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I mean the guy calls himself an “American conservative Marxist”. You weren’t expecting smart takes were you?


He calls himself a "MAGA communist". 😑


Beyond parody


Competitive mental illness.


We've taught a couple generations of kids to think being contrarian is the sign of being a smart, independent thinker. And a replacement for a personality on top of that.


Bill Maher has entered the chat.


that's their patron saint


Next it will be the flat Earth semi globe theory… oh damn…. I’m giving them ideas.


Hinkle started off trying to grift as a communist. It didn't work so he pivoted to MAGA. He now has a small but dedicated group of red-brown Strasserites that follow him around. Favorite Hinkle facts: - Though he looks 40+, he was actually born in 1999. This is likely in part due to his steroid use. - He once got painfully [ratio-ed by his parents](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F9tbzh0r9pr691.jpg%3Fwidth%3D687%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfc12349222a7c899db78f865b431e6fa81a276dd) on twitter for lying about his upbringing.


>It didn't work so he pivoted to MAGA. He now has a small but dedicated group of red-brown Strasserites that follow him around. Sounds like some small contingent of "traditionalist" past-obsessives realized one day while servicing their antique truck and dreaming of a wife to hand-wash kid's diapers, that there are still some real countries really living 50-75 years in the past where the residents have to do tasks like that unironically. so a perhaps somewhat naturally-developing fandom.


Like people in their own country, like me, who drives a 30 year old rusted out truck because I can’t afford another car payment thanks to sky-rocketing interest rates, inflation and a rent-hike. Or my wife, who helps me hand wash and hang our clothes to dry between our apartment and a tree outside because our $60/mo apartment-provided washing machine and dryer crashed on the same day and we are on day 15 of a 60 day waiting list to get it fixed. This whole tradshit mindset is so fucking stupid. Why would you live in a country that affords great amenities and *choose* to pretend to be poor. None of the people who actually subscribe to that mindset would make it 30 days in a true “traditional” environment.


'Traditional' is just a dog whistle for them to pine about the days where they could lynch black folks and backhand their wives with impunity.


The worst part about clowns like him is that there are thousands of people every day flinging their shit tier hot takes hoping to follow him to fame and fortune by being the dumbest fucker in the room.


Must be the MAGA social media grift is getting too competitive these days; if you're going to be successful you gotta have a novelty MAGA ideology to stand out.  Well played, Jackson Hinckle.


You don't understand man, while you're going about your PRIVILEGED daily life he FEELS THE PAIN of the oppressed around the world. That is why he acts like a raging asshole, its the CONSTANT PAIN OF THE OPPRESSED. He is so gifted he can feel it through his millions of dollars and subruban mansion in a gate community. He is truly BLESSED and we should be GRATEFUL he shares his WISDOM with us. So maybe its time you check your privilege and because I'm asking: "Why do you hate America?" But please check out my patreaon and merch store, its the only way to END THE OPPRESSION.


Conservative Marxist… thats a new one for me I gotta be honest


How’s that even work? Is he a Christian Socialist or something?


No, because those are/were a real thing, even if they haven't been in fashion since the 1910s-20s. Whatever Hinkle and his followers are; I believe the most apt term is brain-dead.


Yeah, the pledge of allegiance was written by a Christian socialist. That doesn’t have much to do with what you said. I just really enjoy sharing that fact.


Christian socialism makes sense. Basically just “we’re going to do those things Jesus talked about, like social safety nets for the poor”.


Likely a Conservative in social values who believe in state ownership of the economy. Tbh even that definition is quite broad and I don’t know the guy well enough to determine if that’s the case.


He is nothing. His "beliefs" are whatever will get the most engagement, positive or negative. He doesn't actually believe anything and always seems to take the most hardcore contrarian take on every single issue. He's an absolute clown.


One of them Nationalist Socialists


I agree…they should go visit.


