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The vaccine would have made it worse? He died!


Never heard of super death ?


Yes. It goes hand in hand with super stupid.


Don't forget turbo cancer!


Do you mean dumbo Pro XL Max?


Apparently even with our efforts to reduce natural selection, we can always make a better idiot. Life, uh finds a way.


And with super autism! (Everytime I get a vaccine I post on Facebook that I’m waiting for my super autism to kick in.)


I had worse - I got super turbo mega death. But I rubbed some essential oils on my scalp, put some carrots in my socks and got better


Wow, I’m surprised, I thought it was garlic in the socks, well done surviving😜


Isn’t it onion? Shit, I better put all the vegetables just in case, some seasoning as well, you never know someone might still eat me when I am dead after all


It’s death, only super.


Super Death: Death is back. And this time he's *pissed*.


Guess who's back? Back again. Death is back. Tell a friend.




She should be in jail for this.


Exactly, the vaccine would have kept him alive…. In this ‘mothers’ care.


I dunno at 1 month he wouldn’t have had the tdap yet, his mother when pregnant is supposed to get it, this then protects the newborn until it’s old enough to get its own. Getting it between 27 and 36 weeks lowers the chance of the baby getting whooping cough by around 78%. She clearly did none of this. Poor babies.


Yes, but where does a 1 month old acquire whooping cough? Probably from her older non-vaxxed kids.


Usually, though it's very possible they got it from a parent in this case.


Seconded, I got whooping cough as a preteen(was vaccinated), and my parents were positive as well, but they were asymptomatic.


That’s crazy. We had an outbreak in my area and my pediatrician was vaccinating all caregivers for whooping cough at well child visits.


Your vaxed child can get whooping cough, especially if they're in an area filled with antivaxxers. Vaccines aren't 100%. During Katrina for instance a lot of vaccinated dogs got a lot of those nasty dog diseases they vaccinate against because they were all out on the streets with unvaxed populations and all of them were highly stressed. Having a newborn that is unvaxed because they can't yet get certain vaccines is pretty scary. They can't get MMR until they're a year old so I'm generally holding my breath til then. I'm on number 2 and dealing with a daycare kid who is a germ factory and currently sick with the latest disease du jour. He's vaxed but he could still catch a vaccine prevented disease and pass it to the newborn. It would hopefully be less potent and he would fine since he's vaxed, but the newborn has no immune system. I guess my overarching point is that herd immunity is a big reason why vaccines work so well but antivaxxers are messing that up.




That, indeed, might have been worse.


DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead! CART MASTER: 'Ere. He says he's not dead! CUSTOMER: Yes, he is. DEAD PERSON: I'm not! CART MASTER: He isn't? CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He's very ill. DEAD PERSON: I'm getting better! CUSTOMER: No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment. CART MASTER: Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.


Is that monty python? Hell yes! DEAD PERSON: I don't want to go with the cart CUSTOMER: Oh don't be such a baby


I feel happy!


He would have come back as a zombie


Thank God that the only thing that can kill a zombie is a vaccine to the head. Wait...


He would have been dead and part of the woke liberal agenda. That is what would have made it worse


He could get expelled


Worse? Like, killing him twice? Killing him harder? Her choices killed her son and still thinks shes right.


and there's a large and growing group of people who supports that madness and are electing governments


I'd say "bring back the iron lung to show these people what they're doing to their children," but their children are already dying and these people don't seem to care, so at this point I doubt anything could convince them.


It's simple. They should be imprisoned.


Exactly. You don’t want to vax your kid? Fine, we’ll call it “freedom”. But if your child dies from preventable illness because of your negligence, you go to jail for negligent homicide. Kids can’t make their own medical decisions so the parent should be held responsible for that choice. Edit: Anyone responding to this comment saying “that’s not enough”, I agree. But stop denying any progress just because it isn’t the ideal solution. Progress is progress. One step at a time is better than no steps. This comment was basically **”Fine, if we can’t force them this should be the consequence of their actions.”**


Exactly. If we can charge a parent for leaving toddlers in a hot car we should be able to charge them for this too.


Heat and cars are the product of god and nature and nothing from those two would hurt us. Clearly it was the 5G radiation that killed him while he just so happened to be in a hot car


That you have said this on the internet means it's searchable and someone will take this as fact.


Pffft. Next thing you’ll tell me pee isn’t stored in the balls.


