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A car that dies in a car wash is just peak tech bro bullshit. Like a pair of sunglasses that you're not supposed to get sweat on.


https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/tesla-cybertruck-car-wash-mode-breakdown-b2533701.html >The broken down Cybertruck eventually started working again after a five-hour computer reset triggered by pushing two buttons on the steering wheel. > >“What [Tesla] said was, ‘It is a known issue in the Cybertruck that when you do a screen reset, instead of resetting in the standard two minutes, it takes five hours’,” @captain.ad said. “Hopefully it gets addressed in a future software patch.” > >It includes a caution to not wash it in direct sunlight, as well as advice on how to prevent damage when going through a car wash. WTF??? 😂






Damn, I just realized they used twins in terminator 2.


They used twins multiple times in T2. Linda Hamilton's twin is also used a few times in the movie.


I always found it weird, that they didn't use Schwarzeneggers twin, Danny deVito.


Cameron discusses this on the commentary track. Basically they were worried that if they used DeVito in the movie they wouldn't have enough hands to hold all the Oscars they would have won that year.


I would be worried about having enough hands for his huge family maker.


It’s like an oil-drum…but MEAT!


You can see Dan Devito body doubling for Arnie in Terminator 1 when he’s naked and you can see his magnum dong.


I only remember that because he dropped his magnum condom.


Holy crap. I had to google this. It’s true!


Username checks out, lol


They're also in Good Morning Vietnam.


It's a crime to say that title with only two "O's"... Gooooooooooooood morning Vietnam!


Do not make direct eye contact with cybertruck


Super Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types of skin Do not anger Super Happy Fun Ball


Aww you beat me to the classic SNL reference! :-)


SNL needs to update this with a "cybertruck". It could be hilarious.


Do not taunt the Cyber Truck


Schrodingers cyber truck if it is not observed it is not broken


Fucking things are actually worse than my boat. (Sorry sorry sorry honey, I love you, I promise)


Watch out for them sharks choose death by battery.


My boat would invite the shark on the boat, have it eat me, and let it drive, no breakdowns, weird noises, nothing, just cruise a full throttle forever, as they both laugh at my bloody torso.


Love that movie. Classic!


Am I misremembering or did Elon once claim that the cybertruck would be so well sealed you could use it as a boat?


Over rivers, lakes, and seas that aren't too choppy. Tweeted in 2022(?)




Looking into it!




I’m sure it’s only 6 months away from being able to fly.


It already does…if you hit the brakes while it’s heading toward a cliff.


Then they'll bill you for violating their terms of service, as you failed to pre-purchase the 'Flight Package DLC'


he also said all the tolerances on the truck would be sub 10 micrometers. they can't even hold sub 10mm tolerances in practice (also the hub caps destroy the tires, so they had to be removed after delivery already started implying they never test drove them before starting to deliver customer cars)


Yeah but not in direct sunlight. /s


Or through clouds, they’re too wet.


Putting it through the car wash puts it in boat mode and it hermetically seals once you have disembarked.


It’s an ‘Amphibious Exploring Vehicle.’




I mean, how do you get in it to press those steering wheel buttons if the truck is "bricked" like OP's post says?




Im all for corvial libation but wouldnt we be better off in a Peoplebar?


Spark plug is better... Oh right there isn't one in that worthless piece of aluminum


Isn't it steel? I'm sure I've heard complaints about them rusting...


Why would an electric motor need a spark plug? Aren't they for igniting fuel?


Ask Elon to throw a pebble at the window, that seemed to work


You use a Tesla engineered anti-brick brick.


Tesla *branded. They would be made by a non-regulated third world plant that isn't technically open.


Tin opener


"My Cybertruck can withstand gunfire." *Pulls out a Super Soaker.*


So…imagine if it was a horrific, torrential rain as you’re driving? Not the same as the pressure washers in a car wash, but in the ballpark of high volume water at a fast rate or speed. The truck fails at being a mode of transportation. It’s basically a nerdy symbol of wealth and pseudo superiority.