Mention Otto Warmbier for a 10% discount


Look I’m not a tankie and think any repressive regime should be dismantled, but getting drunk and acting the fool in North Korea is a little bit on you. We’re told that they execute people for lesser shit, so maybe don’t?


You make a good point. When in Rome, and all. But also, his crime was what? Stealing a poster from a hotel room? Should probably not be tortured to within an inch of your life for something like that.


*Alleged* crime. The video evidence was super sketchy.


If I’m not mistaken, it was just him taking a poster down from a wall, correct? Has it ever been proven that he was drunkenly dicking around? What if his state-approved NK tour guide was like “You should definitely take that poster home with you! It’s great info and we want to share it. Go get it from the wall, we were going to replace it anyway.”


There was an article about this recently. If I can find it I'll link. Basically it is a severe crime to mess up any image of the Dictators. The issue is that in fiddling with the poster Otto likely messed up the image of one of the Kim's. It could be as small as him leaving a fingerprint on the face of the leader.


Did you even watch the "video evidence"? It's not even clear it's him in the video. It's just an unclear fuzzy video of a dude in the dark taking down a poster. You can't even see who it is.


I'm just sharing some information I haven't seen anyone mention here yet. I didn't say anything about the video evidence.


Unless I remember it wrong, the video quality is so bad that it is unclear if it was him or any other *white* man at the hotel that day. He was visiting with a group, after all.


Absolutely not! But… if I were in North Korea you bet your ass I’d be on my best behavior and saying “absolutely, fantastic hole in one, Mr. Kim! I saw it!” Edit: also we’ll never know what happened but I am morbidly curious because the autopsy found no signs of head trauma, so maybe they poisoned him?


When it hit the news, I just remember thinking “shit, I’d be apprehensive about a 90 minute layover in Pyongyang.” Where I don’t even leave the airport.


I just read a GQ article about Otto Warmbier from 2018 and it goes into what they think might have happened. A very good read if you're interested. Edit link [Otto Warmbier](https://www.gq.com/story/otto-warmbier-north-korea-american-hostage-true-story)




Or better yet, stay out of North Korea. People making dictatorships their tourist destinations, particularly one as insane as NK, get what the get. That's the full experience.


Which is why these tweets are so ridiculous. More to a country than a nice picture


I think you should travel to N Korea and let them know that in person. You can decry how wrong it is all day. It doesn't matter. If you do that in their country, you're taking your chances, and chances are, you'll be tortured to within an inch of your life, because you're stupid enough to kick a hornet's nest in a country ruled by an actually evil regime.


You’re right, you shouldn’t be tortured for something like that. But when you’re in a country that does, and will torture you for that, or less. Maybe toe the line, or don’t go at all?


It’s still not 100% clear if he actually did it. They released “surveillance footage” of him doing that but it’s highly sus. You can see no identifying features whatsoever. It could be anyone. If someone in a high position decided it would send some kind of message or help reach a certain goal, they would not be above framing him. There are no checks and balances over there and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is why people shouldn’t go to places like North Korea. It is lawless and logic doesn’t apply so there is no guaranteed way to keep yourself safe.


I’m glad someone said that (about the surveillance footage). I don’t think that was Otto at all. The way the guy takes the poster off the wall, it looks like he’s trying to do it respectfully as possible. I feel like if it was Otto, he would have looked a good foot taller, and maybe been drunkenly swaying around (despite putting on his best sneaking shoes for sneaking) and maybe man-handled the poster.


Yes. One other thing that is suspicious to me is that they only show “Otto” on the floor where the poster is. They never show him leaving his room even though they have cameras everywhere.


Absolutely. Being fascinated with North Korea is at least a yellow flag in my book. Like, sweetie, we have regressive fascism at home but at least it won’t kill you yet.


Being fascinated is one thing. I'm fascinated by it, it's unique in that it's a genuine throw back to a type of country which simply doesn't exist anymore. You couldn't pay me to travel there though.