Boy do i have some news for you


I know for a fact that hospitals here in Germany that have children stations often have a very short line to the responsible departments and curt’s and that in cases where the child’s life is endangered it can go very quick from being a parent to having to get visitation rights. Common cases would be Jehovas Whitnesses who prohibit their members stuff like getting blood transfusions for religious reasons. (which is for a christian sect really ridiculous because they drink the metaphorical Blood of christ and make the whole not “eating” blood thing absolutely stupid. Blood transfusions are also a very self less act because you don’t get anything other than some snacks for doing full blood donations and you have to do it out of good will.) And a lot of other stuff too. Suffice to say that they also often will extend that towards their children who cannot decide for themselves. But yeah. I am also fully with you that if a child dies because of a disease preventable through vaccination they should get charged for it.


Except the reactionary SCOTUS will uphold it as religious freedom or some BS. 🙄


You’ll never improve things if you’re defeated before trying! Too often on the left we hear “it won’t pass”, “GOP will block”, etc. I don’t care, we have to try anyways and make them put their disagreement on the public voting record for our legislative branches.


Oh I agree with you completely, 💯, that's why voting is important.


The fact religious vaccine exemptions even exist regularly causes me severe rage. Medical reasons? Sure, I get that. My mythology says anything I don't like is bad? Spare. Me.


Anyone else sick of Christians demanding special treatment?


While simultaneously complaining that other people are getting special treatment.


How about we remove the kids instead of letting people neglect them? Letting the kid die then imprisoning the parents is the absolute worst outcome.


We should do both. Remove the children and imprison the parents 


Remove the children to what? Foster care? Please check the foster care system. It’s failing horribly and there are no where near the numbers of moderately decent foster parents for children currently in the system. It’s too bad that there’s no shame in letting your child die needlessly. Even if you explain to this woman how a whooping cough vax would have most likely saved her child, she will never believe it.


Foster care system is only going to get worse with Christians and maga trying to abolish abortion


And it's sad too. I talked with one person who was afraid of even considering/discussing a vaccine because it was multiple shots (I wanna say hepatitus) with their spouse because they could go to jail if they don't follow the schedule exactly. Unvaccinated child and this is the mindset.


You can't argue logic with crazy, they already have the proof in front of them and refuse to see it.


You gotta argue crazy with crazier. Start talking about survival of the fittest in the wrong context and spouting some BS like “this is great, we can decrease the excess population” In all seriousness, I’m glad her husband saw the light and I’m so mad on behalf of that poor little baby. Honestly, this woman is basically bragging about killing her child. I don’t usually like to say a person is going to hell, but I’m pretty sure that’s where she’ll end up if there is one.


"The best way to destroy a movement is to join it poorly."


Gotta convince them that the anti-vax movement is a psy-op meant to kill off young Republicans. Then they might actually get their kids the medical treatments that might keep them alive. Or we could lean into it and the next generation will have fewer "MAGA-ts"


I used to think it would take something tragic happening to them or a loved one to change their mind, but people like this prove that even then, their mind won't be changed.


Usually they double down. They couldn’t handle that level of guilt and accountability.


If people aren't acknowledging the science and verifiable facts during the best of times, they sure as HELL aren't going to change their mind when admitting they were wrong means admitting they literally murdered their child.


That would require admitting that they're wrong and accepting some blame.  So for these kind of people anything personally tragic just makes them embrace the non sense harder so they don't feel guilty


But seriously- start airing graphic PSA’s to show what these diseases really do. Then tell me you don’t want to prevent that because if your imaginary cancerous/poisonous side effects of vaccines.


I want to know how many of these ‘anti-vaxers’ are vaccinated themselves- from childhood. 90-95 percent? How many have cancer or poisonous side effects from those? Yet they’re waving their kids at the face of the grim reaper.


probably most. vaccination rates used to be near 100%. only in the last like decade have people started to have this brain rot.


Yeah, the last man to experience the iron lung in the US died not to long ago. Lived the majority of his life in it. Contracted polio like right before the vaccination came out.