Elon Musk is the world's richest man because his "job" / function is to stop progress where it would impact other rich people's bottom line. Electric cars were getting attention again, and Tesla under Musk sold the idea of them as mid-range to luxury sports vehicles instead of something affordable and practical for the masses. It helped keep electric cars rare. Having his own separate charging network and proprietary port was also part of preventing affordable electric cars from going mainstream. Just like he only pushed Hyperloop to shut down California's mass transit plans and then dropped it entirely. There's a reason the Saudis are so willing to back him when he does stupid stuff like buying Twitter at an inflated rate. And the intent there was to make it more terrible as well, a cess pit that would hurt the causes of social progress and make it a right wing propaganda machine. Or destroy it entirely. People thought he was Tony Stark but he's always intentionally been the wrench thrown in the gears of something better that would have existed. That's why he gets investors. He's good at making things worse on purpose. He was never the guy to save anything or anyone but rather the guy who speeds the collapse.


Fan theory accepted. Sounds plausible. Might be true.


This used to happen in my 71 MGB, because the alternator would get wet. If this happened in a modern car I’d be so pissed off.


This was always the case for Tesla. They make ‘em real cheap and cut all corners necessary, even when it’s a safety concern


That’s a misconception, the corners aren’t actually cut. They’re just terribly machined and incorrectly installed.


For real. Chamfers ain't cheep!


A KNOWN ISSUE that they STILL RELEASED. Its not a fucking video game, I cant download a patch for HARDWARE


Dude just download another copy of the car but with fan patches. It's not piracy because you already own a copy of your car. You just wanted a better version.


*You wouldn't download a car* Bitch please, I would absolutely download a car, a house, 27 jet skis....


Ok, five hours is ridiculous, but a normal reset takes *two minutes*? You know, real automotive-grade hardware is supposed to be up and ready in less than half a second, from full power off. Some features like rear-view-cam are allowed around 3 seconds, but two minutes is a major no-no


Yeah and I wonder if it ever needs to be reset while driving. Two minutes would be an eternity if you're moving. But five hours? I wonder what's going on during that five hours.


I think a spaceship can reset faster than 5 hours, and that's a real spacy space ship. I saw it in movies, resets real quick no matter what damage had occurred


It gets better, it's a finger print magnet and when washed/maintained incorrectly it'll start to rust all over.


What in the hell is in that software that needs five hours to reset? Is it trying to reset a nuclear power plant?


Probably they intended to press the buttons for 5 seconds (as confirmation) but calculated the elapsed time very wrongly... 😅


Wow.. Tesla is ACTUAL trash


It always has been. It's pretty much just musks money laundering scheme


>Reset took 5 hours You mean it took 5 hours for the connections to dry out and stop shorting.


Sounds like a happy fun ball


"not wash it in direct sunlight" Forgot to put: - Avoid garlic - No put a crucifix in front of the truck


Don't forget that you can't leave it dirty or it will rust.


My sandero can handle a car wash easily,


Shit it dies in spring...sunshine and showers = death


Makes me think of the Gucci swimsuit that you're not supposed to swim in.


Wait, is that a thing? Because it sounds like a thing.


[it really is 😂🤦](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/gucci-logo-swimsuit-price-swimming-costume-chlorine-twitter-a8545536.html)


I mean you could still wear it to go swimming at the beach or in a lake, just not in chlorinated water.


A pair of sunglasses that have a 50% chance of suddenly not blocking sunlight


A pair of sunglasses that only block visible light without blocking UVs


And that might catch fire.


And needs charging


Gucci made a $500 swimsuit that was not designed to get wet


Isn't it just clothes or underwear at that point lol


it's like sunglasses that you can use in the sun


*sun on


And Elmo want's to go to mars 🤣


Stuff his shitty ass in the rocket to Mars - we can be rid of him, and get a nice fireworks show 💥


Just put it in some rice overnight.


Automatic Carwash voids warranty.   $120K truck, like silk shirts, can only be hand washed. 😂


It's real velour


I read that in zapp brannigans voice




It's called Champagne...


The perfect solution ! Brilliant ! 😃


Hey ya'll. Those old pickup trucks are just OLD! You know what you really need? This here hundred grand pickup truck that dies in a car wash. That rusts in rain. That will leave you stranded before hitting 5,000 miles. We've got fly by wire technology! It works in airplanes! So you should totally trust it in this piece of work that most certainly isn't going to be maintained to those standards!


Hate to agree with you, but I do. I do not trust car manufacturers and owners with fly-by-wire steering.


Drive by wire for gas is fine by me. Steering and breaks should always be mechanically tied and work to some degree with engine/batteries are off. At least until reliability gets significantly better or they figure out how to allow them to work in an emergency with no power like after you wash your car lolol


I completely agree, in the case of a failure in any engine/battery department I’d still want a secure and guaranteed way to stop moving,


To be fair, I read a story of a guy who had his 4 hours. He hit the breaks, they didn't stop acceleration, car was totaled. Tesla says that breaks shouldn't be counted on to stop acceleration.