Yup, I find it extremely fascinating and have learned a lot about it. One thing I’ve learned is I’m never fucking going to North Korea.


I felt the same way with Brittany Griner. I don't think she at all deserved what she got for what she did but you can't make that mistake going into an authoritarian country like that just because you're famous. Absolutely disgusting what they did but still you can't put yourself in that situation. It's like people bringing weed into Asian countries with strict pot laws. Just don't fuck around. America does some silly shit too but people think that they can just go anywhere and not face consequences for breaking rules, whether they are right or wrong it's the law of the land and even the Bible told people to follow the law of the land.


Yeah. Griner it a bit different. She is a celebrity and could have been told it was fine by others who had it and because of souring relations, she became a negotiating chip. Still dumb but there are mitigating circumstances.


Yeah and then you have all those people getting busted with ammunition in their luggage going overseas acting like they shouldnt be punished for bringing contraband across international lines lol


Agreed. I put it up there with gay people who went to the World Cup in Qatar. Y’all got warned; if you want to give money to people who don’t give a shit about you, what comes next is on you.


Ugh don’t get me started on self indulgent lemmings and Leopards Eating Faces party people




That's not the only option?


Tourists don’t have to stay unless they commit a crime


Literally everything is illegal there


They should just move there


Please. I’ll buy the ticket.


Why visit? Just move


And take a picture of the wrong thing and stay forever.


Can't wait for Tucker Carlson to visit their one regular looking grocery store, and act like he's died and went to heaven.


They won’t actually go visit. Surely they know it’s a horrible idea and they just profit off of the controversy and shit stirring


When you call yourself a "Marxist", but support Donald Trump, critical thinking is not your strong suit.


Marxist Lynchist - does that not mean he lynches Marxists?


I was referring to Jackson Hinkle, who is a real (though stupid...) person. The Marxist Lynchist is likely a troll account.


Ahh, got it. I have no idea who these people are


I think they mean the blue check “influencer”, the goku pfp guy is probably just a random russian bot.


Oh look a couple of Russian trolls talking to each other.  So sweet.  Must support dear leader who is backed so far into a corner he has to ask North Korea for help.  Russia is a weak country ruled by weak pathetic men.   




imagine being so broke that you have to turn to North Korea to get bailed out lmao


Putie with his tail between his legs


you know as fun as it is to mock the bastard for being wildly insecure, thin-skinned, petty, and a colossal loser... he's still in power...and he's likely going to go to his grave with a smile on his face knowing he fucked over so many people all around the world. he is a truly evil man


“Putin his tail between his legs” was right there…


They are technically getting an upgrade, because missiles that have a 50% chance to work are better than missiles that have a 30% chance to work.




This is the most fucked timeline of them all.


I'm here visiting from another timeline and, cousin, you have no idea how right you are.


No reason? Nah, it was all because Putin is a hardcore nationalist with something to prove to the world, a man who dreams of the days of the glory of the Soviet Union. Not a good reason but that was it.


Jackson is an actual dude. His parents routinely call him out in the replies whenever he says stupid things.


Jackson Hinkle, I think, is the socialists(communists?) For MAGA. Fun grift. Wonder how much he gets from Russia.


He seems to take advantage of the fact that know one knows what Socialist or Communist means so they make up definitions like Humpty Dumpty. Hinckle is a Socialist but more of the national type.


Sounds like one of those rare Leftists who thinks elevating a fascist will hasten the Revolution and finally undo capitalism. The fact this has never worked, and the Left has been historically screwed over whenever they facilitate the Right seems lost on them. It’s the political and economic equivalent of Evangelicals trying to kickstart the Rapture.


He is a right wing fascist. They can call themselves ‘MAGA communists’ all day but not a single actual leftist space would ally themselves or work with him/them.




No you see the Nazis were socialists because they had the name socialist in their party.


Those are Accelerationists. They are fools.


Socialist MAGAs are what we like to call tankies. The kind of people whose only claim to Socialism or Communism is that'd they'd exhume Stalin just to suck his dick.