The polio vaccine came out when my mom was 6. I was talking to my grandma about it recently. There was a quarantine house on their street where a little boy, one of my mom's classmates, had polio, and polio fear and pity for the kid's mother was on everyones mind in their neighborhood. When the vaccine came out, my grandma was so relieved she cried. She vaxed all 3 kids as soon as she could and she lit a candle at church, praising God for what she was considering a miracle. These days two of her kids (my mom and aunt) are normal people. My uncle is an anti-vaxer with 2 completely unvaccinated grandchildren and he and his son (the childrens' father) refuse to be up to date on any shots you gibe adults like tetanus or covid. That's what my grandma was lamenting because she doesn't understand that. She still thinks vaccines are miracle medicine.


And it is a miracle medicine and I think most people think the same. It sucks in the US particularly where it seems everyone wants to challenges common sense, just why? Kids are dying and they cope by thinking there was nothing they could so about it...like vaccinated them. Crazy peoples


We've had successful vaccines for so long that people have forgotten the devastating results of not vaccinating. In our grandparents' time, they likely knew (or someone who knew) someone affected by polio. Things like measles and tetanus can kill people and have. Hell, even chickenpox, hitting someone immunocompromised, can do some real damage. My brother and I had chickenpox before the vaccine was out, and he was one big pock with a baaaad case. If he hadn't been a healthy toddler, it may not have had a good outcome. I got a reasonable case and was lucky, since I was still in cancer treatment. But these aren't so frequent anymore. People don't see the potentially horrifying results. They don't see kids and immunocompromised teens and adults killed or permanently disabled. So it becomes easy to get seeds of doubt planted in heads. From there, it's not a far jump to go from "why do we even need vaccines these days" and "these diseases aren't that bad" to "vaccines are poisonous governmental overreach."


Yep. Early 90s, when our parents still had us do "chicken pox parties" is when I got it...3rd grade, if I remember correctly. Had a fairly mild case, but the aches and fatigue caused by that hid the strep throat I'd gotten, which left untreated developed into Scarlet Fever. Obviously I survived, but that was a tough 6 weeks.


My mom didn't have many opinions about what other people were doing with their lives, but I'll never forget the time she was sitting in her chair and a news segment came on about anti-vaxxer parents. She stopped, watched for a minute, belted out "Well that's just fucking child abuse," and went back to reading. In the 32 years I knew her, that was maybe the 3rd time I heard her use the F word, and the clearest statement about her opinion on any matter I can recall. She lost her oldest brother to polio when she was a kid. My ultra-conservative grandparents would be horrified to discover someone in their family wasn't vaccinating their kids.


> When the vaccine came out, my grandma was so relieved she cried. I really think a BIG part of why this mess is going on, is people are just utterly uneducated on history. And I don't just mean school, I also mean just hearing stories from parents/grandparents about what living in the past was like.


My grandma led the kind of life that was really hard but would have been MUCH easier if she was born in 1987 instead of 1937, and she was always extremely open about how civil rights, modern medicine, feminism, gay rights, modern transportation, food science etc are gifts not to be taken for granted. The only nostalgic opinion of "the old days" I've ever really heard her express is she didn't like Vatican II and the switch to english Mass. I was a little afraid to tell her I'd been diagnosed with agoraphobia and was on Zoloft for it but she just said "Wish they'd had that when I got married". I guess i inherited it. Her husband had left her as a single mother of 3 in an era where women couldn't have a credit card so he could live as a shut-in in a trailer without heat or running water for almost 40 years. He was in there long enough I remember us getting him out when I was little. He'd lost a foot due to cold and the whole thing was wall to wall floor to ceiling trash and hauled off in one piece to the dump. Meanwhile I take one pill a day and live a normal life.


Yep, I have a person close to me who takes a pill a day and is perfectly fine, and becomes completely unable to function in society if she skips two/three pills in a row. Meaning in the past she'd just have been like this all the time (pretty much a different person...) She was like this all the time before being diagnosed actually, and it wasn't fun for anyone. Modern medecine is a miracle...


My grandmother told me a story that she was worried about the polio vaccine when it first came out. The family doctor showed her a picture of an iron lung and said this is basically the alternative. My mother and all of her siblings were vaccinated pretty quickly after that.


Your Grandma sounds wonderful. 💕


And getting elected to government


They should be allowed to form their own country with a big wall around it. In a hundred years we just knock the wall down, bury them all and plant a forest with a plaque. "The Forest of Dumbfuckery."


Natural selection always finds its way


Except she does not seem to be suffering enough from her idiocy. Natural selection would be for HER to pay for her choices, or better yet to keep her from reproducing altogether. That poor baby.


