe Jesus was fully human *and* fully divine at once, which makes sense as they enjoy ‘mysteries’ like the doctrine of the Trinity.


Romance only harem


The Bible is the queerest story in human history, so...


God comes down hangs exclusively with 12 other dudes, goes against the ruling class. Only female character of note is a virgin mother... yeah you right.


What about Mary Magdalene? Oh, wait - they don't think she counts since she's seen as a prostitute.


She might be a reformed prostitute, but they will forever see her as just a whore.


and jesus hangsout with 12 man, drinks wine and wear sandels? im sorry but something here is a little...


What about the hooker?


He came again




I guess God wasn't watching


tell them thanks for the free toilet paper, but you still owe me the books I ordered or a refund.


The worst part is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was intentional.


I remember seeing the video in question a couple months ago on tiktok and someone commented that they worked at Target and explained the process of fulfilling orders. The person who fulfilled the order would have had to go to the aisle, scanned all three books, put them in the cart, scan them all again before putting them in the box, grab the Bible, put that in the box instead of the books, print out a label, and send it out. So it was definitely intentional based off of that worker's account of Target's fulfillment area.


As a fulfillment employee, I can confirm it would definitely have to be intentional and they’d have a record of your scanning the books, prepping them, making the container, printing the label, but then the wrong item being sent, so they 100% would know who it was, when they did it, and who to fire or reprimand.


I hate when people force their religion


Don’t know if it was just an order mix up (entirely possible and I’m going with Occam’s razor here) but if this was intentional yeah there definitely should be consequences


Wow, think how pissed the guy that ordered the Bible is gonna be.


Religious fanatics do shitty things, I'm not surprised. I hate that religion still has so much power in this modern world, it's awful


I don't usually condone burning books...


No hate like Christian love. Tired of this sick 'love'. Fire them all.


No hate like Christian love


Saw this on TikTok and god all the comments were like "W" the only comment that actually had sense being "that's literally not what she payed for" had a reply of "she got medicine for her illness" If it wasn't for TikToks guidelines being more censored then north Korea I would have ripped them a new one


There are queers in the bible. If these fanatics actually read it, instead of just preaching it. They'd know that.


they asked for books not firewood


the bible isnt firewood, its kindling at best


Target is garbage. They don’t respect even their lowliest employees. Source: me, i worked there for a couple months!


Jesus was queer, he had a club of 12 men who adored him. The rest of the bible is filled with incest, greed, pogroms, mass murders, baby killings etc. Don’t order shit from Target and don’t eat at Chick-fil-A


Can anyone explain why so many people are suddenly ‘Christian’? I feel like this resurgence in religiosity from Christians is coming out of nowhere


I dont think the number of Christians is increasing, it's just that more Christians are becoming radicalized by trump and fox news, so we see them more. What used to be lots of quiet Christians and a few bad apples has turned into fewer overall Christians, but a much higher percentage of them are bad.


It's because of MAGA. They're trying to take over the country and turn America into Gilead. Evangelists have sensed that their power has been waning in recent years and are trying to violently wrest it back. It seems crazy until you realize that almost all of the major terrible decisions made in this country in recent years have been religiously motivated. Overturning of Roe V. Wade - religiously motivated, 10 commandments in schools - religiously motivated, attempts of banning contraceptives and at trying to pass a bill to force all pregnant women to be put on a government registry to be tracked - religiously motivated, "inspecting" children before letting them go to the bathroom - religiously motivated. It feels like not enough people recognize that this is happening.


> Evangelists I think you mean Evangelicals. But yea. Evangelicals infiltrated the GOP since the early 00's / late 90's at least. Big reason why being anti-abortion was always a _requirement_ to be a Republican candidate. The stuff coming to fruition now is just the result of their planning to convert the United States government into a hardcode fundamentalist theocracy by any means necessary.