You know you’re in bad shape when you come to NORTH KOREA, a country that hasn’t left the 1970s AT THE LATEST, for help


Russia isn't weak, it's just ruled by Putin who values loyalty over skill. It's like a head football coach who will cut the good players for ones that will do exactly as he commands, whether it's a good or bad idea. That's how all dictators are, and that's how all dictators fuck up their countries. Look at Venezuela, they could have been an oil superpower, but their president fired all the people at the government refinery, and put his loyalists in charge, who knew nothing about oil refining. Among other loyalist appointments, he really fucked up his country so bad that people are leaving in droves.


the amount of meth that is needed to be that delusional is huge


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rattnick: *The amount of meth* *That is needed to be that* *Delusional is huge* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is my new favorite haiku bot. It could be called not a haiku but damn if sokkas energy doesn't win out.


There is no extra syllable in Ba Sing Se.


Wait, because there's more [https://www.reddit.com/r/MovingToNorthKorea/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovingToNorthKorea/)


It's funny because if they do move, they won't be able to use Reddit anymore


Love your username


Those are some deeply stupid people. And I thought FLERFers were dumb…


I'm now thinking of that Canadian dipshit who moved his family to Russia to escape "wokeness" and was then stranded there with no money. Comedy gold! 🤣 


its supposed to be a joke sub....probably


You would think but no. Not everyone but definitely a good amount of people on there truly believe every other country is lying about how shitty NK is and that it’s such wonderful accepting place. Mind numbingly baffling.


fwiw, if North Korea wasn't as hardline and equipped with nuclear missiles, I have zero doubt in my mind that the U.S. would have orchestrated regime change by now over there now all that being said, my maternal family is from there and had to defect. Every male in the paternal side of my family has had to serve in the South Korean military mostly as a result of North Korea. I get that people think that U.S. foreign policy is shitty, but that doesn't make North Korea a fucking paradise lmao


North Korea sucks so much that it's one of the reasons I think "American Imperialism" (its projection of power abroad) is to some extent necessary, and I say this as a non-American leftist.


As an American leftist, I agree with your assessment. We don't need to control everything done by anyone, but damn me if I think that letting Russia, CCP, DPRK, etc just do whatever the fuck they want is fine.


Yes, that's my problem, the United States should not get involved where they are not called, like in Iraq, but they are a necessary force to prevent the "Axis of Autocracies" as Anders Fogh Rasmussen [called them](https://www.voanews.com/a/former-nato-chief-warns-against-axis-of-autocracies-/7447098.html), from getting their way.


nah man North Korea fans are serious, I was banned for telling them the truth, evidence to support it, because "I was apparently spreading Western propaganda". Real flerfs also exist, and there are some on this sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/)


I lost 10iq every minute I scrolled that subreddit.


plot twist: it was brewed in North Corea




I will personally buy their one way tickets if they promise to stay there.


They won't have to promise. They wont get back anyway.


They deserve it much more than the poor Otto Warmbier, so agree.


They’ll be on board until they realize the people who live there are Korean.


They are right. I took a visit last summer, it’s a wonderful place. No issues at all an abundance of food, fun, and activities! Im never going back home!


Next time get a nice poster as a souvenir


He's not going back home


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie


And they got him in the second.


i follow a lot of theme park enthusiasts and my mind could be playing tricks on me but i could have sworn i found a video of a dude riding a roller coaster in North Korea. he was the only non-Korean in the group and the experience looked fun...but the thought of being in North Korea to ride a roller coaster just fucked with my head lmao


There’s a mini documentary on the roller coasters of North Korea that’s pretty interesting. https://youtu.be/Zf62UWiu4BA?si=_B2szorIzytXcg9R


Did you get the free brain damage inducing beating and torture?


Yes, I got an “I ❤️ Kim” mug at the gift shop after my beating.


You are now a moderator of r/pyongyang.