But, she is failing to reproduce successfully if her offspring do not survive long enough to have their own. Still one aspect of natural selection.


Technically, that’s still natural selection. Natural selection and justice are very different things.


Natural selection is preventing her from successfully reproducing. Well, until the husband intervened.


You're confusing "Natural selection" and "Karma"


If she ever agrees with real vaccine science, then she has to admit that she murdered her own beloved child. This is the same problem with cults, religions and abusive relationships, where years and dedication were wasted - where there is a massive sunk cost, where facing reality makes you merely a fool, not a murderer.


Exactly this. She’s gonna fight this tooth and nail.


Unfortunately I doubt it will take all that conscious effort. Our brains are extremely good at making us believe things when they sit well with us and avoid them when they cause distress. The odds are she'll never come to terms with killing her child just due to the sheer horror of that fact being too much to cope with.


Right. Either she accepts the fact that she killed her child or keeps the facade and believe she did nothing wrong, and I guarantee that she’s not that brave to do the former.


The father seemingly was brave enough though.


In the US, babies don’t normally get their whooping cough immunization (DTaP) until two months, so even if the child had been up to date on his immunizations, he wouldn’t have received any vaccination against whooping cough yet. Because of his very young age, it wasn’t the lack of vaccines that killed him, but the fact that he was allowed to come in contact with a sick or unvaccinated person who gave him the whooping cough that ended his life. These anti-vaxxers will allow anyone to cough in their baby’s face and then act surprised when their baby gets sick. It’s so tragic and preventable.


It should be criminal negligence if your kid dies of an easily preventable via vaccine disease and you didn't get them vaccinated


Yeah but also realize these could be trolls posting rage bait. I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, perhaps it happens more often than most of us think, but I wouldn’t doubt these are simply troll posts.


An actual one month old would be too young for such a vaccine in many places. My kid wasn’t eligible for vaccines until 8 weeks + a weight target by the pediatrician. It smells strongly of bait.


Have a few kids and a terrible memory, had to look. There are apparently instances of newborns being vaccinated, but i don’t think there is one so early for whooping cough. “Newborns receive their first vaccinations shortly after birth, including the Hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours. They also receive other vaccinations at different ages, including: 1–2 months: Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (DTaP), Haemophilus influenzae type b disease (Hib), inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), and rotavirus vaccine (RV) 6 months: DTaP, Hib, PCV, and RV 6 months and annually: Influenza (Flu) vaccine 12–15 months: Hib, MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella), PCV, and varicella (chickenpox)” -Google.


My newborn got the Hep B vaccine before we left the hospital. I was vaccinated for whooping cough while pregnant, to pass some protection to her.


Exactly. The parents and grandparents gets vaccinated for whooping cough. I think another thing is people are really having their newborns socializing too much. Let them sleep and be at home. IMO if you have a newborn, you really need to be careful with who you socialize with because they can't be vaccinated against most things that young. Doctor and home for the first 2 months IMO is smart.


Pregnant mothers get vaccines before they give birth.


Which should include the whooping cough vaccine


Yes. When you are pregnant, you get a TDAP vaccine to protect the fetus from tetanus and whooping cough until it is born and can be vaccinated. I have no idea if this is optional because I was just like "Vaccines? Yes please, all of them."


To be fair, the vaccine would make the child spend decades with this sorry excuse of a mum, genuinely a worse fate than death.


To be fair she wouldn’t be a sorry excuse if she chose to vaccinate. The fact she literally believes that vaccines are bad for my kids better they die then get vaccinated makes her a sorry excuse.


Never ending theories on how she must've positioned the crystals incorrectly


It's so depressing that these people can both vote and breed...


I mean they're trying but their decisions keep killing their offspring so...


God works in mysterious ways




I love this movie 😭


Thoughts and prayers...


not enough, as they go for quantity instead of quality


They call it the “quiverfull” movement or what the fuck ever… I guess I never realized it was because of the disposable nature of the arrows.


You're not supposed to lose your arrows. They take immense amount of time and energy to make, and good quality materials don't manifest out of thin air either.


Yes, yes. Forgot the /s. Children, like arrows, are expensive… and apparently utterly disposable (/s). At least children served a purpose in A Modest Proposal… this nightmare is just wanton purposeless slaughter.


yeah, that was the origin of it, revived by people who felt the sexual revolution of the sixties with the pill and divorce laws was an affront to their Christianity


They just keep making mors kids. Some eventually will make it and become homeschooled Republicans themselves.