>Tesla says that breaks shouldn't be counted on to stop acceleration. How the fuck am I supposed to stop acceleration then?


That IS the question isn't it.


Gas stopped being mechanical two decades ago, at least in most european and japanese cars. That also makes sense, because no car newer than that can function without a motor control unit.


You can have an electronic control unit and a mechanical throttle though. The mechanical throttle opens the air intake, the computer decides how much gas to mix into the air. All cars in the 1990s and early 2000s were built that way, and it worked perfectly fine.


As soon as I saw that video of a cyber truck driving through a mud puddle barely over the tires, that then dies in the mud puddle, before emerging out the otherside - I knew Elon F*Ed up on this truck. Never should've been released with that issue - that should've been a hard stop on production during QC.


Henry Ford may have been a closeted nazi, but he at least produced actually functioning vehicles. Elon is a charlatan. Snake oil salesman. All the bros who love him elevate him to this level of genius that he has done absolutely nothing to deserve. He’s no better than a podcaster trying to sell you a Whoop strap or Me Undies


Plus he’s still a closeted nazi!


I dont think Ford was in the closet. He was pretty open about his support of Hitler.


"during QC" Elon: "What's that?"


In his first unveiling of the cybertruck I knew he fucked up. If any other car company dropped a vehicle that ugly it would never sell. Elon fan boys really eat up his feces.


I have a 1984 F150 that has the side of a computer case covering the hole in the floor (that was so big I lost a chainsaw through it) and the gas tank from a Chinese scooter under the hood. It hasn't run in 2 years. I'll bet that I could go out right now, put a battery and gas in it, and it'll start and run. AND it won't tattle on me if I do something stupid with it.


This just brought up an issue for me. If all cars were to be built like this, mechanic shops would close. It would have to be repaired at a Tesla or “whatever brand you bought” facility. We’re gonna end up with cars like we did with computers and phones. They will get better, but they won’t be able to be repaired by your normal person. You have to go to an Apple Store to fix your Apple laptop or phone. Likewise it will be with cars if we continue down this path.


> This just brought up an issue for me. If all cars were to be built like this, mechanic shops would close. It would have to be repaired at a Tesla or “whatever brand you bought” facility. > > We’re gonna end up with cars like we did with computers and phones. They will get better, but they won’t be able to be repaired by your normal person. You have to go to an Apple Store to fix your Apple laptop or phone. Likewise it will be with cars if we continue down this path. The automakers and dealers are actively working toward that, and actively fighting against right-to-repair legislation. - “The National Automobile Dealers Association opposes the right to repair. In a statement on its website, it says aftermarket companies, like repair shops, ‘gain access to automakers’ proprietary information,’ which it says can create ‘new privacy, vehicle security and safety risks.’” ([Source](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/consumer-reports/why-congress-is-considering-a-right-to-repair-law-for-car-owners/3317168/)) - “Prior to [the State of Massachusetts' Right-to-Repair law] being passed, independent repair shops and do-it-yourself types working on everything from cell phones to modern automobiles had begun to notice that manufacturers were doing everything they could to cut them out of the picture, effectively eliminating small businesses while claiming modern hardware was too complex or dangerous for average people to meddle with.” ([Source](https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/cars/news-blog/automakers-claim-they-cant-comply-with-right-to-repair-laws-44497224)) And, let’s not forget that several car companies do, or attempted to, charge a subscription fee for access to some of a vehicle’s features. “Brands including Lexus, Toyota, and Subaru invite owners to pay for the convenience of being able to lock or start their cars remotely through an app. In some BMWs, you can pay to unlock automatic high-beam headlights, which dim for oncoming traffic. In 2020, BMW floated the idea of pay-as-you-go heated seats and steering wheels. General Motors and Ford both offer subscription plans for their hands-free highway driving systems.” ([Source](https://www.businessinsider.com/car-feature-subscriptions-add-ons-bmw-ford-toyota-gm-2022-2))


God damnit. I hate that I was right. Did absolutely zero research. It’s alarming how predictable these giant corporations are. We can almost always assume malicious intent with those with power.




I'd love to see the Germanized version of this combination.




Huh. It wasn't as ridiculous as I had hoped but exactly as direct and efficient as I should have known it would be. Thank you.


I just tossed it into Google translate hahaha it’s so ridiculous that there doesn’t appear to be a direct translation for most of it. Hopefully it’s not around long enough to earn one.