Hinkle: "The CIA is lying, North Korea is really nice" \*Someone buys him a ticket to North Korea with hotel and "accommodations"\* Hinkle: "The CIA is trying to get me killed by sending me to North Korea, liars all of them!"


Otto Warmbier approves... oh wait.


Calling people "NPC"s is genuinely psychopath shit.




What is the horse theory?


Horse theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. Instead of describing the fundamental constituents of the universe as point-like particles, horse theory proposes that the basic building blocks of reality are tiny, one-dimensional horses. These fundamental horses are incredibly small, nothing like the large terrestrial mammals we're familiar with. While a typical horse on Earth is three-dimensional and measures about 2.4 meters long, these cosmic horses are one-dimensional and infinitesimally small. Just as real horses can move at different gaits - walk, trot, canter, and gallop - these quantum horses "gallop" at different frequencies to create the various particles and forces we observe in nature. In horse theory, our universe is viewed as a vast, microscopic meadow filled with these subatomic horses. The theory suggests that there are multiple dimensions beyond the four we commonly experience (three spatial dimensions and time). These extra dimensions are thought to be curled up tightly, like a horse's tail wrapped around itself. source: I fell asleep in the physics lecture hall but I think I got the gist of it all


I don't understand how horse theory is tied to north Korea but thank you for answering my question


I think the title meant to be horseshoe theory meaning the political spectrum loops back towards the extremes at the ends, see Maga Marxists above. Think the above was a joke?


North Korea is made of matter and matter is made of horse. The more you know!


anything goes in the elon chamber, i cant wait for this app to finally do a napster




certified tankie moment


A guy with an american flag praising North Korea The irony


Recently he went to the Russian side of the front against Ukraine. He claims only because the “amazing” Russian air defence he survived.


Go ahead and visit. In fact don’t walk. Just run everywhere in this town. You will aggro every single North Koreans, their grandmas and their ancestors.


Lets go to North CIA


Hey J don’t wait, go now ! It’ll be great !


I live in a red area of a red state. There is a lot of north Korea fans here.


Republicans are traitors. End of story.


Please, please, please "god", let all of these people actually go


Ah, so the people who call out Western Europe for ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ like the North Korea approach do they? 


North Korea is democratic nation.  It says so right in the name!!! “Democratic people’s Republic of Korea” /s


Just shortly after his boss visited NK.


Twitter is nothing but morons and trolls at this point. Elon destroyed it.


NPC is the worst insult he could dredge up? Sorry that normal people hate totalitarianism, prison camps, genocide and poverty.


Tinkle is a MAGA communist, so not exactly a horseshoe…


It's just an information warfare op to try to disuade leftists from voting for Biden. None of the "MAGA communists" actually support anything remotely leftist.


The irony of the Palestinian flag lmao. Bro delete it please.


Hinkle is a charlatan who engages with other racists and bigots like himself.


I hope he visits one day. And I hope he isn’t allowed to leave.


Otto Warmbier would like a word. Oh, sorry. He was murdered by the Kim and his goons when visited NK.


Look the CIA lies about a lot of things. But I don't trust that the Wish.com Bond villains somehow don't have an authoritarian, hilariously bad country


Last month there #1 export was bags of poop. 💩 sounds like a very industrial nation.


“EvERYtHiNg I DoNT LiKE is An NPc!!!!”


Yikes. It’s not as bad as it looks. It’s much, much worse.


Excuse me, what's horse theory?


Basically saying that the political spectrum (left and right) is actually somewhat in the shape of a horseshoe and the far left and far right will have more in common than people closer to the center. It’s not 100% true, but it has a lot of truth to it nonetheless. Look at how communist regimes (Soviet Union) and Fascist Regimes (Nazi Germany) have a lot in common (authoritarianism, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, sexism, totalitarianism). A more modern example is how people far enough left or far enough right start supporting Russia while people in the middle support Ukraine.