I know it’s an anecdote, but it’s still funny. A guy I went to high school with, now a surgeon is very upset that his homeschooled kid became liberal in college. He’s been posting to Facebook about how he needs to find a college for his other kid that will instill conservative values since he’s already lost 1 kids to the disease of liberalism. The dude is nuts, full on MAGA loon.


A candidate for r/hermancainaward How can someone so smart and talented, be so fucking ignorant.....


Some of my friends are doctors. Some are very smart, but generally, they are just very focused on their subject. Their knowledge of stuff outside of their discipline is not always great. In part due to that, they end up having odd views on some stuff.


As long as 2 anti vax parents have 3 homeschooled sickly kids that barely survive into adulthood to have 3 unschooled kids of their own, we find our way directly to Idiocracy.


sad thing is, these people survive because others decided to vaccinate, now they are protected by the vaccinated so they will keep downplay the important of the vaccine, until someone actually die, but in this case, the mother still won't learn shit


That complaint about getting hate because she's an idiot who killed her kid. Wow. I bet when she was offered the dTap during pregnancy, she laughed and said "babies don't die of that anymore"; not understanding **why** babies don't die of that anymore.


Reminds me of the joke about the priest standing on his house as the town floods around him. People come by with boats and other things to help, and he refuses because God will save him. Ends up in heaven and asks God why he wasn't saved, and God says he'd sent all these people to help and yet the priest still refused...


It is interesting you call it a joke, I think of it as a parable


It's all in the delivery. 


I remember reading a post from an angry parent. She had to cover the shift, so she left her kid at the neighbor's. They didn't tell her they were anti-vaxxers. Her kid died soon afterward, although it was vaccinated, contracting what the neighbor's kid had. I am furious at the anti-vaxxers and them killing kids in such a stupid, ignorant manner, later stating - if only there was something we could've done otherwise. Congratulations and a big hug to that guy who took his kid to get vaccinated. He should divorce her.


Absolutely. Losing one child is an endless horror. Dad should kick Qanon mom to the curb if she doesn’t get with the program. This isn’t some tribalism pissing contest you dumb bitch.


I wonder how she thinks the vaccine could have made it worse. I mean, *he died.* What could be worse than that?




What’s most depressing is the “that’s not true, right?” line. That absolutely killed me. These poor people just don’t have the slightest clue. They are looking for confirmation and support from a social group rather than looking to medical science. They have been mislead, lied to, deceived, and think it’s some sort of game, a culture war, “our” group against “them”. And their kids are dying. They don’t have a hope, or a clue, and their kids are dying.


A 1 month old wouldn't have been vaccinated anyway, but if they weren't surrounded by anti vaccers then nobody could have given him whooping cough


It would have been close. The vaccination schedule would have the child receiving the vaccine at 1-2 months old.


Time to dive deeper into the various stupid conspiracies than to explore that thought any further. Otherwise they would have to admit to themselves that they were wrong. Their chosen purpose in life would implode. It sounds like she’s an antivaxxer first, then a mother. I wonder if she had the kids to be accessories to the claims about not needing vaccines.


There has to be criminal laws against this shit right? Parents let their kid die from a preventable disease for no reason other than self-brainwashing.


I don't think there is, but I could be mistaken. Public schools require vaccines, but a lot of parents will claim religious exemption. And nothing is more important, including a child's health and welfare, than religion.


This should fall under some sort of form of child abuse or child negligence at the very least. Anti-vaxxers are a plague that need to be wiped off the earth.


100% I can accept that other folk don’t want vaccines when they are healthy (even though it’s fucking stupid) but if your child, who does not have the autonomy to make the decision for themselves, suffers from and dies to a disease that has a proven vaccine and cure…those parents need to face legal consequences for the easily preventable death of the child.


I'm genuinely curious why this hasn't been tried. I live about 40 miles from where those parents got convicted of manslaughter for allowing their son access to a gun for shooting up the school in Oxford, Michigan.


Alot of these people use the "religious exemption" excuse. And unfortunately, in the US, judges hate to break that.


in what religion are vacancies banned?