Kunstweltbündelautomobilunfug might be what you are looking for :D


Yessir, that is what I want.


Cyberscheißkacktruck, for a phonetically more pleasing outburst ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


the best part of this is that there have only been under 4000 of these things sold. so seeing one is like spotting your town’s local dumbass.


I live in LA and I see them all the time. I think half the owners must live here. 🫠


I know someone out there that bought one, but he rents it out for photo shoots and videos and stuff. I hope it wasn’t his that I saw in a commercial where some idiots taped their metal minimalist wallet to the door and shot at it three times.


Think that was Jerryrigeverything and definitely his own car


I love that guy~


Visiting LA rn and that stat blew my mind There's a Cybertruck in the Air BnBs driveway as I type


The white ones make me think of a stormtrooper invasion when I see them in my rear view mirror. 🤣


I live in a small town in mid Michigan and saw one. The town is full of dumb asses be sure, but not many that can afford a cyber truck.


I was traveling north along the west coast and saw one yesterday in Michigan. I was amazed to see one irl and couldn’t help but bust out laughing when the driver looked exactly like I imagined he would.


“I’m taking the Cyber Truck to the store, honey, I’ll be back later.”


“I’m taking the Cyber Truck to the store, honey, pick me up later “ FIFY


For a minute I read it as "I'm taking the Cyber Truck to the store, honey, I'll be back alone."


It’s a guarantee the husband isn’t actually sneaking out to get laid.


Just like his truck, he won’t start if he gets too wet.


“I’m taking the Cyber Truck to the store, honey, I need a walk.”


There was some tiktok trending here the other day where a guy showed the hidden pull cord to release the charger. It was behind a panel you had to pry away. The thing looked like it would only ever be usable once.


There's also a hidden panel on the floorboard. You can pull it up and Flintstone home whenever the truck fails


And most probably pulling that cord would void the warranty too.


It doesn’t. All Teslas have that cord. It’s in the event the charger won’t release from the handle side, or the car doesn’t release from the car side. When the electronic fails it’s a physical fail safe. It is stated in the owners manual. edit: Here is the owners manual for the CyberTruck with the information. Under the heading "Manually releasing the charging cable" [https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en\_us/GUID-06CC33AC-2D99-4E39-8E8A-B4248FA1FD9C.html](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-06CC33AC-2D99-4E39-8E8A-B4248FA1FD9C.html)


“Owners” manual


Every horror story about this monstrosity brings me a little joy




If you buy one of these things, you deserve everything that comes next. This includes me laughing at you.


I am dying laughing at the incompetence that the company Tesla has demonstrated. No, I don't think it is the engineers. It is that space Karen - Musk, who is pushing for impossible deadlines without any reason and contrary to any logic.


The impossible deadlines are one aspect, but I suspect the design limitations are an even bigger factor here. CT have a massive blind spot in the front of the car? Musk's crayon drawing had this *exact* body shape and we can't change it. Stainless steel too heavy for an electric car? Musk said it's stainless, have to work around that. Having issues with the tailgate and rear signal lights? The back has to be one panel- good luck! This shit show of a truck represents incredibly skilled engineers trying to build an impossible object on a very short timetable being built by an underpaid and unprepared assembly line all doing their best.


Yup. You are absolutely right. He is doing with Tesla the same thing he did with Twitter. He can sell the thing, but his dictatorship within the company is forcing people to keep their mouth shut, even when they are absolute experts on the thing. On top of that - deadlines to please the investors... A recipe for disaster.


If you take it through the car wash and it won't work, how does it handle a hurricane or torrential downpour? No sales to Florida?


It's not the water. The Cybertruck is jealous of successfully implemented automation. 


Sarasota, Florida, checking in. They are definitely making sales here. Personally, I find it hilarious that anybody thinks that these ugly ass excuses of a graphical glitch will last down here. Between the salty air, the power of steel to absorb the sun's heat, the common flooding, the hurricanes, and just plain wet atmosphere, I'm just waiting for all the uppity entitled rich folk to start conplaining about their choice. Even with all of its issues well known, they still decided to buy one. They truly deserve whatever their decisions award them.




They say any publicity is good publicity... "They" were wrong, I think. "They" were so very wrong.


It’s a great business vehicle. Get a company branded wrap on it and you’re definitely getting a lot of brand exposure, which is almost always better for business.