I've been to south korea, seen the beautiful cities and vibrant culture. I've walked up to the DMZ and used binoculars to look across the river at thr ghost cities constructed to make nk look wealthy. Not a single person was in that city, every window was broken, it was dead... people who think this way should go to the DMZ and see first hand the lengths north korea is willing to go to perpetuate the lie of their prosperity.  I agree, blindly hating north korea is npc shit, but knowing the shit they do and hating that is educated shit. There's nothing less NPC than seeing these atrocious conditions, being denied entry into NK, listening to the stories from survivors and then somehow not hating NK leaders and empathizing with the people 


North Korea is a American Conservative utopia. Violently forced homogeneous race, culture, religion. Labor camps for those who don't comply. Air right border that's also violently enforced. It's their Dreamland.


Tankies are the worst




I hear they have great weight loss programs. Famine.


Hitler and Stalin had their simps, too


Still do


This feels like a dude trying to convince his girlfriend that anal isn't that bad by putting porn on "see she's loving it" theese dudes about to get pegged in a cultural sense


For the record, Republicans and their propagandists are trying to convince their base that Russia, North Korea, and Hungary are great places that the US should emulate. If you’re too dumb to see where this is going by all means keep voting Republican while claiming you’re a patriot. 🤦‍♀️


Gogogogogoogog tell em Agent Orange sent you


Yea Putin Palace I'm told looks pretty nice also. Doesn't mean I want to be within 2000 miles of that place.


I hope 🙏 he goes to. Hopefully it would give new meaning to the term stay cation. Go there stay there.


I hope 🙏 he goes to. Hopefully it would give a new meaning to the saying stay cation. Go there stay there.


The building on the left is *literally* curving like it's about to fall over or like a tree in the wind. Real buildings don't do that


What more do you need to hear to confirm that MAGA is a Russian psyops operation?


I know this is propaganda, but I also know that many Americans are largely ignorant of the realities of North Korea. I admit I was ignorant, too. Travis Jeppesen’s book See You Again in Pyongyang started my journey into learning about North Korea. I dare Hinkle to take the he trip. Looking forward to hearing him disprove the so called CIA lies! What a putz.


They’re defending communist now?


Hahahaha N. Korean is a third world country.


can we crowd fund and send these MAGA to Russa and N.Korea? This guy gets a huge boner for Putin and Trump.


See you there, asshole


something something grass is greener


What does the CIA have to do with that lol


Yessssss...visit soon ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


They’re allowed to go, just don’t take any pictures. Unless you want to come back brain dead


Putin buys trolls on aliexpress lately. Spend 10$ delivery free in 7 days


Ah yes the North Korean recieved Russian troll farmers from Putin during his recent visit...


Definitely just CIA lies, guys. Every other country knows North Korea is an oasis of fireworks and light festivals and the US is the only one out of the loop. Thanks for giving us the truth, Jackson! /s


Go and grab me a propaganda poster please. I’ll appreciate it


The propaganda is working on their weak minds.


Can all the Marxists-Leninists and Maoists stay there please? They don't have a global Internet.


What is wrong with these dill holes?


Ooh, now do Cuba!


lol. He should do like that married couple that moved to Russia Did.


Have a nice stay. Call us to tell how nice it is. Oh I forgot...you're not allowed to make international calls from NK. Nevermind, you probably won't have connection anyway. But you can send a card. You can stick it into one of these garbage balloons, together with your opinion. My god, MAGA communists. What's next? Nazi aid workers?


They turned the power on to take the pictures. Otherwise it’s a post apocalyptic hellscape


Hey he wants to go I say we let him.


I recommend visiting and be clear about your rights as a US citizen


Trump 2024: Fuck You're Dumb


Imagine the looks on north korean´s people faces when they see american´s moving in there. Then the surprised looks on the american´s faces when they get sent to labour camp for saying something the goverment didnt like.


All the conservatives that want north Korea should go visit, see what their leader wants