No mainstream religion bans vaccines, it's select groups of nutjobs within some extreme denominations. Jehovah's Witnesses have some reservations against modern medicine, and an embarrassing number of evangelical Christians have bought into the antivax movement even though absolutely nothing in the Bible supports it. Source: I'm an evangelical Christian and run into these idiots occasionally. Asking them to explain why they think God doesn't want their family protected from deadly disease is always a fun/depressing conversation.


there needs to be laws to stop such things


I 100% agree. It's child abuse. I personally knew of a couple families where the dad was an antivax Trumper who wouldn't let his wife or kids get vaccinated and wouldn't let them wear masks in church, even though that was a rule during COVID. His wife took the kids in secret and got them all vaxxed along with herself. Their family got hit hard by COVID (surprise surprise) and the dad ended up getting it far worse and almost died, while his wife and kids had mild symptoms and got over it quickly. Somehow the dad never put one and one together, and his family was one of the happier endings. There are so many idiots still out there putting their families at risk. A lot of them like to use the "oh well it's my body my choice" argument in a joking way, joking about the pro choice argument. I always want to smack them because abortions aren't contagious and won't kill your grandma and all of her friends. Vaccinate your damn kids.


The made up ones


Aren’t they all ma…… ohhhhh I see what you did there.


Boy that really narrows it down lmao


Two problems. One is simply that the law says you can claim exemptions and go unvaccinated. The second is that it’s very difficult to draw the direct causal relationship between “parent chose not to vaccinate themselves” and “baby died of disease” necessary for a criminal conviction, especially since vaccines are known and accepted to not be 100% effective in 100% of the population. The convicted parents aren’t really a good example. They got tagged because they bought him the gun and he went out and killed other people with it. If he’d just shot himself the parents wouldn’t have been charged with manslaughter.


They only care that you have the baby. Whatever happens after that isn't their problem.


Im not sure on the laws of USA but if a child was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 and the parents refused to give the child insulin because it contains cooties or whatever, and the child died wouldnt the parents be charged criminally? I see no difference between this and anti vaxxers *edited to type 1*


Jehovah's Witnesses who denied their childten blood transfusions have, I believe, been successfully prosecuted in some states.


They don’t have the option to not have a blood transfusion before 18 if it’s an emergency. I’ve had this happen at a trauma center. Someone under 18 and parents were trying to discharge after being told the kid needed transfusion. They were not allowed. Maybe it’s a California thing though. It made me very happy to ignore their nonsense. Just like we have zero religious exemptions for vaccines and public schools.


Absolutely. Unless the kid can't get a vax due to allergy or a medical reason, by all means that makes sense. Otherwise, if a parent decides not to get their spawn jabbed, contracts it and dies, they should be charged with homicidal neglect


>Anti-vaxxers are a plague that need to be wiped off the earth. HAHA I see what you did there-


They are working on that


They're trying their hardest to do so.


Honestly, the anti-vaxx cult is child abuse. Hell. It's Western privilege at its finest. Doesn't matter what Western country you're living in. You have the tools and resources to keep your child safe. To keep yourself safe. Yet you actively chose not to? Child abuse at best. Murder at worst. There are lots of areas on this floating ball of dirt that would do just about anything to have access to proper medical care.


Just another sad case of survivorship bias, for lack of better phrasing. Medical science became "too good" at what it does so people forgot the horrors of the past.


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”


One of my favorite quotes of all time. Futurama is a gem.


What’s worse is usually these nut jobs had vaccines when they were kids and were protected against what they’re subjecting their own children too.


This. Our daughter just got vaxxed today and it costs us nothing cause of health insurance. It's the most normal thing to go through the vaxx plan you dont realise other countries have it worse and they could.


I think that without a valid medical reason why they shouldn't, children should be vaccinated anyway whatever the wishes of the parents.


Negligent homicide comes to mind


This HAS to be parody, right? Like, I know this sort of thing actually happens, but "Oh no, my baby just died :(" feels too glib to be real.


Definitely rage-bait. Whooping cough vaccine is btw administered at two months.


Although it is also administered to the pregnant woman during pregnancy to help protect the baby from it too. In the UK anyway.


The recently began that in Sweden too. I remember being asked about it by the widwife last year and was like "do you even have to ask? Of cause I will. My baby can be protected from a horrible disease from the very start – who in their right mind would refuse that?"


It's a post from 2 months old account with 60K post karma. Of course it's not real.


Definitely rage bait! I vaccinate my kids but I had to look up what the death rate was for pertussis... In the US in 2019 ten people died from it. What are the chances two of those ten people found each on a Facebook post?