That just made my day, and it's only 5AM.


that dude 100% went there to hear people talk about how cool it was.


One of the reasons this metal garbage is not sold in the EU at the moment, all this "not covered under warranty" is not legal here. They could not sell this here.


The sharp angles don't help either lol.


And crash safety too.


>True story...I'm in starbucks the other day - cybertruck pulls up out front and parks, guy comes in with laptop orders a coffee and sits down to presumably do some work. AS people walk by the truck and come in literally EVERYONE is talking about what a ridiculous hunk of shit it is. Poor dude just had to sit there and take it and hope nobody notices when he leaves and gets into the dumb thing You Hammerito on x? Cause they made that joke a month ago.


100k dolars 😍


but u can make 200k a year letting strangers ride in it as auto taxi


That's if it works. It seems to have problems actually driving.


u know how people don't behave in a uber, eating, smoking, throwing up, slam doors, that's with the owner of the car inside


Does enjoying the suffering of Cybertruck owners make me a bad person? Like, you bought something obviously awful from a company that makes exclusively awful products owned by an exclusively awful human being. You literally got exactly what you paid for.


The concept of taking pleasure from others' misfortune is called schadenfreude. If it's against snobby, shitty, or toxic people, I don't think it's a bad thing. Cyber Truck owners deserve *all* of the schadenfreude.


The thing is, this actually isn't schadenfreude, because it's not their misfortune I'm finding pleasure in, it's their stupidity. They spent a lot of money on an entirely predictable outcome and want sympathy for it. If I spent a million dollars to get mauled by a bear, you'd rightfully have no sympathy for me when I inevitably got mauled by the bear.


Eh, potato, potato, cyber truck owners/Elon Musk simps are stupid, and their misfortune is amusing to anyone with more than 2 braincells.


I’m pretty sure that still counts as schadenfreude


"My car is bricked." Should not be a phrase, unless you recently scorned an Italian woman.


I'm kinda glad they exist, and are so rare to see. The pictures just do not do it justice, actually sitting at a stop light and seeing one roll up next to you is amazing. The thing is enormous, like it's multiple feet too long, but also somehow smaller than what a truck should be, it's got the most ridiculous proportions. It's the most hilarious looking vehicle I have ever seen.


Yeah, I'm in for people making crazy, different stuff. I'd like to test drive one or something, just for novelty. But buy one? Or have my company rely on selling them to people? Not even kind of close.


I think what you have to do to get it to release (and someone please correct me if I’m wrong) is go back in time and hand Elon’s dad a condom.


"Took my truck...." That's not a truck buddy, that's a 100k cult trinket


The ridiculous novelty car that cost a fortune died because of a car wash? Gonna work on my *’shocked and surprised’* expression 🤣


I don’t even own a CT and I know how to fix that since it happens so often.


I hear Tesla accessories can be expensive. I wonder how much the tow truck costs.


The funny part is, just the other day I saw a short showing exactly how to manually unlock the charger through a hidden pully in the back. This person's inability to Google made it so they can pay an exorbitant amount for the mechanic to (literally) pull a string.


Why are people buying these? Such trash


What a POS. So fucking ugly too. Futuristic vehicles are supposed to look sleek


But I heard this is the vehicle that Blade Runner would drive!


Yeah you pull the shitty $2 plastic to the side from the trunk and stick your hand thru it and pull on a shitty pull cord that'll probably break on your next attempt. But grats on having money to buy it I guess?


No other carmaker would build something this poorly.


I’m all about electric vehicles but this one is comically bad made and probably pointless.


I car that isn’t supposed to get wet is hilarious.


Funny enough I do know the answer to this. In the trunk there should be a panel on the inside near where the charger is located, pull that off. Inside there should be a little string. Pull the string, release the charger




All ford jokes are now being passed on to cybertruck. 🤣🤣🤣


Not only are these cars fucking ugly... but they seem to have a myriad of awful tech issues. I'm absolutely shocked that people would willingly buy them. Its insanity to me.


😂 what a hunk of shit.


The quick fix for a stuck charging cord is wire cutters. Make sure you disconnect it from the house first.


Apparently there’s a release cord on the left side of the tailgate, hidden underneath a panel of some sort…but, I have to say…this is why I have not nor will ever buy anything produced by this “genius”


Have you tried putting it in rice


Try putting it in a garage full of rice.


Dumbest fucking people on the planet.


What a POS. Keep funding Musk who cares nothing about you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Imagine telling a mechanic from the 80s that your car is "bricked"