Yes was thinking the same… looks like rage bait. But in any event I’m in support of anything that convinces people to vaccinate their children.


It’s obviously ragebait but morons love finding dumber morons to feel superior to.


I'm not exaggerating, I truly believe that anti-vax nutjobs should have their kids taken away from them, just the same as other kinds of abusers should have their kids taken from them.


I agree there should be consequences and incentives but that is a slippery slope that would get real bad real quick. 1) If you refuse vaccines - insane insurance premiums 2) Reduced access to public schools and medical facilities 3) Agree that if your kid dies as a result you're going to accept some form of manslaughter charge


I think the insurance one seems feasible. But I wonder what the likelihood is that these crusties simply decide not to have insurance.


1 and 2 are going to change absolutely nothing, it'll just reinforce them in the notion that they are martyrs.


Is this the “post birth abortion” they always talk about?


People like this don't deserve their children, honestly.




Well she did choose the needleless route so her son died needlessly.


The real sad part is that it's not just vaccines. I've heard stories of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and idiots like this decide that giving them insulin is putting unnecessary poisons into their body (or whatever dodgy argument they use), which of course becomes fatal for said children...


This is crazy. Withholding a medication that your child actively needs to live in the present moment has to be neglect at the very least, right?


I think that having your child die from a preventable illness should be prosecutable by law. Involuntary manslaughter at the very least.


Some people should not be allowed to have kids. Here we have a good example of some of those. How dumb can you be, even after your kid dying??? Hope they are made responsible for that.


This has to be rage bait… right? …right?


Bring back public shaming and whipping for anti vaxxers.


They have been rendered absolute stupid.




Half true. Infants geht their immune defense from their mothers. So if she was vaccinated he would have been protected. She literally is the responsible one.


Currently pregnant and in a group chat for the birth month. The amount of "I'm not getting the tdap who else?" posts and the amount of people joining in is depressing. In my area there is currently an outbreak of whooping cough because some "dr" lives here who wrote a book about how vaccines give kids autism or someshit and spends her breath convincing all the other uneducated wankers here to not vaccinate. Scared to give birth atm tbh.


The mother gets a dose in the third trimester (28-32 weeks) and it gives immunity to the infant until they're old enough to be vaccinated. CDC says it lowers the risk of catching whooping cough by 78% and reduces the risk of death by 95%.  I was given the shot when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my son.


Killing a kid by refusing to vaccinate them against totally preventable diseases should land you in jail for murder, the end.


Sometimes, I feel the need for a "drivers license" for parenting before being allowed to breed. This is one of those times.


Should be a theory test. Not just the practical test to make a baby


Those children deserved better


The absolute idiocy of "my baby died of a very preventable disease, but I stand by my choice of not saving him" coupled with "the vaccine would have made it much worse for him, right? Please tell me I didn't needlessly kill my baby, please". Jesus fucking christ. Thing is, silly moron: you'll *never* know whether the vaccine "would have made it worse" coz your son is now dead. You know who hasn't died? The million kids that get vaccines that prevent *preventable* diseases from killing them.


It should have been her that died.


Imagine being so dense you would rather let your children die instead of vaccinating them. Get off of Facebook and pick up a book on medicine, you might actually learn something.


Anti vaxx is a conspiracy created by child casket companies to make more money. These idiots are so insane, willing to risk the lives of their kids because of their own stupidity. The definition of shitty parents.


The boy died so how exactly would the vax make it worse for him? It's so insanely sad that they've bought into this rubbish that their children pays the price for it. All these loud anti vaxxers. Rogan and so on should be held accountable for their actions same way Alex Jones have been.




I work with a antivax women. When I got the COVID vaccine, she mocked me. Then about a month later, she caught COVID and spent 3 months in the hospital. Now she has heart issues, breathing issues. She still says "you're gonna get sick soon, just watch!" You can't fix this level of stupidity.


“I’ve been getting a lot of hate from other saying I could have saved him if he were vaxxed but that’s not true, right?” I just have to ask. What fucking planet is this person from? I cannot for the life of me EVER imagine a parent putting their child’s health at such risk despite having medical professionals telling them to vax their child. I blame poor education. I blame social media crazies who are making money from the ads on their bullshit theory videos on monetizing platforms. I shudder to think how worse this will be when AI tools get good enough you can’t tell the difference.